Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 695: Making tea and discussing the master

Hearing Ji Xing's repeated questions, Kenneth vaguely noticed something, and his expression became slightly indifferent.

He raised his right hand, and there was a blue mark on the back of his hand. It was shaped like a symbol, with an inverted sword inserted in the middle. There were gradients of light on each corner, and there were two arcs on the periphery. This was the symbol of the ancient séance technique. , and what it represents in this war is the Master's command spell.

"You didn't notice my command spell, Servant. Recognize your identity, I am your Master, and I am asking you questions now. When you answer my questions, I will naturally explain the current situation to you. , and then develop tactics based on your situation, and all you have to do is obey!"

Solar beside him hesitated for a moment, but did not stop Kenneth from taming the servant. This Tong Yuan looked very charming, but after all, he was a bit older. It was a pity. He also wanted to meet the famous and handsome Diomudo. ·What about Audi?

Because the servants summoned in the Holy Grail War are all ancient heroes with different temperaments, in order to maintain the dominant position of the master, each master initially has three command spells, which represent three times of absolute command authority over the servants. Under normal circumstances, a follower would never be able to resist an order.

 For this situation, Ji Xing, who knew some of Kenneth’s situation, was not surprised. Kenneth is not a bad person. After all, the Clock Tower stopped pursuing his disciples after they stole his holy relics. Judging from the panel data, he is probably the first among the four battle masters, but he was too smooth in the past.

 Has little practical experience and cannot speak well.

"Master Kenneth, right?" Ji Xing said with a smile: "Then have you noticed my title - Penglai Gunslinger Sanren?"


"Sanren means that they have not served as officials and have not been recruited by any master." Ji Xing conveniently used the background: "So I hope that in the next Holy Grail War, our relationship will be equal cooperation, not master-slave. "

Kenneth was silent for a moment and hummed: "What kind of shabby ritual is this? Even the designation of the catalyst can go wrong. I have to use a command spell at the very beginning. I even regret coming to this remote place in the far east to participate." What a Holy Grail War."

He suddenly raised his right arm, and a faint light emitted from the Command Seal: "By the Command Seal, command my puppet! Lancer! Completely obey me!"

 One of the three command spells disappears. The more specific an order is about something, the more binding it will be on the servant. However, unlike Kenneth, who has powerful magic power, even an order like 'completely obey me' can take effect!

“Okay, now you can explain your Noble Phantasm and wish to me, Lancer.”

Kenneth looked at Ji Xing with a faint smile, and Ji Xing also looked at him with a smile.

 One second, three seconds, five seconds.

Kenneth gradually became stunned.

Sora also opened his mouth in surprise.

“I’ve said it all, how can we have a master and listen to others’ orders if we are scattered?” Ji Xing walked to the sofa next to him and sat down: “Okay, stop making trouble, let’s have a good chat.”

 It’s so funny, how can control skills be effective on Ji Xing? Now for him, even if the restraining power of this world tries to control him to do something, he might be able to break free. Kenneth's command spell is like scratching an itch!

 “What kind of shabby ritual is this?!”

The next moment, Kenneth roared angrily, becoming a little angry. He turned around and pointed the back of his right hand at Ji Xing again, gritting his teeth.

There are only three Command Seals. If you use up all three, you will lose your identity as a Master and declare the failure of the Holy Grail War. hateful! Do you want to use the second one? What command should you issue? Can it take effect? Or cut off Sora's supply of magic power to this guy? !

  In the midst of some tangle, Kenneth suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that Sola looked a little disgusted. His mind suddenly cleared and he knew that he had lost his composure.

 It is well known to everyone in the Clock Tower that he came to participate in the Holy Grail War. It would be too disgraceful to fail before it even started, or to fail in front of his beloved Sora. can this little trouble affect the great Lord El-Melloi? Making this so-called ‘unsophisticated person’ truly surrender is what I want to do, and what I will definitely be able to do!

His expression slowly calmed down, and he straightened the collar of his suit with his raised right hand, regained his proud posture, and sat down opposite Ji Xing.

"Ha, I hope your ability can match the equality you require, otherwise just obey my orders obediently." Kenneth snorted, poured himself a cup of tea in an elegant manner, and then became attentive to Sora in an instant. Pour a glass too.

Ji Xing smiled and did it himself.

After taking a sip of the fragrant tea, he looked up at Kenneth again and said, "My precious phantom is the gun in my hand. Hundreds of birds are facing the phoenix. It is an anti-army weapon. The upper limit of the attack distance is about 100 meters, and the maximum number of people captured is There are about 50 people. As for the specific power, we will have a chance to see it."

Kenneth looked up, his expression could not be described as satisfied or dissatisfied, he just said yes.

Ji Xing continued: "As for my wish... I lived in the troubled times of the late Han Dynasty and could only live in a small corner. I never fulfilled my wish to test the world with my spear. I would be satisfied if I could compete with each other's followers. If I could survive for a few years in this era, It would be best to experience the peaceful and prosperous days of our homeland."

