"Wah mile? Bi mile wo mile?"

Before he could finish speaking, the phone in his arms rang.

"Hello? This is Xiaojie, may I ask where is... Kate?!!"

Xiaojie's voice suddenly raised an octave, scaring Qi Xiang next to him to the point of choking a chocolate bean in his throat and coughing again and again, and almost didn't die young.

But Xiaojie didn't care at all. When he heard "Kate" calling himself from the phone, his eyes lit up unbearably.

Even the body and tone began to tremble.

"Really... Kate?!"

When Xiaojie is still trying to digest and accept the good news from Kate's survival~

the other side.

The yellow sand in the sky, the abandoned test base, where the current ant king Meruem and President Nitro fought.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of continuous collisions sounded in this empty and empty field.

Countless rocks splashed and rolled yellow sand fluttered in the sky.

Yellow smoke drifted away, covering the entire sky.

It is impossible for people to see through these coverings clearly what is inside.

Even if you can see the field inside, you will never be able to see how far the current battle situation is going.

Because both sides of the battle are the most (bicb) top powerhouses in the world.

Their movements, every move and every move, have all exceeded the limit that human vision can capture.

Even the afterimage cannot be easily captured by people, and even if it is slightly perceptible, it may be the afterimage of the afterimage.

Both of them brought out their strongest housekeeping skills.

Nitro's Hundred-style Avalokitesvara, the proud chimeric ant body of the ant king Meruem.

At this moment, it all poured out unscrupulously.

All the trick cards are out.

within the circle of battle.

Meru Em looked at Nitro with a calm expression.

Just now, he finally seized the opportunity, approached Nitro at close range, and had several confrontations in an instant.

He wanted to tear Nitro's throat with his most advantageous weapon.

However, Nitro, who has returned to a young state, with his absolutely peak body, combined with his lifelong martial arts experience, made the most accurate response.

He deeply knew the strength of Meluaim's body. Every time he approached, he would push his palm forward and use a strong palm wind to repel him or resist his attack.

So, in a short period of time, the two sides came and went like this, the claw shadow and the palm shadow blended together, but they never touched, forming a rather strange scene.

With that extremely fast speed and powerful force, after the failure, the surrounding yellow sand shook out patches of soil mist, and a huge vacancy was created in the yellow sand swept in the air.

Moreover, the claw wind and palm strength that spilled out also left deep traces on the surrounding ground, and the number continued to increase.

This confrontation lasted for a full three minutes, and the two sides separated again as Meluaim's needle tail and Nitro's Guanyin palm bombarded together.

And in that not-so-short confrontation, Nitro realized more clearly that the current Nitro is far more powerful than the previous him.

To be precise, the current Nitro already has the possibility of killing himself, but the Nitro just now did not.

This is the decisive difference between the two.

Therefore, when dealing with the elderly Nitro, he can attack aggressively without any psychological burden, even if he hits countless palms.

But when dealing with the young Nitro, he couldn't do it.

In the final analysis, when you need to pay attention to your own safety and have concerns, even if you sometimes catch the enemy's flaws, it is not easy to attack.

The opponent just regained his youthful state and regained such strength.

In addition, there are other human beings, and there are items that have been successfully restored.

human beings...

"It's really annoying."

Melluem muttered to himself in his heart.

It was a feeling of being suppressed on offense and feeling life-threatening, as well as a mood that was in contrast to the previous one.

If it wasn't for the storm-like slaps of the hundred-style Guanyin just now, I would have a certain understanding and experience of the hundred-style Guanyin's attack methods. Now maybe it's impossible to keep up with Nitro's rhythm.

The pleasure of winning Nitro had long since disappeared, and replaced by a feeling of wanting to kill Nitro and to eat him. It's just that he doesn't like to be intimidated, or even disgusted.

With a clear goal, he also knows how to respond and choose.

All you have to do is win, no matter how you do it, even if you drop your

"Like a long-lasting offensive and defensive battle on a chessboard, one wrong move and the whole game are lost.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I have had a similar experience

Melluem is not stubborn, and once his thoughts change, he will implement them without hesitation.

He found a sure way to win, and that was to drag Nitro into a protracted battle.

Until Nitro's body and spirit fail due to wear and tear, then he will be able to kill him without any worries.

He is a chimeric ant, and his physical quality is far superior to that of humans. If it is exhausted in the end, he will definitely win.

And even if you make a mistake, you have more opportunities, and the fault tolerance rate is very high.

As for this human being in front of him, as long as he makes one mistake, what awaits him will be a dismembered ending.

So, in the end, the one who won the battle was definitely himself.

This is Meluaim's confidence in his own race.

The choice of protracted warfare means that it will consume more time.

Even if he wanted to end the battle sooner and go back to the palace and Mai Mai to start playing chess again, he would still do it.

Just like if he made a mistake, he would never deny his mistake because of his status as a king. On the contrary, he would simply admit his mistake and change it.

