He's been working toward that goal until he meets Maureen.

"With your props, I feel that everything is no longer difficult.

"Even if it is to take risks in some extreme places, there is no problem.

He smiled meaningfully.

Many of Maureen's props exceeded his expectations.

Some, even in his opinion, were specially prepared for exploring the Dark Continent.

Although there are many designated cards on the island of greed with wonderful effects. But if you want to use it outside, the conditions are not generally harsh.

Compared to Mo Lin's simple consumption of mind power and energy, it is really not enough.

"After the repair of the Ruluka ruins was completed, the president of the president called me?"

With a dog's tail grass in his mouth, Jin said leisurely:

"He intends to let me join that organization, which has been initially named [Twelve Earthly Branches], and twelve people will join in."

"Among them, the first person to be confirmed by Nitro was Paris Stone, and that guy has already occupied a seat."

"Pariston?" Leiza interjected, "Is that the vice president of the Hunter Association?"

"Now he's just an agent, but he's not far from the real vice-chairman position."

Kim replied.

Well, according to the timeline, Parisstone officially served as the vice president of the Hunter Association three years before the plot began, in 1996.

But have you started to act as an agent now?

According to his age, he is only just eighteen years old now, right?

At the time of the election of the president, Par 22 Riston was only twenty-five years old.

"The president's intention is to let me join in, just to check and balance that guy in some respects."

Jin continued, "Although the guild elder wants to put a [the type of opponent who is the least good at dealing with] by his side to make fun of himself."

"But he obviously also understands that if Pariston is allowed to mess around without restrictions, the Hunter's Association is likely to fall apart, or become his one."

In addition to me, the old man has already decided on Chidor, and two other people from Porter White will join. The remaining candidates are still under consideration.

Kim told him everything he knew.

Well, in general, it should be the same as the original construction of the twelve earthly branches.

"Then what are your thoughts?"

Mo Lin took out the [Food Street Tablecloth], and displayed all kinds of drinks and delicacies.

"The conditions that the old man gave me are not bad?"

Jin smiled, then sat down at the table and ate the delicious food. Obviously, he also made the decision to become a member of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

"It is expected that the official list of personnel will be decided in about a week."

"A week, so fast?"

Leiza also picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

"Anyway, the selection of the Twelve Earthly Branches this time is all decided by Mr. Nitro, who said that he will choose whoever he chooses, and there is not so much trouble in the selection.

Jin's mouth was full, but what he said was very clear:

"That guy Pariston wanted to do a wave of voting, but he directly denied it on the old man's side.

"If there is a vote, maybe half of the twelve Earthly Branches are his people."

Well, even if you don't need to vote, if Nitro is appointed, someone will still be arranged by Pariston. Morin thought of Shenhou Saiyou, one of the original twelve Earthly Branches, the undercover agent Parisstone placed in the twelve branches. As the president of the Hunter Association, Nitro is the world's No. 1 powerhouse, and the founder of the world's No. 1 martial arts school Xinyuanliu. His prestige in the Hunter's Association is unparalleled, and he is basically consistent, and no one doubts the results of his selection. Only someone with such a high prestige as Nitro can make a decision on such a troublesome matter.

"It will be announced to the world after the candidate is confirmed within a week."

Jin swallowed a piece of Dongpo meat in one bite, "When the time comes, you can go with me, Mo Lin."


Maureen reacted and looked at Jin, "I'm not a hunter, what should I do?

"Isn't your apprentice Hua Shi Doulang in the selection list this time?"

While drinking the soup, Jin casually said:

"The apprentice wants to become the top of the Hunter Association, so you, the master, don't go to the scene to cheer and cheer?

Maureen didn't speak, just kept looking at him.

"Well, I'll be honest

Jin helplessly put down the Jiuzhuan large intestine that was about to be put into his mouth, raised his hand and said:

"President Nitro planned to let me call you over.


Maureen asked directly.

"Well, because in addition to selecting the twelve Earthly Branches, the old man also intends to select another list."

Is it a higher-standard and more confidential selection than what Siji said?

Maureen's eyes flickered slightly, "What list to choose?"

"About the selection of those who can read."

