"It's a Chimera ant from the Dark Continent.

"Is that a chimeric ant?"

Apparently, Kim is no stranger to this ant species.


"Looks like Kate is also doing research on chimeric ants?"

Jin did not forget that he designed it on the clearance mechanism card for the island of greed, if the target is the name [Nigu]. Using the [Magnetic Force] of single-player teleportation will teleport to him.

But if you use the [Peer] sent by multiple people, it will be arranged by Jin to go to Kate.

Kate is currently doing research on chimeric ants, so if Jackie meets Kate and also gets involved???

"Maybe this trial will be more difficult than I expected."

Jin slapped his mouth and said.

The reason why Xiaojie was placed next to Kate was also Jin's design, so that Xiaojie could be tested and understand what a real hunter is!

Pass the hunter test, acquire the ability to recite, enter the island of greed to practice, and master more skills of recitation.

But this does not mean that with strength and combat experience, you can become a real hunter.

What Kate wants to teach to Xiaojie is to let him understand the true meaning of the profession of [Hunter].

Jin is also worried about Xiaojie's growth path.

"The chimeric ants of the Dark Continent are still worth researching.

Jin rubbed his chin with his fingers, "At least I haven't seen many creatures from the dark continent."

There was a slight interest in his eyes.

Well, not only the unknown interest in the Dark Continent itself, but also Jin's exploration and knowledge of biological species.

After all, Jin is also involved in a wide range of fields. One of his original achievements was to develop the breeding method of two-headed wolves.

In the field of biology, there are also great achievements.

So... Jin and Xiaojie are really two extremes.

A professional with a super IQ and various aspects, but he is willful and rambunctious, and has been criticized by most people.

And Xiaojie's head... I won't say much about this, the key is that people who get along with Xiaojie will always unconsciously regard him as a companion and friend, and like him very much.

"Where are the chimeric ants from the Dark Continent now?"

Kim asked.

"If there is no accident, it should still be floating on Lake Mobius, and it may be here in less than a month."

Mo Lin said, "As for where to put it... can you guess it?"

"which place……"

Jin casually took out a world map from the copy around him, and looked around there.

In the end, his eyes locked on a certain position.

"It's probably here, isn't it?"

Jin tapped a small island on the map with the back of his finger, "There is no better place to stock Dark Continent creatures than this."

The place Kim pointed to was the Balusa Islands or the Mitny Federation.

Well, even Kate can infer the location where the queen came to land, and Jin can also analyze it.

Although there is not a lot of information, as long as you have heard of the customs and human feelings of that place, you can almost get a general idea.

"The location of the landing, the biggest possibility, should be the NGL autonomous country."

NGL autonomous country, located at the western end of the Balusa Islands o Mitny Federation, beyond the border is Wangyang sea.

The country aims to protect nature and abandons mechanical civilization. The main means of transportation is horses.

99% of the nationals are members of a group called NeoGreenLife, and the remaining 1% of the nationals are volunteers who come to support, so it is named after NGL.

The NGL autonomous country is called "the most difficult nature reserve to enter the country", because before entering the country, you must cross the river between NGL and neighboring Rocario.

After passing through the inspection office and embassy built with large trees, they undergo extremely strict entry inspections, including three steps: inspection of reasons for visit, inspection of items held, and precise inspection.

Among them, in the process of precise inspection, medical machines will even be used to check whether there are prohibited mechanical items in the body of the entrants.

In 1977, the authorities detained three people who had infiltrated the TV camera crews to collect materials, one of them was executed, and the other two were still being detained.

It is very likely to show the world the fate of those who disobey the regulations, so as to achieve a means of suppressing illegal invasion.

There are also gunmen who have devices embedded in their bodies, people who put cameras or cell phones in the rectum, people who train animals to handle mechanical objects, and so on.

This group of people was undoubtedly severely punished.

NGL autonomous countries are determined to isolate themselves from the world.

In order to handle foreign affairs, machines such as computers are used in embassies close to the border to exchange information.

However, in China, the necessary facilities for a civilized society such as electricity, gas, and water pipes do not exist, and ordinary people live a self-sufficient life.

It's like an agricultural era.

The NGL Autonomous Country seems to be characterized by ecological groups returning to nature, but this is only a superficial phenomenon.

【Seeking comment, brothers! ! 】

Not only did I ask about your methods of chasing girls, but I also asked those writers in the writers group.

As a result, the animals came up and said I was licking a dog...

Am I licking a dog? ! Are they actually jealous? Just jealous, right? !

Jealousy separates people from the walls and makes people envy and hate.

How could someone I know so well be licking a dog? !

Well, by the way, the weather is cold, should I knit someone a scarf and send it over?

Also, I bought it for her the last time we met.


Dessert, she said she likes matcha cheese,

I think I have to buy some more and take time off to send them over.

She said that her phone memory was not enough, so she uninstalled the game, and I immediately uninstalled King and Chicken.

She also said that she likes to watch the TV series called "Chousheng Ruo", and I have to go and brush it, at least there must be a common topic, right?

