Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 123: Model Community (5)

It was impossible for Xia Zhiyi to report her name honestly.

Especially when the other party wants to form temporary parents with me and be her husband—no, no, she has a girlfriend!

Zhang Sheng didn't doubt him: "Ah, Xiaoqiao, then I'll call you that from now on."

Xia Zhiyi smiled generously: "Okay, just call it that way."

Shout it, it's not her name anyway.

I'm sorry, it's a coincidence.

This virtue, she lacks a skill!

Zhang Sheng said again: "The child is watching TV in the living room, let me take you to see her."

- The attitude of this NPC is not bad.

Xia Zhiyi agreed while thinking, and followed his footsteps.

The two came to the living room, and a cartoon full of childishness was playing on the TV.

The little girl is wearing a beautiful strawberry skirt, sitting quietly on the sofa watching TV.

Zhang Sheng introduced to the little girl: "This is mom, say hello to mom."

Xia Zhiyi's face remained calm, and she could resist as much as she wanted to be called "Mom" in her heart.

In the new world of dogs, this kind of experience is unnecessary! !

Then she saw the little girl slowly turn her head to look at her, her face was very calm, even dull.

"Hi mom."

Like an emotionless robot.

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Sure enough, as the surname Ji said, a blank sheet of paper doesn't even have an expression.

Forget it, it's better to be quiet, it's better than a brat who jumps up and down and only creates trouble for others.

This is the fifth dungeon, no one wants to bring a little guy who can make trouble with him.

And thinking that the children here would be bound by those suffocating rules, Xia Zhiyi immediately felt pity.

She bent her lips and smiled very kindly: "Hello.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have a name," said the little girl, looking at them, "Mom and Dad, please give me a name."

Xia Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment.

She had a keen sense of traps.

The act of naming is often accompanied by more or less emotion.

As time gets longer and longer, the injected feelings will be tempted by time to pour more and more unconsciously, and in the end it is likely to face a dilemma that is difficult to let go.

The dungeon allows players to name their children by themselves, maybe that's what they mean.

Once the player develops feelings for this unknown child, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Whether she thought about it or not, she must not take that name.

So she gave this task to Zhang Sheng very politely and smartly: "I am named incompetent, you decide, I will listen to you."

She is so friendly and humble, why shouldn't the surname Ji come and present her with the best humility award? !

Zhang Sheng said with a smile: "I don't know what name to choose for a while, why don't I choose a nickname first."

Xia Zhiyi humbly said to the end: "It's fine, it's fine, I'm fine."

Zhang Sheng glanced at the strawberry pattern on the little girl's clothes: "That's... strawberry? Little strawberry?"

Xia Zhiyi immediately said: "Okay, well done, strawberries!"

Zhang Sheng: "?"

You deserve it really fast...

Xia Zhiyi just wanted to solve it quickly, and was not interested in why it was called Strawberry.

Strawberry is just strawberry, just call it by nickname, it doesn't matter how it came from!

The most important thing is that they can pass the level!

After solving the child's name, Xia Zhiyi turned to look at the layout on the second floor.

There are three rooms and a large balcony on the second floor.

She opened each one and took a look.

Parents and children's rooms can be easily distinguished from the layout of the room.

The most suffocating thing is that there is only one double bed in the parent's room, and the meaning of the copy cannot be more obvious.

Xia Zhiyi was speechless.

If it was Jing Ruyu who raised the child with her, she would gladly accept this arrangement, but this is a strange NPC full of unknowns!

It's hard to understand, it's just temporary parents, is it necessary to sleep in the same room?

What if this NPC is like Wu Mingyi who can kill people, and suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and stabs her, and the half-faced Buddha refuses to go to work to save her dog's life? !

Xia Zhiyi once again felt deeply worried about her personal safety.

After closing the door, she didn't want to take another look at the room.

She must sleep in another bed tonight, absolutely not giving this NPC a chance to murder herself!

The children's room is relatively cute and warm, with nothing outstanding.

Xia Zhiyi stood at the door and glanced a few times before leaving.

She turned the corner and walked toward the third room.

As soon as she stopped at the door, she realized something was wrong—the room was locked from the outside.

The door is a different color than the other two bedrooms.

The door of the bedroom is light white, but this one is black.

There was a lock on the door, but the lock was not closed, and the door seemed ready to be opened at any moment.

Xia Zhiyi couldn't help but look at the door.

The room was very quiet, without a single movement.

It is incompatible with the white decoration around it, and it is so lonely and gloomy in black. It looks oppressive and makes people dare not approach it easily.

Xia Zhiyi stepped back unconsciously, a gust of cold air rushed around the back of her neck, making her feel hairy.

She was curious about the things behind this door, but she didn't dare to open the door without authorization, for fear that what she opened would be Pandora's magic box, and there would be endless troubles.

She backed away a little more.

Looking at the black door, she suddenly had a terrifying thought—

This room...wouldn't be used to lock her up?

The gloomy thoughts rushed to the tip of his heart with traces of coldness, making Xia Zhiyi's scalp tingle, and he felt even more intense fear of this temporary family.

At this time, she suddenly heard Zhang Sheng's voice behind her.

She turned around slowly, and saw him standing not far away looking at her.

"So you are here." Zhang Sheng said with a smile.

After Jing Ruyu entered the room, she noticed the manual on the shoe cabinet at first sight.

She picked it up to read, and immediately frowned at the suffocating rules and regulations on it.

These prohibitions and prohibitions are like a curse that binds every child in this community.

How can children be educated like this, how can there be such a place...

Then I thought of the new world, and suddenly felt reasonable again.

Nothing is impossible here.

New world, metamorphosis.

