Then he gave an answer: "It's not impossible."

"Actually, in the early years, I also had the idea of ​​going to the Dark Continent."

Hearing this, Maureen smiled.

But then?

"But then I heard that the environment there is very bad, and basically there is no sunlight all year round."

"It was really damaging to the skin, so I gave up on going there.

"Of course, if you have something to make sure my skin isn't damaged, little Morin..."

She rolled her eyes, "I might consider taking a trip with you."

"No problem at all!!"

The smile on Maureen's face deepened.

Isn't it a skin problem?

There are many beauty props in his backpack.

Even if there is an accident, he still has the [Recovery Light Lamp] to recover. It can be said that he is fully prepared.

Don't say it's just a small skin protection, even if he suffers a serious injury, he can easily recover from the treatment.

"Then it's settled."

Mo Lin was in a good mood, "At that time, I'll have to trouble you again, Teacher Bi Siji, take care of you."

"Shout, choose the best words to say."

Bishiji curled his lips, "I declare in advance, if you are not fully prepared for 5.4, I don't want to act with you.

"You can rest assured and look at it!!"

In this regard, Maureen's Dark Continent team has joined another powerful member! !

When Bisji was on the original, he was hired by Kurapika and boarded the Black Whale to the Dark Continent.

At that time, Bisji and Kurapika didn't know each other at all.

Even Sigi made it clear that if it weren't for the requests of Xiaojie and Qixi, she would not even meet Kurapika.

Now, let alone there is no necessary reason to accept Kurapika's request.

She said bluntly: "I'm talking about you, I don't know how you know yourself, but I won't trust you unconditionally like Xiaojie and Qixiang."

Kurapika, who was willing to do anything for the heads and eyes of his own clan, took a deep breath:

"You are more suitable to be a princess than to be a guard. If you want to regret it, take advantage of it now!!"

Kurapika said this to Bishiji, using the words he learned from Kiyoshi.

Then the latter held the flushed face that had been praised and said:

"I can do anything!!"

It can be said that it is a direct and accurate sniper that hits the girl's heart. .

24 I didn't take them seriously at all? The Phantom Troupe in action, the underground auction! !

Qi Xian and Bisji are both change-types.

In addition, Qi Xian and Bi Si Ji have been practicing for so long, and they have also understood Bi Si Ji thoroughly.

Therefore, he knew very well what kind of words to use to deal with Bisji.

"Based on what I know about you and Bisji, I'm afraid you will have a dispute with her, but let me tell you in advance, there are actually tricks to getting along well with her." Qi Xiang explained to Kurapika.

Then he told Kurapika what he just said.

The latter also shook his head and said, "Although I know how to do it, I still can't do it. It's really disgusting."

Qi Xiang also responded to this: "Although it is disgusting, but if you can do it, you should try your best..."

Having said this, Qi Xian also paused, "Although it is indeed really disgusting."

Well, the two have something in common in this regard.

However, it can be seen that Qi Fangya's agility, and he can be considered to understand the character of Bishiji, and eat it to the death.

Before coming, Maureen had already made preparations and plans in this regard.

If Biscuit rejected him, he would say those words like Kurapika.

At that time, it is inevitable that Si Ji will not submit.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, saving Maureen from talking.

The two masters and apprentices discussed with each other again like this.

Maureen left the room on the grounds of his actions this evening.

And told Bi Siji not to go out as much as possible unless necessary.

The result attracted a big white eye from the other party:

"I heard that there are Yin Beast troops under the ten old men, you should be careful yourself.

Yin beast?

Hearing the name, Maureen smiled noncommittally.

In Bisji's eyes, it is:

"I didn't take them seriously at all??J

Youkexin City in the daytime,

Barely it was peaceful.

This also made many residents of Youkexin City put a hanging heart back into their stomachs.


And when they were a little relieved?


"The location of this year's underground auction has already been figured out, and even who the organizer will send, where they are passing by, and what car they are in, they have also found out. In the sky, in the slowly rising hot air balloon.

The knight is reporting the information he has collected and explaining his arrangements to the members of the group.

As the action arranger, he will definitely participate.

Secondly, Wojin, who is definitely not absent in combat, Nobunaga, who is his partner, and Maggie, who uses the mind line as support and healing.

There is no doubt that the three of them are acting together.

In addition, there are also Franklin who can use two-handed machine guns to clear the field, has a group attack AOE trick, and Feitan who is good at interrogation and questioning results.

Of course, there must be Maureen who finally sits in the town to deal with all troublesome emergencies.

The above seven people are the action team of this underground auction.

The remaining six people stayed at the base camp, waiting for their return.


Among them Finks, Kuwa, Pike Norda and Flake Lev


Personally, it is possible to gather enough mahjong table to play there.

The reason why Finks left his old partner Feitan this time was because he wanted to be ashamed at the poker table! !

But he faces Pike Norda, who has the ability to read memories from objects, and Kuwa, who has the ability to replicate.

Although it is a requirement not to use the power of mind, but...

There will always be a corresponding method~

Finks' idea may be doomed to fail.

hot air balloon there.

"I plan to intercept the people sent by the organizer first, and then disguise themselves to calm down the auction venue, and then another team of people will take the opportunity to pounce on the auction items.

As the knight said, he looked at his companions.

"If the auction item is successful, then everything is going well."

"And if the auction item is as we expected before, our actions have been predicted by the prophecy of the Nothra family, causing the auction item to be transferred away.


"Then, we have to go back to the base and think about the long-term plan, starting with the little girl capable of the Nosla family, and then the ten old men of the gang.

"What do you think?

Others have no objection.

"I'm fine." Feitan, whose cloak covered his mouth, said dully.

"Leave me the matter of killing the organizer and disguised suppression, I promise to crush them.

"Count me in too?"

Franklin raised his big fan-like hand.

For group killings, no one is more suitable than him.

"In that case, leave the search for the auction items to me."

Marchie stroked his hair.

There was a little gleam in the eyes.

Well, she is very attentive to valuables, especially valuable things.

"Then I will wait specially to see if there are any masters who have been ambushed by the other party."

Wo Jin grinned eagerly, and his fist the size of a stone slammed into it:

"If they really dare to come, I promise to let them go to see **** as quickly as possible!!"

"Then I'll take care of the finishing touches."

Mo Lin said with a smile, "When the time comes, I will be in charge of everything, whether it is the reception, the cleaning of the venue, and the transportation of the auction items.

No one else has any opinion.

After all, Maureen has so many props, it is more convenient to do these things.

With Maureen dispatched with them, they all felt very comfortable.

The knight is responsible for making the plan, Maureen is responsible for finishing, and they~

Just need to be responsible for killing people.

Simply perfect! !

The knight also nodded at Maureen, and then said:

"Then if that's the case, I'll take the center stage, and if there's no problem, we can start the action when the balloon falls.

Feitan, the people sent by the organizer are in the vehicle..."

When the knight explained the information, the balloon swayed and fell on the outskirts of the city.

chat! "

After everyone got off the hot air balloon, Mo Lin raised his hand and put away the hot air balloon in front of all the members.

At this time, the sun hanging in the sky slipped to the west, and the moon was also trying to climb high in the sky.

Today's night is destined to be restless.

The underground auction was held by the top figure of the gang, the ten old men as the initiators, and was organized by the common agreement of the gang organizations all over the world.

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