Ignoring the ugly or confident faces of the candidates, Maureen smiled, and then said sternly:

"Now, I announce the title of the first round of testing.

"This round of testing has two parts, the upper and lower, or a main part and a secondary part.

"Only after you can pass the tests of these two parts can you enter the next round of tests."

Maureen was talking about his rules, and the other candidates were also listening carefully.

"First of all, it's the first half of the test... I don't know if you've all played the game [One Two Three Wood Man]?"


Some of the candidates had question marks on their foreheads, while others were thoughtful.

"The so-called wooden man game is a group game that we played together when we were young."

The bee girl Peng Si in the crowd thought for a while and said:

"The gameplay of this game is very simple. One person faces the wall or other things, with his back to one or more people, and the distance is far apart.

Whenever the person facing back and forth counts [One, Two, Three, Wooden People], he immediately turns his head to look, and all those who approach immediately stop walking. Once someone moves, it will be regarded as eliminated.

During the period when the person facing away turns to count, the latter will take the opportunity to move forward. When the person with his back is counting, he will cross the straight line where he is. The successful person will be regarded as passing. "

Pence roughly explained the game she played as a child.

"Yes, that's it."

Maureen cast an approving look at him, "I saved my explanation.

When Peng Si heard the compliment, she couldn't help touching her head in a cute way, sticking out her little tongue.

Well, in the hope of leaving a good impression in Maureen's heart.

The blurry places opened up, allowing her to pass the level more easily.

"You must have guessed it. I mentioned this game, so naturally, the first half of the test is also related to this game."

As Maureen spoke, the thought power all over his body instantly floated.

At the same time, the circle formed by vaporization instantly covered the field.

"This is [circle]?!"

Qi Xian can naturally feel the use of this thought.

The other candidates didn't know why, they only felt as if they had been shaken.

"Although the name of the test project is also called [Wooden Man], but in terms of rules, it is slightly different from the classic wooden man game??"

Not just a little, there are even many differences!

An unpredictable smile appeared on Maureen's face. ?

326 is the good thing that silver-haired brat did! ! It is indeed a relationship! ! The conditions made were so favorable to him!

"The first half of the test, the rules I made, can be more crude and direct than the wooden man game."

Maureen snapped his fingers, and a reclining chair suddenly appeared out of thin air. He lay down on it casually.

Under the amazed and inexplicable gazes of many candidates, Mo Lin said leisurely:

"The rules of this part of the test are very simple, that is, after I call to start, all of you must move, and there can be no pause."

"Whether you're standing still, waving your arms, doing push-ups, running, crunches, whatever you want, it's fine as long as you don't stand still--.

"As long as I don't call [Stop], you will keep moving, but if you stop and don't move..."

The corner of Maureen's mouth drew a kind arc, "Then it's elimination."

"And once I call [Stop], no matter what you are doing at that time, you must stop immediately, and you cannot let your body move at all."

"As long as there is something moving after calling [Stop], then I'm sorry, it's also eliminated."

"Until I call [Move], you can continue to start activities."

"In this way, [Move] and [Stop] are combined, and I will continue to shout out commands one after another."

"All you have to do is follow my orders and act."

"Of course, combined with the wooden man's game, I may [stop] shouting more.

"And when it's [moving], I don't care what you do, as long as you don't stop." Hearing this, Qi Xian's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

If that's the case, that's a lot better.

The other candidates also froze after hearing Maureen's words.

Obviously, they can also taste the hidden meaning behind this sentence.

"When the number of candidates is reduced to about 300, the upper part of the test will be over."

"Do you understand everything?"

The students all nodded subconsciously.

"Then I announce that the test officially begins..."

Mo Lin saw the group of people seemed to understand each and everyone, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc.

"All [move] up!!"

Mo Lin snorted softly, and immediately, many candidates in the venue were all in a hurry. Suddenly, the quiet underground warehouse became as noisy as a vegetable market on the street.

If it weren't for the large space of this venue, so many candidates would not necessarily be able to move well.

"Is it an upgraded version of the wooden man's [motion and static combination]? It's a very interesting test?"

Behind the iron gate, Nitro listened to the movement outside, and couldn't help stroking his beard and showing a smile.

For u【Move】, the main thing is to check the candidates' physical strength, endurance and behavioral arrangement ability. "

"Naturally, it is necessary to have sufficient physical strength, as well as reasonably plan the size of your activities, and make the most suitable physical strength planning arrangements for the behavior you can bear, so as not to be out of the game early due to lack of physical strength."

"And [stop], we should examine the coordination ability and willpower of the body."

