Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 697: Insecticide


Kenneth subconsciously lowered his arms that were holding him in a cool way, with a dazed expression on his face.

 In just over an hour, he had shown such an expression several times. The first few times he was surprised, but this time he was surprised.

  We were clearly evenly matched before, so how come we suddenly defeated our opponent in one fell swoop? You didn't even use the Noble Phantasm, and you won with a continuous attack? !

 This is different from the intelligence he collected.

 It is clearly said that in the first three Holy Grail Wars, the attributes of the servants were all the same, and it was generally difficult to tell the winner. The weak Master became the key to the Holy Grail War and became the main target of the attacks of the servants.

  If the victory can be quickly determined between the servants, what is the meaning of the "master gap"?

 Shouldn’t I be the one to defeat the other Masters one by one? Things are not going right!

This Penglai Gunslinger Sanren... is really not that simple? He is obviously not a very famous hero, he is only famous for his students!

  ‘Kenneth, how are you doing? ’ When Ji Xing’s voice echoed in his ears, Kenneth’s expression suddenly became uncertain. He was silent for several seconds before reluctantly humming.

“It’s okay. You’re probably qualified to cooperate with me on an equal footing, Lancer.”

 “Thank you for the compliment from ‘Still Talking’.” Ji Xing smiled and put away his gun.

 Lancelot turned into a spirit child and died!


 Matou family.

Matō Kariya's expression was several times more confused than Kenneth's. The command spell on the back of his hand floated away, and his weak body swayed slightly.

What happened?

 Berserker was killed?

 Just an hour after I became a Master, in the first battle of the Holy Grail War, the Servant I summoned was killed? !

His most powerful Noble Phantasm has not been used yet... I have not used any of my Command Seals... Is this Holy Grail War over for me?

He tremblingly raised his almost unconscious left arm and looked at the pale 'chicken feet'.

If my Holy Grail War ends like this, then what's the point of me becoming like this all year? ! How to save Sakura? !

 “No…no! It won’t happen!”

He collapsed and knelt on the ground. His shouting woke up the girl who was sleeping lightly. He sat up from the crib with an empty expression. Matou Zangyan only glanced at Matou Kariya coldly, his eyes slightly darkened.

 Soon he laughed ugly again.

“Haha, it seems that the genius lecturer in the Clock Tower summoned an incredible heroic spirit this time, Lancer wearing a bamboo hat. Who is it?”

For him, Matou Kariya is just a toy. He never expected Matou Kariya to really obtain the Holy Grail. His expectations were pinned on Matou Sakura, whom he adopted a year ago, and the next Holy Grail War.

This year-old wind-up toy died after just one hour of operation. It was indeed a bit unexpected, but it didn't affect him at all.

"Really... let's go and greet the guests." Without looking at the collapsed Matou Kariya, Matou Zouken walked towards the stairs.


 The Holy Grail has its own ‘will’.

 The death of a Servant does indeed represent the elimination of the Master, but it is not impossible for the eliminated Master to be recognized by the Holy Grail again, or even summoned again or take away Servants from other Masters.

Eradication is out of the question. Kenneth is too lazy to kill a useless person, but as the victor, he feels it is necessary to achieve some victory.

 In the final analysis, he actually felt that it was a bit embarrassing to be a spectator, and he didn't know what to say when he went back and told Sola.

Walking side by side with Ji Xing on the way to the Matou family's house, he looked calm, as if he could always see through everything and said: "You have long been able to defeat the berserkers in a short time. The initial fight was just to get familiar with being a disciple. The power of the one.”

 “That’s right.”

"Hmph, it's quite calm. There is something remarkable about ending the opponent's continuous attacks. What kind of trick is it?" Kenneth asked casually.

“There’s no trick, I’m just shooting.” Ji Xing said, “I’m the Penglai Gunslinger Sanren.”

 “…” Kenneth was silent.

He lost count of how many questions the six words "Penglai Gunshen Sanren" answered for him!

 “Hehehe, Penglai Gunshen Sanren?”

At this moment, an old and hoarse voice came from the Matou mansion in front. Matou Zangyan walked out and said with a smile: "He is actually a Chinese hero? There has never been a Chinese heroic spirit in the Holy Grail War. Transformation The compatibility between the spiritual séance ceremony and the heroic spirit over there is almost zero. He is indeed a genius lecturer from the Clock Tower."

Kenneth didn't understand why he summoned 'Tong Yuan', but that didn't stop him from looking down at Matou Zouken with his nostrils: "You are the actual controller of the Matou family, Matou Zouken? As expected, it is full of filth and corruption. the taste of."

"Haha, the humble silverfish cannot get into the eyes of Lord El-Melloi. Your target is Matou Kariya, right? He is already a useless person, and it is not worth your trouble. If you want to confirm, let Let me take you to the second floor." Matou Zangyan spat.

