Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 111: bride (twenty-nine)

Strong wind, cold moon, and heavy night.

The clatter of the horse's hooves swept past, crushing a round of bright moon on the water, and the dust flew away.

Langyue drove wildly, with firm gaze, moving forward with one heart, not stopping for the wind at the moment.

The six people sat in the carriage, and their heartbeats couldn't help but speed up.

Pound, thump, as if it was about to jump out of the chest.

They are not familiar with the road at night.

The future is uncertain, no one knows how many dangers there will be, and what kind of accidents will happen.

They were afraid even if they said they were not afraid, because this time they had the ghost king to assist them.

The ghost king who holds the power of life and death.

The night wind howled past, and the curtains of the car were blown loudly.

Looking through the window, they could see the red figure flying in the air.

The evening wind passed through her long black hair and caressed her beautiful wedding dress, but it couldn't blow away the determination in her eyes.

She wants to find her lover back, Gods, Buddhas and ghosts, everything in the world is unstoppable!

Entering the mountain forest, the monsters arranged by Liu Lishu came out in full force.

Jing Ruyu immediately went out with Bubu in her arms, ready to fight.

Lang Yue also took out the talisman paper she had prepared.

"No need."

The majestic female voice fell lightly.

Xiao Jinniang then landed on the roof of the carriage and gently raised her arms.

The strong wind swept away, the shadows of the trees swayed and whirled, and the leaves rustled.

The branches moved ferociously, like awakened devils, and fell down like flowing water, turning into countless red silks in the blink of an eye.

The red silk was like light swimming snakes, quickly entangled the monsters, tightened suddenly, and strangled them on the spot in an instant, leaving no one behind!

"Bang bang bang" sounded one after another, and the annoying stumbling block was instantly cleared.

"Let's go." Xiao Jinniang said indifferently.

Several people were very emotional.

So efficient, the ghost king is worthy of being the ghost king.

Lang Yue silently put away her talisman and drove forward.

Bubu clapped happily in front of the car, applauding Xiao Jinniang.

The little ghost king didn't know how the big ghost king did it, but she just thought the big ghost king was so powerful!

Qiao Rui sighed in the car: "Is this how it feels to be ganged up by the ghost king? I love it."

Zhong Hong glanced at the top of the sedan chair: "It's better not to fall in love, lest someone's girlfriend hears about it and wants to settle accounts with you."

Qiao Rui made an "OK" gesture, and then made a zip gesture around her mouth.

Lu Ming worried: "By the way, will Liu Lishu and the others really know Liu Congjia's whereabouts?"

Chen Qian said: "I don't know, but I can't control my excitement right now!"

Lu Ming: "?"

Chen Qian: "It's the first time I get the help of such a powerful ghost king, it's cool and it's over!"

Since the future is uncertain, it is better to cherish the present moment, happiness is temporary.

And they have tried their best, even if they die, they can experience the feeling of being surrounded by the ghost king before they die.

Anyway, the scumbag Liu Lishu can't escape anymore!

Lu Ming was infected by her excitement, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, thinking about it instantly: "Yes, let's talk about it first!"

Between the mountains and forests, the wind howled.

The bright moon shines on the road ahead, and we will go forward without hesitation.

Among the secluded and quiet mountains, the hut is shrouded in moonlight, silent and silent.

Xiao Jinniang landed on the roof of the carriage, light and elegant.

She looked at the hut with the closed door in front of her, and then scanned the yellow talisman papers, her eyes were calm.

—So he was hiding here.

Xia Zhiyi leaned out and glanced at the roof of the carriage.

She felt that it was time for her to shoulder the responsibility of calling someone out again.

So she obediently squeezed out of the carriage, took a deep breath—


The mound of soil not far away exploded, abruptly interrupting her movements.

Several people were taken aback by surprise.

Then Xiao Jinniang's voice sounded, as cold as frost.

"Liu Lishu, come out."

Xia Zhiyi silently shrank to Jing Ruyu's side: "It seems like we don't really need us?"

Jing Ruyu stretched out his hand to protect her in his arms: "Then we'll just watch the show."

The ghost king's grievances are left to the ghost king to solve by himself.

Xiao Jinniang moved the mountains and rivers, and a loud noise made Liu Lishu hurriedly come out of the room to check the situation.

The moment he saw Xiao Jinniang, he froze in place, forgetting to move.

He didn't expect to see this face again...

Under the moonlight, Liu Lishu's appearance was reflected extremely clearly.

His face was clean, without a trace of haggardness, and the dark circles under his eyes had long since disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed.

Sure enough, he was pretending to deceive people!

Xia Zhiyi was startled, and said to Jing Ruyu in a low voice, "Damn it, it turns out that grandson specially put on makeup and came out to play with us!"

Jing Ruyu also found out, and said speechlessly, "He is really a good actor."

Xia Zhiyi cheered Xiao Jinniang silently: "Come on, Ghost King, kill him!"

Xiao Jinniang looked down at the man outside the hut.

"Liu Lishu, long time no see, you are not dead yet."

The carriage was parked a short distance from the fence.

Liu Lishu glanced at the talisman paper on the fence, and suddenly gained some confidence to deal with it.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. It really makes me sad to say such things when we first meet."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tree next to him was blown up by Xiao Jinniang.

He was startled suddenly, subconsciously took a few steps back.

While the debris was flying, the tree fell straight and straight, and then Xiao Jinniang's voice sounded: "Stop pretending, it's too disgusting, I don't like it."

She stretched out her hand coldly: "Give Jiaer back to me."


Liu Lishu shook his head.

"I don't know where Jia'er is. Don't listen to these people's one-sided words. They are just a group of despicable people who take advantage of you."

The audience in the carriage: "?"

