Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 120: Model Community (2)

The man with glasses thought from his heart that Boo Boo had a good identity, otherwise how could the New World let a child in for no reason?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

But he quickly came to his senses.

Because he found out that this small mission NPC knew Xia Zhiyi and the others.

Not only did Xia Zhiyi say that his reasoning was wrong, but the child also turned to them and said "Boo is hungry", and then looked at them expectantly with bright eyes.

Obvious acquaintance.

Glasses man: "?"

It seems... guess wrong?

He hasn't seen any quest NPC that can make him hungry enough to find the player. It's not bad if they don't eat the player...

Xia Zhiyi bent down and gently patted Bubu's head: "Wait a minute, Bobu, when the mothers find something to eat, I'll feed it to Bobu, okay?"

Boo Boo is also good, not noisy, nodding his head and agreeing.

This stunned the four players.

Mom, moms? ? ?

The man in glasses immediately turned his head to look at the nearby white mist, and was even more shocked.

Isn't this a new world?

Isn't this an escape copy? ?

How could anyone bring a child in, right? ? ?

No, this is no ordinary child!

She is also carrying two bags, she is definitely not an ordinary child!

He pointed at Boubo in surprise and asked, "What is this kid!"

Jing Ruyu said generously: "Props—personally bound props."

The mighty little ghost king is a top item that no one else can take away no matter how jealous they are.

On the contrary, if you want to hurt her master, you have to fear three points because of her.

It was obviously the first time for several people to see the humanoid props, and they couldn't help being stunned at this moment, their eyes slowly fell on Boubo.

Bubu found that the dog's ears are easy to pinch, so he is pinching the dog's ears with his head down.

Sensing the gazes of several adults, she grabbed the dog Baobao's ears with both hands, slowly raised her head, and greeted their gaze innocently.

She tilted her head, suddenly lifted the dog's ears up, and showed them with a grin: "Wow!"

The sharp and dense teeth once again shocked the audience.

Several people took a few steps back in tacit agreement.

—It’s a humanoid prop, but it’s a little monster.

Huang Xiao, the man with glasses, said in surprise, "I thought she was a mission NPC..."

Xia Zhiyi smiled slightly: "I also hope that my child will be a mission NPC."

one World, One Dream.

If Bubu becomes a task NPC, it must be a big reward for the opening of the dungeon. If one comes, one will be free to pass the level, and there will be no hesitation in opening the gate.

Huang Xiao looked at the two of them again, and felt that they were different no matter how they looked.

It must not be easy for someone who can get this kind of props!

His teammate is a short-haired girl named Shao Ziwen.

Shao Ziwen turned his head to look around, frowned and said, "Then where is the mission NPC for this dungeon? Didn't you mention it?

"Could it be that the other party is hiding and we need to find it?"

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu also looked puzzled.

The mission NPCs they met in the past all appeared very straightforward, and the most different one was the half-faced Buddha copy.

At that time, the player had to follow the command of the broadcast to find the task NPC, but the broadcast instructions were very clear, and the player only needed to follow the instructions to move forward, which was not as confusing as this time.

Could this be the fifth dungeon's warning to the player?

Xia Zhi thought for a few seconds, then turned around and began to search around.

Look for it, whoever is afraid of it!

They have worked so hard to get to this point, and they are already ready to accept the move, so just use any tricks in the new world to them, and they will see the tricks themselves!

She looked at the grass behind her, but found nothing.

At this time, Jing Ruyu held her hand, raised his finger to point to the wide avenue without white fog gathering in front, and asked, "Would you like to take a look?"

Jing Ruyu said: "The broadcast only said that the task NPC has arrived, but did not say where the task NPC is, even if it is in the dungeon, it has arrived, so it is not sure that players really need to find it by themselves.

"Let's look for it along the way, maybe we will gain something."

Xia Zhiyi felt that what his girlfriend said was very reasonable.

The task NPC is also here to work in the dungeon, who knows if New World Broadcasting is picking words with them?

The two of them did it as soon as they said it, and left as soon as they said it.

They chose a path and carefully led Boubo to explore the way.

With the experience of encountering ghosts during the day in the last dungeon, they dare not relax even in the daytime now.

Bubu was not afraid of anything, carrying two bags on his back, walking in front of them with a look on his face.

Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen looked at each other, and followed Xia Zhiyi decisively.

It's irrational to be alone in a strange place, and the child's props don't look simple, maybe it's safest to follow them.

Anyway, they don't know where to go right now.

The remaining two stood there and hesitated for a few seconds.

The muscular man put his hands in his pockets, frowned, raised his eyes and looked around, and after a few seconds he snorted softly, "We'll follow and have a look."

The asphalt road is spacious and open, covered with gentle morning light, so quiet that it seems to be isolated from the world.

There are large green belts on both sides of the road. The green belts have been neatly trimmed, and the light green and dark green are contrasted with each other, and the big four characters—model community have been pruned out.

Xia Zhi thought of these four words: "Model community..."

Bubu followed suit, and said in a childish voice, "Model community!"

Xia Zhiyi smiled and picked her up, praised her for being smart, then turned to look at Jing Ruyu: "Maybe this is where we are going next?"