This look made Kenneth very disdainful. He was so disdainful that he was too lazy to pay attention to him. He also felt that there was no need to enter such a Matou family.

 He turned around to signal Ji Xing to leave, but saw Ji Xing raising his head as if looking at something.

As he looked up, Kenneth saw a girl about six or seven years old on the second floor of Matou's house. His hair color is blue and he looks cute. He is half-hidden behind the curtains. Although he is looking at them below, there is no sparkle in his big eyes and there is no expression on his face.

 A descendant of the Matou family? Kenneth's intelligence collection was not as detailed as Matou Sakura's, so he casually asked: "Are you interested in this kid?"

 Suddenly a strong wind roared in my ears!

 Poof—! The bright silver spearhead suddenly pierced Matou Zangyan's forehead, and Matou Zangyan and Kenneth showed shocked expressions at the same time.

In the next moment, the Matou Zoang Inkstone, which was stabbed in the vital part by Ji Xing's gun suddenly, shattered into thousands of arthropods, tails, fangs, and hideous and ugly marking insects.

Then these marking insects turned into black smoke and rolled to the other side to form the figure of Matou Zangyan. He said in a low voice: "Lord El-Melloi, what does this mean? The Matou family is in this fourth Holy Grail War." Already defeated, I am not the master either..."

“He knows too much.” Ji Xing gestured to Kenneth and said, “I know that I am the ‘Penglai Gunslinger Sanren’. If it is leaked to other masters, it will be detrimental to the subsequent battle.”

ˆKenneth: “…”

Don’t you yourself always mention your title of "Penglai Gunshen Sanren"? !

 The next moment he was suddenly shocked: "Huh? You are not prepared..."

Ji Xing raised his spear, and a crimson fire suddenly lit up on the bright silver tip!

“The release of a spear frightens hundreds of birds, and the emergence of skills shocks all heroes!” A majestic chant came out of Ji Xing’s mouth, and Matong Zangyan’s pupils shrank in horror.

  "Go out like a luan and a phoenix, soaring high, facing the phoenix!"

The flowing fire spear thrust out at Matou Zangyan!


 The phoenix is ​​flying and singing in harmony.

A majestic crimson phoenix with a huge wingspan chirped and soared, creating a brilliant stream of light in the night, rolling over the earth and stirring up waves!

Matou Zōyan’s mind is actually a little blank at this moment. He didn’t even have the Noble Phantasm to liberate during the battle with Berserker. Can he use it to attack me? !

Kenneth's eyes widened slightly, and the color of the phoenix was reflected in Sakura Matou's eyes on the second floor!

Under the attack of the phoenix bird, Matou Zangyan had no ability to dodge or resist. His body made of marking insects and his already corrupted soul were simultaneously ignited, and he let out a shrill scream.


"No, no! Lord El-Melloi, I am also the priest magician registered in the Clock Tower, the head of the Matou family, there is no reason, you can't..." While crying out in pain and begging for mercy, most of the Matou Zangyan The marking bug turned to ashes. A handful of them, a dozen or so, desperately jumped out of the fire and crawled away in all directions.

  Ji Xing put away his gun like a hundred birds returning to their nests.

 The phoenix birds scattered and turned into hundreds of birds. They pounced on them with precision, pecking every insect to death. Matou Zōyan's screams and pleas for mercy could be heard everywhere!

"No reason…"

 “I want to live forever…”

Matō Zōyan could never figure out why a strange servant would use a Noble Phantasm to kill him, and he never imagined that after five hundred years, he would face such an inexplicable death!

  Until all the marking insects were cleared away, the flaming birds flew back to Ji Xing's spearhead like returning to their nests, blending into Guixing.

 There was no heavy blow or damage. The land in front of the Matou family only had shallow ditches caused by the flight of phoenixes, but no deeper marks.

 Only the Matou Zoun Inkstone has disappeared!

“Just looking at his performance just now, who would have thought that Matou Zouken was a magician who had lived for five hundred years, had the ability to fight with his servants before he decayed, and was once a better magician than Kenneth? ’

Ji Xing remembers that he deposited the Holy Grail fragments together with his own body bug into Matou Sakura's heart after the Fourth World War. Now, neither Matou Kariya nor Matou Tsurunori has the qualifications to be put into the body by him. Then It should be really killed!

“Okay, the silence is complete, we can enter the Matou family, Master Kenneth.”

 The veins on Kenneth's forehead were jumping.

"Lancer! You should at least discuss this with me before taking such a move!" If the people in the Clock Tower knew that I used a servant to kill an old bug with no intention of resisting for no reason, my reputation would be ruined. Lossy!

Everything, what’s even more damaging is if anyone knows that I am ‘cooperating’ with my followers!

“Oh, okay, I’ll do it next time.” Ji Xing agreed and walked into Matong’s house.

 “You guy...?!”

Kenneth followed angrily.

