Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 103: bride (twenty one)

No one dared to let go of every character that appeared in this dungeon.

Liu Congjia would put Xiao He's note into this box, which is enough to prove that Xiao He is not an insignificant passer-by, and may be related to Liu Lishu.

Perhaps, Liu Congjia suspected that Xiao He's disappearance was related to his brother...

Xia Zhiyi said: "Xiao Jinniang and Liu Congjia agree in love, maybe they really know who this Xiao He is, it would be even better if she is willing to tell."

Jing Ruyu turned her attention to the sleeping little ghost king: "Then it depends on our daughter."

Questioning the ghost king is naturally left to the professional counterpart Sheniu—the brave little ghost king is bound to do so.

It just so happens that Bubu also wants to accompany the lonely Xiao Jinniang.

Xia Zhiyi followed suit, then looked away, took a bite of the apple, and said firmly, "Trust her, she can do it!"

Then the topic changed: "Now we can be sure that Liu Lishu is not an easy person, so let's save him...should we take it easy?"

The information obtained is shrouded in fog, like looking through the fog, only the outline can be vaguely seen, and the whole picture cannot be clearly seen.

It was true that Liu Lishu was trapped, and it was true that there were problems. Now even whether he would really cooperate with the players to find his sister after being rescued has become a mystery.

Does he really know where Liu Congjia is?

Or is he just acting, coaxing players to die for him?

Is he a complicated good guy, or a pure evil?

Jing Ruyu frowned, and after a while, she shook her head lightly, and suddenly mentioned someone: "Do you still remember Mr. Qiu?

"How about we go find him first tomorrow?"

Rescuing Liu Lishu needs to go to the Wu family. With Wu Mingyi's inferiority, the Wu family has already become a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and it is not as easy to break into as imagined.

That being the case, why not do the side mission first, get the clue from Mr. Qiu, and think about it later.

Xia Zhiyi suddenly realized: "Ah, yes, there is also Mr. Qiu."

She was so busy today that she almost didn't realize that there was a side mission waiting for them.

"Okay, let's go find him first tomorrow."

I hope this Mr. Qiu can clarify the current situation.

The two sat in the room, relying on fruits to satisfy their hunger.

They took some time to give some to the other four, and the rest was given to Boubu who was able to eat and worked hard.

Time passed quietly, and the night was getting darker.

Soon, the familiar noise sounded outside the house again.

The sound of festive gongs and drums is deafening and eerie in the dark night, no matter how many times you hear it, it can make your hair stand on end.

Bubu didn't need them to shout, as soon as the sound of blowing and blowing came from outside the window, she woke up herself.

Sitting sleepily on the bed, my stomach growled.

She rubbed her eyes: "Boob, hungry..."

Xia Zhiyi pointed to the fruit basket on the table: "There is no food tonight, but there are a lot of fruits, all from Boo Boo."

Bubu is not picky about food, he is happy when he has something to eat.

She nimbly jumped out of bed and headed straight for the fruit basket.

Picking up a bunch of grapes, she sat at the table, dangling her calves, eating happily.

Xia Zhiyi stroked her hair with a smile, and asked softly, "Is Bubu going to accompany that sister outside tonight?"

Bubu thought for a moment, then nodded.

Xia Zhiyi approached her with a smile on her face, and said, "That's just right, mothers need a little favor from you."

Boob turned to look at her.


Xiao Jinniang appeared again.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Bobu running out of the inn.

Boubo had a ball head tied on his head, the little tiger was on his back, and he was holding a piece of paper in his hand.

Something seemed to be drawn on the paper.


The little ghost king was very happy to see his own kind again.

Xiao Jinniang stood on the top of the sedan chair and looked down at her, but this time there was no pressure: "You are here again."

Bubu enthusiastically presented his masterpiece: "Look!"

Xiao Jinniang floated down, took the paper, and opened it to read.

A circle was drawn on the paper, and under the circle was a simple body like a match, which could vaguely be understood as a person.

And under this person, there is also a boxy thing—it seems to be her sedan chair.

Xiao Jinniang held the painting, and her eyes fell on the proud child: "You drew me?"

Bubu nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Boob, great!"


Xiao Jinniang looked at her, and suddenly smiled.

When she smiled, she was very gentle, without a sense of oppression, and her affinity was multiplied, like a flower in spring and a warm sun in autumn.

"Yes, it's great, it's well drawn, you can tell it's me."

She doesn't care about what she did in front of those two people yesterday.

After all, this is her duty, and she is a child, how can she know so much about right and wrong?

