Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 713: January 20th

In the world of Fate, magic attributes determine the direction of magic that a magician is good at, and most magicians’ attributes are one of the five elements.

  Earth, water, fire, wind, and space.

Tohsaka Rin is a genius who possesses these five elements at the same time. It is a five-fold composite attribute. It is called the "Five Elements Spiritual Root" in the fairy tales. In the world of Naruto, he can be called a young ninjutsu doctor. He has a good chance of mastering it in the future. Blood follows the snare'.

Exploring her through bacteria, Ji Xing identified the differences between Tohsaka Rin’s magic circuit and his own in the afternoon class, and incorporated the possession of five attributes into the subsequent training tasks.

This book is also the inherent function of the imprinting insect (bacteria). One of the main purposes of the old insect throwing Sakura into the insect warehouse is to change Sakura's magic attribute from the original imaginary number to the Matou family's water.

But that job is a bit rough, it's like coating the original magic circuit with a cheap film. In Cup of Heaven, Sakura can still use imaginary number magic, while Ji Xing can transform it from the root, and gradually improve his talent. Modified to full level.

 After the two classes in the afternoon, there is still an hour of activity class before school. Students with club activities can go to clubs, and students without clubs can go to the playground to play football.

 “Lixing-san, come here for a moment.”

 It did not go beyond Ji Xing's expectations. Finding the right opportunity, Tohsaka Rin stopped Ji Xing.

After an afternoon of calmness, she was no longer as anxious as she was at noon. She just said with a touch of helplessness: "Tell me, what kind of magic knowledge did you get? Oh, by the way, Lixing-san, you Trust me, right?"

"...Ah, of course." Ji Xing made a slightly dull look, scratched his head and said: "Although my heart is still in a mess now, I didn't expect Tohsaka-san to be a magician at all... But of course I trust Tohsaka-san!"

Tohsaka Rin was used to seeing boys behave like this in front of her. She was relieved in her heart. She was most afraid of the kind of people she wanted to save but still resisted. They were all classmates and it was hard to ignore them.


"Well...Actually, a few days ago, when I was running by the Weiyuan River, I accidentally picked up a strange book." Ji Xing said.

“Mitochuan?” Tohsaka Rin asked in confusion, “Does Tatehoshi-san’s family live nearby?”

 “Yes, right by the river.”

 “That’s it…continue.”

"The book said something strange like a messenger or a familiar. I was curious, so I tried it on an ant. Then... it was amazing. I felt like I had the ant and could control it. It's gone."

Ji Xing said with excitement: "It just disconnected not long after, and it made me feel as tired as if I had run ten kilometers. Later, I tried again, and each time it took longer, and each time I felt more and more tired." clear!"

Tohsaka Rin was stunned.

 The imperial envoy and the demon? How does this sound like magic inherited from the Matou family?

Hmm, the heroic spirit Tong Yuan attacked the Matou family ten years ago. It seems that some of the Matou family's magic information and materials were indeed lost, although they had no use for it... Couldn't it be because of that?

 “Only picked up one book?”

 “Well, just one.”

“What about the skills of using familiars and familiars?”

“There are a few more ‘water-based magic’ in the back, and I have also tried them. Only the one that controls the water flow was a little successful, and the other ones have no clue at all.” Ji Xing said.

Water magic, indeed, and was it possible to control water flow successfully? It proves that he is most likely to have water attributes. Hey, what kind of luck is this? !

 Tohsaka Rin thought about it in his mind.

I, a classmate of Tatexing, first picked up the magic notes lost by the Matou family ten years ago by chance. Without any foundation, he tried to control ants. He succeeded and opened up the magic circuit in the body. The magic properties are very good. Coincidentally, water can learn several other kinds of magic.

This luck, are you the protagonist of the novel?

 No, according to the principle of demonic attraction, maybe this is also destiny in mysticism?

She shook her head and raised **** to Ji Xing: "Let's emphasize two more things.

 First, the magic of the familiar must be done step by step and cannot be forced. The medium through which you can do that is the magic power in your body, and magic power is transformed by vitality. Thanks to the ants you used to try it, if it is a cat, dog, bird or other larger animal, its lifespan will have been shortened. "


“Second, don’t try other magic for the time being, it’s too reluctant. Next, I will briefly teach you some knowledge about meditation. You can learn it after you have accumulated a certain amount of magic power.

 Oh, one more thing. Magicians like me who have a family tradition all started learning magic when they were young. It was too late for 17-year-old Lixing-san to learn magic. So although it may be a bit of a shock to you, I still have to say, Lixing-san, don’t be a magician. If you put too much energy into it, just treat it as a little trick and learn to play it yourself. "

 “Uh, oh…”

"Don't show such an expression. Those guys peeping around will regard you as another boy who failed to express his love to me." Rin Tosaka said distressedly: "You are already very lucky. There is no chance of becoming a magician like you." One, more guys who try rashly may die!"

"…I see!"

It’s hard to persuade the **** ghost with words, Tohsaka Rin doesn’t care whether Ji Xing really understands or pretends to understand, she thinks it’s enough to do this.

  There are too many things to worry about lately.

Walking on the way home with Sakura in the evening, when Sakura asked about lunch, she couldn't help complaining about it, which made Tohsaka Sakura pause.

