"I don't need this, I plan to find out more information about chimeric ants to see if this isolated species has any information and life characteristics that I missed.

Just when the two were chatting in virtual cyberspace?

In a remote and desolate small village not knowing how many kilometers away, just north of the city where the Sky Arena is located.

The house is dilapidated, the cobwebs are woven everywhere, and when the wind blows, it is the yellow sand and dust in the sky, which is very charming to the eyes.

It has been uninhabited here, and it has been desolate for a long time.

But just today, someone walked in here again.

A few people wearing dark black cloaks that completely covered their bodies walked on the avenues of the village with uniform steps.

"Olympia Fighting Tournament? Sky Arena?"

The head of the person, while walking, looked at a newspaper in his hand, and his mouth made a hoarse and dry voice.

"Nitro really found a good burial place for himself.

344 That old woman is not so easy to deal with? Are you here? Species from the Dark Continent

After reading the contents of the newspaper, the man in the lead chuckled and released the newspaper in his hand, letting it drift away in the distance with the dust wind.

Among the newspapers flying, the contents recorded above are vaguely visible:

"President of the Hunter's Association, Mr. Aizac Nitro is here again at the Olympia Fighting Tournament!"

There is also a photo of Nitro himself, the sage-like high man.

"In front of the whole world, it's really a perfect stage for a grand occasion. When the time comes, let you, and the scumbags of the Qingling team, tell the truth of the year and you will be completely ruined.

"Then, I will send you to repent to our former companions!"

"Decades have passed, you should have forgotten it completely, right? We have never forgotten one day, what you have done to us, we have waited too long for this day!!"

The gust of wind whistled past, and along with the charming dust and yellow sand, the figures of the group gradually disappeared.

Only the faint voice of deep hatred that is unforgettable remains in the wind for a moment, and then blown away in an instant?

Greed Island.

"Notice to all players!"

Elena's official announcement, through the card book, resounded in the ears of every player.

"According to the data, a certain player has collected all ninety-nine types of custom pocket cards just now."

"In order to commemorate this initiative, a quiz contest will be held in ten minutes, and all players in the game are required to participate!!"

"There are a hundred questions in total! They are all questions related to the designated pocket cards."

"The player with the highest rate of correct answers will receive a N0.000 card [Blessing of the Ruler]."

"Please don't close the collection card book, wait a moment!!"

With Elena's last reminder, the entire island of greed suddenly boiled.

After + years of gaming, has anyone finally collected enough cards? !

"I didn't expect the last card to be obtained in the form of a question and answer?"

In the dense forest, Fei Tan looked at the ninety-nine cards in his card book and shouted.

"It seems to be the mechanism of this game. Only when you actually play the game, each card understands its acquisition conditions, and you can get the last card by putting it into the game.

"Can anyone really get into the game and play it seriously?"

Finks raised his leg and kicked the corpses of Kensloo and his two companions, Shabu and Barra aside.

This so-called bomb demon trio was vulnerable in front of the two of them.

Feitan easily cleaned up the three of them by himself, and snatched all their cards.

That's enough for ninety-nine cards.

"Who knows? The questions related to the designated pocket cards are estimated to be designed so that players who only grab cards can't answer them oo??

"For example, the conditions that must be met, the lines of the relevant characters, etc."

Feitan didn't care.

"Even if we can't answer the question,

There will always be someone who can answer.

"It's time to grab it directly from their hands.

"That's right!

Finks also smiled slightly fiercely, "Anyway, we grabbed it all the way."

"At that time, we will also take the last card and grab it!!"

"Is that right?"

The two of them made up their minds and continued to wait for the beginning of the problem.

The others on the island originally thought of gearing up and using [Peer] to come to the player who had collected ninety-nine cards.

But when he saw that the player was the famous Feitan and Finks, his expression changed immediately, and he didn't dare to say more.

"Okay, at least you must get this card!!"

Xiaojie's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he even made a bet with Qi Xian, who agreed to answer more questions correctly.

After a while, Elena's question began:

"The first question! What are the names of the elders who gave the relevant tips for N0.001 [One Ping of the Jungle]? A. Sheila, B. Hita, C. Hiso, D. She, and E. Shema. "Many players: "..."

