Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 641: Conferred in the blood, born in the mud

  When Branheim died, two days and one night had passed since the detonation of the red rose.

  The sky is already dark. For many people, this time is the time when they have just finished a busy day of work, enjoying dinner leisurely, or doing other relaxing activities.

  But some people who used to have a much easier life than ordinary people gathered in a conference room exuding low pressure at this moment, listening to the news that made them dumbfounded.

"is this real?!"

   "The main owner of the Sky Arena?"

   "Did Bergerose only use tiny red roses? No, even that..."

  NGL Autonomous Country was already under the close attention of V5 countries because of the appearance of chimeric ants, and the bomb explosion of the scale of Red Rose, which radiated a vast expanse of terror, could not be hidden from anyone at all.

   In fact, it didn't take half a day for the top management of v5 to get the news of the explosion of the red rose. The rest of the day and night were used to verify the authenticity of the news.

  The more verified, the more detailed.

  The more detailed, the harder it is to believe.

  It's outrageous enough for Bergrose to use that kind of thing against a person. What's even more outrageous is that the person who suffered the explosion of the red rose is still alive? !

  The Kingdom of Kukanyu, which originally developed the weapon of the red rose, expressed disbelief, but couldn't stand the acquisition of **** evidence one after another.

  When the live video of the NGL red rose explosion captured by aerial photography was played, many people could not help but shut their mouths in a daze.

  The scorched earth that spread for tens of miles, like the legendary hellish abyss, was telling everyone that the red rose was not faked at all!

  When Nitro’s smiling old face appeared in the video, the content of his words shocked even more people!

   "Ji Xing? Hehe, too many people have been asking questions this day, so let's give a unified response here—that's right, Ji Xing suffered the explosion of a red rose nearby and was unscathed!"

The old man stroked his beard and said, "I'm just watching from the periphery of the explosion. Well, I think Ji Xing is probably two, three, four, five, six or seven times stronger than I used to be, probably in thousands of years The most indisputable person with the strongest telekinetic ability in the world?"

"Oh, that's right." Nitero's smile was a little serious, and he raised a finger: "I remember that the destructive power rating of the Transit Bureau for human individuals is from B to E, right? The strongest is also stronger than the Dark Continent." The disaster of the disaster has been lowered by a whole level, and now it seems that we have underestimated our own potential.

  I suggest that Ji Xing be directly rated at A-level. Of course, if you don’t believe it, you can try it yourself. "

  Class A? It is only one small grade lower than the highest A+, and the criteria for judging A+ is the possibility or potential threat of extermination of human beings. As for A grade, it corresponds to... the power to destroy the country!

   In other words, although Nitro’s tone just now was very light, he was actually pointing at their noses and saying, ‘If you are not convinced by Ji Xing, you can try it yourself, and don’t regret it if you bring disaster to the country’.

  The old man's expression is also very annoying.

  But combined with the first aerial image, it made everyone 'dare not speak loudly' for a while.

   Is it... to be more sure? For example, let people with strong mental abilities in China evaluate whether this incident is possible?

  Everyone looked at the king, but at this moment, a servant hurried in, came to the king and reported something by ear.

The old king of the Kukanyu Kingdom's face suddenly became several times heavier. After waving his servants back, he greeted everyone's eyes and said, "Branheim, the second prince of the Bergerose United Nations, has just confirmed his death. In front of Ji Xing, and Suicide in front of Bergerose's new queen, Faith Bergerose."

  The breath of the officials stagnated for an instant, and the prince was forced to commit suicide in front of the new queen? !

   "At this moment, Ji Xing is eating at a restaurant in the capital of the United Kingdom of Begrose. So far, Begrose has no trace of planning a counterattack, and the army has no tendency to be mobilized."

   Forced the prince to death, still dining in the capital? !

  Everything is unheard of or even unthinkable by everyone, and there is no past event that can be used as a reference.

   But the Bergerose United Nations is too bloodless, right? Wasn't their new queen famous for being good at war? How could he be so rampant!

  One red rose cannot be killed by an explosion, so two, three, or five will cause tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, and the dignity of a big country should also be maintained!

  In this mood, the hall was silent for a while, and the old king asked his ministers for advice.

   "What do you think we should do?"