Kenneth squinted: "So simple?"

 “I am Sanren, the Penglai Gunslinger.”


Can we not mention Sanren?

But this is somewhat convincing. A ‘Gun God’ who refuses to serve as an official should indeed be indifferent.

"Oh, that's right." At this time, Ji Xing said again: "I have a new wish, or interest. I have studied gun skills all my life and have never been exposed to any magic, but what I have seen now is that magic does have its characteristics. Mysterious things. I wonder if Master Kenneth can satisfy my curiosity and introduce me to some basics of magic?" Kenneth was stunned, you are a master of guns... you want to learn magic? It doesn't sound reliable!

not to mention…

"The servant is just a part copied from the Heroic Spirit. You won't bring any memory of the Heroic Spirit, so it's just a waste of time."

Ji Xing smiled and shook his head: "People only live in the present moment, only live between breaths, only live between thoughts. What kind of thoughts will have what kind of feelings, and those who follow it are also a period of life."

Kenneth was startled and looked at Ji Xing seriously.

Hum, this guy is more or less an 'elder' and can speak some philosophical words.

 Can this sentence be written into the lesson plan?

 Sora also looked sideways at Ji Xing again, and said "What a pity" in his heart again.

"If you want to understand the basics of magic, you can." Kenneth had a change of thought and said: "But it must be exchanged for merit. This is the equal cooperation you want. As long as you eliminate any master, I will give you what you want. Stuff, that’s fair, right?”

"The deal is done." Ji Xing nodded and said, "Do you have any information about other masters?"

 “Of course.” Kenneth was arrogant again.

As a first-level lecturer of the Clock Tower, he doesn't have to do this kind of thing himself. The Clock Tower itself will collect the Master's information.

"Besides me, there are currently four guys who are confirmed to participate in the Holy Grail War as Masters. The first is the Yusan Family, the beginning and participants of the Holy Grail War. The useless family who failed to complete the Holy Grail in the first three Holy Grail Wars, this time of participants fit their trash identity more closely.”

He commented with full disdain: "In the meantime, the magic inheritance of the Tong family has been cut off. This time, the old bug Matou Zangyan forced a laggard who did not inherit the position of the head of the family to become the master. The name... seems like It’s Matou Kariya, a guy not worthy of attention.”

"The Einzbern family is even more ridiculous. In order to win the Holy Grail War, they introduced an outside magician. No, that guy is not worthy of being called a magician. In the past, he was just a rat walking in the gutter, a notorious and active man. 'Assassins' on every battlefield.

 His name is Emiya Kiritsugu, and he also doesn’t need attention. It’s really annoying that such a thing can have the title of ‘Magician Killer’. I will deal with him personally. "

Ji Xing glanced at Kenneth.

Kenneth sipped his tea lightly and continued to comment harshly: "Tokiomi Tokiomi of the Tosaka family is a barely qualified magician. He is good at fire-attribute gem magic, but unfortunately he has an ambiguous relationship with the Holy Church, and even his disciples Even if you can’t stand it, he’s just an easy fool to deal with.”

“As for the fourth person, he is a disciple of Tokiomi Tosaka, named Kotomine Kirei. This person was originally the representative of the Holy Church and the son of Kotomine Rimasa, the supervisor of this Holy Grail War.

Three years ago, he was sent to Tosaka Tokiomi to learn magic, and he was also registered in the Clock Tower. However, not long ago, because he became a master like his teacher, the two broke up. Oh, a dirty person who has abandoned the Holy Church and the magic teacher successively. I am worried about getting my hands dirty when dealing with him! "


The empty tea cup was placed on the table by Kenneth, and the disdain on his face became even stronger. All his words and actions expressed one thing - all the participants in this time, in front of me, are just chickens and dogs!

Ji Xing couldn’t help but laugh.

What a master who is willing to make tea and discuss it.

 But these four, except Matou Kariya, are not ordinary guys. The other three, whoever you face will probably be killed.

"I understand." He shook his head and said, "In this case, let's start with the simplest one and clear out one first... How about Matou Kariya from the Matou family?"

Kenneth was startled for a moment, then showed a satisfied expression. Although I am not very obedient, this feeling of confidence is what I like. I only hope that you can also have the strength to match this confidence.

“Very good, let’s start with him. Let’s search for his location and movements first…”

"Search? Why search?" Ji Xing interrupted strangely: "Didn't you say that the Matou family is some kind of imperial family, a magic family? It should have a mansion, right? Can't you just come to the door?"

Kenneth was stunned.

 Door-to-door? No matter how you say it, this is a magic family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. No matter how much you look down on it, you have to admit that it has something unique. I don’t know how many defensive magics the family has deployed... Tsk!

 How can I be compared to the servants? !

“It’s just what I want.” So he poured another cup of tea, took a sip, and said with a calm smile: “Just go directly to Matou’s house...kill them!”

  Ji Xing drinks together and enjoys the "cooperation".

  3k1, also, next chapter 12 o'clock.

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