Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 675: The explosion of technology

Up to now, the world of Sword Art Online has set up a total of 17 research institutes in the Mysterious Tower, with thousands of scientific researchers involved, studying the things in the Mysterious Tower from all aspects and feeding back reality.

He walked into the research institute on the 23rd floor with Kayaba Akihiko. The person in charge of the research institute was already waiting there. He was a middle-aged man about 50 years old with a mustache. His expression was neither enthusiastic nor cold. When he saw Ji Xing There is only a little curiosity lingering at the time, and he is many times calmer than ordinary players.

On the other hand, the few young researchers following him kept looking at Ji Xing.

“This is Professor Harada, our world-famous expert in biomedical optics.” Kayaba Akihiko introduced: “This is Mr. Ji Xing from another world who helped us conquer the mysterious tower.”


Ji Xing briefly shook hands with Professor Harada and was taken to a nearby operating table.

 There was a tray covered with pure black cloth on the operating table. Professor Harada carefully opened the black cloth to reveal the contents.

 A piece of bright red crystal, as red as blood. A piece of pure white crystal, dazzlingly white.

"This is the main research content of the 'White Crystal' Research Institute, 'red crystal' and 'white crystal'. They come from the desert on the 52nd floor." Kayaba Akihiko introduced to Ji Xing: "It is a dangerous crystal. stone.

 Those who see the ‘red crystal’ will be killed on the spot if they do not touch the white crystal within three days. This characteristic was something we discovered after more than three hundred players died one after another. "

Ji Xing closed his eyes and noticed something subtle. Ever since he saw the red crystal, some strange movement seemed to be happening inside his eyes, and his energy and blood had also changed.

 “Radiation contamination?”

Faint golden light rose on Ji Xing's body surface and flowed through his body, and the subtle influence became more clear and obvious.

ˆThe people around him, including Kayaba Akihiko, looked at Ji Xing with curious and inquiring eyes.

 This is... Holy Light Thought?

 Sacred and inviolable, without deliberately releasing power, it also gives people the feeling of being in front of a giant dragon. According to inference, the man in front of him most likely has the power to quickly destroy a city, which is equivalent to a moving nuclear bomb...

Pure scientific researchers may not understand, but Kayaba Akihiko knows that the reality is very jealous of this man who is so powerful that he violates the rules, and is even afraid of him. Countless experts have gathered to analyze his every move after entering the mysterious tower. Restore his portrait and personality.

Half a minute later, Ji Xing opened his eyes, reached out to touch the white crystal, and said: "The red crystal emits a kind of light radiation, which can be resisted by the Holy Light Thought. But I still touch the white crystal to avoid trouble."

"Our inference is also the same." Professor Harada said: "Temporarily, it is judged to be a special synchrotron light."

“It doesn’t have to be limited to the three known light sources.” Ji Xing glanced at him and said, “After all, this is no longer a normal scientific world.”

Professor Harada was startled: "Do you have a certain understanding of optics? In your world, there are three types of light sources, and they even use the same words?"

"The physical basis of the world will probably be the same, but it may not be exactly the same." Ji Xing nodded and said: "The synchrotron glow means that the speed of light in the medium is smaller than the speed of light in the vacuum, and the movement speed of particles in the medium exceeds that in the medium. The speed of light creates radiation, right?”

"That's right." A slight smile appeared on Professor Harada's face, and he asked again: "Do you think it may be emitting a fourth type of light source?"

"Ah, its influence is too great. As long as you see it, you will die in three days. This is beyond anything we know." Ji Xing said: "I just suspected that it has 'mind pollution', but after I use the holy light After trying to confirm, I found that it was not the case.

It is not too surprising to draw another inference - the speed of its particles may not only exceed the speed of light in the medium, but actually exceed the speed of light in a vacuum. "

"You actually have such an idea?" Professor Harada smiled even more: "But if the speed of a particle exceeds the speed of light, then it should be a 'thing that does not exist now' for us. Why can we see it? "

Ji Xing thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, there are two possibilities. The first one is..."

Kayaba Akihiko watched helplessly as Ji Xing and Professor Harada chatted about red crystals, tachyons, and from tachyons to astronomy, black holes, and wormholes, turning into things that were beyond his comprehension.

 He was caught off guard.

How does this powerful man from another world still possess such a rich reserve of knowledge? Can we discuss with Professor Harada, one of the best in the country?