This first question will not come up, and this question still has five options, choose one out of five...

Many players have already shook their heads, indicating that they have given up and are ready to guess.

Soon, the question went from the first question to the last question.

After asking "what is the name of the NO.OOO card", all the answers come to an end.


Elena clearly announced the end of this round of questions and answers, "Now the highest score winner will be announced!!"

"The highest score is... 87 points out of 100!"

"The player's name is... Player Xiaojie!!!"

Unsurprisingly, it was Xiaojie who finally won this card through a question and answer.

Just the moment the answer came out, an owl swayed over from the sky.

At the same time, a letter was thrown at Xiaojie.

When Xiaojie got the letter, it turned into a card.

This is the [Ruler's Reception]. Only with this card can you enter Limei Road Castle and get the last card.


"We didn't get the other cards either."

Xiaojie looked at his card collection book, which was still a long way off, and was a little confused.

"If I go to that city without collecting all the cards, I will feel very unwilling!!"

Just when Xiaojie was in a tangle, Feitan was here~??

"Oh, I didn't expect this to happen."

Finks rubbed his head, "I actually let Xiaojie and the others get this last card."

"How's it going? Are we still going to grab it?"

Finks seeks Feitan's opinion.

"What do you think?"

Feitan glanced back at him.

"After all, it was Xiaojie and the others who brought us into the game, and they took us to get the [One Ping Coastline] together, plus they also have a good relationship with Mo Lin, and they are barely their own, that's all If you go rob them..."

The meaning inside and outside the words of Finks is very obvious, and he doesn't want to fight with Xiaojie and the others.

But if he didn't grab it, the last card could not be collected completely, which made him quite tangled.

"I also don't want to take a snatch

Feitan muttered, but his reason was very simple:

"The main reason is that even if we take the method of snatch, we may not be able to grab the card from their hands." He narrowed his eyes, "They are still accompanied by Maureen's master."

"That old woman is not so easy to deal with."

"Maybe even more difficult than Leiza."

Feitan's reason for not wanting to deal with Xiaojie is simply because Bisiji is difficult to deal with.

"It does make sense."

Finks nodded again and again there.

This time, there was one more reason for not being able to do something to Xiaojie.

"Then what should we do?"

"In normal times, what should we do if members of our team have disagreements?"

"That's for sure."

Finks took out a special spider coin from his trouser pocket.

"So, since they are barely considered their own..."

Feitan took the spider coin, "Then use this thing to solve it properly."

On the distant sea, an almost tattered raft floated on the sea.

"Where are we going?"

After drifting for such a long time, Chimera Yizao (of Nuo Zhao) has lost his strength.

She can only keep her will sober by talking constantly like this.

The guide of the demi-human beast next to him still didn't pay much attention to it.


- A bright lighthouse shines brightly, that is, they have reached the destination they want to come. That is, at this moment, the demi-human beast suddenly turned into a mass of air, drifting away into the distance.

On the solitary raft, there was only one Chimera ant left, slowly drifting away towards the Balusa Islands ahead.

After it entered the marine range of these six continents, it was also the first time that it attracted the attention of the rulers of the six continents.

"Is it coming? Giant species from the dark continent?"

"As expected, the Chimera ants that absorb genes are swallowed, and the danger level on the Dark Continent is not ranked B."

"Then according to the original plan, take it as the target of the experiment?"

"The location is still in the NGL autonomous country, right?"

"Then do it!!"

In the dark night, the exchanges between the five giants quickly dissipated, quietly waiting for the next developments that would affect the whole world???.

345 coin toss showdown! ! We really underestimate the ambitions of the two of you! !

"You said that the final acquisition of the card is determined by tossing a coin with us?

Xiaojie was a little surprised to hear Finks in front of him say so.

Before, when Finks and Feitan came to him with [Peer], Xiaojie and Qixiang were still very vigilant.

But soon, I heard Feitan and Finks give such a plan.

"How about it? Just tossing a coin should be a good way for both of us, right?"

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