Be a Human Again From Conan

Chapter 729: Busy Ruler

As the judge of the Holy Grail War, Ruler has been given many special powers, such as the ability to track enemies within a radius of dozens of kilometers, confirm the survival status of servants, see through the true names of servants, etc.

Astraea knows best whether Atalanta has disappeared, but as part of the strategy, as the goddess of justice, she did not say anything last night, let alone care about it.

 It’s a little different now.

To be honest, she doesn't know if the behavior she is doing is illegal or not - the act of seizing the enemy's Command Spell Servant is in accordance with the rules. It is a trophy. It just turns the black servant into red. There are some subtle edges. feel.

But he turned the captured Servant into his own power and relied on it... It turned into such a weird state, which is not even in the Holy Grail rules!

Due to Luvia's influence, she was both gloating and worried about this mysterious and strange guy next to Tohsaka Rin, and this time she came over just to warn Ji Xing: "At present, your actions are indeed just walking within the rules. On the edge, since there is no prohibition, I will not interfere.

 But then I will keep an eye on you, hoping that you will not do anything that violates the rules of war. "

"Yes." Ji Xing responded calmly, then smiled and said: "Ruler, I want to report it."


"The Caster who attacked the Tosaka family last night should be our red side's heroic spirit. Under the premise that there is no winner in the camp battle, if the master of the King of Heroes is killed, the red side may lose directly... Deliberately making his own camp lose. War, isn’t this an illegal act?”

 Astraea was startled.

 Can it still be explained in this way?

As a Ruler, she naturally knew the situation about Medea who attacked the Tosaka family last night, but it was actually somewhat similar to the situation in front of her.

After the Command Spell was seized and changed hands, the original concept of the red and black camps became more blurred. In addition, the Holy Grail War did not prevent the heroic spirits of the same camp from fighting. After all, there is only one final winner... But if it is extended to deliberately causing one's own camp to lose If there is a war, it would be a bit serious.

  Ah, that’s enough. Why do two people like to wander on the edge of the rules? !

"There is a more important point." Ji Xing added: "I suspect that Caster's master has introduced a large number of ordinary people as helpers. Although the other party is suspected of being an army or an organization like Fobol, they are indeed ordinary people. This Doesn’t it violate the secret rules of the Holy Grail War?”

"A large number of ordinary people..." Astraea looked slightly serious. This was a real violation of the rules. "Is there any evidence?"

"plz follow me."

Ji Xing took Astraea to see the two scouts who were watching the Weber base waiting for his own body, and told her the previous situation.

 Just two people can't be called a large number, but with rotation, the problem is not simple. When the two people waiting for the rotation again were different from the previous two people, Astraea became completely serious.

Speaking of it, this method is really not easy to detect. For heroic spirits, it will be more hidden with the eyes of ordinary people who are not magicians or familiars.

If it wasn't for Ji Xing's mention, just walked here, Astrea couldn't find the abnormalities of these appetiters, but correspondingly, ordinary people were followed by heroes, and they couldn't detect it!

Ji Xing was very "enthusiastic" and he and Astraea followed the two stalkers who were changing shifts. They were obviously very cautious and circled around Fuyuki City in different directions until they returned to the same place an hour later. Arriving at the same place - an abandoned factory.

Ji Xing and Astraea reunited. This time, Ji Xing didn’t need to say anything more. Astraea had already captured dozens of auras.

 There are about three or five magicians among them, but the vast majority are ordinary people.

Without saying anything more, Astraea nodded to Ji Xing, then turned around and walked towards the abandoned factory not far away.

 I was stopped by two strong men at the door of the factory.

 “Little girl, this is private property, don’t run around! Where are you from?”

Astraea looked up at them, stretched out her hand, and knocked them to the ground with a dull thud!

The strong shock knocked the two strong men to pieces. They were confused for a moment and were unable to stop Astraea from entering. The other soldiers who heard the movement inside were already alert, and the sounds of various weapons being loaded were heard. ring.

When Astraea walked in, she was instantly targeted by dozens of long guns and short cannons.


 “A little girl? A magician? Or... a heroic spirit?!”

 Astraea looked around.

  It has indeed made ordinary people aware of the existence of the Holy Grail War on a large scale.

"I am Ruler Astraea. Your behavior violates the rules of the Holy Grail War. Now I will expel you from Fuyuki as a warning!" She shouted loudly.

 Outside, Atalanta was speechless.

