Maureen firmly believes that as long as the **** digs well, there is no corner to fall?! !

After chatting with Jin for a few more words, Mo Lin glanced at the screen where Xiaojie and Qi Li were fighting against the barber Dinoto, and then said goodbye to Jin.

"Give you this!"

Before leaving, Jin threw a card at Mo Lin.

Card: Dela A Dream, number 22, designated pocket card, difficulty to obtain: Grade A, limit of cards: 15.

Effect: An endangered beast with a habit of stuffing things into a pouch in its abdomen. There are several very rare items hidden in the belly bag of some Tora A dreams.

Maureen looked at the pattern on the card. It had the appearance of an orange cat, the word "King" on his forehead, and his tail was like a black thorn ball.

The most obvious are the bells on its neck and the pockets in its abdomen.

This introduction, this picture, this name... It's like a weakened version of "Doraemon"! !

"I don't know why, I think this cat is very compatible with you. Maybe it has some props like you, right?"

Is that different?

My own ability to read, itself comes from Doraemon???

Maureen put this card away inexplicably.

[PS: This card is from Chapter 134 of the comic, page 14. The one obtained by the knight is a real designated pocket card. It is also a tribute to Doraemon by the old thief???]

Well, the old thieves are advocating Doraemon, so isn't it a very reasonable thing to use Doraemon's props in the hunter world?

Maureen put away the card with peace of mind, and then thought of another point.

"々 While playing the game of Greed Island, I found a very interesting card item, the designated card item numbered 007, [Pregnancy Stone]."

"The stone weighing 3 kilograms is carried on the body for a month as if the stone is not separated from the body. After a week of success, both men and women will be pregnant. There are two types of stones, male and female. Bring the stone of the gender you want to give birth to...

Well, this is the card that Xiaojie and the others exchanged from other people during the assembly by telling the information about the ability of the bomb Mokenslu.

The old thief Fujian also subtly gave [Stone of Pregnancy] a larger close-up.

The shape of the male stone and the female stone... um, how should I put it, it is very similar to the third item for boys, the rainstorm place for girls.

Mo Lin seriously doubted that all of these were intentionally drawn by the old thief Fu Jian.

[Everyone who is interested, you can go and read the comics, that shape is all know it. 】

Jin listened to Maureen's words, his lips and the corners of his eyes twitched violently.

Originally indifferent to everything, at this moment, rare black lines appeared on his face, and his hands (alright, alright) trembled uncontrollably.

Originally, there was still a little joy in getting [Contract], but now I feel nothing!

"Hey, I said!"

The black-faced Jin directly interrupted Mo Lin's words, "Do you think that Xiaojie is my pregnancy stone..."

The rest of the words, Jin really can't speak.

if not?

In the video recorder you left a message to Xiaojie, you mentioned something about his mother.

It's just that Xiaojie didn't listen and just pressed the stop button.

There is no doubt that Xiaojie is the product of your use of the [Pregnancy Stone].

Maybe even the old thief Fujian had such an idea, otherwise he wouldn't have designed a card like this, and he even gave a close-up zooming explanation???

"No, I'm just making a conjecture, although this conjecture may be very close to the truth..."

Of course, verbally, Maureen wouldn't say that.

But what he said was almost the same as what he had guessed.

"Close to a fart truth!

Jin couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted swear words directly,

"I've never used the Greed Island prop, never used it!!"?







Is 315 really going to agree to that man's employment? Five Billion Ringtones! Shouldn't the price be as high as mine?!

UOK, got it, don't get so excited. "

Maureen waved his hand with a calm expression on his face.

What is there to say?

Explanation is cover up, cover up is fact?

Whether Jin used the [Pregnancy Stone] to give birth to Xiaojie... I'm afraid only he knows.

"Then I'll go first?"


Jin stopped Maureen who was about to leave.

"Didn't you say that you went to the V5 ferry hall and got a lot of information about the dark continent?"

"Well, indeed."

Maureen didn't look back, he knew what Jin wanted to say.

So before he spoke, he said:

"I will make a copy of the information and let Lao Yi send it to you. I'm going to go out and do some business now."

