Maureen didn't say anything more.

"Originally, I was thinking that after Wo Jin finished fighting with you, I would also like to have a test with you, but now it seems that Nobunaga is also slightly emotional, and sighed: "My practice is still not enough, wait a little longer. Years?" Perhaps, after a few years, the gap between Morin and us will widen even more?!

Nobunaga and Wojin both thought silently in their hearts.

"Okay, are you finished?"

Madge also leaned in and looked at Wo Jin, who had no injuries that needed sutures.

I felt deeply sorry for Maggie who could no longer earn extra money, and then stopped paying attention to Wojin, but disliked it and said:

"If it's over, it's time to talk about me."

She took out a sheet of bills from her pocket. ?

129 The Hidden Chrollo! Dark Continent! A conversation between the two spider chiefs!

"I'm still thinking about going back to the Sky Arena after this collective action is over and changing the vouchers for these casinos."

"You still want to go back?!"

Wo Jin and Nobunaga both looked at her with a "you are so brave, you are not afraid of death".

"I think what happened in the sky arena, Wojin and Nobunaga? Have they told you?"

Madge ignored the two Hanhans, "I shouldn't have to repeat them, shall I?"

With so much money, she wouldn't let it go! !

She looked at Maureen.

"No, they all told me."

Maureen understood the overtone as soon as he heard it:

"So you need to borrow some items from me to safely get money from the casino and escape successfully?"

"That's right."

Maureen understood her feelings so well, and Maggie's eyes softened a bit.

But thinking of what Maureen had done to her before, he couldn't help touching his lips subconsciously.

"Use this?"

Maureen gave Madge a stack of five-pointed stars.

"This is the [Blind Spot Star]. After wearing it, you will be in the blind spot of other people's vision, and you will not be able to find your existence."

"When the time comes, whether you go there or leave, you can be very calm."

"But what if the other party's surveillance finds me out?" Madge asked.

"You can bring a few more clothes with you and cover your body so that no one else can see it."

"it is good."

Ma Qi thought about it and felt that there was no big problem, so he took such a large number of [Blind Spot Stars] from Maureen.

"Attention, its time is only one hour. When it's time, remember to change it."

After he finished speaking, Mo Lin raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. He came to this world, the three people he knew first and was most familiar with.

"Then you guys

He stretched out his hand and waved, "We'll see you another day."

Maureen smiled and sent farewell wishes.

When the figures of March, Wojin and Nobunaga gradually disappeared on the other side of the horizon?


Maureen let out a sigh of relief.

"They've already left. Come out, too. Are you tired after watching it for so long?"

Maureen's eyelids drooped slightly, "I thought you had already left before, but I didn't expect you to kill a carbine.

"Mr. My Head."

Immediately after Mo Lin's words fell, a strange curtain suddenly appeared out of thin air next to Mo Lin's side.

"When did you find me?"

Chrollo, who showed his stature, held the book [The Thief's Extreme Intention] in his hand, without the slightest embarrassment of being pointed out, and still had a small smile on his face.

"You found out when you got close."

Maureen pointed to the curtain in Chrollo's hand that exudes psychic power fluctuations, "This should belong to the ability of the Realization Department, right?

"strictly speaking,

This is also a kind of tool.

"I forgot, you are an expert in this area."

Maureen smiled and said nothing.

Can he say that when Chrollo handed him the crown, he noticed something was wrong in the other party's eyes, so he was alert?

Chrollo smiled and slowly closed the book in his hand.

At the same time, the curtain also dissipated with the disappearance of thought power.

"[Chameleon Curtain], I stole the ability of the incarnation system, which can completely hide myself in this world. The limitation is that when using it, it must be maintained in the state of [absolute]."

"So when you were fighting with Wo Jin, I specifically hid far away, for fear that a random piece of debris would easily take my life."

Chrollo said with a smile, looked at Maureen up and down again, and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect that in the past three years, the gap between you and us is getting bigger and bigger."

"Wo Jin is right. I'm not your opponent at all now."