 “New Master, you are really…”

Let’s just say it’s upright, that’s almost meaningless. Let's talk about conspiracy and conspiracy, but that's not really the case.

Ji Xing smiled: "My body is at the critical moment of learning magic. Such random interruptions won't hurt me, but they are annoying."

 In the factory, a conflict is inevitable.


 Fuyuki City Prison, underground.

Fardius, who secretly used his connections to build the magic base here, received the news soon after. He was silent for a moment and laughed.

 “Ruler? There is such a thing.”

The subordinate in front of him said anxiously: "Sir Faldius, all the third action team has been disarmed and injured by the Ruler, and is being escorted out of Fuyuki City by her. What should we do? Pretend to cooperate first, and then infiltrate back later?"

"No." Faldius raised his hand and said: "You can't come back. This is a warning. I am warning the Master behind them. It doesn't matter if you **** the Command Seal or qualify for the Holy Grail War, but don't involve more ordinary people in the Holy Grail War. On people.

Hmm, maybe it’s the secret principle of the Holy Grail War? I really didn't expect that the same rule would cause trouble. It seems that the goddess of justice is a serious person. "

 “Then let’s…”

 “Don’t act rashly yet.”

Faldius shook his head and said: "It's just an accidental loss of one force. The Holy Grail War has not yet reached the point where we have to go to war, so the assassination of those magicians has been put on hold for a few days, waiting for the opportunity to come."


When his subordinates retreated, Faldius's expression darkened slightly. Including last night's raid on the Tosaka family, this was the second time he had been defeated. He came to Fuyuki and did nothing, but suffered two defeats... This kind of start, But it's a bit unlucky.

 Most's a little weird.


 After cleaning up and escorting the soldiers out of Fuyuki City, it was almost half past three in the afternoon.

Astraea is in a good mood after doing an act of justice and upholding the rules of war. Of course, the more important thing is that she protected ordinary people.

 Yes, she is also protecting those soldiers.

 No matter how elite the human soldiers are, they are still vulnerable when faced with the plots of magicians and the surprise attacks of heroic spirits. To the goddess of justice, who treats everyone equally, they are not only violators of the rules, but also ordinary humans who need protection.

"Thank you for your help." She clapped her hands when she returned to Ji Xing: "If you encounter a similar situation again, you are welcome to report it to me. As the Ruler of the Holy Grail War, I will deal with it one by one!"

"This is also for myself." Ji Xing said frankly: "I am their target. But when it comes to reporting similar situations... I really have a situation here that I need to tell you, Ruler."

  “…Huh?”    Astraea was stunned.

As a descendant of possession, Luvia's character has affected her at least three points, so in fact, this eldest lady goddess has just dealt with a troublesome matter, and is already a little tired and wants to rest. Find a place to have some afternoon tea. Take a bath.

 After all, when night falls, the battle between heroic spirits is likely to restart, and as a Ruler, she will probably have to run around again.

"…what's the situation?"

"It's like this. This morning our red side's Webber Velvet was called over by the black side's Clock Tower Monarch Maris Billy. These two people have a relationship in private. I'm not too worried about Mr. Webber, but I'm afraid of the horse. Lisby used despicable means to threaten him based on his status, and secretly conspired to control the direction of the Holy Grail War... Is this legal?"

Astraea was silent for a moment.

 Well, go to Maris Billy.

  ‘What’s your purpose? ’ Atalanta asked Ji Xing in her mind.

  ‘It’s nothing, Doudou Xiaoma, I’m not interested in the intrigue between magicians and the national government, or I can say it’s a bit annoying, it’s very annoying.

I don’t care whether magicians should be free to study or be controlled. Even between the two, I prefer the latter, because the behavior of many magicians has gone against human principles. ’

  …You are such a special guy, aren’t you a magician yourself? Don't you pursue the root like other magicians? ’

 ‘Pursue is to pursue for the sake of use, not for the sake of pursuit. ’ Ji Xing replied.

If he hadn't found after evaluation that the five major magics were the best way to help him reach the Heroic Soul Seat, he just wanted to build up his strength. For him, mastering magic may not be the only way to be the strongest. There is a very interesting magic that is almost completed. !


 Four thirty in the afternoon.

Astraea walked out of the Hyatt Regency Hotel and met Ji Xing again not far away.

 “Are you still there?”

"Well, let me confirm the situation with Ruler. Of course, if it's inconvenient, just pretend I didn't ask." Ji Xing said.

"There is nothing inconvenient. The Holy Grail War is going on as normal." Astraea said: "Even if something really happens, he won't explain it to me. I just gave you a warning like I did to you."