Lang Yue immediately sent him a sentence: "Hey, you shameless thing, who can beat you in terms of despicableness!"

Xiao Jinniang naturally did not believe his words.

"Liu Lishu, what are you still struggling with?

"You made me like this, and you hid Jia'er, do you really think I won't settle accounts with you by hiding here?"

"I'll give you one last chance to hand over Jia'er's whereabouts."

When the voice fell to the ground, it fell down like a mountain, and it was an order that the ghost king could not resist.

Liu Lishu was stunned by her aura, straightened his back in a split second, smiled calmly, and finally stopped pretending to be stupid: "Yes, I know Jia'er's whereabouts, but why should I tell you? ?

"Could it be that if I told Jiaer's whereabouts, you wouldn't kill me?

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

He looked at the circle of talisman paper, full of confidence: "And you can't get in at all, you can't do anything to me!"

This is the double barrier set up by the master Taoist they found, which can exorcise demons and prevent invasion, and it is she, the grieving ghost, who is blocking it!

Xiao Jinniang didn't move for a long time, she must be afraid of these talisman papers and dare not go forward easily, otherwise with her hatred, shouldn't she rush over and strangle him to death!

Thinking of this, he laughed wildly and complacently.

In the end, it was he, Liu Lishu, who had the upper hand!

Seeing his smile, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu felt very embarrassed.

At the same time, they couldn't help worrying.

Could it be that even Xiao Jinniang couldn't catch Liu Lishu out...

At this time, they heard a sneer from above: "Can these things stop me?

"Liu Lishu, you still say that you are not stupid."


Liu Lishu was taken aback for a moment.

In an instant, countless red silks flew out from behind Xiao Jinniang.

The gorgeous and shocking red robe fluttered in the night wind, as if it was cheering for her.

She waved her palm slowly, and there was a series of whirring sounds piercing through the air while she was calm, and the red silk turned into a blade, and went straight to the talisman paper!

For a few moments, everyone could vaguely see the glare of the saber.

In the blink of an eye again, yellow confetti fell like snowflakes.

Formation, broken, effortless.

When everyone was astonished, Xiao Jinniang had already stepped in front of the astonished Liu Lishu, unscathed.

She has magnificent eyebrows and eyes, with cold stars shining in her eyes, her aura is awe-inspiring, inviolable and frightening.

"Don't forget, I am also the most yin and pure body, the king of all ghosts.

"A small path, what can I do?"

The few people who had been watching the show in the back were instantly amazed by the handsomeness of this scene.

Xia Zhiyi: "Wow, this is too handsome, I love it—"

She turned her head to look at her girlfriend, and under the gaze of the other party with a smile, said calmly: "Of course, you are as handsome as her!"

"Huh? No distinction between equals?"

"You are even better in my heart!"


Qiao Rui and others: "..."

I feel like this single dog is suddenly kicked by a stinky couple.

Before Liu Lishu could react, he suddenly felt his throat tighten.

Xiao Jinniang grabbed his neck, her face full of indifference.

"Your Wulang pinched me like this that day, how does it feel?"

Liu Lishu's face turned red from being pinched, his breath was dying, and he couldn't breathe at all.

In the past, people were fake and deceived, but today it has come true!

— It’s uncomfortable, it’s too uncomfortable!

Xiao Jinniang let go of him suddenly, giving him another chance to breathe.

She looked down at him kneeling on the ground like a dog, coughing violently and gasping for breath.

"Hand over Jia'er's whereabouts."

Liu Lishu finally got his breath, and slowly raised his head with a blushing face.

"I said, will you let me go?"


"I don't believe—uh!"

Xiao Jinniang suddenly raised her foot and stepped on his head, stomping him to the ground, her eyes were extremely cold.

"You're right, I really won't let you go."

Her original plan was to find Liu Congjia first, and then work with her to deal with this pair of evils slowly.

But I didn't expect these two people to control Liu Congjia's whereabouts.

Let them go? wishful thinking!

Everyone: "..."

You blame the honest ones.

Liu Lishu was trampled under his feet, unable to move, and was in a terrible state of distress.

The pretense of the usual days is trampled to pieces at this moment, there is nothing left.

In front of the powerful ghost king, he was powerless to resist and could only let himself be slaughtered.

He was surprised by this honesty, and immediately laughed again, still not giving up struggling: "If I say it, I will die, do you think I will say it?

"Otherwise, you can kill me. If you kill me, you will never want to know her whereabouts!"

"Fuck!" Chen Qian couldn't hold back, "He's so treacherous!"

Jing Ruyu suddenly said, "Miss Xiao, it's impossible for him to be the only one who knows about this matter."

Liu Congjia disappeared together with the coffin.

It was a big project, how could Liu Lishu complete it by himself?

Since the people in the Liu family didn't know, it means that he probably used the power of people outside the house to complete this matter.

And his best friend, Wu Mingyi, who is willing to kill for him and has strong financial resources, is a major suspect.

Xiao Jinniang glanced at her, then slowly turned her head to look at Liu Lishu, slightly raised her lips, showing a dangerous smile.

"Do you think he would say that?

"Forget it, let me take you to ask him directly. He is so obsessed with you, so he probably won't be willing to see you suffer."

Liu Lishu was stunned when he heard this, but before he could react, he was picked up, suddenly lifted up in the air, and was carried away like a piece of rag.

Xia Zhiyi watched helplessly as Xiao Jinniang dragged Liu Lishu away.

She hurriedly urged Lang Yue to drive: "Hurry up! It's time for us to go to the Wu family to see a play!"

How could they miss such a cool scene of the ghost king abusing a scumbag!

The author has something to say:

There are more changes.

Players watch the show in the front row, VIP seats.

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