“…Sakura?” For a moment, Tohsaka Rin thought he was mentioning the Matou family’s magic.

 “I seem to know that.” Unexpectedly, Tohsaka Sakura shook her head and said, “Miyon Chuanhe.”

“Huh? Sakura means...”

"Actually..." Xiaoying hesitated and whispered: "That night, probably after the battle, Grandpa Tong Yuan came to me to say goodbye."

"...Huh? After being contaminated?!"    "I don't know, anyway, he was awake when I saw him. He said that he left me a magic treasure house, using multi-layer sealing magic to store the Matou family's magic. knowledge and materials.”

   Sakura was silent and said: "If I want to use or need to use them, I can go and get them. If I don't need them anymore, I can just leave them alone."

"There is such a thing." Tohsaka Rin was surprised: "So Tachiboshi-san's... is the outermost seal invalid? There are actually more things where he picked up the book?"

“Probably, it’s still sealed.”

"I see..." Tohsaka Rin thought for a moment: "So that's Sakura's thing."

 She ignored the 'original owners' Matou family and muttered: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, Sakura? That should be a big fortune."

"Because I don't need it." Tohsaka Sakura gave her a sweet smile.

Tohsaka Rin paused and understood. The so-called 'need' means that after the Holy Grail War, Sakura still failed to return to the Tosaka family, but was sent back to the Matou family for self-protection.

 It’s really thoughtful.

"That's it... That's really a bargain, Tatexei-san." Tohsaka Rin sighed: "Ah, it's true, my headaches seem to have increased again. Should I tell him the follow-up things or not?"

Sakura didn't express an opinion. She watched her sister scratching her head and ears quietly. She then walked some distance away and suddenly said, "Oh, no! I seem to have forgotten to lock the Kyudo Club's warehouse!"

She turned around and trotted away. As she ran, she said, "Sister, you go home first. You don't need to accompany me. Tell your father and mother that I will be back soon!"

"Ah..." Tohsaka Rin looked back at Sakura, who didn't refuse her at all, sighed, and responded to the air: "Oh."


Ji Xing did leave a warehouse for Sakura just in case, and even left a message for Weber.

But he didn't expect that Sakura didn't use it after going around in circles. He himself used this source of magic to temporarily disguise himself.

Having just learned the 'elementary school knowledge' from Tohsaka Rin, he went home and studied the 'doctoral content' - "I need to make a simple magic gift to guard against unexpected situations and prevent being plotted by mysterious means before using enhanced magic. "

“On the other hand, I need a magic that can injure or even directly kill heroic spirits, and build its foundation or engraving.”

 Others, the improvement of magic power, the improvement of talents, the improvement of attributes, etc. are all auxiliary. Since you want to participate in the Holy Grail War, winning the battle is the first factor.

Ji Xing has not prepared any holy relics, nor does he intend to seek them out. No matter who he summons, they will only be assists and pretexts. The real fighting power is himself.

 In fact, calling someone like Jin Shining would help a lot, but the character would be more difficult to figure out.

 After thinking about it, Ji Xing went to the bathroom to get a basin of water and put his hand into the water.

 Perception, decomposition, and self-created magic.

 The next few days will be a repeat of today's life. He will go to school in Ji Xingdu, but he will study his own things. As for the teacher's questions, he will not be troubled by anything he asks.

Tohsaka Rin asked about his 'magic training progress' a few times, and Ji Xing dealt with it more or less, keeping a low profile. The track and field trio paid attention to him for a few days, and found that he was still as boring as before, so they paid no attention to him. .

On the other hand, Ji Xing also met some other plot characters.

 Student Council President Yanagi Kazunari, homeroom teacher Kuzuki Soichiro, and Class C's Matou Shinji.

It is worth mentioning that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Shinji Matou is still a tall, rich and handsome man. He even has excellent morals and academics. On the surface, many people like him. Of course, on the inside, it can be seen that this child still follows his father a little bit. It seems that because of the conflict with Sakura, Tohsaka Rin didn't like to see him.

 As for another important point,...

 There is no Emiya Shirou.

This is a matter of course. The fire in the new capital did not happen, and Shirou was not adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu. There is a high probability that he is still a happy parent, called so-and-so Shirou.

He did not come to Suiqunyuan Academy to study, and I don’t know if he is still in Fuyuki, let alone whether he has been exposed to magic.

 The peaceful time flew by for two weeks.

  Saturday, January 20, 2004.

Ji Xing, whose quality of magic circuits in his body has been upgraded to EX level, was testing the magic ritual he had just made when a paralyzing pain suddenly arose on the back of his right hand.

 When I raised my hand, I saw that tattoo-like lines had indeed appeared on it! Stigma, Command Seal!

 It means that Ji Xing has been selected as the master and can prepare to summon the heroic spirit!

"Has the charging of the Great Holy Grail been officially completed? I was chosen as the master without doing anything... It's not surprising. A magician of my level is in Fuyuki and still has a wish for the Holy Grail. How could it be possible? Not chosen?"

So the Clock Tower was naturally squeezed out of a spot? No, not necessarily.

Ji Xing, who overheard more from the Tohsaka sisters’ conversation, thought of another possibility.

 Does it meet the conditions of 7vs7?

 3k3, still available at 12 o'clock.

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