"you're lying!"

The big back, the eldest son of the Moangka family, is still in an unstable state.

"Cheat or not, try it and know it soon?!"

Luzluth shrugged with a look of indifference on his face.

After all, he does have the confidence to not care.

What happened here quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

When the group of nobles heard Luzzlus's self-report that he had never done anything inappropriate, they all felt as if they had heard some kind of joke, which was ridiculous.

...for flowers 0...

But then seeing that Luzluth was so confident, he gradually became suspicious.

2 blades


It wasn't until Qiao Grama stepped forward and affixed it with the [Truth Talk Sticker], and after asking again seriously?

Luzlus really didn't do any dirty things to bully men and women! !

After this result came out, the eyeballs were shocked.

He is the prince of the Kajin Empire, and he is considered to be the top second-generation ancestor in the world! !

With such an identity and status, why don't you do anything evil?

Or relying on their own identity and power to seek personal gain? !

Are you right about who you are? !

For a time, there was a slight strangeness in the eyes of many nobles looking at Luzluth.

That is the exclusion and disgust of discovering that they are not of the same kind.

In such a big environment now, many people have committed crimes and have bad pasts.

As long as you haven't done anything evil before, you seem to be able to get out of it.

In such a comparison, doesn't it seem that we are not very human?

Although they were originally beasts in gorgeous clothes, they did not allow existences different from them now.

.: small. said. capital\": source\". share; share: (!;6\'!9.;:9;\'2\"5?.5?0,:) and in case there is a Zilus is a typical example of not doing bad things, and how does it compare with them?

What if the gangsters feel that those who have done bad things are also unforgivable, and they change their minds and kill them too? !

- Time, the eyes of these nobles, looking at Luzluth, began to show badness.

Luzzlus was indifferent to these glances, and even wanted to laugh.

"Is it just the resentment of a group of dying people?"

He mainly raised his head and met Mo Lin's gaze above.

Instead of looking at each other calmly.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, it can be said to be the true psychological portrayal of Luzluth.


"I don't know what the other party will do with me..."

As his own life was at stake, Luzluth was still a little nervous.

"Ruzluss twice-cooked pork? The seventh prince of the Kajin Empire?"

Although Qiao Grama told Morin about the presence of the characters, there is his existence.

But when he actually met, he still surprised Mo Lin.

Luzluth Twice-cooked Pork, the seventh prince of the Kajin Empire, participated in the battle of succession held by King Nasby Twice-cooked Pork in the latest plot.

All the princes will fight on the Black Whale to the Dark Continent until only one prince is left.

The only surviving prince will be the next king of the Kajin Empire.

Some of the fourteen princes are powerful and long for the throne, and some are weak and only care about their lives.

And from the current point of view, as the seventh prince, Luzluth is the only prince who has both strength and no intention of being the throne.

When he first appeared on the stage, he had left and right **** fluffy and smoked around him. At first glance, he looked like a big smoker.

If he and Mo Laowu knew each other, they would definitely get along well.

In some ways, he is a more naive and idealistic person.

Kurapika hired a number of hunters to join different prince factions.

The one who joined Luzluth's side was Basho, who used the "Haiku Ronin" and wrote haiku to exert his effect.

In their spare time, when Basho, who is also a big smoker, and Luzilusouou were smoking and chatting, Basho recommended a special tobacco leaf to Luzilusioudou. six.

125 The fighting between nobles is full of ugliness! The Three Views of Luzluth

Smoking this big o cigarette will not have any side effects, and the heavier the craving, the healthier you will be.

Luz Lusi Twice Cooked Meat asked Basho about the clinical data of this tobacco leaf, and hoped that it could be popularized in the Kakin Empire to save those addicts.

And said that his friend was completely useless because of smoking a lot of cigarettes not long ago.

This also gave Basho a positive view of Luzluth Twice-cooked Pork, believing that Luzluth's Twice-cooked Pork becoming king is a shortcut to popularize this tobacco leaf.

Although this is a prince who has no intention of taking the throne, his overall qualities such as strength, character, and three views are quite good.

Although Maureen doesn't know much about Luz Luss, but in the comics, when he is alone with Basho, he shows those characters and three more positive views.