"If things go well, we can add a few new members to our team."

After speaking, Maureen dodged and disappeared in place.

"This guy……"

Seeing Maureen's figure disappear, Jin shook his head.

Mo Hua was holding the [Contract] scroll in his arms, and the heart in his chest was also beating slowly and fiery.

He was waiting for the opportunity to go to the Dark Continent, but it had been several years.

In a city in the continent of Aizhen.

Inside a seemingly grand hospital.

"Don't worry, your sister will be fine."

In front of an operating room with a flashing red light, the nurse accompanying here comforted the man sitting on the bench, waiting for the result.

The man has a middle-parted blond head that resembles the back of a pangolin, and a small part of the flowing sea falling in front covers his left eye.

He was rubbing his hands back and forth anxiously, raising his head from time to time, and could see his neck directly under his face without a chin.

The whole person revealed a melancholy atmosphere, and he stared at the red light on the operating room that had been on for a long time without blinking.

On the one hand, he was worried about the situation in the operating room.

However, according to the doctor, the effect of physiotherapy is very good, and there is at least an 80% chance that the operation will be successful, so there is no need to worry too much.

On the other hand, she was considering her sister's recovery after the operation and the debt repayment of medical expenses.

These are all places where money is needed, and the amount is quite high.

There are countless monsters and poisonous insects in the six continents of the Hunter World, so the risk of suffering from various strange diseases is not low.

It is also extremely difficult to treat. If it is not for the wealthy family, it is impossible to afford the cost of treatment.

Leo Li learned medical skills because he watched his best friend Piero die in pain because he couldn't afford the cost of treatment.

Even having money may not cure diseases well, such as Batra, the world's richest man.

It was under such circumstances that his lover died, and Batra had to pin his hopes on the island of greed after exhausting modern medicine.

Originally, this man with a chinless pangolin-shaped head was the same man after his sister became seriously ill.


Running around to raise money.

But in the face of the high medical bills, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

But later, fortunately, the boss of the welfare institution where his sister stayed was an angel, who was willing to use the money from the welfare institution to treat her sister's illness.

This was enough to cover the cost of the surgery.

However, it also caused the welfare agency to owe a huge amount of money. Even if he lived twice and sold his hunter license each time, he could not pay it off.

He had already sold his hunter's license while raising his sister's medical bills.

And now, my sister's illness is about to be cured, so I can't be ungrateful.

He also has to raise a large amount of money again to pay off the medical expenses paid by the welfare agency for his sister.


This amounted to almost a billion, which made him a little breathless.

"Do you really want to agree to that man's employment?"

The chinless melancholy man murmured, and the hearty laughter of the man with scars on his face and Guan Gong's bridle appeared in front of him.

1.5 billion for the official staff, and 200 million for the undetermined important participants. This is the price that the outspoken man named Biyande gave him.

According to him, he intends to explore an unknown land, and the mind ability he possesses fits his requirements very well.

"1.5 billion ringtones..."

The chinless melancholy man silently pondered,

"If it's this amount of money, then repaying the arrears from the welfare agency, as well as the follow-up treatment and nutrition expenses of my sister, it's barely enough..." He thought silently in his heart.

Then suddenly, the lights ahead dimmed.

Let the chinless melancholy man raise his head subconsciously.

He saw a handsome man in a trench coat standing in front of him.

"Are you Kelly Kutcher?

Maureen smiled and stretched out his hand to him,

"I'm Maureen,

- a props master,

Also a professional hunter.

(adfi)M props division? Professional hunter? !"

The melancholy chinless man, Kelly Kutcher, raised his head and looked at Maureen with some doubts.

"What do you have to do with me?"

As he asked in doubt, he got up and shook hands with Maureen.

"That's it, I plan to explore an unknown land sometime in the next year or two. I heard that you are very good, so I plan to invite you to go with me.

Maureen was straight to the point.

Are you exploring an unknown land?

Kelly Kutcher was stunned. How can this new guy in front of him say the same thing as the previous guy named By Young?

"Has someone invited you in advance?"

Maureen could tell one or two from Kelly Kutcher's expression.

"Then I wonder if you agreed to his invitation?

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