Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game

Chapter 188: final copy (thirty-six)

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu really did not expect that New World would actually want to recruit them for its own use.

No wonder the black dog told them so frankly before the start of the second level that they knew who the ghost king was when he appeared, and he was waiting for them here.

——New World, I really have you.

Xia Zhiyi looked at the black dog and the white cat and asked, "Is this dungeon only available to us, or are others also available?"

The black dog said without changing his face: "Not everyone has the qualifications to become a ghost king."

The white cat smiled: "You just happen to have it, it's your honor, be grateful~"

The two listened with expressionless faces.

I'm really sorry, they have no interest in becoming ghost kings at all, they just want to go home now.

Xia Zhiyi asked again: "So this dungeon is like this?"

The task NPC asked them if they would like to engage in infrastructure construction. Being the king of ghosts does not require them to work hard to pass the level, just like an ordinary job interview?

The white cat nodded generously: "Yes."

Jing Ruyu: "Nothing else?"

The black dog said: "No, the key to customs clearance is still in your hands."

The two understood.

Jing Ruyu: "It's not right, let's say goodbye."

Xia Zhiyi: "Clear the customs and pass the customs, get off work!"

Black dog and white cat: "..."

The white cat walked towards them immediately and said, "Don't rush to make a decision, it's better to experience it first and then consider whether you want to stay and be the king of ghosts."

It raised its finger to the void, and its movements were still exaggerated: "When you watched those fairy tale movies at home, you must have imagined that one day you could have magic like them, and ride the clouds, right?

"Now the opportunity has come. Become the ghost king and you will have infinite magic power, and as you practice, you can become stronger and stronger. Everything in the Xianxia drama can be realized. How about it, isn't it very attractive?"

Jing Ruyu was expressionless: "It's not that good, I never thought about flying through the clouds."

Xia Zhiyi was serious: "The ones in the TV series are all special effects, fake."

White Cat: "...We are real!"

These two guys are too unpopular! !

"How do you know you don't want to if you don't try?" the black dog suddenly said.

The white cat immediately echoed: "Yes, how do you know you don't want to if you don't try?"

It raised its hand and tapped their hands through the void, and enthusiastically encouraged: "Come on, use your imagination to make this space what you want.

"If you feel that the space is too small to display, you can also extend the space outward, no matter how big it is.

"This is your place, you can do whatever you want.

"Come on, start casting your magic~"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other.

"It's like a small game of decorating a room," Xia Zhiyi said.

Jing Ruyu nodded in approval.

They also didn't expect that they would be recruited to become the ghost king, let alone that they would be encouraged by the task NPC to play the game of decorating the room in the new world.

The new world is really strange.

But they have no idea at all.

What does it mean to decorate a new world?

It's better to let them go home as soon as possible to renovate the new house, that's where they will live together in the future.

But Boo Boo was curious and pulled their trouser legs and asked them to do magic.

The twins let her know that magic is a wonderful thing, she always wanted it, but unfortunately didn't have it.

Now that Mao Mao said that mothers have it, of course she wants to see it.

"Mom has changed, Boo Boo wants to see it!"

The two mothers were extremely perfunctory to the task NPC, and they responded to their daughter's requests.

Since the children want to see it, let them try to change it.

It was the first time for the two of them to change this thing, and they took a deep breath and conceived in their minds.

In the next second, only two "bang bang" sounds were heard, and a Samoyed and a blue children's car that could sit appeared out of nowhere beside Boubo.

This is a gift they conjured up for her.

Dogs are Boob's favorite.

They saw the kid downstairs driving the car before, thinking that Boo Boo hadn't played with it before, so they wanted her to play with it.

Seeing these two things, Bubu excitedly shouted: "Wow!"

Then he hugged and rubbed the docile big dog with a bright smile, and obviously liked it very much.

Then, with the help of Jing Ruyu and the others, she got into the car and started the first test drive in her life.

In the white space, the Little Ghost King is driving her new toy car, running around with her Wang Wang, with a happy smile on her face, it seems that nothing can make her happier than this moment, even she once hit The walls are completely forgotten.

She forgot, the mothers remembered.

Fearing that she would run into each other again, the two of them unknowingly expanded the space to the size of a library, and used black lines to highlight the boundaries, so they were more comfortable using magic power.

They can even help Boo fly to make her even happier.

The white dungeon was filled with innocent laughter of the little ghost king, without any sense of tension.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu really sensed a bit of interest from it.

As long as they raise their fingers, the ideas in their minds will be turned into reality and displayed vividly in front of their eyes.