Jin licked a few pieces of large intestine, and took another bite of the candy ear:

"If the Twelve Earthly Branches are said, it is only for the Hunter Association, and the personnel selected from within the association to manage the operation of the association

"Then this selection of people with ability to read is for the whole world."

Jin swallowed a piece of squirrel mandarin fish in his mouth, looked serious, and said word by word:

"Master Nitro, he plans to select the [World's Five Great Minds]."

"It's the so-called [world top five].

[The world's top five minders], as the name suggests, are the top five minders in the world. All minders are very powerful. It can be said that it is very difficult to rank among the top five in the world. It is also necessary to have enough strength to be able to have such a result.

Although there is no such formal selection as the twelve Earthly Branches of the world's five major minds, they basically defined these five candidates from Nitro's mouth.

The spread in the outside world is not as high as the twelve earthly branches.

But for all hunters, it is basically common sense to walk the world to have knowledge of the world's five minds.

As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature, and no second in martial arts.

If the twelve Earthly Branches are the representatives of identity and reputation, then the world's five great minds are the real strength recognition.

If other people want to make such a so-called list of the most powerful people, then there will naturally be different opinions, and everyone has their own approved candidates.

But if it is the selection of Nitro who is the strongest man in the world, the strongest person with the ability to think.

The top five in the world recognized by him, naturally no one can refute it.

The five minds of the world were originally from the mouth of Nitro.

In the island of greed, after hearing the name of Xiaojie's father Jin, Yubiji revealed the concept of the five minds of the hunter world to Qixi and Xiaojie.

There is no data or record to support this, it is just five people identified by Nitro's personal opinion.

But even so, it is enough to illustrate the gold content of this top five list.

Maureen didn't have much emotion for Nitro's selection. Instead, he said this:

"It is necessary to select the twelve Earthly Branches, and also to confirm the [World Top Five], will Mr. Nitro be too tired?

"Is this something you should worry about?"

While sucking the Yifu noodles, Jin complained:

"That's what happened, Mr. Nitro, please, let me take you there too, anyway, I have already told you and tried my best.

"Then it's up to you whether you go or not."

"Are you going to go, or don't you want to go?"

Jin put down the noodles he had finished drinking and picked up another bowl of white soup.


He took a sip, then spit it out immediately.

"What is this?!

"Soybean juice, made of mung beans, clears heat and relieves summer heat, which is very good for the body."

"It's like the smell of my stinky socks that haven't been washed and soaked for three days in the sink."

Jin wiped the corners of his mouth, expressing that he could not accept the taste.

"I can

Not used to this stuff.


I can't drink it either.



u... Then you still bring it out for me to drink? "

The two chatted for a while, and then Jin and Leiza wiped out all the other food except the bean juice.

"So what are you going to think, do you want to come with me when the time comes?"

Jin finally asked formally.


Maureen also thought about it seriously, and finally nodded:

"I haven't been to the Hunter Association.

He smiled and said, "Then let's go. n

In the selection of the twelve Earthly Branches, if Hua Shi Doulang is in the top position, someone who was originally selected will definitely have to go down.

Maybe because the trajectory of fate deviates and something goes wrong, Maureen can also go over to see the situation.

In addition, he is indeed very curious about who the future [World's Five Great Mind Powers] are.

After Nitro's death, the list was never seen again.

The world's top five must be the five most powerful and powerful people in the world.

Nitro is undoubtedly on the list, and there are two known golds.

For the rest, Mo Lin reckoned that Porter Bai might have a place. After all, he was the person closest to President Nitro in both strength and reputation.

It can be said that in the Hunter Association, except for Nitro, the strongest group of people.

Even if it weren't for the existence of gold, Porter White would be the second strongest in the Hunter Association.

In addition, in the beating enemy Hakka family, Maha or Jaeger should have a seat.

Needless to say, Maha's strength is not to be mentioned. When Jager was young, he was recognized by Nitro and took him to the Dark Continent.

As for the last candidate~

"Bi Young De..."

Maureen thought of his own son who had made an agreement with Nitro that he could go to the Dark Continent only after his death.

Bijan de Nitro.

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