Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 138: Model Community (20)

The written test is followed by an interview.

There are special interview question and answer rooms in the examination room, and each question and answer room is equipped with five examiners.

There is a long U-shaped table and several chairs in the question and answer room, surrounded by a lonely chair in the middle, the whole is cold and calm, without a trace of interest.

Candidates will bring their own test papers and enter the question and answer room one by one in a one-to-many mode to accept the assessment.

When the examiner asks questions to the candidates, they will take away the test papers of the candidates, review and score them at the same time, and then combine their interview scores to calculate the test scores of the candidates.

Candidates who are not called need to sit in the examination room and wait patiently.

When it was the players' children's turn to take the answering test, the administrator, Mr. Ji, came over in person.

He did not participate in the assessment, but stood behind the examiners, supervising with a blank expression.

A face is cold and stinky, and the children feel scared when they see it, and they become more well-behaved.

Bubu was not afraid of him, and sat obediently on the chair according to the words of the staff member with a good attitude.

The young lady asked her for the test paper.

She would get it wrong, and immediately unfolded the test paper happily, showing her her paintings, her eyes were astonishingly bright, as if she was expecting a compliment.

The rich colors and stick figures everywhere are proof of her childlike innocence.

The young lady was stunned after just one glance: "..."

After working here for so many years, it was the first time she saw a child dare to draw the test paper like this!

Didn't anyone tell her that this is not scratch paper? ? ?

Mr. Ji also saw the painting, and was speechless: "..."

Those two guys really didn't teach the children well.

In the following interview, Boo Boo did not disappoint him at all.

No matter what the question is, I don't know what to ask, but the expression is too cheerful, as if she came here to play, as long as she is happy, the exam and so on are not important at all.


Mr. Ji picked up the red pen himself, and neatly drew a zero on her test paper.

If she doesn't get zero points, it's just for God's sake.

After the interview, candidates will be taken to the waiting room on the next floor by the staff.

After the interviews for all candidates are over, the invigilator will go to the waiting room in person and distribute the test papers one by one, and then the children can leave the examination room and go back to their homes.

So they will not let any children go until all the candidates have finished their interviews.

Bubu didn't want to leave, and reached out to ask for his test paper: "Bubbu's..."

It was painted by her so hard, and she still wants to take it out for mothers to see!

Seeing this, the young lady explained: "We won't take away Bubu's test paper, and we will return it to Bobu soon, so that Bobu can take it home and show it to his mother, so now we need Bobu to go down and wait with the children. Wait a minute, okay?"

Bubu shook his head again when he heard the words, "Bobu won't leave."

She pointed at the entrance: "Boob is waiting for strawberries."

Mom said that she and Strawberry will hold hands, and she will take care of Strawberry, so she can't go away alone!

So she insisted on waiting for strawberries no matter what the staff said.

The young lady had no choice but to turn to look at Mr. Ji and ask for his opinion.

Mr. Ji nodded lightly, and pushed the frame: "The next one is Strawberry, you stay with her outside first, and send them down together after Strawberry's exam."


Boob and Strawberry went downstairs holding hands and entered one of the waiting rooms.

The young lady told them that they had to stay here for a while before going home to find their mothers. If they left now, the mothers would be angry, so they obediently followed downstairs.

The layout of the waiting room is much more childish than that of the upper floor.

The colors are bold and colorful, and the floor is covered with soft padded boards, on which children can run around freely without their shoes.

A cartoon is playing on the big TV.

Layers of picture books with fresh styles are placed on the bookcase by the wall.

There is a large O-shaped round table in the center of the waiting room, where children can read books or draw pictures.

Xiaoxuan and Congcong are also here, they are watching cartoons.

Congcong was a little absent-minded, and still looked unhappy.

Sitting next to her, Xiaoxuan looked calm and was completely unaffected by the exam. When he saw Bubu and Strawberry coming, he waved to them happily: "Bubbu, Strawberry, here!"

Bubu found that Congcong was unhappy, so he led Strawberry to her and asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Congcong looked up at her.

Boo Boo shook his head: "Boo Boo has no sugar today."

Seeing that she was not affected by the exam at all, Cong Cong couldn't help asking, "Did you do well in the exam?"

Bubu didn't understand: "What is the test?"

"It's the exam just now, write it down on paper, and then answer the teachers' questions..."

Congcong explained as much as possible with his limited vocabulary.

