Well, he estimates that even if he has cultivated a powerful mind like Nitro, it may not be able to support him to activate and use the super bomb~

"Let's improve your strength first."

Maureen made up his mind secretly.

Only with strength can you have the capital to walk in this dangerous world.

The ability to read is the foundation of strength.

The ability to manipulate life energy - freely manipulate the life energy emitted from the body, also commonly known as aura, and the force used in attack or defense is called mind.

Learning this skill is also a condition of becoming a true hunter.

Mindfulness can be trained with one of the four major elements, and anyone can learn it.

Therefore, in order not to be used by evil forces, it is a technology that is usually not easily known.

The four elements of mindfulness practice are:

The entanglement stabilizes the qi flowing around the whole body. In combat, the strength of the entanglement is equal to the defense power of the mind attack.

Absolutely, tightening and isolating the qi and breath of the whole body, making one's own sense of existence weak. In the absolute state, the defense power of the mind attack is close to zero.

Entering a state of extreme fatigue helps restore physical strength.

Practice, the qi refined in the body is sent out from the fine hole at the same time, releasing more qi than usual.

Hair, this is the master of the ability of mind, to freely manipulate and use one's own qi.

That is to say, according to their own situation, formulate and develop the ability to develop nirvana. Each person's ability varies from person to person.

There are also many sects of practice in this world, and the most mainstream one is the one that is carried out by the Hunter Association.

and this


Great line,

It is also basically summed up by the flow of the heart

Content suitable for beginners of every reading ability.

But this is only the advanced skills that are just getting started, and then read, such as [hard], [week], [hard] and so on.

Even the most talented person, without the guidance of an excellent teacher, it is difficult to rely on oneself to comprehend and use it skillfully.

"Although you have the ability to think of items in this [Four-Dimensional Treasure Bag], if you want to become stronger, you must not do it behind closed doors."

In the world of full-time hunters, where the ability to think has existed for an unknown number of years, Mo Lin was not so arrogant that he thought that he could be very superior after watching anime.

Although it has the advantage of foresight, but in terms of perception and understanding of [Nian], Nitro and Junuo beat the enemy and the group of people, but it is much deeper.

"However, with super powerful items from the twenty-first and twenty-two worlds, it is not difficult to surpass them!

Maureen didn't underestimate himself either, his eyes gradually became firmer and full of confidence. .

003 The first prop!

In addition, Mo Lin originally wanted to see what kind of mind power his [Four-Dimensional Treasure Bag] belonged to.

But looking at the four walls of this family, the mice had to cry and walk away when they came, and the bleak situation where there was no cup or water, could only give up.

"Let's take a look first, what props can I get by signing in today?!

Maureen's mental awareness was immediately immersed in the ability to read.

The space of the four-dimensional treasure bag is vast and gray, and the area is almost boundless.

Mo Lin also found out that in addition to placing the props here, this place can also be used as a super large storage space.

After all, Doraemon's


The dimensional treasure bag can hold anything, and is itself a prop for holding things.

As soon as Maureen's thoughts moved, a strange person appeared in front of him.


Square with black dots on it,

Something like a brick.


"This is... a translation of konjac?!

In reality, Maureen took the soft-touched thing out of the treasure bag and held it in his hand.

In Mo Lin's opinion, this series of processes, from immersing in the mind, to extracting the props from the treasure bag, to taking them out, took a while.

But the reaction in the external reality is a momentary thing.

When the translation konjac appeared, he recognized the prop at first sight.

The appearance rate of this little thing is not too high, and it has appeared in almost every Doraemon theatrical version.

Props: translate konjac.

Effect: The role of translation, often used when you do not understand the other party's language or speak a language other than your native language, a tool used to solve language problems.

This is what Maureen himself concluded when he was sorting out the props.

When using it, it is generally enough to eat it, so that you can understand all the strange languages, whether it is a foreign language or an alien language, and you can communicate with them at the same time.

The same effect applies not only to language, but also to words.

Of course, it also has a disadvantage, that is, a piece of translation konjac can only correspond to one language.