A huge playground is formed in the square space, and rainbow-like flowers are born, and the vast whiteness is finally no longer boring.

This illusion floating on the fingertips is real and illusory, it is really indescribable.

It turns out that this is what it feels like to change the world at will...

The black dog and the white cat stood and watched all this.

The black dog remained expressionless, while the white cat had a smile on its face, very satisfied with the situation.

Let's play, let's play, you can experience the mystery of their new world when you have fun, and admire the new world from the bottom of your heart, so that you are more likely to voluntarily stay and become the new ghost king, and torture the later players with them.

People who are favored by New World must be extraordinary. With the help of these two people, they believe that the clearance rate of players will be greatly reduced.

Thinking about it, a sly smile appeared on the white cat's face.

And as long as they agree to become ghost kings and stay here, they will never be able to leave the new world, which means that their customs clearance has completely failed.

A successful start will be followed by a failed end.

The white cat smiled and said, "Look, you guys are using it well.

"How about it, do you want to stay and become one of us?"

Hearing this, the two retracted their hands in an extremely sober manner, and said in unison: "No."


White Cat: "I saw that you two had a good time, but you told me not to?!"

Xia Zhiyi said: "Of course it's fun to play something we haven't played before, but being happy doesn't prevent us from wanting to go home, right?"

Jing Ruyu nodded: "Yes."

They knew better than anyone that the New World had set a trap here, an extremely blatant trap.

According to the rules of the new world, you can only leave the new world and get a new life after clearing all the customs.

If you fail to clear the level, you will naturally stay in the new world forever, either with a miserable death and scattered souls, or as a ghost here that persecutes the players.

Therefore, once they choose to stay here and become the ghost king, it means that they automatically choose to fail to pass the level, and they will be locked in the new world forever, and they will never see their family and friends again.

This is not their original intention to enter this place, persevere, and move forward all the way.

They despise the calculation of the new world.

Only a fool can't see that there is a pit here!

The black dog who had been quiet all this time said again: "It seems that you haven't understood what it means to be the king of ghosts."

I saw it raised its hand and stroked it in mid-air, and an image appeared on the white wall immediately, like a huge movie curtain.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu clearly saw familiar faces appearing on the white curtain—all ghost kings.

Zhou Xiuxiu who gave them cat bracelets, a half-faced Buddha who granted Xia Zhiyi four wishes, Xiao Jinniang who taught Bubu how to speak, and twins Yun Jing and Yun Ning who awakened from the shackles.

In the screen, Zhou Xiuxiu cut off the head of the arrogant man with her black hair as sharp as a knife;

The half-faced Buddha raised his finger and tapped lightly, playing with everything in the world between his palms;

Xiao Jinniang made Liu Lishu and Wu Mingyi feel worse than death, and once again realized that karma has rewards;

The twins wear crowns and sit on rainbow-colored thrones. They are already kings who cannot be offended.

They are majestic and aloof in the picture, beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The world is under their control, and no one can escape from their grasp. They are the eternal overlords, they can do whatever they want, and they are unstoppable—this is the meaning of the supremacy of ghost kings.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu noticed something else.

For example, there is no lady in the first level, for example, there is an exercise book Xia Zhiyi gave her on Zhou Xiuxiu's desk, and for example, behind Xiao Jinniang, there is a somewhat familiar and vague figure, who can only be vaguely seen to be a woman...

The black dog looked at these pictures with a calm expression.

"Create your ideal capital, control the world, have no troubles, no betrayal, and stand high, this is what it means to be a ghost king.

"Stay here, and you will no longer have the vulgar troubles of the real world.

"Health, fame, status, endless wealth, everything in the world is within your reach."

"Including... immortality."

All the troubles in the world will disappear in the ghost king.

They are strong, immortal, without any troubles, because they have the ability and natural advantages to clean up all troubles.

The black dog turned his head to look at the two people who were taken by the new world.

"Isn't such a condition attractive enough?"

The white cat nodded and said, "That's right, you don't have to worry about money, you don't have to worry about it, you don't even need to have annoying social interactions, isn't that good?"

These words hit the heart of modern people.

Who doesn't like this kind of life?

Only, it would be nice if it wasn't in the New World.

Xia Zhiyi calmly pointed at the white curtain and said, "Who says you won't die, do you see the ghost king of our novice dungeon here?

"Did she get killed by those skeletons?"

It is understandable that the director of the first level, the ghost king, is not there. After all, it has just passed, and the time is too close. It is still in the final copy, so it doesn't matter if it is not included.