After hearing this, Bubu looked cheerful: "Bubbu has painted a lot!"

She gestured: "The white paper, Boo Boo has finished drawing!

"Boob, great!"

Congcong: "...?"

Painting, painting finished?

That's right, it's a drawing question...

"What about the teachers?"

"I don't know, Boo Boo doesn't understand."

"…Can't understand?"


She couldn't understand a word those grown-ups said, and she followed up with what the other party said. It was like a small repeater.

She also saw that the bad uncle frowned from time to time.

She can't understand, and doesn't want to understand, as long as she is happy!

Bubu turned to look at the round table: "Bubbu is going to paint!"

She just hasn't drawn enough!

"Let's go with strawberries!"

Strawberry shook her head: "I want to watch cartoons."

Bubu nodded: "Then Boubo can go by himself, Strawberry don't run around."

Strawberry also nodded: "Boob also don't run around."

Boo Boo: "Yeah, Boo Boo is right there, not going anywhere!"

So the three children watched Bubu run to the nursing teacher like the wind, imitating other children to ask for drawing books and pens.

Then I ran to the table and found a place where no one was sitting and drawing.

She is always so free and unrestrained.

Congcong looked at her back, with a hint of envy in his eyes unconsciously, then turned his head and continued to look at the cartoon in silence.

Wish I had the score my mom asked for...

Plenty of paper and colored pencils.

Bubu's desire to create was soaring, and he drew everything he had seen on paper.

For example, the half-faced Buddha, Granny Luo, Xiao Jinniang, as well as the toys of the brothers and sisters, and the backpacks of the mothers.

She painted freely and happily, and half an hour passed before she knew it.

At this time, two familiar voices suddenly sounded behind her—

"What are you drawing?"

She grabbed the crayon and looked back to see the twins standing behind her, gazing at her calmly.

Seeing a familiar face, a smile instantly jumped onto her face.

She happily took up her painting to show them, and explained to them every person, every object and every ghost king in the painting enthusiastically.

He even spoke and gestured, and even unconsciously used the ghost king's language that no one else could understand.

Yet the twins understood.

Not only did he understand, but he also responded fluently.

Ning Ning pointed to Granny Luo's stick figures and asked, "Is she the one who made your teeth look like this?"

Boo Boo nodded.

Jing Jing: "She is good or bad."

Ning Ning: "She is a big villain."

Boo Boo also said: "Bad guy!"

After she finished speaking, she smiled happily, feeling happy that she met the same kind again.

It was at this time that the twins realized that Bubu was not Jing Ruyu's child.

There is no blood relationship between them, but Jing Ruyu treats Bubu better than her own mother and daughter.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Jing Ruyu, there would be no Boo Boo.

The twins left after a few minutes in Boob's waiting room.

The perfect child has its own waiting room and cannot stay in other rooms for too long.

Soon, it will be time to hand out the results.

Along with the grades, there is also a thin piece of paper on which each child's interview questions are neatly written in black letters.

Strawberry looked at Boubo's grades first, and wanted to see how many points she got for writing fast.

Then she saw a big zero egg and a bunch of villains on the roll.


It turned out that she was just painting...

After distributing the test papers, the examiner said to them solemnly: "These two pieces of paper are for your parents to read, everyone should take them well and don't lose them.

"Now everyone can leave with the teachers and go home to find your parents."

When Bubu heard that it was for the mothers, he grasped the paper tightly and happily followed Strawberry's hand to follow the big team.

When the two walked out of the examination room, the first thing they saw were the two mothers sitting under the big tree, both of them were running towards them happily holding the test papers.

Xia Zhiyi and the two felt relieved when they saw the children came out safely.

This exam is finally over, they are really too boring, but they have nothing to do.

Now that they have it, they are looking forward to seeing their children's answers to the questions.

Bubu unfolded the test paper with a swish, letting them admire his soul painting.

When they saw the zero egg in the scoring column that was big enough to eat, and then saw the child's innocent and bright smile, they couldn't help laughing.

"Wow, our Boo Boo paints really well, and the colors are really good too."

Xia Zhiyi praised it carelessly.

"Mom, and mine."

Strawberry said, and handed in her test paper expectantly.

— three points.

I got two fill-in questions and one question-and-answer question correct.

They painted the colors of big trees and clouds, and they asked what time to go to bed.

Boobs don't care about these things, but Strawberry remembers them.

