The devastation caused by powerful thermal weapons is evident.

Fortunately, the entire six continents were not destroyed together. 1.7

Maureen said happily.

Then, he looked at Shiba and Junuo, who were sluggish and looked miserable.

And the [Super Fall Expert Z] that has stopped running under their feet. 0

Well, a machine is a machine after all, and it can be dismantled by Xiba and Junuo, which is what Maureen expected.


He didn't expect that these two guys would cause such huge damage to Jie Nuo. This really gave Maureen a surprise.

"So, then, shall we talk more?"

Maureen clapped his hands and walked forward slowly.

Now he doesn't even have any interest in releasing psychic persecution.

I thought that there would be a battle between dragons and tigers, but I didn't expect such a result. Yep, save yourself a lot of effort.

"Have a good talk?"

Jie Nuo looked at Maureen who was walking towards them, and wanted to subconsciously stroke his beard.

Then realized the beard had been charred

Zhang pulled his eyelids involuntarily.

"Is there anything else to talk about?

He slowly shook his head, "Now, don't we have no choice?

"This time, we confessed."

"how do you want to do it,

Just say it?"

156 End and leave! Negotiate terms! I want Alluka! Maggie's asking price! !

"No choice? Admit it? Speak straight?"

Maureen narrowed his eyes and looked at Junuo.

Maureen didn't believe a word of what the old fox said.

The more dangerous the situation, the cunning old guys will do anything to escape.

Especially a family of killers like the Hakka family.

Qixiang has been a good deceiver since he was a child, which shows that his family is very knowledgeable???

"It's not a problem to put it bluntly, but..."

Maureen smiled and threw a few [Shadow Flashes] again.



A shadow appeared again, divided into four directions, east, west, north and south, and blocked Xiba and Junuo to death.


Juno: "

"It seems that you are still very vigilant towards us?"

Juno's eyelids jumped.

"Then, Mr. Maureen"

His tone gradually softened, "Can you give the old man a face for the former Hakka master who beat the enemy?"

"If your hair is red, maybe I'll consider

Mo Lin also directly refused, "And you were the one who insisted on killing me, and you didn't give me any face."

"This is our professional standard, and it is the foundation of the family that cannot be given up when we die."

"Oh, then you go to die."

Juno fell silent.

"That's it~"

Junuo sighed softly, "You make conditions, if we can do it, this matter will be over, what do you think?

"Talk about conditions..."

Mo Lin thought for a while, "Well then, I want you to beat up a person from the enemy Hakka family."


twenty two

Shiba said in a low voice.

"Alluga beats the enemy."

Maureen spat out the name.


D brush! !

Junuo and Xiba's eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at Mo Lin.

"Why do you know of his existence?"

Juno said with an expressionless face and a calm tone.

He referred to Alluka as "he", and he didn't even want to call him by name, obviously he didn't consider him a part of the family.

"Isn't it Alluka's fourth son?"

Maureen smiled at this and did not answer directly:

"What? Don't you want to? Is the Hakka family who beat the enemy still a warm family that values ​​blood and kinship, isn't it as cold-blooded and cruel as the rumors say?

"Beat the enemy Hakka family to treat relatives and treat outsiders, that is naturally a different attitude."

Junuo glanced at Mo Lin with a deep meaning, and said something meaningful.

Shiba also frowned at Mo Lin and said:

"It's impossible for Alluka to give it to you."

Neither of them went to Tiaruga, and they stopped asking how Maureen knew about it.

Alluka seemed like a taboo to them.

"Okay, then I'll change another person J

Maureen continued to propose: "How about beating up the enemy?"

Juno: "----"

"If you plan to continue to ridicule the two of them, then the two of them are not afraid of the last heroic show before they die.

Juno rolled her eyes rarely, and said angrily.

"Okay, no kidding

Maureen waved his hand.

Stop teasing two people, for fear of making them anxious, and really staged a thunderous thunder.

"My personal wishes, if I talk about conditions, I really won't talk to you.

Maureen returned to his normal state and said lightly.

"It depends on what the victims think."

With that said, Maureen looked at Ma Qi and Huashi Doulang behind him.

"What do you think?"

"Huh? Us?!"

Huashi Doulang, who had been watching the show and joined in the fun, was slightly startled when Mo Lin called him out, thinking that he had nothing to do with him.

"Are you willing to let them go, or are you going to be here and end their killer path?"

Maureen reiterated it again.

"my words……"

Hua Shi Doulang just wanted to speak, but at the last moment he caught a glimpse of Ma Qi who was silent and remained calm next to him.

Then he wisely and decisively shrank his neck, "This, Master, you always teach me, ladies first..."

He tried his best to show a more honest smile, trying to leave a good impression on his wife.

Madge glanced at him lightly.

Although he didn't speak, he didn't make any expressions.

But in the eyes of Huashi Doulang, there is a kind of meaning in it, "count you as a kid".

He couldn't help but secretly sighed in relief, thankful that he had made a correct decision.

"For me..."

Realizing that Maureen did this was actually for her and gave her a chance to decide.

This kind of respect and concern for himself made Madge's heart warmer.

"It's not impossible to talk about conditions?"

After warming up, March looked at Juno and Shiba.

When it was time to talk about business, Madge's eyes gradually glowed:

"Since the Hakka family is known as the No. 1 killer family, and they started out by taking orders from killers, they must have a lot of savings, right?"

I know~

Maureen grinned.

Hearing Maggie's first sentence, Maureen almost knew what she was thinking.

Although money is compared with life, life is not as important.

But isn't it life-threatening now?

Moreover, this side is still in a position of absolute advantage, such a perfect opportunity, if you don’t take this opportunity to make a serious bet, then it’s simply unreasonable!

"I'm also sorry for the injuries I suffered when I came here.

This is Madge's current mental activity.

She will never miss any chance to make money! !


- Mentioning this, I don't know why, Jie Nuo has a very bad feeling in his heart.

"How much do you want?"

"Don't be right, too?"

Ma Qi calmly began to calculate the account: "The treatment fee for the injury, the compensation fee, the mental damage fee, my labor fee..."

"Adding up the miscellaneous things, it's not much, it's only 200 billion ringgits."

Juno: "..."

Maureen: "..."

The scene fell silent again.

Jie Nuo himself didn't know how many times he was speechless on this day.

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