The translation of konjac is most often used in Doraemon's long novels, and at least eight or nine theatrical versions such as "Nobita in the Great Demon Realm", "Nobita and the Underwater Ghost Rock City", and "Nobita's Birth in Japan" have its presence.

In the face of people from the ground, people from the sea, astronauts, people in the sky, etc., every time Doraemon sees a new race, he has to eat a piece of translation konjac.

But the flaws do not hide the truth, this prop is also indispensable to the current Mo Lin!

"The world of full-time hunters is full of ghost-like characters. If I learn it from scratch, I really won't be able to learn it?"

Maureen shook his head and put the translation konjac directly into his mouth.

At the same time, his mind power and energy have also decreased.

Every use of the item will consume the power and energy of the person who has the ability. The way to translate the use of konjac is to eat it.

"For me, there are still two main limitations to this ability, one of which is that I can only randomly draw one item per day, and I don't know how it works, and the other is the consumption of energy and energy. M

While chewing on the translation konjac, Maureen pondered the situation of using his mind ability for the first time and made a summary.

"In terms of randomness, there is no way to look at luck, but I can know the role of the props I have drawn."

"That is to say, the real limit for me is only the mental power and energy that the props consume."

"So, can I reduce the other limit at the expense of one of the constraints?"

"That's the so-called restriction and oath..."

Mo Lin pondered in his heart, and he ate most of the translation konjac in his hand.

In other words, the taste of this translated konjac is actually not bad, it tastes like soft glutinous taro.

And the amount is large, the tube is full.

After Maureen ate half of it, he felt a little full.

And just after he swallowed the last piece of konjac into his mouth, he planned to study how to improve his mind power, enhance his qi, and related restrictions and vows?

Suddenly, there was a creak.

The old wooden door of this dilapidated but not messy house made a harsh creak and was pushed.

A girl with pink-purple hair and golden eyes pushed the door and walked in.

"you're awake?"

She asked flatly, with no expression on her face.

Even in those beautiful golden eyes, there was no emotional fluctuation at all, as if it could not afford any Polish lake, it was beautiful and calm.


Maureen replied calmly on the surface.

I was really relieved.

Fortunately, the translation of konjac is powerful, and I can really understand it!

Maureen began to look up and down at the girl in front of him. It seemed that she was the one who rescued him from the garbage.

The girl in front of her was petite, about eleven or twelve years old, and had beautiful short pink-purple hair.

The eyebrows are very thin, the nose and mouth are slightly delicate, and the color of the eyes is a rare golden color, and they are very large and charming.

She was wearing a white outfit that looked like a judo uniform, but the lower body was a short skirt style, and she also wore a pair of black tight shorts, which was longer than a one-piece short skirt.

Originally, looking at a little girl of about eleven or twelve years old was a thing that could easily lead to misunderstanding.

However, Mo Lin's current physical quality and age are not much older than hers.

Second come?

"Why do I get more familiar with her the more I look at her?

Maureen muttered to himself. .


004 March!

"It's for your clothes

Seemingly aware of Mo Lin's suspicious gaze, the pink-purple-haired girl folded her arms around her chest, pointed her finger at the white clothes on her body, and looked at Mo Lin calmly.

"my clothes??

Maureen was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

He came through by himself, and the suit he was wearing was gone.

Instead, it was a rather tattered linen.

It can be worn, but the hole is a bit big.

If it is worse, it may be necessary to go to nature to be with cavemen and Tarzan.

"My clothes changed?"

Mo Lin looked at the pink-purple girl in front of him, and the familiarity in his heart became more and more aggravated, and a figure gradually appeared in his mind, which slowly overlapped with her.

Then I think of the environment I am in now, the barren land that I just came across, and the mountains of garbage...

"where is this place?"

Maureen swallowed slightly and asked the girl.

"Meteor Street.

The girl stroked her short hair and replied calmly.

"Meteor Street?"

Maureen murmured, "Sure enough."

"I'm really in a good place."

Meteor Street, a waste landfill, is located on the north side of the Yorubian continent in Hunter World.

As early as 1,500 years ago, this place was positioned as a garbage dump. In this place, any country is allowed to discard anything here.

Garbage, corpses, babies, industrial waste...anything deemed useless can be thrown away here.

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