After this plan, Melu Aim's desire to attack was greatly weakened, and he also admitted in disguise the difficulty of the current strong Nitro.

In the so-called competition on the chessboard, each move is not determined by personal preference, but the most correct choice made in order to win. Just like e-sports, games that were originally enjoyable to watch, as the understanding of the game becomes more and more, it is easy to see that there is no fight for a few minutes. They are all developing silently for the final victory of the game.

Nitro didn't notice the change in Meluem, so he took the initiative to attack again when he saw that Meluem didn't move like a mountain.

After these two fights, Nitro deeply knew how difficult it would be to kill Meluaim.

In the face of this type of opponent, any strategy is useless, you can only use stronger force to suppress, and then win.

There is no better way, and it is the most realistic portrayal of this battle.

Thinking of this, Nitro clasped his hands together again, and the golden Guanyin Buddha statue emerged and slapped towards Meru Aim. ?

442 must

eat him! This kind of power really reminds me of the past.

Facing the strong offensive from Nitro's reorganization, Meluaim did not defend completely.

He occasionally counterattacks, but compared to the previous confrontation, the idea of ​​attacking is obviously much weaker.

In this way, although a strong suppression can be formed, it is difficult to hit Meluaim.

"The style of play has changed?"

This point, Nitro quickly realized, and instantly understood Meluam's plan.

This is to use the gap between physical fitness and qi to fight the war of attrition.

"Obviously I had a fight with the old man before, but now I still make such a decision of a war of attrition?

"But I have to admit that in terms of physical fitness and potential energy, he is indeed dominant."

Nitro has stepped up the offensive, but Melulam has changed his strategy. After increasing his defense, Nitro is almost impossible to find.

In the previous battle with Nitro, Meluaim gained a lot of experience, and now it has become a weapon against him.

In the previous confrontation, Nitro still had a faint feeling that he could hit Meluam away, but now it was completely gone.

This is the result of the right choice.

Although I don't know how long this battle will last, if the trend remains unchanged, there is no doubt that Nitroro will not be able to support it first.

Nitro has a wealth of combat experience and sees his own ending as if he knew the future. While chasing after the ant king, he thought about countermeasures.

"So, in the end, do you still use this trick to decide the outcome?"

Nitro made a quick decision.

Let the enemy's abacus fail

It's the key to winning.

Meluem wants this battle to become a protracted one, so what Nitro has to do is to not let Meluem get his wish.

On the bright side, Nitro is at an advantage, and even suppresses Meluam.

However, Nitro is not short-sighted, and he has a wealth of combat experience.

When Meluam went to the defensive, Nitro knew very well that if nothing changed, the battle would end in his exhaustion.

Meluaim is very powerful. He has stronger physical fitness and stamina than the three direct guards. This is also his advantage over humans.

But his disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, he has no skills and moves, and he has not mastered other offensive thoughts.

In a sense, Meru Em's previous battle with Nitro was to rely on the advantage of endurance, and then punch the old master to death.

If Nitro's own apparent energy can be equal to Meluam... then Meluam's advantage will no longer exist.

Nitro stepped back suddenly, pulling the distance.

Meluem, who was on the defensive, quietly watched Nitro, who was retreating, but did not respond.

Until Nitro made the most familiar gesture again.

"Zero type!!

The Zero-style at its peak is completely different from the Zero-style used in the old age! !

The zero-style is to burn all the accumulation of the body at this moment, and turn it into a shining star-like ultimate cannonball to launch the final attack. This is also the strongest blow among Bai Shi Guanyin, and it is an unreserved blow.

After playing, it is an immediate, decisive move to determine the winner.

It is also a desperate and powerful move.

Because after this move, no matter what his previous physical state was, he would be hollowed out without any room for counterattack.

In other words, if this move can't kill the opponent, then it will be himself.

Nitro would not use this trick easily, but once he made up his mind, he used it.

It means that there is a reason to kill the opponent, and the opponent's strength is extremely difficult to deal with.

In this way, Nitro, who had made up his mind and planned to quickly decide the winner, once again brought out this ultimate move.

Determination, even stronger and more vigorous than in previous old age.

This also caused him to burst out with unimaginable astonishing energy all over his body.

This is the strongest blow in his peak state, and the thought power and energy contained in it are also the most powerful at the peak of all human beings! !

Looking at the dazzling and powerful aura on Nitro, Meluam slowly opened his eyes, gradually changing from dullness to a hint of amazement. What a powerful life force...

Although I almost realized before that his life energy has improved a lot, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful? !

Therefore, this also made Meluam's first reaction not solemn and vigilant, but a pure desire.

He wanted to eat him even more, which stimulated his appetite even more.

He may be a picky eater, so he has no interest in the depleted Nitro, but the Nitro at the peak of his prime is the best food in the world.

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