This is the first time I've seen someone with milk tea to respect people.

But for Maureen, who doesn't like drinking very much, it's also a good choice.

Isn't the milk tea drink fragrant? Why do you have to drink? ! !

Especially some wicked **** leaders, who seem to be unable to live without wine...

The two gently clinked glasses, and at this moment, Mi Ji, who was next to him, also knew from Curt who his great-grandfather had invited.

"It turned out to be the item master with the highest level in the family.

Mi Ji looked at Mo Lin seriously?


"Your deep-sea tempura fried shrimp.

The waiter placed a meal in front of Mi Ji, and his eyes rolled back.

Well, in Mi Ji's eyes, what a prop master is not a prop master is not as attractive as a fried shrimp.

"So old man, can you tell me now about the situation in the Dark Continent?"

Putting the cup down, Maureen went straight to the point.

"Dark Continent..."

Maha's eyes gradually became empty, as if he was caught in a long-term memory.

"That was a long time ago, when I was young."

"I just heard it from others, I didn't set foot on that land myself.

Maha's language was astonishing, and when he came up, he broke the news to Mo Lin.

"The one who told me about the Dark Continent was the previous president of the Hunter Association before Nitro.

"At that time, he took some of V5's men and horses, as well as some good candidates for exploration in the Hunter Association, and went to the Dark Continent.

"It's just that the result of their expedition was not very good, and it ended in a fiasco."

"Among the group of people who went there, there was only the previous president of the Hunter Association, and he was fine."

"As for the other group members who went to the Dark Continent, it can be said that they were all wiped out, and there were less than five people who came back alive."

"And not only that, they also brought back bad things from the Dark Continent." ?

274 Information on the Dark Continent! Chrollo VS Hisoka! ! I'm not interested in your abilities, Hisoka!

The Hunter's Guild has held the first Hunter's Test since 1713.

It has a history of more than 200 years, and there must be more than one president of the association.


Nitro is the president of the twelfth generation of the Hunter Association. The president of the eleventh generation before him once led a group of people to explore the dark continent with the tacit approval of V5.


About two hundred years ago, V5 concluded an inviolable treaty with the Dark Continent.

But in private, there are still people who have traveled to the Dark Continent.

From the conclusion of the treaty to the present, there have been five private voyages so far.

The president of the Eleventh Generation Hunter Association, what he was doing was the penultimate voyage.

They went to the swamps to the southeast of Mobius Lake, where the Six Continents were located.

After landing there, the former president led a team of 1,100 people to explore.

But what they didn't expect was that they didn't advance very far before they became the bait for the bell of hell.

There, there is a two-tailed snake known as the bell of hell, a monster capable of infecting murderous intent.

After encountering the two-tailed snake, only n people managed to escape from its bell and returned to the human world alive.

Among the eleven people, many were seriously injured, and before they could land on the shore, less than five people died.

The ability of the two-tailed snake mainly has three characteristics, sound (ringtone), infection, and killing intent; to put it bluntly, it is the transmission of killing intent through sound.

The killing intent didn't seem to have any offensive power at the beginning, but in the original version, when Hisoka joked with Il Fan about whether he could kill Qi Xian?

The astonishing killing intent revealed by Ilmi was also more obvious, and it frightened a group of birds, and at that time it scared Qi Xian into a cold sweat.

In the past, when Xiaojie and Qi Xian met Hisoka in the sky arena, Hisoka released a little murderous and malicious thoughts, and the two of them couldn't bear it. Ordinary people's body and spirit must be easily collapsed.

And the killing intent of the two-tailed snake is contagious, just like the division of cells into two, two into four?

In an environment where killing intent is getting stronger and stronger, no matter how strong the strength and the firm will be, there are times when people can't bear it.

Also, if the people around you are infected with killing intent, it will seriously affect the judgment of the surrounding environment or people or monsters, so that you don't know where the fatal injury comes from.

Coupled with being infected with killing intent, he completely lost consciousness, and there was another wave of suicide killings.

There are only a handful of people who can survive.

Mahathir explained the situation of the expedition at that time, and the thrillingness contained in it is naturally not enough for outsiders.

"The situation of that expedition at that time can be said to be a blow to the head, and it woke up a group of people inside V5 who still had ideas about the dark continent."

He continued to tell Maureen these unknown secrets:

"But fortunately, after the group of people infected with killing intent by the two-tailed snake died, they did not continue to infect."

"Unlike [Beast **** Papu] and [Gas Life Body Ai], they returned to the Six Continents with the members of the expedition, and they also caused a lot of commotion on the Six Continents.