Immediately, a courtier replied: "This is an enemy unilaterally concluded by the Bergerose United Nations, and we still reserve the right to hold them accountable for using prohibited weapons. As for Ji Xing, he was with us before Bergerose formally asked us for help in writing. Nothing to do."

  The ministers agreed, yes yes yes.

  From the perspective of bystanders, they can accuse Bergrose and the United Nations of cowardice, but if they become participants, everyone will use their own lives as an important bargaining chip to measure value and make a judgment from the heart!

   This is a man who can't even deal with red roses. They don't want to end up like Branheim, the second prince of the Bergerose United Nations!

  The rest of the three countries are all similar to this.

  But it’s only on the surface.

   There are still many people who can get this news hiding in the dark, unwilling to admit that the mighty big country will be intimidated by one person, and not believing that Ji Xing can be so powerful that he is invincible in the world, so they act quietly.

  Ordinary people who had no knowledge of these incidents heard about the military exercises of many small countries in the next two days, and smelled the impending rain!


   Three days later, Ji Xing, who was walking in a wilderness, met a group of people head-on.

   There are a total of 13 of them. No one is equipped with technological weapons, but everyone is wrapped in the thought of hard work, and the momentum is concentrated and chilling!

  Everyone is very strong, the weakest among them has a threat level of 3 points to Ji Xing, and the middle-aged man with long golden curly hair in the head has a dark color of 6 points, which is close to a threat level of 7!

   Not the Pledge Troops.

   "Vukasin Hiyor." Ji Xing called out the name of the man opposite: "You are a bit different from the photo on the Hunter Association's information. The outline of the face makes me feel very familiar. Is Pariston?"

   This man’s name may not sound strange, but it is very popular among many people who read the ability. He is one of the top five people who have the ability to read!

The middle-aged handsome man Vukasin shook his head: "Pariston may have changed my information. I always thought that boy was not like me, but I didn't expect you to recognize him at a glance. Forget it, after all, he is my own blood. Although he has severed relations with me long ago, it is not surprising.”

  His right hand was raised high, and a black orb of telekinetic ability emerged in his palm.

"I didn't come here to avenge him. Our father and son have been enemies for a long time, and he doesn't even want to inherit my surname." You, who have killed a total of 27 people in the capital city related to the launch of the red rose, will probably also take the initiative to find me."

   "On the way." Ji Xing said: "It was you who affected Branheim and the oath team and made them stop me before I killed the chimeric ant queen? The chimeric ant disaster is also related to you?"


  Vukasin didn't answer, but the ground under his feet was suddenly cracked! Powerful mind energy spread out from him, and the mind ball in his hand buzzed a few times, expanded continuously, and quickly expanded into a giant with a diameter of more than 30 meters!

  As if holding a black sun, Vulkasin said: "This is my mind ability, the effect is very simple, magnify. Enlarge your own energy, magnify certain objects, magnify organs, magnify life."

   "The chimeric ant queen." Ji Xing understood.

   "I also want to go to the Dark Continent." Vulkasin nodded and said, "I wanted to use Biyang De, but your appearance disrupted all my plans, and I never thought that even the red rose would not kill you!

  However, human beings always have limits. You can carry the red rose, it is definitely a clever trick with your blood bar, and the stronger the ability of reading, the stronger the corresponding restriction must be.

  I guess after you use the health bar, even an attack that is not worth mentioning will bring you a certain threat, right? "

  As one of the five veterans with the ability to read thoughts, Vukasin made a correct analysis of Ji Xing's thoughts based on known information.

"If this is the case, we may not have no chance of winning." The black ball in his hand expanded again, and Vukasin said: "I think with what you have done these days, I can't escape a fight with you, so let me take the initiative Take this impromptu elite team and challenge you, who is recognized by Netero as the 'strongest' telekinetic!"

  Behind him, the people with the ability to congregate retreated and scattered.

  Vukasin suddenly threw the black ball that seemed to cover the sky and the sun at Ji Xing!

   While the ball was moving, the strong wind pressure uprooted the grass and trees behind Ji Xing. Under Vukasin's extreme magnification, it had the power to level a small hill!

   Ji Xing put his hands forward, tearing in two directions.

  Zi la—

  Amid the sound of a plastic bag being ripped open, the bomb was cut off from it, and immediately exploded with a rumbling rumble, shattering the earth with a radius of 100 meters!