Standing on the ground, Bubu saw Jing Ruyu open a thin book, eager for knowledge, she beckoned Jing Ruyu to squat down, she wanted to read it too.

Jing Ruyu then knelt down, took her into his arms and watched with her.

As a result, Bubu tilted his head in her arms in various ways, as if he couldn't understand, he lifted up the book and looked at it suspiciously, and then asked her for a pen with great interest.

She was puzzled, and asked softly, "What do you want a pen for?"

I saw Bubu pointing to the manual, and said innocently: "Bai Bai, you can draw!"

Jing Ruyu was startled when he heard that.

nothing? how can that be?

There are so many regulations on oppressing children clearly and densely written on it, the whole thing is "How to become a guide to feudal remnants that everyone shouts and beats in the new era."

Boo Boo said she didn't understand it, but she said she couldn't see it.

Jing Ruyu was not sure, pointed to the paper, and asked patiently: "Is there nothing on it?"

Boo Boo nodded.

Jing Ruyu asked again: "Just like the paper used for canvas painting, there is nothing?"

Bubu nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

Jing Ruyu suddenly understood.

This manual can only be read by parents, and children are not qualified to read it.

But why does this community with all-hands-eyes prevent children from reading?

Aren't they able to control their children like puppets through domesticated parents?

She looked down at the words on the paper, and suddenly a thought came to her mind.

Could it be... this community is preventing the children from awakening?

Lifting his eyes and looking around, his eyes refocused on the manual.

After reading it, she closed the manual.

However, just when she was about to put it away, the manual suddenly ignited, fell out of her hand, and burned completely in front of the two of them.

Jing Ruyu: "..."

Sure enough, it burns after reading it.

Boo Boo bent down with a curious expression on his face, and patted the ground where the handbook fell with his two small hands.

Cool, nothing but empty air.

"Wow!" Her eyes were bright, and her voice was childish, "It's gone!"

Jing Ruyu patted her head with a smile: "Well, not anymore."

Fortunately, she has a good memory, and has memorized 70% to 80% of the contents of the manual.

As for the content in the manual, it can be used as a reference for them to avoid the conditions of death, but it will never become her way of raising children.

She would not let Boob become such a soulless child.

She believes that her dear girlfriend thinks the same as she does.

At this time, a strange man appeared in front of them.

The man looks very young, with a calm expression and a calm look.

Jing Ruyu has no doubt that this is their temporary "family".

The man glanced at the mother and daughter, stretched out his hand and said to Jing Ruyu, "Hello, I am the temporary father, Ye Ming."

Jing Ruyu's first reaction was to use a fake name to deal with it.

It's a pity that in this dungeon, the garden baby's name obviously couldn't score twice.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties.

She stood up and said calmly, "Hi, just call me Lao Ji."

Ye Ming: "Same surname as the administrator?"

Jing Ruyu: "Yes."

Old Ji sounds higher than Xiao Ji.

If you don't harm the administrators in turn, you will be sorry for the administrators' harm to them.

Ye Ming nodded and looked at Bubu: "What's this kid's name?"

Jing Ruyu: "Boob."

Boo Boo raised his hand and repeated: "Boo Boo!"

Ye Ming lowered his head and gave Bubu a faint smile, then said to Jing Ruyu, "I'll show you around the house."

Jing Ruyu didn't refuse, and followed him vigilantly with Bubu.

The second floor has a large balcony and three rooms, two of which are bedrooms for adults and children.

The house is uniformly decorated in white, except for the door in the corner of the second floor.

There was also an unlocked lock on the black door.

This room gave Jing Ruyu a bad feeling.

She didn't approach, and stood some distance away from Ye Ming and the black door with Bubu, her eyes were cold and vigilant.

"What kind of room is this, and why is the lock on the outside?"

Ye Ming heard the words, turned his head and gently held the lock on the door, then looked at her again, and said:

"Think about the house."

"Think about the house?"

Xia Zhiyi stood by the wall safe and sound, repeating the word in surprise and bewilderment.

"What is the house of thought for?"

Zhang Sheng's sudden appearance startled her, but fortunately nothing happened.

Even so, she didn't dare to get too close to him, and walked away carefully along the wall, keeping a safe distance from him and the black door.

After standing still, she carefully asked about the origin of this room, and then got an answer of "Thinking about the room".

For this answer, she seems to be able to understand but also seems not to be able to.

Who was this for?

What did you think?

Why think about it?

Zhang Sheng suddenly walked past her, stood in front of Siguo's house, turned to look at her, and answered her questions.

"Of course it is used to punish disobedient children. You can also understand it as..." He slowly opened his lips, "Confinement room."

Xia Zhiyi: "???"

Are you so kid-centered? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Turn the scene in the middle, hey, the sense of suspense comes up, is it right?

It’s been a long time since I howled, and I want to howl again: Friends, let’s take a look at the pre-order of Ah Re’s next book (the next one if nothing else happens)!

If you are interested, please click to collect it. QAQ, collection is very important.

"You are so fragrant"


The big star Miss Zou is actually a succubus who feeds on other people's emotions.

The more others like her, the more spiritual she will be.

The emotion of liking has a flower-like smell to her, and the more she likes her, the more fragrant, intense and charming she is.

Then she met a demon exorcist.

This exorcist is serious, beautiful and cold.

On the first day of meeting, he held a mahogany sword and said to her coldly: "Demon girl, accept your surrender."

She looked at the exorcist, with an unprecedented, explosive fragrance of flowers lingering in her nose: "..."

Please, you are too delicious!

My fans are not as good as you! !

*Not the final text name, sand sculpture is right


*Jiao Didi's enchanting workmanship x spells, high-strength, thin-skinned fake high-level cold attack

(Essential mutual attack, is to divide who is more 1, cough)


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