"If it wasn't for the strong suppression by V5 at that time, maybe now the last paradise of the Six Continents would also become a living place of dark disasters? S"

"But even so, [Pap the Human Beast] and [Vasus Life Body Ai] could not be killed, and were imprisoned in the deepest part of the V5 secret cell."

"And in addition to these two disasters, there are [gold and silver ingots] and [the undead disease Zoba AIDS]."

u [Gold and Silver Ingot] There is nothing to say. It is in the inland north of Mobius Lake, guarding an ancient labyrinth city. It once completely defeated the troops sent by the V5 United States, and there were only 2 survivors. "

"But it only relies on powerful strength, without the influence of other special abilities.


"And the [Immortal Disease Zorba AIDS] is a new disaster discovered in recent years, and it is also the last exploration of the Six Continents to the Dark Continent, and

Maha's wrinkled face showed a deep smile:

"This time it is also related to the current Hunter Association President Nitro.

Anything to do with Nitro?

Maureen had almost figured it out.

Nitro's son, Biyande.

[Zorba AIDS, an undead disease], the danger level is B+, and the exact location is unclear. This strange disease was also encountered by the investigation team when it strayed from the route and got lost.

Among the members of the investigation team was Mr. Nitro's son, Biyande, and there were only 6 survivors.

There is relatively little information about this disaster, only the patient in the laboratory who has not eaten or drank for more than 40 years.

It can be seen from this point that the disease should not be contagious.

And it can be seen from the fact that the sick person is sucking his own arm, the person with this disease is all through this method to achieve energy circulation so as not to die.

It is not known exactly how to contract this disease. From the above information, [Zorba AIDS] is not very dangerous.

But why is it classified as a disaster and rated B+?

It can only be analyzed from its description of "pretending to be hope, giving people infinite despair".

It is conceivable that at that time the investigation team was lost on a deviated route and encountered it.


The environment of the Dark Continent must be full of dangers, all kinds of deadly animals and plants.

It is completely possible to make up for the environment in the movie "Kong o Skull Island". The investigation team must be very scared and desperate when they get lost, and there is a huge psychological pressure.

Then at this time, I encountered the [Zorba AIDS] disguised as hope, and those who saw hope must rush to it frantically, and the result will be wiped out.

Even Maureen had reason to suspect that Bi Young might also be suffering from this disease.

It's just that he relied on his own strength and ability to suppress the onset of the disease.

Therefore, he also particularly wanted to go to the Dark Continent again to find hope for solving his own illness.

When it came to Nitro-related matters, Maha told Maureen again about the events of the year.

This is a secret that happened in the previous era. If there is no special channel, basically you will not get these news.

Although Maureen has the props to obtain information, if no one indicates the direction, he does not know which direction he should start from.

There is no doubt that Maha, as an experienced old man, can clearly tell Mo Lin what to pay attention to when going to the Dark Continent, and what information to pay attention to. This is a very valuable experience for Maureen.

Maha explained attentively there, and Maureen was also listening carefully.

In this private room, the two exchanged the secrets that involved the world's top?

At the same time, the top floor of a high-rise building in Youkexin City.

"It shouldn't disturb other people here."

Hisoka looked at the surrounding environment and was quite satisfied with it.

This is the topmost position of the building, which belongs to the rooftop that no one has visited.

The space and place are very wide, and it is completely possible to display and use hands and feet.

the most important is?

The environment here is very private, and no one will come up to disturb it casually.

"Really good

Feeling the prestige blowing in the air, Chrollo raised his arms slightly and closed his eyes lightly, as if he was enjoying something.

His simple suit swayed gently with the breeze, with a different artistic conception.


Hisoka's fingertip playing cards appeared, condensed with powerful thoughts.

"Are you ready? My dear Captain?"


Chrollo opened his eyes, "Then start your final battle, Hisoka."

Whoa! !

Above the whole body, the profound energy permeated, covering the entire body of Chrollo.


A peculiar blade appeared in Chrollo's hand.

There are several strange bending angles on it, and it is extremely sharp, which looks like a weapon of Qimen's sword.

"oo use a knife?"

Hisoka narrowed his eyes slightly, "And if I'm not mistaken, the blade should already be poisoned, right?"

"That's right, it only needs 0.01 grams of poison that can easily immobilize a whale."

In this regard, Chrollo has nothing to hide.

He also didn't learn from the assassins in the neon, bringing the blade to his mouth and licking the blade with his tongue.

Instead, he pointed the tip of the knife at Hisoka.

As long as it is scratched by this knife, the battle can basically be decided.

Unless Hisoka, like Sheba, has tough hair that can stop the spread of toxins in the blood.

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