Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 711: Hayakawa Tatehoshi

 Restarting an invasion is a special function that Ji Xing obtains when an invasion under one person is interrupted. It has only been used once before in the pirate world.

 Abandon all the gains, power, and starlight gained from the previous life, retain only the memory, and start a new life using the identity left last time.

Ji Xing decided to restart this game when he found out that it was the world of Fate and he chose to be a heroic spirit. After all, although heroic spirits have strong starting power, their growth rate is still far behind that of living people.

So after Gemstone Weng participated in the war, Ji Xing's main job was to learn the second magic. He didn't resist and struggled much, and allowed the magicians to successfully purify himself as an 'evil spirit'.

He was not the only one who was purified, but also all the evil in this world. The Fuyuki Great Holy Grail that was contaminated in the Third Holy Grail War was recovered by Ji Xing's operation in the Fourth Holy Grail War. As is, clean again!

 The purpose is naturally to obtain after reopening.

“Qixingzhu still understands me so well, it’s actually January 1, 2004.”

Looking at himself in the mirror as a young man, Ji Xing searched for his own identity memory.

 When his eyes were closed and opened again, nearly ten years had passed since the Fourth Holy Grail War in which the heroic spirit Tong Yuan participated!

Just like in the original plot, the magic power consumed by the Holy Grail in the Fourth Holy Grail War is only the magic drawn by Ji Xing. It does not need to be as long as 60 years, and 10 years is probably about the same.

"This time I will participate in the war as the Master. I don't know who the other Masters are. Mapo was killed by me, and the world line was changed a lot by me. I attacked the Magic Association. This time the Clock Tower What kind of reaction will there be...

They shouldn’t have hollowed out Mount Enzo and taken away the Great Holy Grail in these ten years, right? "

There are many factions in the Clock Tower. Ji Xing has considered this situation and feels that 80% cannot. If the remaining 20% ​​happens, it will be a bit more troublesome.

 But at least there will be more people.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Ji Xing tidied his pajamas and looked at himself in the mirror again.

The boy's name is Hayakawa Tatehoshi. He is 17 years old and a second-year Class A student at Hogunhara Academy High School in Fuyuki City...the same class as Tohsaka Rin? Is the homeroom teacher Soichiro Kuzuki? It's quite close.

 No, Lixing?

 Seven Star Pearl, thank you for not calling me a child star!

Li Xing has always had a low sense of presence in the class. He is an average student with average grades, average sports, and average appearance.

 Because both of his parents died when he was young, he grew up relying on the settlement money from his parents' death and eating from hundreds of families. As a result, the young man looked good on the outside but felt a little inferior on the inside.

The reason for the death of his parents was 'related to Ji Xing'. His parents were the only two people who were unfortunately affected and died in the battle on the Weiyuan River ten years ago. The others only suffered property damage or bruises at most. .

Of course, this is the identity of Qixingzhu's editor. Ji Xing knows very well that no one died in the battle 10 years ago.

 Oh, except for Kotomine Kirei.

 “This identity…”

Ji Xing walked to the balcony and saw the Weiyuan River with blue waves flowing under the rising sun.

 This house is naturally one of the assets left by his non-existent parents.

Ten years have passed, and there are no traces of the battle on the Weiyuanchuan River. The two-story buildings facing the river that were swept away by the water have also returned to their original appearance.

"The remaining money is enough to be used until graduation from college. It's not bad." Ji Xing is quite satisfied with his initial status this time.

 Because I am a student, January 1st also happens to be the winter vacation, starting from Christmas a few days ago and ending on January 7th. During this week’s rest time, it’s natural to start from scratch!

After searching for nothing else, Ji Xing sat cross-legged on the sofa and practiced a magician's meditation.

This is the first step to becoming a magician, sensing the magic circuit in the body and converting a little bit of life force into magic power through meditation.

 This is very easy for Ji Xing.

 Soon, he found 13 corrugated ‘mysterious organs’ in his body, seven of which were slightly larger and six of which were slightly smaller.

"Sure enough, he has mediocre qualifications, 13 magic circuits, 7 main and 6 auxiliary, water attribute, which is pretty good among the first-generation magicians, but compared with Kenneth who has a family lineage, or even 83, the durability is inherently inferior. It’s too different.”

 Then comes the magic of transformation.

About five minutes later, Ji Xing filled all 13 magic circuits with a little magic power, which was enough to perform very basic magic, which also meant that he officially became a magician.

