Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 668: Realm Lord

 “Old Zhou, alas…”

“Actually, we had contacted each other a few years ago. He was a rare example of someone who had taken supernatural medicine but had not yet mastered spiritual energy. At that time, he was quite open-minded and thought it would be okay to be an advanced hunter for the rest of his life.”

"Hai, let me tell you what to do. I also invited him at that time, but he didn't come. He felt that it was embarrassing to rely on our relationship. No one could imagine that it would be like this when we see each other again."

"Everything in the world is impermanent. In the past few years, sister Sheng Meng, you have seen, I have heard, and happened around you only once or twice... You can't save me. You really think I am a god. I am the same as a person who has been swallowed by a demon. There are basically no exceptions to death.”

“Unless it’s a situation like turning into a demon **** or a divine hunter, I might have a chance to study how to get rid of his other half. That’s just a chance.”

"Oh... I think I met Zhou Mo, Lao Zhou's daughter, once when she was a child. Ask her if she is willing to come to Zhongdu. After making such a mistake, she is not suitable to be a hunter again, but the law is nothing more than human relationships. Come to the institute and become an ordinary clerk."

"Okay, ask...Chen Duo? Well, I know. When we left Jinhui City, the child was less than one year old. Now he is also a little hunter? That's good. It's better to be mature and tell her that I received her Thanks, let her grow up happily."

“Hmm, um, we often go to Uncle Xu’s place. Sister Sheng Nan misses Uncle Xu because of Zhou Mo and Lao Zhou, right? Hahaha, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for making Sister Sheng Sheng so busy, come on!”

Ji Xing tactfully hung up the phone when the voice on the other end of the phone rose. Ji Xing shook his head.

He didn't know about old Zhou Yuping before, but it wasn't that unexpected. Such things happened every day in the Demon Continent. Even the divine hunter Tang Bi couldn't bear the thought of his wife living with the demon for twenty years. , it is quite common for other situations similar to Zhou Mo to occur.

 Just when it happens around you, it will make your mood fluctuate a little bit.

Ji Xing was slightly surprised when Chen Duo became a trainee hunter.

Ji Xing never paid attention to anything about her after "giving her a new life". He only confirmed that she was alive through the function of the seven-star bead. He originally thought that she would choose an ordinary life... because she was a temporary protection worker in the world of one person. The habits and kindness accumulated by ordinary people?

It's also good. As a reborn person with excellent talent and special experience, Ji Xing feels that Chen Duo may have reached the level of numbered hunter now. He can mix among the trainee hunters and be a big boss who hides his strength and does not get involved in the center of human demons. Without these disputes, life should be pretty good.

 As for her guessing herself, it’s not surprising.

After all, Ji Xing’s name in the world under one person is ‘Li He’, and with such a famous Li He in this world, it is natural that he should be associated with it.

Nodding to the **** accompanying him, Ji Xing walked out of the office and continued to engage in simple work, rubbing a high-power microscope with his hands.

Now this first round of ‘big sweeps’ requires personal supervision by high-level hunters like Xu Shengnan and Yi Nan. Once this round is completed, DNA testing will become a regular practice.

By then, every hunter guild will have one or more sets of testing equipment, and at the current industrial level, Ji Xing and Xiao Ai will have to take the lead in handling high-magnification microscopes like 1,200 times.

Ji Xing does not feel tired or troublesome. He rubs the machine to practice every day and watches the starlight of the Seven Star Pearl grow rapidly. It is probably a beautiful thing.

 Everything is prosperous.

 In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed.


 The large-scale purge has basically covered every third-level city in the Demon Continent, and thousands of demons hidden among the hunter teams have been uncovered.

There were many stories and several accidents that happened, which changed the fate and lives of many people, but also left many people unaffected.

 Zhongdu, West Street, a tree-shaded alley.

 “Hey, Uncle Xu, are you playing chess again?”

In front of a small chess table, an old man with gray hair and a cattail leaf fan was thinking about the chess game. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and said angrily: "Why are you here with me if you are not busy with your work?"

“Didn’t Sister Sheng Nan tell me to visit you more often? No matter how busy I am, I have to find time to come, and I think Uncle Xu hasn’t had a physical check-up in almost half a year.”

“…Get out! Your uncle and I are only 66 years old. I don’t need a general check-up. I have to get injections and blood draws every day. Even if I’m not sick, you’ll make me sick!”

In Zhongdu right now, this old man is the only one who can be so rude when talking to Ji Xing. As Xu Shengnan's father, Xu Shengnan and Ji Xing moved here a year after they came to Zhongdu, and they have been getting along piecemeal for more than ten years. They really get along like a normal uncle-nephew relationship.

