Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 673: teaching

When Ji Xing and Ji Xing first met at the Sky Arena, Xiaojie had challenged him over his own abilities. At the time, Xiaojie, who was 12 years old and had just mastered mindfulness, was grabbed and beaten severely by Ji Xing in front of tens of thousands of spectators. I was spanked and didn't get out of bed for half a month.

 The medicine on Killua.

Knowing the difference, Xiaojie, who has a very shaky personality, agreed with Ji Xing that when his strength improved, he would fight Ji Xing again in an upright manner, so he was spanked again in Youkexin, which was lighter. , only rested for two days.

 It’s still Killua’s medicine.

But Killua never imagined that he was already a 16-year-old boy, and that one day he might have to face Gon's **** again? !

Oh no, this is a virtual scene. You can restore it when you go's okay, okay.

"You, the Sensui Ninja was killed by Ji Xing alone, why haven't you grown up at all?" Looking at Xiaojie, who was lying on the edge of the ring with a sad expression on his buttocks, he couldn't help but said speechlessly.

“Why can’t I have a head-on fight with Ji Xing?” Xiaojie was a little sad.

 It has obviously grown a lot in the past few years!

"Because when you are making progress, Mr. Ji Xing is also making progress. And his speed of improvement has always been faster than ours." Kurapika smiled and squatted beside him.

 The four Kiritos were holding back their laughter.

Just now, Xiaojie vowed to directly challenge Ji Xing. They thought that the captain of the opposite team was so powerful, but they didn't expect that he was like a stupid donkey when he entered the ring. Ji Xing used a branch to spank his butt, punch and kick him while spinning around. He seemed very powerful, but he was spinning around in circles and never touched the corner of Ji Xing's clothes from the beginning to the end.

 Their ears were still ringing with the very rhythmic ‘Pah! Snapped! Snapped! ’

 This is no different from Kirito being killed instantly by Ji Xing. Yes, after all, they were only the 15th among the 17 teams that defeated Toguro Di, and they may not be much better than the rest of us.

 Perhaps... we can also get a beating?

Ji Xing also walked off the ring at this time. According to the system's judgment, he was abstaining from the fight and would no longer fight. Within 10 minutes, the next group of players would appear.

“Ten minutes.” Ji Xing said, “Come on, hurry up and let me tell you about Holy Light Thoughts.”

Everyone’s attention immediately focused, and even Xiaojie, who was lying on his back, raised his buttocks and came closer.

" Ji Xing, can we listen together?" Kirito asked tentatively.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the little girl named Bisji looked over with a strange look, a little inexplicable and guilty.

Ji Xing also looked at them and said with a smile: "If you want to hear it, let's listen together first."

"Holy light thought is a kind of Qi based on thought Qi that has been tempered for thousands of times. I call it a will as pure as gold without any impurities. Its offense and defense are integrated, and its quality is ten times or dozens of times more than ordinary Qi. The only drawback is that when using Holy Light Qi, you cannot use circle and other applied skills. If it is strong, it can be formed independently."

“To master it, the first step is to master the ‘Li Jian’, which means being able to move Qi through the body and firmly protect our internal organs.”

"In this step, you can use acupuncture to assist you, and use my Qi to help you open it, but I don't recommend it. First, this will have certain dangers, just like using Qi to stimulate the sperm pores to awaken your thoughts, it is a shortcut, but it is not as easy to follow. And it’s difficult to become proficient later.”

“There are three tips for self-cultivation…”

 “As for the second step…”

Having cultivated his self-created Holy Light Mind to the limit for more than two years, Ji Xing naturally taught in a simple and easy-to-understand way. This is why he felt that Killua and the others had a chance to get started in three and a half years.

Except for Xiaojie, who is a symbol of the enhancement system, he had a headache when he heard the second line. Everyone else could understand the step-by-step steps, but basically they all - Head: Got it! Body: Get out!

Only Bisji, whose body and mind have been tempered many times and is absolutely strong, feels that Li Jian's steps are not too difficult to master.

As for the next few steps...take your time and have people with the five great telekinesis abilities, Jin, study them together.

“Forgetting to apply skills and giving up the opportunity to create thoughts after death is a bit like integrating the rules of oaths and restrictions directly into the thoughts themselves?” She said thoughtfully after hearing the end.

"Very good. I caught the key point right away. Yes, everything remains the same." Ji Xing smiled and said, "Okay, the time is almost up. We have to play the second game first, otherwise we will be sentenced to lose." Come on. Killua, Asuna, you two come on."

Bisji glanced at Ji Xing.

Asuna was startled and asked, "Do we really want to discuss it? Or do we just abstain from voting after taking the stage?"

"Just stop it, I will control the power." Killua put his hands in his pockets and jumped onto the ring.

This cool attitude and winning tone made Asuna frown slightly, nodded to Kirito and the others, and stepped onto the ring.

The jade rapier that can only be equipped at level 80 was drawn in her hand. She looked at Killua, who had not even taken out his hand, and said, "Does this count as preparation?"

Killua nodded lightly.

Argo felt that his blood pressure was rising. Although this boy is very handsome, he is too contemptuous. Asuna, kill him!

