Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 691: key breakthrough

 “The seed of the world has grown.”

If it was just a newly sprouted seed before, it has grown into a small tree at this moment.

Ji Xing could clearly feel its will and kindness, which was helped by the nutrients he brought after leading the hunters to kill the monsters.

After a day and night of raids, less than one ten thousandth of the demons remained, officially announcing the end of an era. At this moment, residents everywhere were celebrating with joy, and were also actively repairing the environment that was damaged in this battle.

Without the threat of a powerful enemy, perhaps in the near future, the unique era in which hunter guilds rule the world will come to an end. More and richer political systems will be derived, the road to the technological era will be opened, or a unique civilization will be derived.

 In the week after the Qing Dynasty, Ji Xing paid no attention to anything else except the growth of the will of the world, because he wanted to ensure that the world could really survive!

"These...that's about it." Ji Xing nodded to Xiao Ai at the desk, and Xiao Ai picked up a note written by Ji Xing's mind.

 Materials, energy, networks…

 The thick notebook is just a table of contents and index. The bookcases at home are already filled with books written by Ji Xing this week.

"Even with your tutorials, it would take at least fifty years for this world to fully understand these things." Xiao Ai commented: "I find it difficult to read some of the content. How much have you learned by traveling to various worlds?"

"I've learned so much knowledge that I can't even figure it out myself." Ji Xing shook his head and said, "It also took me a lot of energy to analyze what can be achieved here. I'll leave it to you, Xiao Ai, if I'm not here , only you can lead everyone to get started."

For the world whose coordinates were exposed, there was no time for the will of the world to grow slowly. Ji Xing's move was called forcing the young to grow.

Xiao Ai hummed, put down the catalog notes, looked at Ji Xing, and hesitated to speak.

Ji Xing smiled: "I don't know what the next result will be, whether the idea can be perfectly realized. According to the best estimate, I will not leave, I will still stay here.

According to a medium estimate, I have temporarily saved the world, but since it is difficult for me to return, I don’t know how long it will take to return. But I will only leave you here alone for a year at most. When I stabilize, I will call you over to reunite.

 The lower end result is to abandon this world and live in exile, and I will bring you with me after stabilization... I hope not. "

 “As long as it’s not a low-level thing, that’s fine.” Xiao Ai said, “Of course it’s best not to be a low-level person.”

"Wow, Xiao Ai, are you saying that my safety is more important than the whole world? I rarely hear you express your love for me like this." Ji Xing smiled and pinched Xiao Ai's face, getting a pair of white eyes.

 “Don’t be disgusting.”

 “Hey.” Ji Xing bent down and carried her on his shoulders. The two had not been separated for many years.


 A few days passed quickly, and Ji Xing and Xiao Ai returned to the world of Conan to visit their relatives after a long absence.

 The time comes to the end of December.

"I always feel that after killing the demons, I, the president, have become busier." Sun Qin, who came to visit Ji Xing's house, complained happily.

Ji Xing smiled and said, "Why did Brother Sun come to my place during his busy schedule?"

Sun Qin shook his head helplessly: "Yes, there are two major events that the four adults and we have been preparing for, both of which have something to do with you.

 The first thing is to change the name of the continent and the calendar. Up to now, it is no longer appropriate to call this continent the "Monster Continent" and the "Monster Calendar". In terms of calendar, we are going to directly use your name, ‘Quarter Ephemeris’ or ‘Ephemeris’, to commemorate the era you created. "

Ji Xing was not modest either. He nodded and said, "The ephemeris is enough. What about the name of the continent?"

“The next year will be the first year of the celestial calendar.” Sun Qin said: “I don’t have any good ideas about the name of the continent. Calling it ‘Human Continent’ seems a bit too difficult to pronounce. Otherwise…”

“I’m not very good at naming, so I’ll give you two alternatives, ‘Nirvana Continent’ or ‘Shenzhou Continent’.” Ji Xing said.

"Nirvana...I understand, where did Shenzhou come from?" Sun Qin was confused.

 “Travel to China, I think it’s OK.”


“It’s nothing, some long-lasting memories are bothering me.” Ji Xing smiled.


 “What about the second thing?”

Sun Qin was stunned, shook his head and said: "It's similar to the problem of currency. You know, the previous 'Demon Coin' got its name from the anti-counterfeiting device that incorporated the powder of the Demon Horn. It must be replaced. Since you decided to use the almanac as a 'star' Calendar', then the newly issued currency will be called 'Star Coin'."

 “No problem.” Ji Xing agreed.

 “Okay, then the third thing…”

 “Hmm? Two things?”

"The number is wrong." Sun Qin laughed and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just a problem. In order to completely eliminate the demons, we blocked your deeds, the truth about the destruction of the four demon settlements, and Li He. It’s the same situation as Ji Xing.

