What is even more frightening is that this small hole and its surrounding contours look like eyes no matter how you look at it! !

"Poseidon...it's Poseidon!!"

Some students shouted like crazy.

"Poseidon came with the help of St. Elmo's fire!!"

"No one can escape the punishment of the Sea God!!!"

"Ahhh! Why did the Sea God appear in front of us?!!"

"Someone on our ship must have caused the wrath of the Sea God!!

"That's right, after we boarded the ship in other places before, there was no big deal. Only after receiving the candidates on the whale island, the sea **** came! (Li Nuo's)!"

"Throw out the candidates from the boat on Whale Island and quell the wrath of the Sea God!!"

"That's right! That's right!!"

"Throw it out! Throw it out!!"

- The group of people screamed hysterically there, as if they had caught some life-saving straw.

Looking around with red eyes.

In the end, everyone's attention turned to Xiaojie and Leo Li who were the last to board the ship. Xiaojie blinked: "What's wrong?"

Leo Li: "...?!!!!"

No way, the two of them got on the boat at the end, and it was simply not to be too conspicuous.

If it was the candidates for the boat on the Whale Island, then the two of them were 100% the first target to be set on fire.

"This is troublesome

Looking at so many red eyes, Leo Li couldn't help but take a step back subconsciously.

He tugged at his collar and took out a short knife from his waist.

Although he doesn't want to hurt people, if others want to embarrass him, he doesn't mind dredging others' muscles and bones.


Xiaojie raised his head and looked at the holes that looked like "eyes".

After thinking for a while, then a thought moved, and he looked towards Maureen's direction.

Then, he saw Maureen having fun with something like a toaster.

【First of all, thank you for your support! The story of the hunter test has officially begun! ! In addition, starting from tomorrow, the workload will increase, I will try to keep up with the update] bar.

191 The man who controls the weather! Is it the Kuluta people who have been spreading the word a few years ago? !

"That gentleman...what are you playing?!"

Under the malicious gaze of so many people, Xiaojie moved to Mo Lin's side and asked curiously.

He also suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know the other party's name.

"My name is Xiaojie, I want to be a hunter and find my father!"


Maureen replied casually, and then asked:

"What's your favorite thing?"


Xiaojie thought for a while, then scratched his head.

He doesn't seem to like anything.

In other words, he likes all kinds of good things, and this hobby is a bit too broad.

Seeing Xiaojie, I can't answer one, two, three


Five years later, Maureen didn't ask him any more.

Turning to his hands, he kneaded the clouds.

"Mr Maureen

What else did Xiaojie want to say, and at this moment?

"Look! The clouds have changed again!!"

A group of candidates who were preparing to take down Xiaojie and Leo Li changed again.

They looked up and saw that the clouds in the sky were changing again.

The eyes that originally represented the so-called sea **** gradually disappeared, and instead they were all blended together into a large sphere.

They stared helplessly at the top of the big ball, and a few hairs appeared, which seemed to be spiky heads standing up to the sky.

Then the outline of a human face began to appear on the sphere.

eyes, nose, mouth, ears

Gradually, all the candidates on the deck became quiet.

Their mouths opened and closed unconsciously, staring blankly at the changing clouds in the sky.

Soon, the clouds changed, showing a face with a sunny smile.


Xiaojie blinked his big eyes and said somewhat uncertainly:

"Is it me?!"

How could it not be you! ! !

Leo Li was the first to shout in his heart.

He was also really shocked by the changes in the clouds in the sky.

243 I saw the clouds hanging over the ocean, it was Xiaojie's smiling face that couldn't be clearer! ! !

The entire deck fell into an eerie silence and silence.

By now, even the most obtuse person could know that this was not the warning or anger brought by the fire of St. Elmo or the Sea God at all.


A group of people glanced at Xiaojie silently, and then turned their eyes and attention to Mo Lin, who was continuing to operate the controller.

The oppressive atmosphere condensed on the deck disappeared, replaced by a sense of fear and cringe.

A man who can control the weather?--

The blond boy was also a little dignified, gave Mo Lin a deep look, then closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to what was happening on the field.

In any case, he has now completely imprinted the image of Mo Lin in his mind.

"It's the first time I've seen a man who can manipulate the weather

The red-nosed captain of the wine tank kept smoking a cigarette to suppress the shock in his heart.

He walked to Maureen's side and said with mixed emotions:

"It's really unexpected, or so?"

He joked to ease the atmosphere: "Are you the incarnation of the so-called Sea God?"

"Sea God?"

Maureen raised his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile:

"It's hard to say what the sea **** said, but if it was the sea king, um, maybe a little bit."

Captain Red Nose: "...?"

He didn't understand what Maureen meant, but it didn't affect his perception of Maureen.

Finally, he glanced at Mo Lin's [Cloud Controller], which completely planned the cloud group, then shook his head and left with emotion. This time the hunter test can be said to be the most memorable and thrilling one he has done for so many years.

"It's amazing, Mr. Morin!!"

Xiaojie also looked at Mo Lin with bright eyes after realizing that all this was done by Mo Lin. (adaf)

"You can even control the weather!!!"

Is this something that humans can do?

Leo Li, who had some doubts about life, grabbed his face and slowly approached.

In any case, Mo Lin helped them get rid of the entanglement of other candidates by controlling the clouds, so he should express his gratitude.

"If you are thankful, you will be spared."

Seeing Leo Li's eagerness to speak, Mo Lin, who knew what he wanted to say, interrupted.

"I just hate thunderstorms, from my own perspective."

With that said, he put away the [Cloud Controller].


Leo Li didn't know what to say when he said these words, he could only touch his scalp and let out two meaningless dry smiles.

"Mr. Maureen, are you also targeting hunters?"

Xiaojie asked curiously.

"Leo Li and I both want to be hunters... Oh, his name is Leo Li, and I met him on the road."

"Cough cough?"

Leo Li coughed twice, "Leo Li o Palatine Knight."

That's his full name.

"Target hunters?"

Maureen smiled, "No, I just have nothing to do recently, and I want to take a hunter's license to relieve my fatigue."

It's okay to be idle...relieve the fatigue...

Some candidates originally thought of Maureen's arrogance, but when they thought of the various behaviors he had used to manipulate the weather before.

Involuntarily, he wiped out the thoughts in his mind.

"That's it~"

Xiaojie believed it directly.

"Then we are all candidates fighting for the hunter test, we have to work hard together!!"

Leo Li next to him also nodded silently in his heart.

Well, with these actions shown by Maureen, it looks like a particularly thick thigh.

If you can hold or rely on it smoothly, you may have a better chance of passing the hunter test.

It's not appropriate for him to say such words, but if it is said by Xiaojie, who is pure-hearted and has no other thoughts, it will definitely not arouse the other party's disgust.


Maureen glanced at him and said leisurely, "That's not certain.

"Maybe during the hunter test, I felt bored and bored, so I quit.

Leo Li:

How does this sound like a weird character?

Or are powerful people more self-willed? !

In this way, the so-called turmoil of St. Elmo's fire just passed.

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