There were 30 division leaders in total, and two of them, Qiona and Lekai, in the seven-star ladybug form and the maned dog form, were easily dealt with by Morin and Nitro.

And even the combat power of their subordinate armies was wiped out.

For the remaining twenty-eight division commanders, each ant led four to five army commanders, and each army commander commanded ten to fifteen combat soldiers.

That is to say, not counting the queen ant and the three guards at present, the other ants are divided into division commander, army commander, and combat soldier. This is a clear and concise division from top to bottom.

In terms of number, there are about two thousand two hundred and seventy, which is a considerable number.

Some teams of these ants are centered on the division leader and follow orders in a disciplined manner, but there are also many teams that act according to their own ideas.

The two division leaders and their subordinate units that Mo Lin and the others killed belonged to the latter case.

And the remaining half of the division leaders are also of the uncontrolled type.

Even if he knew about the dangers from the outside, he didn't take it seriously.

After mastering the power of mind, they become particularly arrogant.

However, their arrogance is actually a good thing for Maureen and Nitro.



Inside the Dimension Apartment.

"So, should we follow this method to reduce the vitality of chimeric ants?

Just after returning from the ground, Mo Laowu, who had finished inquiring about the situation, sat down on the ground.

In front of him, Maureen had set up a table with a tablecloth on which was placed all kinds of food and drinks.

"Otherwise? In fact, I still prefer Mr. Morin's approach, but I don't agree much."

Nobu pushed his glasses, picked up a piece of yellow and white vegetables with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

"good to eat

"Hey, as a martial artist, we should rely on our own strength, not these high-tech means, otherwise it will affect our cultivation path.

Nitro was talking nonsense in a serious manner there, and he didn't forget to bring himself two bites of vegetables.

"We are hunters and not warriors... and President, in the school of your heart, there are also many people who have the ability to release the mind, who choose to use guns as weapons."

The corners of Nobu and Mo Laowu twitched at the same time.

Then seeing Nitro eating so vigorously, Mo Laowu realized that the dishes on the table were different from the dry food they had prepared.

"these are……"

Mo Laowu picked up his chopsticks and picked up a large piece of meat that looked fat and thin.


Mo Laowu called out subconsciously, and then his eyes were slightly startled.

"This is vegetarian?\"

Although the taste is very similar to the meat taste, almost the same, but the taste can be clearly eaten, it is almost made of some kind of mushroom.

Meat made from vegetarian vegetables? !

"Yao Yao, I asked Mo Lin to make it."

Nitro also caught a piece of "big meat"

"Do not,

Or rather manifested.

"Once people get old, they always want to eat vegetarian food, but they can't bear the taste of meat, so there is such a dish... What is the name of this dish?

"King Kong Fire Fang?"

Maureen was drinking soup beside him and said with a smile. .

391 Natural enemy attributes in biological habits, unite a group, win a group, suppress a group?

[King Kong Fire Fang], the signature dish of the famous restaurant [Gong De Lin] in Mo Lin's previous life.

It imitates meat in plain, lifelike, delicious, and extremely graphic works of art. It is a pleasure to watch, and the food is nutritious and beneficial to health.

It is simply the most suitable food for Mr. Nitro.

"Is there any food that suits me?"

While speaking, Jin's voice came from the entrance and returned here.

He also came to the table very rudely, picked up a pair of chopsticks, and looked at the various plates.

"Is this dish right for you?"

Maureen snapped his fingers and showed him a new dish.

"This is called [Ant climbing a tree]

"[Ant climbing a tree]? Good name-word~"

Jin nodded slightly, and also took the plate directly in front of him, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

While eating, don't forget to give a thumbs up:

"good to eat?!"

"Where have you been all these days?

Next to Nobu just finished eating, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked Jin.

"Observed the habits of Chimera ants, then found some Chimera ants and asked about their internal structure."

"We have already understood the internal structure and military strength issues?"

Mo Laowu took a puff of deep-fried mushrooms and said with a frown.

He felt that Jin was doing nothing.


With his mouth full of food, Jin mumbled:

"You just checked out the strength of the troops and the distribution of strength information, and I learned about the relationship between them."

"Relationship? Relationship between ants?!"

The corner of Nob's mouth twitched, wanting to say something, but silently swallowed it back.

I just think Jin's approach is silly and naive.

"What kind of relationship can a group of ants have?!"

Mo Laowu also disapproved of Jin's answer and said casually.