Now all parties are talking about whose ability the "blood bar" was on the day of the Qing Dynasty killing. The hunters still feel like they are dreaming about killing most of the demons so suddenly and easily. Do you think...should or how should you announce your situation? "

"I've already prepared for this." Ji Xing nodded and took out a book from his arms: "This is an autobiography I wrote. The content is similar to what I told you that day. Let's publish it after the New Year."

Sun Qin was stunned. He took the book, looked at it, and then looked at Ji Xing. He stopped talking, and finally just shook his head in confusion.

Ji Xing's face does not change, so he squeezes out the starlight and collects the starlight for future generations. Maybe at some point, a few million more starlight can save his life.

 Besides, he deserves it.

"Any thing else?"

Sun Qin slowly put away Ji Xing's autobiography, looked directly at Ji Xing, remained silent for a while, and then called out a familiar name: "Li He, you... pay attention to safety, be careful in everything, if you really can't do anything... risk your own life." Heavy."

Ji Xing smiled: "I will."

 He didn’t say anything about the training ground, but there will always be smart people in the world.

The mystery of half-man and half-demon, the rise and fall of spiritual energy every three hundred years, and the most crucial thing is Ji Xing's 20 years of anonymity.

Judging from Ji Xing's strength, he would have been able to do the things he has done recently at least five or six years ago, but he has to delay it until now.

 After eliminating all the impossible options, the most likely possibility is that there is some kind of powerful enemy that Ji Xing is not sure about and is very afraid of!

Hold Ji Xing's autobiography tightly in his hand, Sun Qin said goodbye and left. As the year draws closer and closer, the news of changing the calendar to the ephemeris is the first to spread.

 On December 31st, the entire continent started celebrating the New Year on an unprecedented scale!

Ji Xing also kept celebrating with the visitors, Yi Nan, Xu Shengnan and others until late at night. It was not until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night that he stood on the roof alone.

 “Punctually enough.”

Ordinary people cannot perceive it, but it is so clear in Ji Xing's eyes. The 'net' that has been covering the periphery of the entire world disappears quickly as if it has been decomposed.

 The ‘circulation puzzle’ has been lifted!

 It has three functions - to prevent those who are above the realm of gods from flying out of this continent and into the universe of this world, making it difficult to monitor and search.

 Tell them the truth about the training of autonomous semi-demon soldiers, allowing them to maintain their detached status as outsiders.

˜Constrain and store the spiritual power of this world, and release it at critical times, bringing about a year-long ‘cultivation world’, a carnival of monsters!

At this moment, the concentration of spiritual energy in the surrounding area begins to increase significantly, and will continue for a whole year, and the hunter's strength will rise to a new level.

The monsters that survive may be stimulated to go out of the mountains and go to the towns to die, bringing a final wave of small wars to the hunters.

Ji Xing will also have his own battle!

“Xiao Shi, keep a low profile and don’t let anyone discover you for now.” Ji Xing murmured to the will of the world, nodded to Xiao Ai who was looking up at him in the yard, and disappeared into the night sky.   …

 Supervise galactic stars and spaceships.

 “The circulation confusion is lifted normally!”

“The 001 area channel was successfully constructed!”

  “003 area…”

The departments on the spacecraft were running at all, and a research -only demon keys hit fast, and the regulators were troops.

Line up in front of him were ten half-demon with transformation degrees between 30% and 50%. They were the entire team of half-demon led by him!

"You all know the scope and content of your responsibilities. That's it. Except for Policia who stays behind on the spaceship, everyone is ready to take action!"

 “Yes! Lord Michiaf!”

 The half-demons scattered in response.

This is a routine operation. When the screening begins, he, as the supervisor, has an overview of the overall situation, while the ten half-demon subordinates are each divided into the ten areas he is responsible for, supervising the direction of the screening from a close distance.

 The only difference this time is that he will enter Area 007 in person, and instead Policia, who was originally in charge there, will stay behind.

 The reason is naturally Ji Xing.

After giving Policia a few more words, Michyav also flew out of the spacecraft, looked for the well-positioned passage leading to Area 007, and entered it earlier than his subordinates.

Not far away, Bai Ling, who was somewhat out of tune with the busy spaceship, whispered: "It seems that Ji Xing will be here in a few days. Aren't you worried? Aizen."

Aizen smiled and shook his head: "Sir Ji Xing actually has no hatred towards you. He just chose to attack you in a delicate position. As for me, it is not considered a betrayal."

Bai Ling hummed in a low voice and said nothing.

On the other side, Michyav, who had entered the space passage, had already opened his mouth in excitement.

 Some things become more interesting the more you think about them.

During this period, he spent every day thinking about the reaction of humans in Area 007 when they learned the truth. Was it panic? Is it despair? Or numb?

This time, after supervising five rounds of screening, he experienced a sense of freshness for the first time in a long time.

If I guess correctly, the time when Ji Xing truly reveals his identity as a half-demon should be after dawn, while the humans in area 007 are immersed in the joy of the New Year, giving them despair. Now, the time should be just in time to catch up with the most exciting scene!

