Seeing Mo Lin affirmed it, Yun Gu's face couldn't help but show more and more smiles:

"Although it is not as good as Hua Shi Doulang, as a successor of Xinyuanliu, Zhixi is undoubtedly qualified."

Yun Gu stepped forward and touched Zhixi's head, "This child is also very persevering and energetic, and will be able to contribute his own strength to the inheritance of our hearts in the future.

"So, it's not a humiliation of the teacher's inheritance."

Yun Gu values ​​Zhi Xi very much, and Zhi Xi did not live up to Yun Gu's teachings and expectations.

The relationship between the teacher and the apprentice is profound.

"Zhixi is also not bad. It takes only two years to reach such a height, which is much stronger than other psychics."

Morin is not stingy with his praise, after all, he is his nephew.

Moreover, Zhixi himself is really upbeat, and the results of his practice are also justifiable.

"No, no, it's all thanks to Master Yungu's teaching, and I still have a lot of shortcomings. I need Master Yungu and Uncle Mo Lin to guide you."

Zhixi quickly shook her head, with a simple and serious expression on her face.

Seeing Zhixi's big piercing eyes and the look on his face that was beginning to fade away and gradually matured, Maureen smiled.

Humans will always grow.

In the past two years, Zhixi has endured a lot of tempering in this sky arena.

And under Yun Gu's teaching, his strength has also improved a lot. This point, Mo Lin can feel the transformation from Zhixi.

And his whole person's spirit has become different from before.

If Zhixi at the time was still a flower in the greenhouse, then now he has endured a lot of wind and rain and has grown into a qualified Heart Origin Disciple.

Of course, even though Zhixi's strength has improved, his current strength is still insufficient, and even Xiaojie and Qixi at this stage can't compare.

Even as the owner, it's only the last one.

It is estimated that Yun Gu wants Zhixi to feel the atmosphere of the martial arts conference, add some experience and experience, and accumulate experience?

But after all, he is also the owner of the Sky Arena, the world-famous one who can participate in the martial arts tournament. Don't take the bean bag as dry food.

Zhixi's participation in the martial arts competition also informed Xiaojie and Qixiang, who are currently following Kate in hunter vocational training.

They all agreed to be here on the day of the game.

Xiaojie and Qixiang have been acquainted with Kate's team since they found Kate, and then explore nature and unknown creatures together.

Kate has a camera black technology in his hand. As long as any creature is photographed, if it has been excavated and documented, the camera will show relevant information.

And if it is the unknown species in the world, it will be reminded and recorded by the camera as the first discoverer.

Xiaojie and Qixi were having a great time with the camera.

Maureen was very suspicious that this high-tech camera was a prop that Jin obtained and used from his companion who made the designated pocket cards on the Island of Greed in his early years.

It's just that after I discovered enough creatures, I threw it to Kate when it was boring in this field.

And now that Kate gave it to Xiaojie, this might also be regarded as a different kind of inheritance, right?

Just when the few people were about to chat again, Mo Lin's phone suddenly rang.

"I'm going to pick up some friends first

After speaking with Yungu Branch, Mo Lin took the phone and walked out the door.

"Hello?! Maureen, we've arrived, where are you now?"

Wojin's familiar loud voice came from the phone as usual.

"Is it just you and Nobunaga?" Maureen asked at a distance with experience.

"No, and Madge.

Wo Jin continued, "She said that she had collected information. This time the fighting competition was quite intense, and the proportion of bets offered by major casinos was also exaggerated, so I plan to make another profit."

Maureen: "

So is this the nature of the so-called dog gambling?

Or is it that the people of the transformation department are similar, Qi Xian and Ma Qi are not resistant to this thing???

But it's not so much that they like to gamble, it's more that they just like the benefits of that gamble.

Qi Xian likes to take advantage as much as possible, Ma Qi likes money~~

But then again, Maureen has already given Maggie the [Forced ATM], and she still enjoys making money so 3.5???

It seems that the last time Wo Jin and Nobunaga retired, Ma Qi made a fortune, right?

Did she taste the sweetness and plan to repeat the trick?

Maureen shook his head without thinking too much.

He walked out of the arena, and after a few laps, he joined Wojin and Nobunaga in a secret corner.