Although he couldn't quite understand what he heard, he could tell from the shocked expressions of Professor Harada's students and the way Professor Harada became more and more excited as he talked. It can even be said that they can inspire each other.

 He never imagined that the first research institute that he accompanied Ji Xing to today would develop like this.

 Professor Harada, you still remember that “As a scientific researcher, I don’t understand the political situation in the two worlds, and I have no say. But as long as the other party wants to give him our research results, why do we need to bring him to visit the institute?” Complaints?

 Apparently I don’t remember.

When the conversation was in full swing, Professor Harada clapped his hands with great regret: "It's a pity that there are a lot of inconveniences in this tower. I think compared with the white crystal, the red crystal is the real treasure, and it may even be a human being." The hope of interstellar travel!”

He shook his head repeatedly and looked at Ji Xing with some amazement: "Strong man from another world, I want to apologize to you. I have preconceivedly underestimated the scientific research capabilities of your world. I didn't expect that you, as young as my student, would be able to Such insight.”

Ji Xing smiled: "I'm not good at optics and astrophysics. I may bother Professor Harada a few more times in the future."

"You are too humble. You are welcome at any time." Professor Harada nodded, picked up the white crystal on the side, thought for a while, looked at Ji Xing expectantly and said: "If you analyze it again, this kind of touch can resolve the white crystal radiation from the red crystal. What is the principle, and what can we gain based on it?”

“Radiation starts from the eyes and gradually affects the entire body. White crystals are in conflict with it, so naturally the problem starts from the eyes. As for the principle, Professor Harada already understands it?”

Professor Harada was silent, shook his head and said: "Just like the Sanyuan water that can become the original liquid of all liquids, there should be something in it that cannot be explained by current science. Haha, I just hoped to get some ideas from you."

“Science cannot explain everything, and the appearance of the mysterious tower itself is super scientific.”

Ji Xing smiled and said: "Perhaps many scientific researchers will feel a sense of disparity, but there is no need to dwell on it. Everything in the world, from the universe to the human being, few have answers. Just like Kayaba, when he designed the SAO game, Will you consider the principles of each prop?"

 The design of the ‘world’ or ‘god’?

 The supernatural phenomena one after another have already made all players believe in theology to some extent.

For Ji Xing, this aspect is very clear and certain. The world has its own will, which is the most basic and lowest level rule. I don’t know whether he has a clear consciousness, but at least he can protect himself. instinct.

 Let’s not talk about the Demon-Sealing Thread that contains the power of the world, but just talk about the ‘Resurrection Grass’ that grows near the immortal disease. It is something that is not available in the Dark Continent. It is a kind of protection and welfare for players.

As for the red crystals and white crystals in front of him, Ji Xing could only confirm that the red crystals were real, and they were probably related to the ‘Fiery Red Eyes’ clan. Those who suffered benign mutations under radiation might be the ancestors of the ‘Fiery Red Eyes’ clan. But Bai Jing, who knows.

"We really can't decipher all the white crystals, and we don't even have any ideas." At this time, Professor Harada also said: "But just by analyzing its components, we have made huge gains. Its powder can play a huge role It has the effect of 'brightening eyesight' and has a protective effect on vision. The 'eye drops' developed based on it have helped thousands of blind people regain their sight in our world and helped millions of people get rid of myopia!"

 Speaking of this, his face also showed joy for the results, which is also one of the astonishing values ​​of the Mysterious Tower to the real world.

 He took Ji Xing aside and showed him the records of experiments—things he originally thought there was no need to show to Ji Xing.

“Our next goal is to bring light to more people, so that there will no longer be any visually impaired or myopic people in the world!”

"A great goal." Ji Xing complimented him casually, browsing the experimental records and the synthesis method of the drug. Lines of formulas that were obscure to ordinary people would become clear to Ji Xing in an instant and imprinted in his mind.

Seeing Ji Xing turning the page quickly, Professor Harada looked a little regretful. It seems that this strong man from another world doesn't know much about biomedicine?

Page after page, in just three minutes, Ji Xing memorized all the experimental data of the past two and a half years, and suddenly said: "Professor Harada, in this place, under the interference of this ERA molecule, what do you think the patient's disease is?" The cones and rods are just repaired...are you sure?"

“Of course, you want to say... humans are not cold-blooded vertebrates, so it is impossible..."

Professor Harada answered subconsciously, but his words suddenly stopped in the middle. He was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly rushed to the laboratory next door with some staggering.