 Next, it’s time to cheat... No, it’s based on the foundation laid by previous invasions and the knowledge Tong Yuan has mastered in his life to make faster progress!

 He went to the faucet to get a basin of raw water, placed it on the ground, transferred the magic power to his right palm, and then dipped his right palm into the water.

There is no need to chant incantations or any projects. At this moment, Ji Xing is purely using his extremely strong control power to communicate with the microorganisms in the water with magic power - this is a world under one person, Lao Meng's 'biologist' ability . Magical power is different from Qi, but there is no essential difference. They are both transformations of life force. This world does not reject such operations. Magicians have the ability to control toxins, bacteria and viruses.

Soon, some invisible little cuties climbed onto Ji Xing’s palm, and under Ji Xing’s guidance, they penetrated into his body.


  This is the imprinting fungus obtained from the imprinting insect, an old insect of the Matou family. Compared with insects, microorganisms such as bacteria are easier to perform subtle operations and can accomplish many things that insects cannot do.

But the pain caused by the destruction and transformation of cells at the cellular level would probably not be lighter than that of the imprinting worm. Severe pain hit him, and Ji Xing's frail body was quickly wet with sweat.

However, unlike his body's instinctive reaction, Ji Xing's expression naturally didn't change much. He was always able to endure it countless times more than Sakura.

  After tentatively completing a simple widening and strengthening of one of the circuits, changing the capacity of that circuit from 1 to 10, Ji Xing began to communicate with the ‘Great Source’ and absorb and replenish magic power from the outside world.

 More magic power to control more bacteria.

With such a virtuous cycle, Ji Xing spent two hours simply transforming the 13 magic circuits in his body, increasing the magic power from the new 13 units to nearly 130 units.

 Rest, cook, and replenish nutrition and physical strength.

 After the meal, he went out and bought a full 50 kilograms of beef, sheep, chicken and various foods. He carried it back and took another nap before continuing.

It took him on and off two days to complete the transformation of his 13 magic circuits from beginning to end. If there was a grade, it would probably be upgraded from D level to A level.

 Proceed to the next stage, making organs!

Kenneth said that the magic circuit is an innate organ and cannot be increased under normal circumstances. However, in the face of Ji Xing, who has become proficient in manipulating bacteria and has an ultimate understanding of the human body, the rules can be broken!

He first went to the largest hospital in Fuyuki City for the most detailed physical examination to understand himself from both the scientific and self-perception perspectives.

 Then compared the deviations, based on Sakura's state of the 80 magic circuits memorized previously, began to "create something out of nothing" in the body.

Although the magic circuit is compared to an organ, it is ultimately a virtual organ invisible to the naked eye. It is only related to the shape, position, and combination of various organs, blood vessels, meridians, etc. in the body. It transcends some issues that differentiate men and women. Ji Xing went through a torment Three days and three nights, 'change your fate against the will of heaven'!

Have a big meal and sleep all day long.

Ji Xing woke up in the early morning of January 7th, with a little dark circles under his eyes. He already had 80 excellent magic circuits in his body, and the magic power was flowing continuously in his body like a river.

 Compared with the initial 13 units, it surged to more than 4,000 units in just six days!

This is enough to sustain an all-out fierce battle for more than half an hour. At least three of the seven top magicians who besieged Ji Xing in the Clock Tower should not have this amount of magic power.

  Next, the manipulation of bacteria and microorganisms to transform them will become a normal routine. Until it is promoted to the end, Ji Xing will take the next step, unifying the magic circuits in the body, making the entire body a container of magic.

That day is not too far away.

Then next…

Ji Xing sat down at the desk.

 The secret technique of the Matou family.

 The collection of books in the Clock Tower.

  QR code magic engravings on the bodies of magicians with family heritage.

These things were flashing together in his brain like a slideshow, like a supercomputer that was completely calculated and analyzed, breaking through violently.

At the end of the night, there were ten water **** tumbling and jumping on the tips of Ji Xing's open fingers, blending with each other and evenly separated.

 “Seven instants, three chants.”

"Using Tong Yuan's accumulation of life, in seven days, his magic level has risen from scratch, and he can at least beat Kenneth ten years ago."

Ji Xing stretched out with satisfaction and declared that the first stage of practice was officially over.

 Go to bed and go to school tomorrow to check on the situation.

  2k6, I can’t write anymore, and today it adds up to 7k words.

 Two more updates tomorrow!

Aren't you used to me being so diligent? Haha, thank you all for your monthly votes. The ticket requesting event ends at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. There is still a little time left. If you have tickets, I will give them to you!

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