"When you are asked to stop, you can't do any movements, so you need to check what the candidates did before the [stop], and how to better keep their bodies still."

"And if the movement is very complicated and difficult, consumes physical strength, and you have not shouted [Move], then you will undoubtedly have to examine the willpower to persevere."

"In addition, candidates should always pay attention to the back and forth switching between [moving] and [stopping] to enhance their attention and the corresponding body's ability to respond..."

"Just the first half of the test, it's not bad to be able to examine so many things in one go"

Nitro stroked his beard in admiration.

"Physical strength, stamina, behavioral planning, physical coordination, willpower, and reflexes are all indispensable physical foundations for a good hunter."

"Just one question can almost examine the physical condition of the candidates, and the rules are very simple. The question is very good."

"And what's even more rare is that, on top of this, an irrelevant condition is added on the basis of [movement], which makes this test more complicated and confusing, without avoiding the danger that may occur when [movement] occurs."

The Nitro people are mature and sophisticated. After listening to Morin's rules, they immediately reacted and praised them with satisfaction.

It seems that I have not read the wrong person, the questions are very level, and they are also very consistent with the requirements and rules of the hunter test.

So do you want to find Maureen to be the chief examiner of a hunter test next time?

So I don't have to worry about the annual test candidates?

If it really doesn't work, they will pull all of Mo Lin and the others.

Bi Siji, Mo Lin, Hua Shi Doulang, Yun Gu, just right



Bisji just wanted to be the chief examiner of the hunter test again, and he just happened to be able to meet her request by the way.

Just when Nitro had this thought in his mind?

Outside the door, Maureen was lying on the chair, comfortably watching the candidates have taken extraordinary measures and measures.

His eyelids didn't jump, but he was still there observing the candidates' methods, tsk tsk amazement.

Some are punching, some are shaking their legs, some are playing with their hands, and some are winking and pulling their hair.

And rubbing your eyes, picking your ears, picking your nose, licking your lips, etc.?

Some people lay down directly on the ground, only their fingers were hooked there.

A variety of methods, and so on.

Maybe they also guessed the purpose of this test, and they all thought that they could not do those strenuous exercises as much as possible to waste their physical strength, so they didn't do it.

0... ask for flowers 0..

Of course, there are also some people who are smart or really have confidence in their physical strength or something, and really do sit-ups and push-ups there.

"It seems to be a little wise

Maureen looked at the crowd, many people were saving their energy, but nodded in approval.

"But it's a pity, you forgot that there is still an alien in here?"

Mo Lin smiled there, and then saw a swift silver-white figure, shuttled rapidly through the crowd.

"Bang!", "Bang!"

One after another, the personnel fell, and the elimination number called out by Mo Lin followed closely:

"No. 25, No. 739, No. 11, No. 93... Eliminated!"

Maureen always accurately reported the number of the person who was knocked down after Qi Xiang knocked down a person.

Since they were going to move, they would naturally lose their qualifications after being knocked down by Qi Xiang and fainted on the ground.

"No. 71, No. 347, No. 119

The number of people who were eliminated was still increasing, and the candidates immediately noticed something was wrong.

"It's the good thing that silver-haired brat did!!"

The three sharp-eyed Amori brothers were the first to discover the culprit.

Immediately after, Peng Si, Bakuer, Somi, Takuto and others also reacted one after another.

"To beat the other candidates one after another like this..."

All the old students were numb to the scalp by Qixiu, "Is this still possible?!"

Of course, Maureen had previously emphasized that when he was moving, he could do anything, and he would not interfere with the behavior of the candidates. If there is such a powerful guy who knocks down other candidates by one-on-one, then of course I would be happy to see it.

"It seems that the progress of this screening has accelerated a lot~"

Maureen just ignored it and watched Qi Xiang let go of his actions there.

The other candidates were also stunned by Qi Xian's actions.

At the same time, he also scolded angrily in his heart:

"Sure enough, it's a related household!! The conditions set are so beneficial to him!!"

Of course, when they were angry, they had to admit that there was nothing wrong with this rule.

Qi Xian can come to knock them down, so naturally they can also knock down Qi Xian.

But obviously, they can't.

Because their strength is completely incomparable to Qi Xian.

Obviously, strength is the most important factor in becoming a hunter.

Just because the opponent's strength is too strong to accuse this test of being unfair?

Stop kidding! ! Just saying it will make people laugh out loud, make people despise and look down on it. If you don't have enough strength, why do you blame others for your strength?

What kind of reasoning is this? ! ! six.


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