"After watching your battles, I also found that I am still a long way from being the world's best telepathic person."

Chrollo propped his forehead with his hand and commented:

"Not only the strength and energy of the basic thoughts, but also the basic literacy of combat, the handling of various moves and bad situations, etc."

"Except for the combat experience, which I can't see clearly, you are far ahead of me in every other item."

"Not to mention ability, your strike talent, as well as the ability of props, are also above my [Rogue's Extreme Intention]."

"I'm really curious about you, Maureen!

Chrollo asked from the bottom of his heart: "Sometimes, I really feel that you and we are not like characters in the world.

—To him who kept himself awake all the time, this time it was rare to take two cigarettes from his arms and hand them to Maureen:

"Is it convenient to chat?"

He smiled and said, "These are ordinary cigarettes sold outside, without any big cigarettes."

"You know it all?"

Maureen took the cigarette and asked casually.

"After I couldn't find the target, I went to the knight, and then used the spy device you gave him to see some when I observed the entire palace.

Chrollo admitted frankly.

"You seem to have a deep prejudice against the unique product.

He lit a cigarette for Maureen and lit one for himself.

Enjoying the refreshing feeling of smoke surrounded by smoke in his lungs and nicotine on top, Krollo lightly closed his eyes and asked.

The leaders of the two Phantom Brigades started smoking and chatting in this deserted place.

"Can I take the liberty of asking a question?"

"We're all a team, there's nothing presumptuous about it.

Maureen also took a deep breath.

He also hasn't enjoyed the taste of nicotine for a long time.

"Then let me ask, are you also abandoned by your country?"

Chrollo nodded and asked, "People who live in Meteor Street are either born in Meteor Street since they were young, or they have been abandoned and thrown here since childhood."

"Me, Feitan, Nobunaga, and Falcon Lev, are the abandoned ones."

He didn't shy away from the reason why he was in Meteor Street.

"Actually, you can tell from the surname."

Kulolo's surname is Lu Xilu, Nobunaga's surname is Chahama, and Feitan's full name is Feitan o Botong.

Well, not Zhou Botong.

However, it also ruled out the possibility that in Feitan's family, there would be a person named Zhou Botong.

As for Flay Lev, he himself is from the Jotundu ethnic group and is a minority.

"Through your words and deeds, as well as your daily living habits, common sayings, taking out gadgets like mahjong, and using [gourmet tablecloths] to implement, the catering is obviously different from the mainstream of the outside world..."

...for flowers 0....

"I think you should come from an ancient country with a very deep background.

"And you're not like Feitan, who cut off your surname abruptly. You have a lot of hatred for your country."

"It is not difficult to see from your words and deeds,

You have good feelings for your country. "

"Plus you were in the palace before,

Hearing the reaction of Dupin Baifen, and the actions of the eight countries' plans to invade..."

Chrollo paused and continued:

"The country where you should be located was ravaged by unique products, and was destroyed by the joint invasion of other countries, resulting in yourself becoming a stateless refugee."

"You are arrogant and don't want to be a resident of another country, so you live in Meteor Street and are not accepted by the world."

"That's why, I have lived in Meteor Street since I was a child, but I have never heard of your character."

"You may be carrying a heavier shackle than I thought."

"Of course, if I guess wrong, please forgive me and pretend I didn't say anything."


In the end, he bowed slightly like Maureen and expressed his apology.

"No, you're mostly right."

Maureen exhaled a smoke ring.

The country of his previous life, it was not just more than 180 years ago that it was violated by the unique product, and the country was bombarded with cannons.

Then there was the most humiliating part of history.

It's just that, unlike Krollo's guess, Morin's country was not destroyed, but re-established from the devastated and impoverished state. And it took less than a hundred years to stand back to its original height and return to the first class! !


"Although my country is still there, I may never go back."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Maureen's tone was a little lonely.

Can't go back?

Chrollo was silent.

In his view, this is actually no longer there, and there is no difference.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

After a while, Chrollo asked.

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