 “Uematsu! Eri! Come quickly!”

  …Ah, yes, teacher!”

After a small chaos, only Ji Xing and Kayaba Akihiko were left standing here. Ji Xing smiled and said: "It seems that Professor Harada has a new idea and can't wait to verify it. Let's go to the next place first and wait for the new one." Once the results come out, I’ll come here to visit again.”

Very sure... there will be new results... Kayaba Akihiko took a deep look at Ji Xing, stretched out his hand and said: "Mr. Ji Xing is really amazing. Not only is he powerful, he has also made certain achievements in scientific research. He even said casually, All of them can bring great inspiration to Professor Harada.”

“Well, I’m better at biomedicine.”

 “Is that so?”

 The two of them went to the 25th floor research institute together.


“On the 56th floor, there is an extremely dangerous monster that must be killed. They will hide somewhere and ask you "blue or red" in an erratic and strange voice.

  If you choose red, the player will be sprayed with blood and die. If you choose blue, the blood will be drained from the body and the body will turn blue. If you want to avoid being attacked, you must find the monster hiding nearby and kill it within one minute. "

"There is a precious 'continuation grass' that grows next to that kind of monster. As long as you endure the pain and apply the juice of this grass on the edge of the severed limb, you can 'stain' the severed limb intact, and even the nerves will be quickly restored. Healing, even an injury that was severed in half, can be cured as long as it is healed in time.

Based on it, we actually produced a kind of 'repair cream', which does not have as exaggerated effect, but the success rate and postoperative rehabilitation efficiency in reattaching severed limbs have increased tenfold. Since Mr. Ji Xing is good at Biomedicine may also be able to give some suggestions in this regard. "

When Kayaba Akihiko said this, he could guarantee that he was 80% polite, so an hour later, when he looked at Professor Matsudaira, who had a happy face and scratched his head after communicating with Ji Xing for a short while, he felt a sense of difficulty in his heart. words’ emotions.

 Are you... too good at this?


 Level 26 Research Institute.

“On the 58th floor of the Mysterious Tower, there are several mysterious white hills. No matter whether you step on them, touch them with your hands, or even come into contact with sand and dust from a distance, a ‘white line’ will appear in the player’s ears.

In this situation, the player can only take a back seat and firmly protect the white line without any damage or any pulling, because it is the "brain nerve". The injured person may be rendered stupid at the least, or brain-dead on the spot at the worst. "

“So far, the only way to treat it is angstrom. There is nothing that can cure it near the mountain. There is only a special ore underground, which can be called ‘anti-gravity ore’.”

 This is the content of materials physics.

 But an hour later, Kayaba Akihiko still saw the professor in charge of the research institute talking to Ji Xing.

In the end, the two had a very happy conversation and agreed to study this new metal ore together.

Kayaba Akihiko could only stand aside.


 The 30th floor research institute.

“On the 61st floor of the Mysterious Tower, we encountered a terrifying monster, the nurturing beast Papu…”

 One place after another, one thing after another.

Astronomy, materials science, physics, communication science... Kayaba Akihiko has always been a genius praised by the world, but today, he saw a more terrifying genius, no, an all-rounder!

 In all aspects, Ji Xing has shown the same talents as the famous professors. The most exaggerated one is biology. He seems to have more knowledge than everyone else!

 Because the other world is rich in species?

Kayaba Akihiko didn’t understand, he just thought Ji Xing was an extremely exaggerated and terrifying man.

He did not tell the professors what happened with other professors, so 15 of the 17 heads of the institute were impressed by Ji Xing, and all of them got new research directions or invited Ji Xing to cooperate.

 The only two people left were not because Ji Xing didn’t understand the aspects involved, but because those two people had extremely strong nationalism and were unwilling to communicate with Ji Xing.

 In the past, this was nothing. We should tolerate our own people, especially these top scientists, but now, Kayaba Akihiko felt that these two people might be replaced.

 What happened during the two-day trip to the research institute quickly spread to the world of Sword Art Online, and the people in charge also felt like they were dreaming.

 It was agreed that we are in a world of science and technology, and the opposite side is a world of high military value?

They have always believed that the emergence of the Mysterious Tower is the beginning of the next technological explosion, but they never imagined that the real explosion of technology will begin with the joining of Ji Xing, an ally from another world!

 Since then, time has passed by like a shuttle.

 4k2, two chapters tomorrow.

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