There is not too much domineering, and he can talk, laugh, and be brothers with Basho, the bodyguard, or let Mo Lin have a good evaluation of him.


A gleam of light flashed in Maureen's eyes, and a peculiar idea took shape in his mind.

As for the following, Luzluth and the others are waiting for Maureen's ruling.

But Maureen didn't say a word for a long time, so Qiaograma had to follow the rules set before.

Luzluth has not done any particularly bad things, so the big back of the former Moangka eldest son "Liu Sanqi", his report is not valid, and he needs to find someone again.

And Luzlus stood back to his original position, waiting for Maureen's release.

"How is this possible, how is this possible..."

The big-backed man was still muttering to himself, unable to believe this fact.

This time, he could be said to have offended the other party to death.

But in the end, the other party has nothing to do, and he has to find another person...

How is this so sad? !

After this little episode, the reporting operation is still going on.

However, the eyes of many people turned to Luzlus, who was standing there alone, intentionally or unintentionally.

Soon, time passed quickly, and all the guests present finally finished reporting.

Everyone has a clear distinction.

Maureen looked down from above~

There are a total of three groups of people standing below, and one group of people is particularly large. It is located on the far right. It is the person who successfully landed after the report.

There is a small group of people, about eight or nine people.

They were on the far left, with ugly expressions and pale faces. They were all selected people who had done the worst bad things.

As for the third group of people, they are located in the middle of the left and right groups, headed by Luzlus,


Five neutrals.

None of them have done anything bad, and some of them are well-known charitable tycoons in the outside world.

Although I don't know what my nature and heart are like, I haven't done anything bad, and I have indeed done a lot of good things. In terms of practice alone, these people are qualified to be in the same camp as Luzluth.

"Is this divided?"

Maureen casually swept the three sets of eyes below to look at his men and horses.

He tapped on the railing with the **** of his gun: "The group in the middle comes up first."

Those charitable rich people suddenly hesitated, not knowing whether they should come forward.

And Luzluth in front of them took a deep breath and strode forward without fear.

The group of charitable tycoons were startled at first, and then immediately followed.

If someone takes the lead, they have no psychological burden.

Although they didn't know what Maureen was going to do, they had no choice.

"Wait in the room behind me first."

However, when they came up.

Mo Lin didn't even look at them, and let them stay in the room behind Mo Lin.

Several people looked at each other again, but they didn't say anything, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

If the other party wants to kill them, there is no need to be so troublesome at all, just shoot them one by one.

Luzlus opened his mouth, he wanted to say something.

But seeing that Mo Lin didn't care about him at all, he couldn't help touching the **** on the left and right sides of his head, and followed those charitable rich people into the house.


As soon as the door is closed, there are two worlds.

"Okay, all the scumbags here."

Maureen continued to lie on the railing, with one hand facing down, "The next step is the second part of the game.

"Of course, this link is optional. It doesn't matter if you want to do it or not."

"I don't want to do it!!

Among the group of people who successfully reported it, some people immediately blurted out their debut.

They have finally lost their lives for the time being, so why bother to play the second link of the game to create pressure on themselves? !

"Unfortunately, you people don't have the power to choose."

Maureen ignored them at all and looked at the person on the far left who was reported by a group of people.

"The choice is yours, to play or not to play."

"Play! Why don't we play?!"

They have all reached this point, they are all dead, all of them clenched their teeth, and their eyes are red.

"Anyway, we will lose our lives, do you care about the rest?!"

Knowing that they can't escape the inevitable death, they have completely risked it.

"very good

Maureen nodded, and in the face of the other group, he swung his hand towards the bottom.

Immediately, a pile of standard knives, ji", and spears appeared from the air and fell toward the ground.

These are the side weapons of those soldiers that Maureen collected outside.

"You should know that although you are an unforgivable person, the group of people who reported you are not a good thing, right?" Mo Lin said so, and vaguely guessed some of the people Mo Lin planned, even more complexion. Crazy change.

"Don't you want to do something and give them a good repayment?"

Maureen said calmly:

"In my hometown, death row prisoners are even given a meal to let him go a little more peacefully.

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