His views on this group of ants are not worth mentioning except that they are very strong and difficult to fight.

Even if they are able to speak and have human intelligence, they are still a long way from their real human beings.

This is human self-esteem and pride.

"That's not the same J

Jin swallowed what was in his mouth and looked at Maureen:

"What impressed me most about Maureen before was the sentence he said: where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

"I automatically understand the so-called [Jianghu] as a social relationship. I don't know if the meaning is correct."


Maureen raised his glass to Jin and motioned him to continue.

"In my opinion, as long as it is a creature, it will definitely have its own circle of relationships. Higher creatures like humans have intricate social relationships, and wild animals also have their own unique way of life."

"Then, as chimeric ants that are genetically heterozygous between humans and animals, there is undoubtedly a certain relationship in this aspect of communication."

Jin Sheng took a bowl of Pearl Jade White Jade Soup, took a sip and nodded,

"It tastes pretty good.

"Originally, I thought they were just a group of wild ants that were difficult to get rid of, and their relationship was not that complicated, but


Jin suddenly smiled, touched his shaggy chin and said:

"After I caught a few ants and inquired about the situation in detail, it exceeded my expectations."

"Although they are all ants, it is true that they are mixed with the genes of various creatures, and they also have the wisdom that high-level creatures can have."

"In this way, each ant has different habits because of the different types of genes mixed in itself."

"In addition to the human genes they are embedded in, it also has a great influence on their personalities, which makes me see a different side."

"I even think that the relationship between this group of ants already has the prototype of our human society."

Kim concluded, "Of course, only in terms of internal infighting."


Nitro was interested, "Tell me in detail?"

"First of all, between the queen ant and the three guards, due to their detached status and strong strength, they are not involved in these relationships."

Jin began to talk about his harvest these days, "It's actually quite a lot of open and secret battles between the division commanders and army commanders below."

"Take the most typical example, the first division leader born in the chimeric ant is called Koludo. It seems to be an ant chimerized with the genes of a bird and a kinder and gentler human. The temperament is mild and abnormal. Loyal to the Queen."

"It is in the position of a big housekeeper in the Chimera ant group. The power it currently has is second only to the queen ant and three members of the **** team, and it currently leads the other ants."

"Because he was very dissatisfied with the behavior of other division leaders who did not follow the rules, and from time to time discussed with Peggy on strategies against humans, he was very rigorous and serious about the future of the chimera ants, so he attracted many other divisions. The elders' dissatisfaction."

"For example, Leo Lu, the division leader with the lion gene, Zazan, the division leader with the scorpion gene, Jidu, the division leader with the leopard gene, etc., are all very dissatisfied with Corudo's constraints."

Jin Yi continuously said the names of several division leaders and their genetic origins, which shows that he has done a lot of homework during this time.

"They are secretly dissatisfied with Corudo's commander, and after they learned to read, they have gained powerful power, and this kind of dissatisfaction is growing day by day."

"Even their subordinates, as well as Corudor's combat soldiers and army commanders, are often reluctant to obey orders because of their brutal and bloodthirsty nature, eager to kill and wantonly."

When Mo Laowu heard this, he also roughly understood.

.....for flowers 0....

He lit a cigarette for himself: "That is to say, among the chimeric ants, there are not only ants that are chimeric with beasts, cold-blooded creatures and disobedient, but also gentle genetic creatures that are chimerized in order to comply with the law.

From command-based ant. "

"Is this the main contradiction between the two?"

Norbu also pushed his glasses, "It is true, just think about it carefully, how can an ant with a chimeric lion gene coexist peacefully with an ant with a chimeric antelope gene?"

"Ants with chimeric cat genes also dislike each other with ants with mouse and fish genes?"

"The natural enemy attribute in biological habits, but it is not so easy to eliminate?"

Nitro stroked his beard and concluded, "So does that mean we can try to differentiate them?"

"Unite a group, win over a group, suppress a group?"

Maureen followed suit with a gesture.

This is a recipe for a long-standing struggle in previous lives.


"You can try

Jin picked up a piece of squirrel tapfish and crunched it in his mouth.

"According to the information I have learned, ants who are mild-mannered, obey orders, and have not taken too many measures against humans, can try to plan."

"Korudo, the head of the bird-human division, Peggy, the head of the penguin division, Mereon, the head of the chameleon division, the head of the yak division, died, and the head of the groundhog division, and the head of the turtle division. Long, I forgot the name


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