Asuna was a little annoyed in her heart, but she knew that the other person was not an idiot. Such an attitude would definitely come back, so be careful.

Then just go directly...

"Then I'm not polite, please give me some advice!" Thinking ability - the direction of the sword!

Very inconsistent with appearance and personality, Asuna's telekinesis abilities tend to be enhanced.

 Because she likes to stab with a thin sword and is dexterous, her attack power in this area was greatly enhanced when she awakened her telekinesis ability.

When her sword is pointed at a certain target, the power and speed of her thrusts will undergo a qualitative improvement, similar to Thousand Hands Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Slash, leaving only a golden flash in place!


It only takes 0.1 seconds to cross a distance of 10 meters. In an instant, the tip of Asuna's sword with her surrounding mental energy is just a hair away from Killua's shoulder!

  Withdrawal of her strength slightly, she was about to stab her, but the next moment, Asuna didn't feel it.

Hide away? Sure enough it’s not simple!

Since she had expected this, Asuna did not panic at all. She slightly hooked the little finger of her right hand, replacing the 'sword' in her telekinesis ability with her little finger. The fingertip pointed to the target, and she immediately distanced herself.

With this method, she can go back and forth as fast as lightning, so fast that no one can see her clearly, leaving her opponent exhausted to find her traces.

 But today, it seems different.

Just when she was refracted for the second time, a figure wrapped in blue arcs suddenly stood side by side with her. The young man with half-length white hair flying was as beautiful as the character in the painting, and his expression was still cool.

 Under the ring, Kirito and Suguha, who were trying hard to chase Asuna's movements, looked in disbelief and exclaimed: "Asuna (sister)!"


A palm was clasped on the back of Asuna's neck. Asuna hesitated and stopped, because if it was an attack, she would be dead.

 “It’s actually...faster than me...”

Argo's mouth suddenly opened wide.

Killua exited from the speed state, put his hands back into his pockets and said: "You are older than us, but you have practiced much less time than us, only five and a half years.

 You are the greatest geniuses in your world, but so are we. If you don’t put in several times more effort than we do, it’s not enough for you.

Don't think that just because you have defeated Toguro, you will be similar to us. I think you have challenged Toguro dozens of times in total, and you are completely familiar with his moves and attacks. After all, Toguro is a guy who doesn't have much. Intelligent NPC. But we got through it on the second encounter. "

He said, looking at Xiaojie who was sticking his **** out in the audience: "Don't get misunderstood because of the fight between that idiot and Ji Xing just now, because you still don't understand Ji Xing's terrifying control.

None of Xiaojie's moves were half as powerful under Ji Xing's rhythm. Every time he tried to activate his telekinesis, Ji Xing was drained of his energy. The timing and strength were all just right, otherwise that idiot would have been able to fight with him. Toguro fist bumped! "

"Yes, well, that's it. No wonder I played awkwardly just now." Xiaojie said.

Melody's voice was soft: "The truth is a bit hurtful. In my opinion, you probably don't have the qualifications to learn Holy Light Thought. Of course, except for Senior Bisij, we may not be enough either."

 The so big. Asuna loses in speed, which means that we may all...not be able to touch this Killua!

Kirito murmured in his heart, while Asuna looked at Ji Xing and said, "Teacher Ji Xing, is this why you asked me to spar with Killua?"

"Well, you are indeed not yet qualified to contact Holy Light Nian." Ji Xing said: "They are learning Holy Light Nian from me. What you should do is learn the skills of Nian from them and continue to develop your Nian ability."

When he finished speaking, he smiled again and said: "It's not too late to learn Holy Light after making up for the gap. Killua, your performance just now is very handsome, but be careful next time, if any of them masters Holy Light earlier than you Nian…tsk, I’m going to blush for you!”

 “Huh?” Killua was stunned.

 Aren’t you suggesting that I want them to recognize the reality and keep their feet on the ground? !

 It’s broken, it’s a trap!

 He turned to look at Asuna, and saw that she had regained some energy after Ji Xing's words just now, and her eyes were half lingering on him.

 I have become the villain who inspires these guys!

I haven’t seen each other for a few years, and I almost forgot that Ji Xing is a sometimes shady guy...

 Forget it, just work hard, I really don’t believe that I can’t learn as fast as these guys.

At the same time, Bisji also felt a little pressure. As an old-timer... I can't learn slower than these children, right?

 For students to improve quickly, necessary ranking competitions are indispensable!

Ji Xing observed the expressions of the eight people except the heartless salted fish Argo, and smiled secretly: "On the 8th, 18th, and 28th of every month, at 10 a.m., we will meet at this place on time.

 Each time I will assign corresponding practice tasks to you, and I will check them when we meet again, and if necessary, I will give you a score. "

  Fractions, the lifeblood of students.

Well, the teaching level that has been stuck for a long time has begun to loosen up. For the reward of rising stars in Minecraft, you have to... learn from me to death!

 3k, two updates 7k.

The functionality of the Mysterious Tower seems to be a bit too strong. It is entirely for the sake of several major benefits to pave the way for the plot of the main world. The story is a bit lacking in passion... Let’s speed it up a little and shift the focus to the main world. The Mysterious Tower is planned to be smaller. Shrink.

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