The old man playing chess with him was a few years older than him. When he saw Ji Xing, he half stood up and said with a smile: "Professor Li, are you here to see the old **** again?"

 “Who are you saying is a deadbeat?”

Xu Jingtang's words were automatically ignored by the two of them. Ji Xing smiled and said: "Yes, Uncle Wang, you sit down, you sit down, and let's continue playing chess. I think Uncle Xu is about to be checked, so I will give him a step. "

"Who are you going to give me, you stinky chess piece..." Xu Jingtang grumbled, but he didn't really refuse. Ji Xing often came to see him, and the old man was quite happy.

  "Hey? Isn't this a veteran? Is this immortal chess? It's over, the rook is gone! It stinks!"

“…You kid, get out of here!” Within a few minutes, the chess stall became noisy again.

Ji Xing happily teased the old man, but he didn't seem to feel that his back was locked.

In the midst of the laughter, suddenly, a jet-black arrow shot through the woods like a shooting star in the daytime, and struck straight into Ji Xing's heart!

Just when he was about to hit, a golden emblem suddenly emerged from Ji Xing's clothes and blocked the arrow, building a solid barrier.


The feather arrow touched the barrier, and a landslide-like roar erupted in an instant. The end behind Ji Xing seemed to be baptized by the impact of a missile. The ground rolled up, trees were uprooted, and flying sand and rocks filled the air!

 But on this side of the barrier, everything was not affected at all, except that the two old men jumped in surprise and almost sat on the ground.

 “Li He (Professor)…demon?!”

Ji Xing also turned his head and saw a dark figure in the distance. It was three meters tall, covered in black energy, like an evil ghost walking out of hell, and holding a large black bow.

‘The destructive power is close to that of a demon god. Is he a candidate demon **** among demons? ’

Seeing that the demon opened its bow again and formed three arrows, ready to attack in succession, Ji Xing calmly opened his arms.

Have you ever seen a hawker selling cigarettes and mobile phones?

It's the kind of clothes that are full of things hanging in the open arms, but what's hanging in Ji Xing's clothes is a full 24 first-class gold medals!

A first-class hunter medal that can perform attack and defense equivalent to that of a top-ranked hunter, a medal that represents the highest honor of a hunter, is like free of charge here in Ji Xing. Even four of them were made by the four gods of the human race themselves. With one blow, the demon **** would have a big bite!

 The demon opposite obviously knew this thing. After being stunned for a moment, he had no chance to make a move.

The roaring spiritual attack swallowed it up, and Ji Xing's guard team took action in anger. Under the leadership of a candidate divine hunter, four hunters with hundred-digit numbers worked together, and they were basically able to perform at the level of a mid-level divine hunter. The demon instantly fell into In desperate situation.

"It's okay, Uncle Xu, Uncle Wang." Ji Xing turned around and said, "I scared you."

The two old men did almost have a heart attack. Xu Jingtang sat back in his chair and said slowly: "I just told you that your identity is different. From now on, you should stay in the research institute more, where it is safe, and visit me less often."

Uncle Wang opposite also nodded in agreement, and was suddenly startled: "...Old Xu, this chessboard?"

  …Oh, you were just shaken away, right?”

"...You old deadbeat!" Soon, the attacking demon was killed. Ji Xing's **** team returned to Ji Xing and said ashamedly: "Sorry, Professor Li He, we didn't..."

"It's okay, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. And who would have thought that the demon would not look at the recipes and look at the art of war, and knew how to ambush me here, Uncle Xu." Ji Xing smiled and said, "I can hide it from you, this is also the case among demons. Are you elite? As long as you are here, and there are so many things on me, nothing can hurt me."

"Don't be careless." Soon after, Sun Qin came over after hearing the news and said with a solemn expression.

“This time is different from before. The inspection team sent out has also suffered several organized and large-scale attacks. Fortunately, the hunters responsible for the inspection are all elites, so there are no major problems.

To us, supernatural medicine and genetic information testing are equally important creations, but to demons, the latter is probably a hundred times more important. The number of hunters with spiritual powers has increased, and the powerful demons may have thought that there was an increase in high-quality food, but the latter has shaken their foundations! "

"So this attack is probably a test and a beginning?" Ji Xing asked.

"It's hard to say..." Sun Qin shook his head: "The genetic information testing method has been spread, and the demons can only vent their anger by killing you. Those guys may not be so united and willing to take such a big risk... I'm just afraid that some demon **** will organize, like that Maybe we can put together a team of demon gods."

 “That’s it…I understand.”

Ji Xing’s ‘half-human conversion rate’ has just reached 60%, and his strength has improved to a small level. It’s not bad to bully the little demon **** to relieve his boredom.