Well, if I'm slow to update, I'm either weaving scarves, buying desserts, or watching TV shows.

Or, on the way to doing these things.

So, you judge, how could I be licking a dog? Funny bastard??? soil.

342 Kim's participation, Jed? Where have I heard this name?

NGL's entry regulations prohibit the import of mechanical products, metals, petroleum, glass products, and artificially refined products.

Therefore, plastic products, dental implants, and plastic silicone are listed as prohibited items.

If these things are implanted in the body and cannot be taken out, they will be banned from entering the country.

When you enter the country, you will be strictly checked at the checkpoint.

Of course, the reason for such strict prevention of deadlock is not just for the so-called return to ecological civilization.

Naturally, it is because there are untold secrets in the country.

Its real purpose is to block the manufacture and sale of "D2" products, dig caves in forbidden mountains in nature reserves, and build factories.

It is forbidden to bring in mechanical products and set up a nature reserve with restricted access, which has well prevented the outflow of information about the manufacture of blocked products.

The factory has machinery for manufacturing and armed forces with firearms

So far, only the upper management of NGL has grasped the situation of blocking products.

The general public thinks that NGL is a sympathizer of the simple "one-two-seven" living in nature.

Here, it is actually a hotbed of sin, with the natural ecology as a cover, hiding the ugly dirty business underneath.

Unique products, firearms, arms sales, various criminal activities, etc., are flourishing here under the guise of ecological civilization.

Therefore, it is indeed unusually suitable to stock creatures from the dark continent in such a boundary.

"Maybe V5 already had this idea a long time ago, otherwise it wouldn't sit on the sidelines and watch the growth of the NGL autonomous country."

"They're just using NGL as a testing ground."

Jin scratched his head, "Otherwise, I wouldn't let a guy who is only 30 years old and doesn't have any background build a country like this."

The leader of the NGL autonomous country, named Zayilo.

He was the founder of the NGL Autonomous Nation and was later eaten by the Queen and reincarnated as an ant.

The only ant not controlled by the queen, with past life memories and a strong evil will.

On the original, he was heading to Meteor Street to carry out his evil plans.

However, due to the delay of the old thief Fujian, I still don't know what his plan is??

Zai Yiluo lived in a slum since he was a child and lacked love. His biological father never took care of him, not even his life and death.

When Zai Luo realizes that he is not loved by his father, he has almost distorted thoughts, and even thinks that he is not regarded as a human being.

After killing his biological father, Zai Luo ran away and founded the NGL kingdom.

Later, the queen invaded NGL, and Zai Yiluo was eaten as food, but because of his evil will, he did not lose the memory of his previous life, and finally left the queen to go to Meteor Street to implement his evil plan.

Volume 20 mentioned in No. 204 that when Zai Yiluo ran away, it was when Xiaojie and Qi Xian were looking for and challenged by Kulu, and they passed by in the same small city.

This is another foreshadowing of the old thief Fujian in the ant chapter.

Later, the wolf-shaped ant Welfin was frightened by Wang Nian and the fear of death, and his hair changed suddenly, but he still said his allegiance to Zai Yiluo. Afterwards, I can't forget that Welfin is going to Meteor Street to find Zai Yiluo with other ants.

It can be seen that Zai Yiluo's status in the minds of these criminals.

But even if Zai Yiluo has a strong personality and means, in front of V5, he is nothing but a clown.

If you want to deal with him, you can kill him easily.

And now, there are ants from the Dark Continent, who just take NGL as the most suitable test site.

Isolation from the world, no matter what kind of harm it causes, the outside world knows nothing.

And if the ants are more powerful, maybe they can help clean up the NGL autonomous country.

If it is even possible, you can go to the East Gotuo Republic, which is also closed to the neighboring country, to toss.

For V5, the entire Balusa Islands can be used as a breeding ground for them to experiment with Chimera ants.

"Are you going to visit?"

Maureen looked at Jin's twinkling eyes and asked.

"Of course, it's rare to encounter the creatures above before heading to the Dark Continent, so of course you have to take a close look.

Jin nodded without hesitation.

Maureen was not surprised by Kim's reaction.

In the original version, he didn't know about the Chimera ants, but now that he knew of such a situation, Jin certainly wouldn't let this chance go. At the same time, the lineup of the chimeric ant crusade team on the original version is too shabby.

Aside from President Nitro, the only people he can count on are the experienced hunter Mo Laowu and the seemingly elite Norbu.

In terms of experience, the two of them are worthy of being the very best minders in the Hunter Association.

But in terms of strength, there is still a long way to go between them and many Chimera ants.

Not to mention the apprentices of the two, Na Kulu, Xiutuo and Pang Mu.

Coupled with Xiaojie and Qixi...such a lineup is really impossible to come up with.

If it wasn't for Nitro's last self-destruction, the [Poor Man's Rose] was triggered.

The violent toxin contained in it poisoned the core strength of the ants such as Ant King, Xiao Yapufu and Meng Tutu Yupi, which may be another result.

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