   Staring closely at Ji Xing in the center, the condensed Qi on his body and the always empty top of his head made Vukasin's heart sink quickly.

   "Worst-case scenario?"

   Ji Xing is not strong because of his blood bar ability, but because of Ji Xing's blood bar ability!

  He waved his hands heavily: "Use all means, first force out his 'blood bar'!"

   Three minutes later.

  Vukasin's broken body was thrown away by Ji Xing, and fell on the blood-stained broken ground.

  The other 12 people with unknown mind ability pieced together by various countries have all died!

  Cleaning the blood from the golden knife, Ji Xing looked up at the sky: "You guys are still doing well, wait until I finish warming up before attacking."

  Above the sky, hundreds of missiles and strange weapons are whistling through the air, locking on to the area where Ji Xing is tens of miles away, and are about to completely destroy it!

  Obviously, among other people, there are also mind-ability users like Wu Kaxin who analyzed the 'weakness' of Ji Xing's blood bar ability, and concluded that the attack does not necessarily need to be too powerful, and a large number may be enough!

   Taking advantage of Vukasin's leadership to temporarily limit Ji Xing's range of activities, he quickly locked him and launched the attack.

   "I knew it would be very annoying, but now there are more people to kill. But after this wave of killing, I think they should... stop and stop!"

  Ji Xing clenched his fists tightly, the energy on his body exploded, and he swung heavily towards the sky, the roar of artillery fire and the flames continued to rise!


   One hour later, Kukanyu Kingdom.

  Military Minister Mike is pacing anxiously in his mansion: "Isn't that okay?"

  He just got the news that their secret operation of Xiaoguo to kill Ji Xing is likely to end in failure, at least the people who went to the scene of the artillery fire did not find any trace of Ji Xing.

   Was bombed to nothing?

   This is probably impossible, after all, he is the man who survived the red rose! But... okay, okay, this time I didn't show any...

Huh? Why is your vision dark?

  Mike was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head, with a horrifying light in his eyes, how could it be possible? ! He is not…

   There was a snap.

  Mike 'looked' behind him.

   In front of him, regardless of him who was dead, Ji Xing bent down to carve the divine characters.

   What do you think I was doing during the 36 hours of walking across several continents when I killed Branheim? Marking of course!

  Do you think those answerers from small countries will die generously when I come to my door?

   Soon, Golden Lights!

  Confidential member of the Zigsay Federation.

  Habashiya Kingdom's Minister of Finance.

  General Sache of the Mirochi Autonomous Country.

  Ji Xing was too lazy to discern in depth, and turned into a ruthless killing machine, refracted by the gods from all sides, and killed 73 "military exercise" organizers including a king of a small country within three days!

  Countries are silent about this!

  The external news media only said that these big figures abdicated or died due to illness or various reasons, and replaced them.

  Some sensitive people will wonder why this high-level turnover is so frequent during this period, but they can never think of the real reason!

  Some people noticed that TV stations from various countries frequently rebroadcast this year's Sky Arena Olympia Fighting Conference recently, and focused on broadcasting Ji Xing's speech after taking the position of the main host without fighting, and even swiped the screen over and over again! This is a way for big countries to sue for peace!

   At the same time, the Bureau of Transit and Navigation completed the data update on Ji Xing.

  As suggested by Netero, the destructive power rating of Jixing is defined as A.

   and highlighted another sentence.

  'The unchallengeable **** of human warriors'!


the other side.

  In the corner of the NGL self-governing country, in a dark cave lair, weak and shrill screams are constantly coming out. In front of the chimeric ant queen who howled and writhed at the top of her lungs, stood three figures with nervous expressions.

   One of them was Owl Yapf.

  At this moment, the members of the guard directly under the Ant King had pale faces, as if they had been hungry for a long time or had been seriously injured, and they were in an extremely embarrassing figure.

  Only those eyes have a dark color of anticipation, waiting, looking forward to.

   Until a figure broke out of the cocoon, until those feet stepped on the muddy ground.

  Puff's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he knelt on the ground with sobs: "King!"

  You are finally born into this world!

  Py a Baiyinmeng... the cervical spine has improved a lot all of a sudden? Continue the single update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and try the double update on Monday.

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