Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 179: final copy (27)

Jing Ruyu just sat and watched Xia Zhiyi eat biscuits, one after another, as if she really planned to eat the whole bag.

Bubu sat on her lap and asked, "Mom, is it delicious?"

Xia Zhiyi smiled and said, "It's delicious."

Bubu smashed his mouth, wanted to eat but held back, and obediently lifted the biscuit bag.

"Mom eats, it's all mother's."

She had eaten a lot not long ago, which she left for her mother, and she couldn't eat any more.

Xia Zhiyi took a bite of the biscuit, lowered her head and smiled at her, and patted her head.

At this time, Jing Ruyu's voice came from the side: "Save some for the child."

Xia Zhiyi turned her head and looked over.

Jing Ruyu held her chin and looked at her calmly: "Can't you see that she likes this biscuit very much?"

"I can see that, that's why I have to eat all of them."


"My child is willing to save all the things she likes for me to eat, so how can I live up to her kindness, right?"

After Jing Ruyu finished listening, she paused first, and then smiled: "Yes."

Then he stretched out his hand to tie up Boubo's biscuit bag, put it back into Boobu's small backpack, and at the same time said calmly: "This place doesn't look like there's anything to eat, so put the rest away, and eat when you're hungry.

"Are you thirsty? Would you like me to pour you a glass of water? There should still be water here, right?"

Xia Zhiyi also felt that his mouth was dry after eating.

"Okay, yes, you can pour me a glass.

"Thank you, girlfriend~"

Jing Ruyu smiled, raised his hand and patted her shoulder lightly.

"You're welcome, you should, it's hard for you to be locked up here alone."

"Yeah." Xia Zhiyi nodded in agreement.

"Boob, come."

Jing Ruyu helped Bubu carry her schoolbag, and motioned her to follow him.

"Let's go get mom some water to drink."

"Pour water and drink!"

While Bubu learned her words cheerfully, he skillfully reached out to ask his mother to hug him.

"Come back soon, don't leave me here alone."

Xia Zhiyi lay on the sofa talking, watching them leave pitifully.

Jing Ruyu responded with a gentle voice, and her attitude was as usual.

She walked into the kitchen with Bubu in her arms and disappeared from Xia Zhiyi's sight.

Where they couldn't see, the corners of Xia Zhiyi's lips lifted slightly, revealing a triumphant and evil smile.

- This woman is so stupid that she didn't find out.

But she didn't know that Jing Ruyu's first words after carrying Bubu into the kitchen were: "That's Bobu's biscuit, Bobu needs to put it away, don't give it to this mother again."

Bubu blinked puzzledly: "Why?"

Jing Ruyu patted her head and smiled: "Because Mom likes Boo Boo the most, she won't eat all the biscuits that Boo Boo likes, and the rest are left for Boo Boo to eat, understand? "

Bubu seemed to understand, but after being puzzled for a while, he laughed to himself: "Mom likes Bubu the most!"

Biscuits are not as good as mom, she likes mom, and mom likes her the most, this is her simple happiness!

Jing Ruyu looked at her daughter tenderly, and kissed her forehead: "Well, mothers like Boo Boo the most."

She turned and looked in the direction of the living room.

She knew that Xia Zhiyi outside was a fake.

Even if they look exactly the same, this person can't pretend to be Xia Zhiyi perfectly, because feelings cannot be hidden.

This Xia Zhiyi has no love for Bubu.

The same is true for her.

Fakes aren't eligible to eat the cookies that Boo Boo prepares for real moms.

But Jing Ruyu doesn't intend to tear her face apart yet.

She's going to sit still and see what this fake and New World are trying to do, and see if it has anything to do with customs clearance.

But she couldn't tell Boob the truth.

Bubu is still young, he doesn't understand the twists and turns, and he doesn't know how to hide his emotions, and he likes Xia Zhiyi so much, so he must not be able to accept having a fake mother, let alone act with her.

Maybe there will be a fight with this fake, which will affect her plan.

In order not to let Bubu be affected by her emotions, she will also adjust her mentality, watch this fake and shoddy Xia Zhiyi with the mood of a fun person watching a show while being on guard, and see what tricks she plans to pull out.

"Pour mother water!"

Boob cheerfully reminded.

Looking at the innocent child in front of her, Jing Ruyu knew that she had successfully adjusted her mentality, raised her hand to help her tidy up her clothes, and turned to pour water.

In another space, Xia Zhiyi was carefully observing her home.

The first thing she looked at was the bathroom.

The incident of the mirror disappearing next door made her quite concerned about whether the mirror still existed.

The bathroom door is closed.

She opened it lightly, feeling very strange in her heart.

Obviously her girlfriend said that there is nothing wrong here, why is she always worried and can't help being cautious...

The creaking sound came softly, and in this quiet atmosphere, it was as clear as if it had been magnified.

Xia Zhiyi immediately grabbed the doorknob, looked left and right - well, nothing appeared, it's safe.

Then the line of sight fell on the bathroom.

The decoration structure, the arrangement of objects, everything is still the way she remembers—the way she remembers that she has not separated from Jing Ruyu and is still living together.

The mouthwash cups are a pair, and the toothbrushes are also in pairs, just in front of the mirror.