Xia Zhiyi said: "Wow, three points, our strawberries are so good!"

Children want to hear compliments, then they will be done with it, and parents will praise their children so much that they will not lose a piece of meat!

Strawberry was really happy to hear that, even if she failed with three points.

Congcong turned to look at their family of four, holding his test paper in his hand.

She scored twenty points.

It's still ten minutes away from the thirty minutes my mother asked for...

But she has already done better than many children in the exam. If Bubu got a duck egg in the exam, her mother can praise her, so her mother shouldn't be angry with her, right?

She also wants to hear compliments...

Ah Yu didn't come to pick up Congcong because of business, it was Congcong's father who came.

Congcong's father said: "Mom made lunch for Congcong at home, and Congcong can eat it when he goes back.

"As for the test paper, let's take it back and read it with my mother, okay?"

Cong Cong squeezed the test paper tightly, raised his head and nodded lightly: "Yes!"

Jing Ruyu and the two took their children home. When passing by A Yu's house, they happened to bump into A Yu's family reading test papers outside.

It seems that Ah Yu has been waiting here, and the child can't wait to pick up the test paper and check the score after the child comes back.

It's just... her expression is not very good-looking.

Ah Yu took the interview topic and read it word by word, and a strong anger suddenly burned in his chest.

Every word and every question on it was taught by her yesterday, and every question was correct, and they all hit the mark.

If Congcong had memorized her words carefully, thirty points would not be a problem at all, but this kid only scored twenty points!

Only 20 points, far from 60 points!

She clearly taught it... She clearly asked her to listen attentively!

"Are you **** me off on purpose?"

Ah Yu was condescending, looking coldly at the child who was not as tall as her legs.

"These are obviously the original questions, why did you do something wrong?

"What were you doing yesterday, what were you thinking?

"These are all things I taught you, why can't you still do it wrong?!"

This was a score that was within reach, but she lost a lot of points because of the child's inattention, which made her even more annoyed.

If you can't do such a simple question, what should you do on Sunday?

Did she want to kill her? !

Looking at the exam questions she had won, Ah Yu became more and more angry, and finally lost her mind and blurted out: "Are you an idiot?!"

The angry words fell to the ground heavily, like a cold arrow piercing Cong Cong's heart.

What greeted her was not praise or encouragement, but harsh criticism and insults.

Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen ran into this scene as soon as they came back.

Several adults were all surprised.

She just... scolded Congcong, right?

Ah Yu also reacted, and immediately froze in place, her eyes widened instantly.

The next second, they saw that the girl who had been silent all this time suddenly had a frighteningly cold expression. She lowered her head slightly and covered her eyes.

Then Xiaoxuan's expression also became cold, and he covered his eyes.

Then there are strawberries.

It's like they've made a deal and know they should do it.

Only Boob is out of the situation.

She looked at Strawberry and the three of them, raised her hand again, looked at the palm of her hand, her face was puzzled, she didn't know why she had to cover her eyes.

The little hands were raised and lowered, not knowing whether to follow them or not.

At this time, a big cool hand suddenly appeared, covering her eyes.

"Children can't watch."

Mr. Ji's voice fell in her ears, just like before.

The children closed their eyes, and the red wind reappeared.

The fluttering cloak and the sharp sickle once again appeared in front of everyone.

Powerful oppression enveloped Ah Yu who violated the taboo.

-Parents are not allowed to beat or scold their children.

Ah Yu turned around and ran away!

The white light flickered behind her, flashing everyone's eyes, and she raised the knife and dropped it, and the blood splattered all over in an instant, so fast that she had no time to take the second step.

There was still a surprised and troubled expression on her face, which looked hideous and terrifying.

The blood was dripping, and she just fell down straight in front of everyone, and soon lost her breath.

The children still covered their eyes and lowered their heads quietly.

Ah Yu collapsed in the middle, her eyes widened in disbelief.

Blood soon stained the road beneath her red, and no one made a sound.

This scene is creepy to watch.

The footsteps of several people stepped back tacitly and involuntarily.

Xia Zhiyi let out a sigh of relief, and habitually grabbed Jing Ruyu's sleeve.

After watching this scene, they remembered what Ah Yu had accused Cong Cong just now, and they looked at each other, seeing what the other was thinking.

——It was the dungeon deliberately provoking Ah Yu to scold the child, luring her into the trap of death!

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