"The other party didn't know our arrival. The gathering of this group of elite soldiers was not because of us."

Franklin replied: "Perhaps the Moshebia Kingdom has other plans, and gathering such an elite division is enough to capture a city.

"It was like a mobilization in preparation for a war, but we just happened to run into it."

Wo Jin scratched his head and followed suit.


Maureen glanced at the soldiers around him who were dead and wounded, and didn't say much.

The three of them walked and chatted along the way, and soon disappeared into this blood-stained palace.

It's just that when Maureen left, he always felt like he had forgotten something.

what is it? !

And when the sun rose the next day, people discovered that something was wrong in the palace.

And how frightened the noble servants who did not wait for their masters would be when they came to find the **** purgatory in the palace hall?

The place where the brigade assembled was on the outskirts of the capital, on an open hillside.

The three knights, Kujibi and Mian Ying, who didn't do much, were in the best condition.

They came here early and waited.

After Chrollo ended the treasure house operation, he did not continue.

After learning from the knight that Maureen had achieved something, he returned first with Finks, Nobunaga, and Fel Lev who had packed their bags.

It's not much to say either, mostly?

The other two.

March and Pike Norda weren't much involved.

But looking at their expressionless faces, their mood is not so good.

Moreover, their respectful appearance also caused the good knights to take a second glance.

I feel like there is another famous scene to witness, eat melon until you are full!

The black-bellied knight thought in secret.

In fact, when I saw March and Pike Norda coming back together, but there was no sign of Maureen.

The knight almost guessed that Maggie and the others were probably released by Maureen.

Yo Yao! To dare to put two people's pigeons at the same time, he really deserves to be the deputy head! !

On the surface, the knight is still the smiling baby face, but inside he is already a little impatient.

Deputy Head, come quickly! !

As if hearing the call of the knight, a figure arrived first.

"The deputy head asked me to come back first and bring the things over."

Feitan's figure fell lightly on the ground, and he took out the crown from his arms.

"Is this the so-called crown that collects the seven beauties of the world?"

Finks, the knight and Kuhua looked over curiously.

It is found that the texture of the pattern is really good, but the gloss of the appearance is too dull, which reduces a lot of appearance.

"It doesn't look like much."

Finks rubbed his head, a little dissatisfied.

After all, it was the first collective activity of the Phantom Troupe, and the result was something far below expectations.

"It's not what it used to be

Chrollo took over the crown and rubbed the shark gently in his hand.

There was a glint in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"They are here!

Nobunaga, who was in charge of looking at the wind and scratching at his chest hair, said, his eyes lit up.

After Feitan arrived, he went to share the spoils with Finks, and used the things he stole to settle accounts to compensate Madge and the others for their arrears.

Soon, it didn't take long, on the other side of the horizon, the three figures of Maureen appeared.

"Hahahaha, this time 563 is really happy!!"

Wojin's delightful, rough laughter could be heard from afar.

This kind of laughter basically means that the three of them are all right and return safely.

"If there is another event like this next time, I'll kill it too!!"

Seeing the hillside, many people were waiting for the three of them.

Wo Jin also knew that this time the collective action had come to an end, and couldn't help but feel a little reluctant.

"There will be many more opportunities like this in the future."

Franklin didn't have much of an opinion, and he didn't feel much involved in the event.

However, the feeling of collective action is really good.

"We're back alive!!"

In front of the crowd, Wo Jin was the first to shout loudly.

Nobunaga nodded solemnly there: "To live is to live, but it's a pity that you didn't break your voice."

"Your knife should also be repaired well, so that it won't break one day."

Unwilling to be outdone, Wo Jin returned angrily, and the two stared at each other with big eyes and **** for tat.

Mo Lin also looked around, and soon saw the calm eyes looking at him, and could not help shrinking his neck.

On the way back, he remembered what he had forgotten.

I told March and Pike Norda not to move around, and go back when you go.

But he seems to have gone too far, from the royal family of Moses to the fighting between nobles.

In this action, his sense of participation seemed to be the heaviest, and then the time passed quickly without realizing it.

I also forgot about March and the others...

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, it seems that... this matter will not end so easily.

Mo Lin was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, he still has a certain way.

Although he hasn't been in love much, he has also read a lot of earthy love stories and strategy cheats.

Not much actual combat, but experience is still there.

It should be no problem to deal with little girls from Meteor Street like Madge and Pike who have not experienced these things... right?

If that doesn't work, then...

127 Maureen and Maggie's Solitude, Madge Accepting Punishment! You are too close to me! !

Simply 36 strategies, walking is the best strategy! !

Can't afford it, can't I hide? !

Of course, things haven't gotten to that point yet.

And Maureen didn't think he could cure both Pike and March.

If you can't hold back now, how will you live in the future? !

The husband's gang is weak, and the family status is not guaranteed! !

"This time our initial collective action has come to an end perfectly, and we have already obtained what we should have." Fortunately, at this time, Chrollo did not let the atmosphere continue to be subtle.

"Although some of you may not be involved too much, or feel unfulfilled, but that's okay."

He looked at all the members present, smiled and said:

"This is our first collective action, but it's not the last. There will be more opportunities and actions like this in the future." Having said that, Chrollo took out the crown that Feitan handed him.

"Our goal this time had a little accident and became what it is now.

"I can't get it back to its former beauty?"

"And among us, the only thing we can do is..."

Chrollo looked at Maureen, "Mauren with many wonderful items."

He walked over and put the crown back into his hands.

"Only you have the possibility to repair it."

"Give it to me?"

Maureen looked around and saw no one else.

And he glanced at Chrollo and found that there was a slight glint in his eyes.

He couldn't help but move slightly in his heart, but there was no change on the surface.

Mo Lin reached out to take it and said, "Then leave it with me for the time being, and when it is repaired, let's talk about its distribution.

"I'm not interested in that kind of stuff.

Wo Jin was the first to refuse and waved his hand, "Compared to this result, I prefer the process of action."

"Now, I am even more looking forward to the next action!!"

- Thinking of facing those numerous opponents, Wo Jin's bellicose temper couldn't be restrained from burning.

"I'm not interested either?"

Finks and Feitan also expressed their meanings one after another.

So, after a few people gave up, the issue of the distribution of the crown fell to Maureen instead.

He glanced at him and said nothing, still looking at his Madge and Pike calmly, Maureen's expression remained normal. He quietly put away the crown, and the matter was just revealed.

"Okay, everyone."

Chrollo clapped his hands and waited for everyone's eyes to come together again?

He closed his eyes gently, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly:

"This time we will stop here."

"Next time, we'll meet again."

The first collective action of the Phantom Troupe is now officially over.

After Chrollo delivered his closing remarks, the first **** disappeared.

Afterwards, it was the face that had been wandering among the members of the brigade.

He followed the footsteps of Chrollo and the two of them, and obviously had some kind of unreasonable thoughts about Chrollo.

It was followed by Franklin and Flake Lev.

They are the type who are silent when there is nothing to do.

When you come, you don't attract attention, and when you leave, you still don't have much sense of presence.

Finks and Feitan were thinking about whether they could build a pair of mahjong with the remaining gold, and practice their skills again.

While leaving, he was still muttering, trying to fight for the next gathering action, when playing mahjong with Ma Qi and the others, they would not lose too much with one shot.

Xia Ke and Ku Hua, two troubled brothers and sisters, also greeted everyone and waved their hands away.

It's just that the slightly dark-bellied knight didn't forget to wink at Mo Lin when he returned the spy props to Mo Lin before leaving.

"come on"

Although he didn't say it, Maureen was able to guess by looking at his mouth shape.

"I can thank you!"

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