Of course, the main reason is that Ji Xing is very good. After reporting to the Demon God, he got awards and praises for nothing!

  His body shuttles through the space passage. His flying speed is several times that of his subordinates. It only takes ten minutes at most to enter Area 007.

But after only flying for two minutes, his figure suddenly stagnated. His eyesight beyond description allowed him to see a figure flying towards him in the lightless passage, which shocked him greatly.

 “You are... Ji Xing?!”

Ji Xing also stopped. He had already received detailed information from Aizen and pretended not to know: "Are you... the supervisor?"

"Well, I'm Michyav." If he hadn't been monitoring area 007, Michyav might have thought it was over at this moment. He looked Ji Xing up and down and said dissatisfied: "Why did you come out on your own? Over there What about humans?”

"Ah, Mr. Supervisor." Ji Xing greeted him not too respectfully: "I didn't expect to meet you here. I haven't received a reply from you since Aizen left. I'm a little hesitant whether to do it all or not. Don’t leave the four human gods behind.”

 You want to kill two autonomous half-demon, why are you pretending to be obedient at this time? Michyav's smile faded, feeling something was wrong. He frowned, and then heard Ji Xing say again: "In addition, I originally planned to use the help of revealing my identity in front of humans to break through a key level in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect it to happen yet. At that time, a breakthrough is about to happen now.

 It would be a pity if there was a commotion during the breakthrough and the show I had prepared for more than ten years was not perfect. So when I sensed that the channel was open, I took the opportunity to make a breakthrough. This way, I could go back and complete everything, and maybe it could help me increase my conversion rate by a few percentage points. "

 Michiev smiled inwardly.

By the way, this guy thought that "playing with humans" would help his spiritual practice.

But do you have to break through the key hurdles? What a genius...huh? The key level? !

There are only two key points in the half-demon practice, and the difficulty can be clearly felt during the practice.

This guy...could it be...

 The conversion rate of the capture is estimated to be only about 40%, but didn’t he use all his strength when he killed two autonomous half-demon? !

Michiev ignored the incongruous feeling for a moment, and stared at Ji Xing urgently and somewhat darkly: "How high is your transformation level?!"

“50%.” Ji Xing replied.

Really are? ! This guy who is less than 100 years old and practices independently is about to become a high-level half-demon? A high-level half-demon like me? !

I have to say that at this moment, Michyav felt more jealous than happy, and his original appreciation for Ji Xing was also compromised. Even if it would bring him a lot of benefits, he didn't expect Ji Xing, who had just left the training ground, to be on an equal footing with him.

 You must know that his conversion rate is only 65%! And what about his age? Already over 2000 years old!

Ji Xing clearly felt the change in Michiev's mood and looked at his wrist.

More than 10 billion starlights have been added, which is not bad.

about there.

He smiled and said: "Master Regulator, since I have met you, I will break through here directly. It will not affect the passage, right? Could you please protect me for a moment?"

it's here? Let me...protect the law?

 Is this a demonstration to me? !

The original good mood was completely ruined. Michyav was about to stop drinking, but he took it back because of a strange feeling.

Danger? Where is the danger? What gave me the urge to escape? !

  【Selected income: Nian ability (person), quota 200%! 】

At this moment, Ji Xing will choose the last profit to invade the Hunter World!

In this ability of the mysterious tower to be upgraded to level 99, the pride and adherence to human identity and persistence into a strong soul -oriented nutrients are transmitted into Ji Xing's body and mind!

 The demonic side dissolves like ice and snow.

 Half-human conversion rate 71%, 72%…

 Powerful divine power emerged from the body surface, and a qualitative transformation quickly began!

Michiev's eyes widened in horror.


  Ji Xing is half human?

 This wave of fluctuation... is it still a high-level half-human?

 Even approaching in the direction of the semi-human being!

What happened? How could a half-man of this level appear in the training ground? ! Did some human race sneak in unknowingly? !

 In the two thousand years of demon life, he has never experienced such a ridiculous event. Michyav, who was excited to go to Area 007 to watch a show two minutes ago, didn't understand how things evolved to this point.

 But he knew he had to run quickly. Is he probably no match for the guy in front of him? !

But at this moment, his thinking and movements slowed down to the point where it was difficult for him to move!




 Conversion rate 89%! Conversion rate 90%!

 The remaining demon genes were broken into pieces at this moment, and penetrated into the human double helix DNA, integrating into it and making it difficult to capture.

Ji Xing’s strength has made a qualitative leap. According to the star realm’s judgment, he is a semi-perfect human!

The dazzling light of divine power illuminated the space passage. His palm was attached to the chest of the frightened Michyav, and he smiled and said: "I am really Ji Xing, Lord Regulator. Hello, goodbye."


 “Ah! Damn it!” The arc of electricity pulsed, and Michyav howled and struggled for his life.

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