But the absence of the young lady in the novice dungeon is too suspicious.

The black dog said without changing expression: "That's because she can't do it.

"The weak eat the strong, the fittest survive. A strong ghost king is enough to cross the dungeon and stir up the situation. The weak ghost king will naturally be eliminated."

Xia Zhiyi: "Heh, even being a ghost has to be introverted, and you have to be positive. Don't do it, don't do it, go home and go home!"

The white cat looked at her and said, "Why are you so unconfident? Are you afraid that you are not strong enough, or that she is not strong enough?"

How to improve its own ability, it believes that Jing Ruyu, a non-human being, must understand.

When she becomes the ghost king, she can get Xia Zhiyi to improve together, and then cooperate with Xia Zhiyi's weird imagination. I'm afraid that the level of the dungeon is not high, and the clearance rate will not be low?

Jing Ruyu looked up at them, and said very politely: "Thank you."

She also didn't expect that they would be recognized by the new world under such circumstances.

The white cat looked forward to it: "How about it, think about it again?"

The two shook their heads tacitly, but their attitudes remained firm.

They can't kill like other ghost kings, and their parents are still waiting for them to go home.

They have worked so hard and gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers to get to the final level, and they cannot fail here.

Seeing this, the white cat and black dog turned to look at each other.

At this time, in their minds, the ratio of persuading them to stay as colleagues and letting them pass the customs is 50-50, and even faintly leaning towards the latter.

—It is the most fatal blow to come this far and then fail.

So they walked up to Bubu who was playing with Samoyed, and performed their killer moves.

"Then," the black dog pointed at Bobo with a naive face, "what about her?"

The two were slightly taken aback, and were immediately pinched.

The white cat said maliciously: "She is the little ghost king of the new world, so she naturally belongs to the new world. You love her so much, are you willing to leave her behind and leave by yourself?"

It exaggeratedly said: "Think about it, think about her dependence on you, how can you be willing to let such a small child return to the days of being alone after tasting the warmth?

"Most importantly, don't you want to see her grow up?"

How did you grow up?

Both of them looked at Boo Boo who was playing with the dog.

Only the white cat snapped its fingers.

Immediately behind Bubu, a black phantom appeared, like a shadow stripped from her body.

The shadow was as tall as her at first, and there were two small round **** on her head, which can be seen from her current hairstyle.

Then, the shadow began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing her height in every age group, and finally stopped when she was an adult.

He is tall and has long hair, but he can't see his appearance, which makes people curious.

Bubu sat on the ground innocently, hugging the dog and watching them.

A tall black phantom stood behind her, full of mystery and unknown, in sharp contrast to her young self.

The two of them were suddenly at a loss for words, their eyes were full of light, and they couldn't help but be moved.

It turns out that she still has a chance to grow up...

The black dog said in a voice: "There is nothing impossible to become a ghost king. A powerful new world is omnipotent."

They had to admit that this condition was more attractive than any of the previous ones.

In the past, when they knew that Bubu was kidnapped by Grandma Luo and forcibly transformed into the body of a god, he lost everything in the long pain, and his body stopped growing, and they all felt distressed and sympathetic.

As they got along later, their feelings for her became deeper and deeper, and they had long regarded her as their own.

They love her, love her, and hope that she can have a complete life more than anyone else, instead of just staying at this age.

Now this opportunity is in front of them, and together with their parents in the real world, it forms a dilemma.

Seeing them falling silent, Bubu seemed to have sensed something.

She let go of her favorite dog, stood up and walked to their feet, hugged Jing Ruyu's leg, looked up at her with bright eyes, and called out childishly: "Mom."

She is dependent on them.

Seeing her like this, the two of them frowned even tighter.

How can this make them willing?

Just like what White Cat said, they let her taste the warmth. It would be too cruel to push her into loneliness with her own hands...

After a while, Jing Ruyu raised her head to look at the black dog and the white cat, and said, "Why are we staying instead of her going with us?"

The two NPCs were stunned.

The white cat said: "We didn't give you this option."

"Yes." Xia Zhiyi said firmly.

While hugging Bubu, she said to the two NPCs: "Since the new world can turn people into ghosts, even ghost kings, and make Bubu break through the shackles of the **** body and grow up, you can definitely turn her into a ghost." Become human and let her leave with us.

"If you can't even do this..."

Her almond eyes were curved, and her expression looked extremely innocent.

"Then what qualifications do you have in New World to say that you are so powerful that you can do anything?"

The author has something to say:

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