Yes, there is a mirror here.

Xia Zhiyi couldn't help thinking of the twelve-character clearance reminder.

They passed the level next door, but they were still in the dungeon, and there were no new reminders. Does this mean that the twelve-character reminders have not been used up yet?

The first four-character reminder has been used up, and the rest is the eight-character reminder.

With nowhere to hide, shadows follow...

But what has nowhere to hide and follows like a shadow?

She didn't remember that they had such a thing at home...

She looked in the mirror, thinking silently, unconsciously lost in thought.

At this time, a hand was placed lightly on her shoulder suddenly, and a cold female voice fell next to her ear.

"What are you thinking?"

Xia Zhiyi shuddered, suddenly startled.

She looked back abruptly, and it really was Jing Ruyu.

She patted her chest and said, "I was scared to death, I thought it was something."

Seeing this, Jing Ruyu smiled and said, "So easily scared?

"Didn't I say it's safe here, only us?"

Suddenly, the strange feeling in Xia Zhiyi's heart resurfaced again, like a needle, poking her delicately, making it impossible for her to ignore it.

She frowned and shook her head again.

"I'm used to it, I can't relax in this place."

As soon as she finished speaking, the people behind her gently passed through her fingers with five fingers, and interlocked with her ten fingers, and they were intimately dependent on each other.

Jing Ruyu looked into her eyes and said with a smile: "Relax, nothing will happen, just trust me and solve the puzzle with me, you understand?"

The two looked at each other, but Xia Zhiyi didn't say a word.

At this moment, she felt a strange sense of strangeness in the person in front of her.

She used to remind me to be careful every time.

Am I thinking too much?

Or... is there something wrong with her?

Xia Zhiyi's eyes unconsciously carried a bit of scrutiny.

Jing Ruyu in front of her still looked the same, her beautiful eyes, beautiful lips, and even the small cut cut by the **** flower were still there.

Everything seems to have never changed.


Jing Ruyu's voice brought her back to reality.

"What are you thinking, why didn't you speak for a long time?"

"Is it..." Jing Ruyu bent her lips and smiled, her eyes were fixed on her, "What's the problem?"

Those eyes were as charming as ever.

Good-looking is good-looking, but Xia Zhiyi found that there was something missing in it - a very important thing.

Xia Zhiyi came to her senses, smiled, and said calmly, "Yes."

Jing Ruyu: "What's the problem?"

Xia Zhiyi: "About Boubo."

Jing Ruyu: "?"

Xia Zhiyi held her cheek, showing distress.

"She has been walking with us for so long, and suddenly she can no longer follow us. I am not used to it, and I am a little worried that she will not sleep well.

"Sigh, I don't know if it's cold or hot in the item bag, and if New World has prepared a comfortable big bed for her.

"You know, our daughter is the Little Ghost King, of course the treatment is better, and she is still a child, so we can't ask her to sleep on the floor, right? The floor is chilly, what should I do if I catch a cold after sleeping...

"Oh, worry..."

She sighed deeply, just like an old mother who was worried about her children.

After listening to her words, Jing Ruyu finally moved his eyes away, and there was no wave in his eyes.

"Don't worry, she's doing fine now."

The alarm bell in Xia Zhiyi's heart suddenly rang, almond eyes narrowed, and he asked back: "How do you know?"

Jing Ruyu was stunned for a moment, then looked back at her calmly, and smiled slightly.

"Because I have formed a seal with her and have an invisible bond with her. If something happens to her, I will definitely sense it, just like she always senses that I am in danger."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xia Zhiyi like this, observing every subtle change on the other's face without moving, until Xia Zhiyi showed an expression of enlightenment.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."

Xia Zhiyi stepped forward and held her hand.

"Then if you feel that she is in danger, don't forget to tell me. Even if I can't do anything, I still want to know how she is doing. After all, this is the daughter of the two of us, and it is only natural to care about her." of."

She patted the back of Jing Ruyu's hand lightly, and drew a point in a natural tone: "This is our responsibility."

Jing Ruyu raised her lips and smiled, and gently shook her hand: "Well, I won't hide it from you."

Only then did Xia Zhiyi let out a sigh of relief, and looked at her gently with brows and eyes, her voice filled with joy: "Ruyu, it's lucky to have you by my side, otherwise I really don't know what to do... "

Hearing this, Jing Ruyu stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, stroking her back every now and then.

"Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

"Yeah, you're the best!"


They hugged each other, neither could see the other's face.

The atmosphere is harmonious and affectionate.

In the next second, Jing Ruyu's eyes turned slightly, and a successful smile was drawn on his lips, even the light in his eyes was evil.

—Stupid woman.

Xia Zhiyi glanced in the direction of the people around her, and immediately suppressed her smile, her eyes were unbearably cold.

—Smelly fakes!

Does New World really think she is mentally retarded, thinking that she can't tell the truth from the other half who has been in love for so long?

This fake doesn't care about Boo Boo at all, and the way she looks at her is even more devoid of love!

When she broke up, even if her girlfriend refused to admit it, couldn't she hide her interest in her!

New World actually used a fake one to lie to her... What a game in the middle.

Hard, her fist hardened silently.

From now on, your coming and going will depend entirely on your acting skills!

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