 “That’s it…good job.”

"Yeah." Astraea nodded lightly, walked past Ji Xing, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Is there anything else?"

 “Oh, no more, no more.”

Astraea snorted softly, visibly relieved: "It's not long before night, do you want to go get something to eat together?"

“Well, forget it, I don’t want to be too conspicuous for the time being... Although no one else can tell who I am except Ruler.”

The appearance is different, the magic properties are different, and even the habitual movements are different. They are indeed two people like the Red Saber Master Hayakawa Tatexing, a strange human being... Astraea hummed, turned and walked away.

Ji Xing walked around this day and gradually got used to Atalanta's power. He decided to find a place to squat for a while and wait until night to see who would start the battle.

As soon as he moved his steps, a strong wind and a sense of crisis suddenly came from behind him.

He was stunned for a moment before a pair of strong, white arms hugged his waist. Immediately, the arms exerted force and were about to knock Ji Xingguan to the ground!

At the moment he was about to fall, Ji Xing's right elbow flicked deftly, his legs were criss-crossed to clamp the attacker's waist, and he tried his best to twist him away.

Ji Xing stood up immediately, and the figure that was thrown away by him also tumbled in the air and fell steadily back to the ground, with his blond hair flying.

Who is Astraea who just left?

 “Hmph, my wrestling level is a bit off.”

Ji Xing unexpectedly spread his hands: "Ruler, why did you suddenly launch a sneak attack? If you really want to wrestle with me, just say so and I will wrestle with you."

Astraea looked gloomy and seemed a little angry. Finally, she sighed: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be angry with you."

 She just caught something that violated the rules of the Holy Grail War, which left her with no time to rest, so she felt a little angry.

“Let’s discuss wrestling skills next time.” She said, “I have to deal with something first. A master… summoned the 16th heroic spirit against the rules!”


The Pantel brothers couldn't hold it back.

 In other words, in the morning, Dimlet got Kallen's three-stroke command spell and the box containing the holy relics, and waited until the evening before finally performing the summoning ceremony.

This is not forbearance at all, just looking for a reason for myself - "Night is coming, the battle may happen again, there is only one Achilles left, it is too easy to be outed by the King of Heroes or someone, even himself It is not certain that someone will be killed inexplicably like the silver lizard. ’

Must be summoned.

And this holy relic is by no means on the level of Spartacus, it’s too tempting!

It belongs to Karna, the son of the sun **** in ancient Indian mythology!

It was a poisonous snake arrow. It was the weapon used by Karna to fight Arjuna. It once shattered Arjuna's crown, but unfortunately it did not take away the opponent's life. Karna himself was In the subsequent battle, he was killed by Arjuna due to the curse.

It seems that because of this, this arrow is entangled with a bit of resentment that cannot be washed away, and it seems to be due to the craftsmanship of its own production, but as a holy relic, it has no impact.

If Karna could be summoned with the optimal spear level, the two brothers felt that it might be enough to compete head-on with the King of Heroes! And now, although only the Bow and Mad ranks are vacant, and Karna can only be summoned with arrows, he will not be too far off.

 Cooperating closely with Achilles, the combat power should be higher than that of the King of Heroes, giving the two brothers the highest combat power in this Holy Grail War!

 Even if you get targeted by Ruler, it’s still worth it!

The second time he performed the summoning ritual, he was also familiar with the process. The burning sensation in the magic circuit was far stronger than the last time, which made Dimlet wail loudly, but he had the perseverance to persevere until the end.

Looking at the figure of the heroic spirit emerging from the summoning formation, and feeling that his magic power was once again connected to the heroic spirit, he looked up with joy on his fat, sweaty face.

 Until he saw the figure of the heroic spirit clearly and read the message from the Holy Grail as his master.

 “Why not…”

 The two brothers were stunned.

The figure that appeared in the magic circle was not the fair-skinned and handsome Karna in the records. Although he was equally handsome, his complexion was dark and deep.

He was wearing a set of black clothes, with golden armor protecting his vital parts. He was holding a huge bow wrapped in black smoke. His eyes were dark and fierce, and the two brothers were instantly penetrated by a chill!

 “It’s not Karna…”

 “But Arjuna?!”

“He is not even an Archer. Although he holds a bow, he is a Berserker?” Dimlet murmured: “How could this be?”

  4k2, and keep writing.

 Aim to write the next chapter before 12 o'clock. If you can't finish it, then do it before 12:30.

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