Nitro's mind was surging with memories, "I remember that he didn't have much time to practice with Bishiji, just a few years, right?"

"In just a few years, he has grown to such a situation. It seems that his talent is not weak."

he thought to himself.


"I remember his ability to think, is it able to manifest many props with peculiar effects?

"Then his props have the effect of making people stronger, so it should be possible, right?"

"Yaoyaoyao, it's interesting, with a talent that is not weak in itself, coupled with such a strange item ability, it must be very interesting to play against such a person, right?"

"Well, I'm so looking forward to meeting this person???"

With all these thoughts running through his mind, Nitro gradually came to a decision in his heart.

After continuing to chat with Juno for a few words, he hung up the phone.

After sitting still for a few seconds, he slowly got up and opened the drawer.

There are two top-secret files stored in it, which are placed on the left and right sides.

On the file on the left, there is a portrait of the little old man sticking out his tongue.

It was before that he classified Hua Shi Doulang as one of them.

There are Paris Stone, Mizai Aston, Kang Jae and others.

As for the file on the right~??

If you use [Condensation] to check, you will find that this file is actually covered with a layer of not weak mind power!

If you want to open it, you must meet certain conditions.

Otherwise, the thought power above would be activated by itself, destroying the entire file!

The only condition to open this file is to kill someone.

Ignoring the above thoughts, Nitro easily slapped the cover.

In the world, only Nitro can open this file.

This file bag looks very big, but the documents inside are scattered, and it looks like there are only six or seven copies.

And each document does not have any extra photos, some, just a photo.

If Maureen sees it, he will find several familiar faces inside.


Nitro looked at the file that had applied his mind power, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table in thought.

After a while, he took out the phone from his arms.


After dialing the number, Nitro asked directly:

,? Small:. Say.. Resource; Source; Share "Share! (!;6.9!..9..2"5?;.5!"0,Is it Kaqi Nila? I'm Nitro... Yes, I have something I want to ask you, um, it's not a big deal, I just want you to find someone for me.

"His name is Maureen, um, he's not a hunter, but he signed up for the test before, it's the 275th issue."

oIn your archives, you should be able to find relevant materials for that issue. "

"What I want is the information on the man named Maureen."

"Your ability should be able to do it, right? After half an hour? Okay, I see."


Here, Nitro hung up the phone, and in the archives of the Hunter Association, Kachinilla also looked at the phone with some doubts.

"A candidate who didn't pass the test, and didn't take the test later, I don't know why the president is so concerned?"

As the head of the archives, Kachinella shook her head.

"Let's see, the 275th test... there is!"

From a pile of archives, he pulled out the records of that year's data.

"Is it Maureen?"

Kachinila flipped through it twice, and quickly took out the relevant information.

"Let's start then?"

He rubbed his hands together, and suddenly, under the surge of thought power, his eyes were empty.

Comparing to Maureen's information, his other hand picked up the pen and wrote lines of text on the blank paper.

If Maureen were here, he would find that all the words he wrote were information that was closely related to him.

Mind ability: [Omniscient Search].

Effect: You can obtain relevant information and intelligence of the target through some information of the target.

In short, the ability is like those search browsers.

Enter keywords in the search bar to search for the information you want.

Of course, this ability also has conditions:

That is, the more keywords, that is, the more complete some information about the target, the more comprehensive the relevant information and information about the target he got (Qian Zhaohao). And this ability is not like a searcher, it can only give information that is available on the Internet.

It can give you any information, as long as the basic information you give is complete!

It is precisely because of this ability that Kazinilla is in charge of the archives.

Of course, the most important factor was that he gave himself a restriction and an oath.


When his thoughts stopped, Kachinila lost the pen in her hand, and her empty eyes gradually returned to her senses.

He didn't even look at it, and pressed the information on the table with his backhand.

Well, the restriction and oath he made to himself was to never read the information he wrote.

Because some people or some strong people are very taboo about others' spying on them, and if they impose on themselves who spies on themselves, they will be known by themselves, or they will immediately fight back against the spying people's thoughts. Kachinila's oath is to allow herself to ignore the effect of these thoughts.