Well, after the last resignation storm, Wo Jin and Nobunaga have been firmly on the list of bounty announcements in the Sky Arena.

It's always been black and red.

Even if he is carefree and fearless like a nest of gold, he can't be so presumptuous in other people's territory.

Moreover, they are here to make trouble. If they try to sway the market to attract the attention of the other party and become alert, it will not be beautiful.

Coming to this almost deserted alley, Mo Lin saw Wo Jin, Nobunaga, and ???

Madge, who is getting more and more beautiful.

They, the group of four who first met in Meteor Street, are now together again. .

34 Don't worry, I can't buy much, at most one or two billion?

"You're prettier than ever, Madge!"

Maureen glanced at Maggie, who was still clasping his chest with his arms, still cold and flawless, and couldn't help but admire. There is no woman who does not like to hear compliments.

Even the outlaws who kill like hemp and addicted to money like their lives are the same???

"You are also more powerful than before, Maureen!!"

Just when Mo Lin wanted to say something, Wo Jin moved forward and gave Mo Lin a big hug.

"Why don't we fight again now?"

"Fight another 100 games and you'll lose~"

Mo Lin pushed Wo Jin away and said angrily.

"Besides, if there is a fight, there will be a lot of noise, won't you still attract the people from the Sky Arena?!"

"Ah, that's right!!"

Wo Jin touched his head and smiled aside.

Gives space back to Maureen and Madge.

"Why did you come along?"

Maureen stepped forward and said softly.

"You can come, why can't I?"

March still glanced at Maureen lightly, and didn't say much.

Well, the relationship between the two people won't show too much in front of the Han Han, the two reinforcements, Wo Jin and Nobunaga.

"Is it not enough money or what?"

Mo Lin said helplessly, "Didn't you already give the item [Forced ATM] before?"

"Well, it's not the same J

When it comes to things about money, Madge comes to the spirit:

"I basically don't use those 17 items much now.

"What's the matter?"

"It's boring to get money like this."

It's enough to make money, what's the point of sharing it?

Maureen looked at Madge speechlessly, not understanding her brain circuits.

But women, don't they tend to think so clearly?

What's more, a woman from Meteor Street like Madge?

"So you're still not giving up gambling as a way to make money, are you?

"Of course

March looked at Maureen without giving up.

"I understand

Maureen nodded slightly, "Then what are you going to buy?"

"If you buy this year's martial arts tournament, there will still be accidents!!"

Maggie said confidently.

"There is an accident and I can't go on!!"

Maureen: "

He gave Madge a strange look.

"What? Is there something on my face?

Maggie looked a little unnatural to Maureen.


Is Madge really suitable for gambling? Come up directly to **** the team.

Did you peek at the answer ahead of time? !

This time at the Olympia martial arts conference, Jade and others will come to smash the field is something that no one else expected at all.

Not even Nitro would have thought that Jade would be resurrected from the dead relying on the power of resentment.

On the Sky Arena side, since Wo Jin and Nobunaga retired that year, almost every major event has occurred.

The major casinos will have a betting option that "the game is unexpected and can't be played".

This year's Olympia martial arts conference naturally also has this betting option.

But basically no one cares. After all, no matter how messy these people who can become landlords are, they will not offend the Sky Arena at this critical moment.

So, the odds for this betting option are frighteningly high.

March obviously wanted to play big.

"If there are a few of you here, presumably this martial arts tournament will not go on so smoothly."

March explained his reasons.

Obviously, she was betting on Maureen and Wojin.

"But if the amount you bet is too large, the sky arena is not a dry eater. In such a strange situation, they will definitely check it out. After all, if there is a large amount of money betting in the accident column It's hard not to think about it.

Especially the Sky Arena, which has already suffered losses in this regard, is extremely vigilant about this.

-On the one hand, it must be to strengthen vigilance, on the other hand, if something really breaks out, then it will definitely be traced to the end.

"It's okay, I have experience with this kind of thing."

March said casually, but instead became more confident.

Well, there really is no one more experienced than her in gambling and settling.

"There are still three days before the official game, let's find a place to live first!!"

Wo Jin said carelessly, "Mo Lin, I haven't lived in your door for a long time!"

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