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Jinniang squatted down and looked at Bubu, "Are you just here to give me paintings?"

"Come to accompany you," Bubu said innocently, "You are not happy."

She is not very good at talking, but Xiao Jinniang can still understand her meaning.

Xiao Jinniang did not refuse the kindness.

"Also," said Boo Boo suddenly, "help the mothers."

Xiao Jinniang raised her eyes unconsciously.

In a certain room, in a certain slightly opened window, there are two restless and bold adults.

Withdrawing her gaze, she continued to look at Boob: "What are you going to do?"

Bubu recalled what Xia Zhiyi taught her, and cleverly repeated: "Xiao He, who is it?"

Xiao Jinniang looked at Bubu quietly with downcast eyes when she heard the words, and said after a while: "Accordingly, I won't provide you with any information and help."

Bubu just looked at her like this, his eyes were watery.

Xiao Jinniang smiled, unfolding the picture she drew for herself.

"But for the sake of this, I can tell you. I'll just say it once, and you have to remember it."

Boob is back.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu squatted down, waiting for her answer.

Because she always likes to imitate others, and she is a smart child, so they taught her to learn Xiao Jinniang's answer, and then learned it for them when she came back.

I saw Bubu trying to recall it, as if the sentence was very long, and it was a challenge for a child.


She talked and thought, even the eyeballs were trying to remember.

"Beautiful...gentle...cute...unique...of...Congjia sister, your maid!"

Xia Zhiyi: "?"

Jing Ruyu: "?"

There are too many private goods in this prefix!

Why should the ghost king embarrass the ghost king, this is still a child who can't speak very much!

"Maid!" Boob repeated the last two words as usual.

Xia Zhiyi patted her head affectionately: "Bubbu is doing very well, mothers, remember, now Bubu can take a rest."

Hearing this, Bubu pointed to himself, and then pointed out the window: "Bubu, stay with her."

Jing Ruyu nodded: "Well, go, protect yourself, come back if there is danger."

Boo Boo nodded.

She happily jumped out of the window, landed lightly, ran to the sedan chair, climbed onto the top of the sedan chair, and looked up at Xiao Jinniang.

She doesn't know what she should do, but it seems that sitting here is enough.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu confirmed that Xiao Jinniang would not do anything to Bubu, then returned to the bed and continued to sort things out.

They currently have three major problems to continue to solve:

1. Complete the main task given by Xiao Jinniang and find Liu Congjia;

2. Find ways to obtain information on the opening day of the ferry;

3. Find out the truth and solve the mystery.

The ferry is guarded by the King of Ghosts, so it is not easy to lift the curtain of the sedan chair to take a peek.

There is also a possibility that these problems need to be solved together.

— Only by solving the mystery can you find Liu Congjia, and if you find Liu Congjia, Xiao Jinniang may let them go.

But who can tell when the opening day will be?

Does it really have to be on the fifth day?

The situation is urgent, and they still have to find a way to get clues for the opening day in advance.

It would be great if there was something I could exchange with Xiao Jinniang...

"Zhiyi, do you still remember..." Jing Ruyu suddenly remembered something, "Is there a female ghost in the Liu Mansion?"

Xia Zhiyi paused for a moment, and suddenly became enlightened, her eyes widened instantly.

"Yeah, she wouldn't be..."

—The missing Xiao He.

Xia Zhiyi was surprised: "Isn't she missing, but dead?"

She carefully recalled the scene she saw that day, and frowned: "Her ghost has been wandering around the Liu Mansion, was she killed nearby or did she have any unfulfilled wishes?

"And she has always wanted to cross the blood rain, it seems that she really wants to come out..."

"We should investigate her," Jing Ruyu said solemnly, "If Liu Congjia cares about her, it means that she is the main character and must know some inside information."

Xia Zhiyi: "It makes sense."

After finishing speaking, she frowned again, and said distressedly: "But we have to ask her herself—isn't it, this ghost?

"Will she cooperate?

"The most important thing is... how do we get over that **** rain?"

This is an escape dungeon. After all, the Ghost King and New World are still in the same group, so it is impossible to really help them in everything.

It's not bad to be able to passively sabotage work like the half-faced Buddha, and just watch them scurry around in the dungeon.

What's even worse is that she, Xia Zhiyi, is still banned from the official fate, and she can't even use the right to make a wish...

The two of them thought hard for a while, wishing to forcefully add an extra skill to the item in their hands.

Finally they decided - go to bed and talk about it tomorrow.

"I'll ask the rest of the team tomorrow if they have any props to survive the **** rain. Teamwork is not tiring."