Jing Ruyu nodded: "It should be right, let's go ahead and have a look."

A group of people continued to walk forward, searching while walking, and even knocked on the trash cans on the road, but the result was nothing, as if they were in the land of no one, which made people feel uneasy.

The most suffocating thing is - there is another white mist at the end of the road.

The vast white mist is like a high wall, blocking the front and cutting off the way.

Several people stood in front of the white mist, their expressions were a little surprised.

The new world has set up two roads that can be walked, but the end of one of them is still white mist? !

Is this intentionally slipping the player?

Is it intentional? !

Xia Zhiyi: "It's hard not to suspect that the New World is wicked again."

Bubu watched a large white mist enveloping the road ahead in her arms, and suddenly felt very novel.

She stretched out her hand and leaned forward, wanting to touch it, grab a handful and play with it in the palm of her hand.

Xia Zhiyi had sharp eyesight and quick hands, quickly grabbed her hand back, and said seriously: "You can't touch this, it's dangerous."

Bubu looked at her obediently, half understanding.

Xia Zhiyi said again: "Boob should avoid this when he sees this, don't let them catch up with you, or he will be eaten, understand?"

Bubu understood this time, and nodded vigorously.

Jing Ruyu looked down at the road in front of her, and frowned slightly.

For some reason, she always felt that this road was not so simple.

Is this really an unnecessary act of the new world...

Shao Ziwen opened the mouth and said: "Since there is no road here, it means that the other is a way of life. If you take that one, you will definitely be able to reach this model community. Have you seen the task NPC?"

Huang Xiao nodded: "Very likely, if we can't go that road, we may have to stay at that intersection and wait for the mission NPC to pick us up."

Shao Ziwen urged: "Then let's go quickly, I always feel uneasy if I don't see this mission NPC."

Huang Xiao responded: "Okay."

The white mist blocked it, and there was no other way to choose except to turn back, and they had no choice but to turn around.

At this time, there was a "bang" sound from the side.

They turned their heads and saw that the muscular man kicked over the trash can by the roadside.

With his hands in his pockets, his expression was very impatient, and his tone was full of hostility: "Fuck it, it's actually a false road, if I knew it, I wouldn't have come here!"

There are more and more irritating tricks in the new world!

Xia Zhiyi just put Bubu down, when she heard him being rough, she immediately hugged Bubu into her arms and covered her ears.

She raised her head and said to the man: "Be careful, be careful, there is a child here, don't swear in front of the child, the child will learn."

To this day, she still remembers the scene where Boubo imitated her and said "Gan", which is really unforgettable.

The child is still young, it is better to teach the child more.

Hearing this, the muscular man turned to her with a sneer: "Child? This also counts—"

Before he finished speaking, a red wind suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The wind emerged from the ground, hovering and turning into a figure in front of him.

A "person" in a red cloak appeared in front of everyone, holding a long sickle in his hand.

Only Bubu was held in Xia Zhiyi's arms and couldn't see anything.

The sickle gleamed coldly in the sunlight.

The muscular man looked at the man in the cloak in front of him, but he couldn't see his face at all—hidden under the cloak, there was only an unfathomable darkness.

It's like the elusive Grim Reaper.

Jing Ruyu reacted, and suddenly shouted at the muscular man: "Run!"

The muscular man's survival instinct was instantly activated, and he turned and ran.

But faster than him... is the scythe of death.

The dazzling knife light suddenly cut down!

With a "puff", blood spattered at night, and the red cloak was dyed even redder.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, that sturdy body fell straight down, making a heavy death sound.

— died instantly.

The sudden downsizing caught everyone off guard.

So fast, so fast that they didn't even have time to think about what death condition was triggered by the dead person.

The red-clothed monster's scythe is frightening, escape is the most important thing, and everyone can no longer care about other things.

But the monster in red didn't continue to attack them, but dragged the muscular man's body and disappeared into the air, leaving only a long bloodstain on the ground.

Shocking, creepy.

Bubu heard the movement but couldn't see it, which made her very curious and couldn't wait to look back.

At this time, someone suddenly picked her up gently from behind.

A well-proportioned man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in front of everyone.

"Kids can't watch this—you're a kid too."

As the man said, he took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Come on, eat candy."

Bubu smiled when he saw the candy, took it happily, and said politely, "Thank you!"

And not far behind her, the ferocious bloodstain slowly disappeared.

Jing Ruyu immediately called Bubu back to his side and took away the sugar to prevent Bobu from being killed.

This man also appeared out of thin air, his identity is unknown, and he cannot be taken lightly.

Sensing the master's hostility, Bubu's eyes were not glued to the candy, and he immediately turned to face the man ferociously.

Jing Ruyu doesn't like people, and she doesn't like them either!

The man waved his hand calmly: "Candy is not poisonous, you can eat it, and I won't harm children."

Jing Ruyu took Bubu and slowly backed away from him, shielded Xia Zhiyi, and said vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Hearing this, the man slowly turned to them, the expression on his face unchanged:

"I am your mission NPC, the administrator of the model community—Mr. Ji."

The author has something to say:

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