The Matou family's mansion is indeed the foundation of the Matou family's magic. There are many pre-engraved magic spells that can be easily activated by inputting magic power. However, after the death of Matou Zangyan, the meaning of these things is almost the same. At zero.

Of course, even if Matou Zangyan had the opportunity to counterattack, the result would be exactly the same. When Ji Xing chose to come to Matou Kariya first, or when Ji Xing knew that he had become a Servant of the Fourth Battle, Matou Zangyan He is already dead!

 Without it, it would be annoying to the ears.

Just like Chen Duo, Matou Sakura is a pitiable girl who is worth saving.

As a declining magic family, the Matou family has few servants and is very quiet at night.

As they climbed all the way to the second floor, the two of them saw Matou Kariya, who was still kneeling in the center of the corridor in a state of collapse. Kenneth looked at him for a few times, temporarily put aside his dissatisfaction with Ji Xing's actions, and showed disdain.

"That dirty old bug is right. This guy really doesn't need attention. Even if you ignore him, he won't live for long."

Amidst the creaking of the door, Matou Sakura walked out of the room not far away. She had no fear and just stared at the two of them blankly as before. There was no emotion in her voice: "You are here to kill Uncle Kariya and me. Is it? Just like grandpa. I heard it too, you are the 'Penglai Gunshen Sanren'."

Hearing her voice, Matou Kariya's dead heart began to beat again, and his raised face looked like a wild beast: "Sakura, run quickly..."


  Before he could activate the marking bug, the dancing gun barrel knocked him down and made him unconscious.

Kenneth raised his eyebrows, he even killed the old bug, but not the Master?

  No, it’s up to me to give advice on whether to kill or not. Even if we cooperate, I am still the master!

He snorted: "That's it, let's go back. Such a boring opponent makes me have lower expectations for this Holy Grail War. Even if they leak your information, it doesn't matter. Are you afraid of others' targeting? ?”

Ji Xing looked at him and said with a smile: "Are you using the method of provoking generals and worrying that I will kill this kid?"

"...Are you kidding!" Kenneth said angrily: "What does a stupid kid from the Matou family have to do with me?! He's just a trash fish who has lost the blood of a magician. There are countless lives and deaths in the world every day. It's not right. This world brings no benefit and no impact!”

 “Oh?” Ji Xing walked towards Matou Sakura.

The corners of Kenneth's eyes twitched slightly.

Just when he was hesitating to speak again, he saw Ji Xing squatting down and gently pressing her hand on Matou Sakura's head.

 “Little girl, do you want to die?”

Matou Sakura’s little face was blank, still expressionless, she only shook her head gently: “I don’t want to…”

“Then in order to save your life, you must provide me with something of value, do you understand?” Ji Xing smiled: “Do you know where the foundation of the Matou family’s magic practice is?”

ˆKenneth: “…”

Has this gun master been thinking about learning magic?

   No... He suddenly realized that this guy chose Matou Kariya as his first target and even came directly to Matou's house. Could it be just for the scene in front of him? !

Matou Sakura stayed for a few more seconds, with a hint of fear on her face, but it disappeared in less than 0.1 seconds, and whispered: "Yeah."

 “Take me there?”


Matou Sakura turned around and led the way.

  Ji Xing and Kenneth followed.

Reaching the end of the second-floor corridor, Matou Sakura reached out and touched a mechanism on the wall. With a roaring sound, a secret passage to the underground was opened.

"Huh, it's so secret that it opens a secret passage to the underground from the second floor." Kenneth took a look and said, "But you, who wanted to base the Matou family's magic on you, really sacrificed the good for the weak. You have already defeated the enemy as promised. As a servant, are you still worried that I won't give you the basics of magic?"

“It’s always good to know more.” Ji Xing said, following Tongying down.

After walking a few steps, he felt that the place Matou Sakura was taking him was probably not the place he wanted, but he did not correct it. Kenneth beside him was chattering and looking down on the Matou family.

 Until the end.

Kenneth suddenly fell silent.

 This is a basement, about twenty square meters in size, with nothing else in it.

 Only bugs.

 Countless bugs!

 One hundred thousand? Half a million? million? !

 Densely packed insects covered the ground, even stacked on top of each other. Although they were no longer active due to the death of Matou Zōyan, they were still terrifying and frightening!

"It's really filthy and disgusting..." Kenneth murmured coldly.

"Grandpa Zōyan said that this is the basic training of the Matou family's magic." Sakura Matou said in a calm voice: "Let the marking insects penetrate through all the orifices of the body, and it will help me become a person suitable for learning the Matou family's magic." Attributes can also broaden the magician’s innate magic circuit..."


Matou Sakura's words suddenly stalled because a bamboo hat was placed on top of her head to stop her. The large bamboo hat also covered her eyes when looking at insects.

Ji Xing waved his gun, and the fire phoenix roared again!

 “This is not the right place, let’s go somewhere else.”

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