“There are still three and a half years left. I don’t know how deep the control of the supervisors of this screening is, but the gods of demons are still not easy to move. ’


“Sir Michyav, the loss rate of demon species in area 007 has increased slightly recently, and a small-scale war is suspected to have broken out.”

In an unknown area, a giant man who was more than three meters tall looked at the curve on the instrument, nodded and said: "Is it going to start here too? In an area with three independent half-demon, I wonder if a fourth one can be born in the decisive battle. fifth!"

Having served as the supervisor of the 'Half-Demon Screening' for five terms, Michyav knew that the screening area would often not wait until the 300 years expired and the concentration of spiritual power changed before the war between the two races broke out. He knew that the human demons who had changed in 300 years would have been killed a few years earlier. Start a small war.

 From small to large, from weak to strong.

  The number of the most valuable autonomous half-demon will also have a final surge.

As of now, there have been 19 cases of independent half-demon in the 10 screening bases he is in charge of, which is the same as the previous 300 years, and only one case less than the maximum of 20 cases in the past five years. Therefore, in recent years, he has been smiling a lot. Open', in a good mood.

If you come back a few more times and accumulate enough merit, maybe...

 "Sir Michyaf, communication from Lord Slinger!" The voice of his subordinates brought him back from his thoughts, and he frowned slightly: "Slinger?"

walked to the screen and connected it. A woman with a sunken face and skinny bones appeared on the screen, looking at him with a bleak look on her face.

"What's wrong, Slinger? We haven't contacted you for decades, and you still look like this."

 “I’m not in the mood to argue with you, Michyav.” The woman’s hoarse voice came out: “I’ve been so worried in recent years.”

"Ah? Hahaha, what's the matter? Tell me quickly to make me happy!" Michyav laughed.

"...Alas, it was Area 011 that I supervised, and there was an autonomous semi-demon who refused to listen to our messages and was lawless." Slinger shook his head and said: "Originally, four autonomous semi-demons were born in Area 011. There is only one demon left, and the remaining three have been eaten."

Michiev was startled, and suddenly he smiled even more gloatingly: "Why didn't you go in earlier to stop me? Isn't it because you overslept?"

"Well, geniuses still have some privileges. According to monitoring, the conversion rate of this disobedient autonomous half-demon has probably reached 30%." Slinger suddenly smiled: "I am worried about how to tame this disobedient half-demon in the near future. Genius, alas—"

 Michiev: “…”

 You independently transformed 30% of the half-demon at the screening base? ! That is a rare opportunity in three years, comparable to 30 semi-demon geniuses with a conversion rate of less than 10%!

 “Lucky bastard! Are you here to show off to me?!” he cursed.

 “Hehehe—” This time it was Slinger’s turn to chuckle: “What if?”


Seeing that Michyav was a little annoyed, she smiled and said, "Don't be angry, it's not all about showing off. Recently I heard that there is some movement on the half-human side, and maybe there will be some action during the screening period. You and I are neighbors, so we still have to do it. Communicate in a timely manner so that if we encounter trouble, we must rescue each other as soon as possible.”

"Oh?" Michyav's face straightened slightly: "Any action? After 1,500 years, those guys are looking for trouble again?"

"Not necessarily." Slinger said: "According to my information, it is more like they are communicating with a new world lord to form an alliance."

"Your information is really well-informed." Michyav said in a deep voice: "New World Lord? Is there another passage connecting the New World and the Star Boundary? We haven't found the location of the passage here?"

"Who knows." Slinger shook his head: "Let's wait until this round of screening is over before caring about those things. Judging from the movements of those half-humans, this time the New World and the World Lord are probably not weak."

"Is this like this... Ha, forget it, I have withdrawn from the Realm Army for 1,500 years, and I still feel a little uncomfortable. The new world has nothing to do with us regulators for the time being." Michyav said: "My current mission It’s the 19 independent half-demons who have been arranged to tame this round of selection!”

“Nineteenth place?!” Slinger blurted out, smiled at Michyaf, and snorted secretly.

 Him was put back by him.


 The distant realm.

 “Is that the Lord of the New Realm?”

 “Looks like a, with horns, not purely human.”

 “So tall...and her hair is so long.”

 “Wow, look over here!”

 “What scary eyes! Are you a monster?!”

A few urchins hiding in the corner and peeping were like frightened animals. When they met the woman's eyes, they screamed and ran away.

A trace of emotion flashed in the woman's pure white eyes, and she stared at the children. Her broad sleeves and long hair were gently swaying, and she tilted her head slightly and looked straight.

 The world leader Kaguya Otsutsuki continued to visit this strange human holy city.

It’s the end of the month. The monthly pass has expired and is invalid. Give me two sheep for the waste.

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