Xia Zhiyi lay on the bed and looked at the top of the bed.

"If it really doesn't work, I'll go ask Xiao Jinniang for help, and take Bubu with me!"

Jing Ruyu turned her head to look at the girlfriend lying beside her, seeing her valiant and high-spirited look, she couldn't help but laugh.

Xia Zhiyi heard that soft laughter, and couldn't help but look at her curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

Jing Ruyu said calmly: "My girlfriend is cute, so I laughed."

Xia Zhiyi poked her shoulder: "Cute, you dared to push me away again and again before!"

It didn't turn around so quickly.

She has a grudge, a big grudge, and she has to talk about it for a while!

Jing Ruyu accepted it willingly and obediently, and took her into his arms, loving her: "I won't dare in the future."

She hugged her tightly: "I will never let you go again."

Xia Zhiyi gently hugged her back: "Just remember it!"

So arrogant as to be acting like a baby.

Jing Ruyu bent her lips, and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her hair.

"Good night."

"OK, good night."

Xia Zhiyi put her hands and feet on her body, hugging her like an octopus.

Outside the house, Xiao Jinniang was hugging Bubu, teaching her to read and write.

She had nothing to do, and seeing that Bubu was not very good at talking, she simply taught him a lesson.

Fortunately, Bubu is smart, he learns quickly and remembers well, so he won't make the teacher angry.

She lightly touched Bubu's head and said, "You are so smart, she must like it."

Boob raised his head, blinking his eyes, as if asking who she was talking about.

Xiao Jinniang said softly: "She is Sister Congjia.

"It's a beloved person who is in love with my sister."

Bubu hugged the book she conjured up, and asked in a childish voice: "The two love each other, what is it?"

Xiao Jinniang raised her eyes, looked in the direction of the Liu family, and said in a gentle tone, "It's because I like each other, I can't help but want to treat each other well, I want to stay with each other, and never be separated forever."

She looked down at the child in her arms: "Just like your two mothers."

If she wanted to kill Xia Zhiyi, Jing Ruyu would stand in front of Xia Zhiyi resolutely and never leave her alone.

The same goes for her and Liu Congjia.

They can also give everything for each other.

Bubu seemed to understand, but asked again: "Where is Sister Congjia?"

Xiao Jinniang was slightly taken aback when she heard the words.

The cool night breeze gently brushed her black hair.

Her soft voice melted in the wind: "I don't know."

She can't find her, she can't find her...

Bubu suddenly felt very sad: "Sister Congjia, is she dead?"

She has been particularly sensitive to death since before.

Xiao Jinniang was kind to her, and told her that Liu Congjia was good, and she also felt that Liu Congjia was good.

When she thought of Liu Congjia's death, she unconsciously began to feel sad.

Seeing the sad look on that little face, Xiao Jinniang was not angry.

She suddenly remembered the past with Liu Congjia.

They met in places that no one knew, and told each other their love under the warm sun.

They also give each other gifts.

Hairpins, concentric knots, sachets embroidered by myself, or an umbrella.

At that time, their love was not daring to be announced to the public, but it was still the sweetest.

When her Jiaer sees her, she is always the happiest, as if she has the most precious treasure in the world.

There was a time when a relative of hers died, and the family members wept heartbroken.

Her emotions were infected, and she couldn't help thinking about life and death.

On a whim, she asked Liu Congjia a question when they met.

"Jia'er, what do you want to do before you die?"

Liu Congjia didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Stay by your side."

She was moved and couldn't help laughing and continued to assume: "What if you can't stay by my side?"

Liu Congjia thought for a while, then said in a gentle voice, "Then take a breath."

She asked curiously, "What?"

But Liu Congjia smiled.

The sun was shining brightly that day, mottled and falling through the emerald green forest leaves, illuminating the corners of her beautiful and tender eyes, and blooming bright skylight.

"Save your breath to see you, and then stay by your side, not going anywhere."

This scene has been engraved in Xiao Jinniang's heart, warming her day after day, and giving her the courage to persevere in finding her.

She can't forget her smile, she can't forget her love that belongs to her alone.

Her love is not that complicated, as long as it is her, as long as she can stay by her side is enough.

So they will meet again, thousands of mountains and rivers, the stars alternate, and one day they will meet again.

Xiao Jinniang raised her hand and gently stroked Bubu's hair: "Sister Congjia is not dead.

She stared at the void, tenderly, just like staring at a lover: "We will meet again."

Her Jiaer is still waiting for her.

When she finds her, they will be together forever and ever, never to be separated again.

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