As for the restriction, if he reads the written information himself, then not only the information will spontaneously burn itself.

He himself will be forced into a state of [Absolute] for three days.

And if in a short period of time, he violates the oath several times in a row, then he will face a state of [absolute] forever and lose the power of his mind.

This is also the reason why he can safely take charge of the archives.

[There is more in the back, I should be able to come out before zero, working overtime until I want to die...]?

The prediction of 15 Paris Stone and + two Earthly Branches, causing a sensation to beat the enemy Hakka family! Eccentric master! !

A person has the ability to read intelligence information, and he can't check the intelligence written by himself.

Who wouldn't approve of letting him take care of the archives with such a mind?

"This should be okay

After Kachinila sent the news of Morin to Nitro in the form of a telegram, he ignited the information of Morin.

"Yo, Kachinella."

At this time, at the door of the archives, a person suddenly walked in.

The visitor is the image of a good sunny young man with a hearty smile.

He has beautiful blonde hair and a contagious smile.

If it weren't for him wearing a decent adult suit with beige stripes~

And his face gives a mature feeling, otherwise, he may be very similar to the two knights with baby faces and training clothes.

"Are you searching for information on some people again?"

He smiled and stepped forward, greeting him as if he was familiar.


Seeing the person coming, Kachinella's eyelids jumped.

While gathering the documents in his hand, he replied politely in a very formulaic manner.

"Why did you come here, Vice President Pariston, do you also want to transfer any information?"

"No, it's just that something happened to come here."

The corners of Parisstone's eyes, very secretly, swept over the 275th Hunter's test data collected by Kachinella?

"Also, I'm not the official vice-chairman yet, I'm just an agent, don't call me that."

"It's just a matter of sooner or later."

The two chatted for a while again. The future Samsung hunter, Zimo, one of the twelve Earthly Branches, and the vice president of the Hunter Association, Pariston, took a few documents and left.

It seemed that nothing had happened, but looking at Pariston's slightly flickering eyes, 600 knew that he might have written something down in his mind.

Office on the other side~

"Is this the information on Maureen?"

When Nitro got the telegram, Wei Wei couldn't help but become more serious and began to read it in detail.

"It seems that the basic information is not enough, which caused Kachinila's ability to not write the previous information, can only find out that he was born in Meteor Street?"

"And then made a big noise at the elder's house and joined the Phantom Troupe... eh? Is this little guy also a member of the Phantom Troupe?"

Nitro raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to look down:

"Follow Bi Siji to practice mind power, take part in the hunter test to Portbai, go to Youkexin City and visit the Master's House, and also take in a disciple along the way."

"It turns out that Huashi Doulang knew Mo Lin at that time?"

This is the only detailed information. The rest of the information is relatively vague due to insufficient basic information.

Like what went to the island of greed to meet Jin, the first assembly of the Phantom Troupe, the incident of the Mosbian royal family, the acquaintance of the seventh prince of Kajin Luzlus, and even the battle with the Hakka family who beat the enemy, etc. event.

Nitro is basically unchecked.

However, this did not prevent him from learning some useful information from his previous experience with Morin.

"Although I don't know why he is with Jin, being recognized by a guy like Jin can also show his extraordinaryness."

Looking at the introduction with only a few words, Nitro more solemnly, put this information in the file bag where he had been read.

"Unfortunately, the intelligence did not write about his item abilities, otherwise, we would be able to understand more comprehensively."


A smile suddenly appeared on Nitro's face:

"He is qualified to be included in the selected range."

"Those ideas I had before can be implemented gradually.

"Inside the Hunter Association, in addition to the president and secretary, there is still a need for a suitable organization to run the association, and it can also become a signboard of the association facing the world." Well, more often, it is for leisure time. playing opponent.

"And this world needs to add some more vitality, it can't be so dead."

"Only when a hundred flowers bloom, the research on the ability of mind can go further."

Thinking so, Nitro began to pick up the pen and quickly wrote on the paper.

The four characters above it are so obvious:

Twelve Earthly Branches.

After Juno cut off communication with Nitro, he and Shiba returned home.


They still caused some impulses in Kukulu Mountain.

There was no way, although on their return they took some rest.

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