"But if you act elated, you will be seen by the people around you."

"If I pretend to be ignorant, then I will be the only one to pass the exam without incident. This is what a smart person does!! Hold? Hold?

Hanzo turned his face sideways, glanced at Bakuer who was kneading rice **** beside him, and immediately turned his head back.


This guy seems to know what to do...

Bakuer was so angry that he kneaded the rice ball in his hand into a small ball.

But still, Hanzo did not stand out here.

Then, under Leo Li's inadvertent mouth, the "fish meat" clues obtained from Kurapika were leaked out.

It attracted most of the people to go out to the river to catch fish at the first time.

The candidates ran out in a hurry.

"Men Qi, you are more sinister than me."

Buhara, who was full, picked his teeth and said, "I remember using sea fish for nigiri sushi, right? River fish in the forest cannot make orthodox sushi."

"Isn't that interesting? I'm tired of regular sushi!!"

Men Qi licked the corner of his mouth, "It's exciting to see what innovative things they can make!!

"Now my status as a chef has overshadowed my status as an examiner!!

Her eyes were burning, and she stared at the two who had not left the scene...

Maureen, and Qixiang.

"Why don't you go catching fish?"

Mo Lin asked casually while taking out the [Gourmet Tablecloth] as usual.

Qi Xian didn't speak, just stared at him with cat eyes.

"Okay, for the sake of our first cooperation deal, I'll give you another free service." Maureen shrugged at him, "Go catch fish in the river, and I'll tell you how to make sushi when you come back. .

A question mark appeared on Qi Xing's forehead.

"Isn't this tablecloth of yours able to conjure all kinds of delicacies out of thin air?"


Maureen nodded.

"Can nigiri sushi be made out of thin air?"

Qi Xian pointed to the tablecloth, "Then why do you need me to go outside to catch fish, and then ask you to teach me how to do it?

Maureen looked at him with a strange look.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that?!"

Qi Xian was a little uncomfortable to see.

"Although I'm giving you a free service, but it's limited to the operation process, is there a specific object?~?"

Maureen patted Qixi on the shoulder and said with a kind smile:

\"Don't you know that free things are the most expensive?"

"Only through the hard work of your own hands, the delicious and delicious food made by the examiner has passed the approval of the examiner. This is a great sense of achievement, isn't it?!

Qi Xiang: "..."

Still a sense of accomplishment, what about coaxing a three-year-old child? !

The corners of his eyes twitched, and he looked at Maureen speechlessly.

Qi Xian wanted to **** the [Gourmet Tablecloth], but unfortunately, there is still a certain distance between dream and reality. He couldn't help Mo Lin in any way, so he had no choice but to run out to catch fish.

However, compared to the candidates who didn't even know how to make nigiri sushi, Qi Xian got the guarantee from Maureen, which was barely a step ahead.

There is also Men Qi who has the same doubts as Qi Xian.

"Aren't you going to give that silver-haired kid a finished product directly?"

Men Qi persevered and said: "Otherwise, my requirements are very strict, and he may not be able to pass it!!

It's not just him 2.0, others can't pass the same~??

Maureen smiled on the surface, but said so in his heart.

Anyway, no matter what the result of Qi Xian is, this test is destined to be repeated.

Then give Qixi a finished product, in addition to satisfying Men Qi's appetite and satisfying her, is there any other effect?

there is none left?


"It's better to let him do it himself.

Maureen snapped his fingers as he spoke.

Immediately, a plate of sushi that looks very exquisite appeared on the [Gourmet Tablecloth]! ! Whether it is the color and appearance, or the quality of the fish, it is definitely the top grade among the top grades of nigiri sushi.

"This is it!!"

Men Qi's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Give it to me and you can pass this second round of tests!!"

Her tone was fast, and it was obvious that she was about to bear it.

Without even tasting the taste, he directly expressed his approval to Mo Lin.

She is looking forward to this smell! !



Maureen just smiled at her.


In her slightly dull eyes, he grasped the sushi and put it into his own mouth.


Mo Lin shook his head: "The taste is indeed quite good!! Men Qi: "...???\"?

20 Shut me up! Is he trying to completely sabotage the test? Don't you want to know the real way of nigiri sushi?

After eating a piece of nigiri sushi, Maureen wasn't finished.

\"Give me another nigiri sushi, grilled sushi, rolled sushi and other sushi!!

That brush!

Immediately, the scene was spread out and all kinds of sushi appeared on the tablecloth.

"I'm gonna start now?!"

Maureen learned the posture of Alu in "The Captive of Food", put his hands together, and made a salute to the food.

Of course, that doesn't mean Maureen has much respect to thank for the food.

The main reason is to deliberately put on this posture and show the gourmet hunter next to him a good look.

Men Qi opened his eyes wide and stared at this scene dazedly, his eyes a little dull.

She just watched helplessly as Maureen picked up the sushi on the tablecloth one by one, and then stuffed them into her mouth one by one.

That posture, obviously wants to eat them all, not to leave one for her at all!

"You...what are you doing?!!"

Finally, Men Qi is not too slow.

After reacting, she suddenly shouted angrily:

"Shut me up!!"

However, after her throat went down, Maureen had already eaten the last piece of sushi.

"You, you... don't you want to pass the hunter test?"

She was a little incoherent with anger.

So many delicious sushi, but she didn't taste a single one! !

Men Qi's heart was dripping blood.

"Even though it's such a good sushi, you actually eat it one by one without chewing it.

Men Qi looked distressed: "Can you taste it?!

"For dishes like sushi, you have to taste the aroma of rice and fish, as well as the mixture of sauce and vinegar, so that you can taste its best flavor!!

"If you do this, you're just stubbornly eating!!"

Men Qi's resentment for not being able to eat delicious food is not ordinary.

"This kind of delicacy should be left to professionals to taste!!

Men Qi's five hair bridles all exploded: "This is the last level of the second round of tests that I made!!

"If you want to pass, you should give me one!!"

"I'm sorry, this examiner~"

Maureen asked for a cup of tea and drank it slowly:

"I'll give you delicious nigiri, but not now."

"What does it mean?!"

Men Qi raised his eyebrows, feeling that Maureen was teasing her.

"You'll find out later."

Maureen said with a smile.

Seeing him like this, Men Qi wanted to question him again.

But for the sake of those so-called delicious sushi, I finally endured it.

"I want to see, what do you mean by delicious nigiri?"

Men Qi raised her eyebrows and folded her arms beside her chest in silence.

As early as when Maureen brought out the Roasted Whole Pig with the Roasted Pig, she had already determined that Maureen was the candidate that President Nitro said he should pay attention to.

Originally, Hisoka's danger was indeed very high, but compared with Mo Lin, it was nothing at all.

Although Maureen is not like Hisoka, he always exudes an offensive and provocative atmosphere.

But that powerful physical quality that they can easily observe is the tip of the iceberg that even their veteran hunters do not possess.

Coupled with the unknown ability of that magical materialized food, it also made Men Qi and Bhala clear.

Maureen is an existence they cannot provoke.

Therefore, with Men Qi's wayward character and violent temper, if it was someone else, she would have already stepped forward to do it.

But facing Maureen's words...

Well, at most, it's just a little bit of a slap in the face?


The candidates who went out to catch fish came back one after another.

All kinds of strangely shaped fish are presented on their chopping boards.

"It's really all kinds, what kind of aquatic products do you want?"

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