Even after being awakened by Nasby, after the blackening awakened, his attitude towards the succession battle was even firmer, and he would not let any prince control his will.

This is also why, despite the fact that Luz Luth and Halkenbrugger are brothers with the same father and mother, and both of them are members of the royal family with good reputation among princes, and their personalities are not strange, they are still

No contact so far.

...for flowers...

Because the two of them are not the same person at all.

If we can't go together, we can't get together, so naturally we can't talk about alliances.

Even in Luzluth's eyes, Halkenbrugg was not as easy to get along with as Jolai.

This person's head is full of his own fanatical thoughts. You can't change his will, and he won't listen to even a little bit of advice.

Halkenbrugger was a steadfast and determined reformer who did not hit the southern wall and did not turn back.

For this kind of person, Luzlus, who has always been rational and calm, is grateful and insensitive, and keeps aloof.

In this way, in addition to the above-mentioned princes, the last fifth prince and fourth prince have already chosen to form an alliance.

However, the alliance between the two was extremely unreliable in Luzluth's view.



Prince Cheledonich chose to form an alliance, but it was just a game with the fifth prince Tsbepa.

In his arrogant eyes, no one is qualified to be his ally.

The reason why he promised Zbepa was just for fun, watching a play, and coaxing.

After all, as a woman, the fifth prince Tsbepa is a rare academic research talent.

Like this kind of person, Celidonishi wants to get a little bit of scientific research while playing the other party around.

And when such a person gets along, there is no need to worry too much that she will stab you in the back.

This is the best choice for an alliance, and a simple analogy is raising pigs.

When this ally pig is fattened, it can be slaughtered.

In Luzluth's eyes, this alliance between the two is simply an alliance of an unequal relationship.

And without any binding of interests, emotions, and common goals, it seems so fragile and vulnerable.

Especially after Celidonich gradually awakened his ability to read, and stepped into another world, he possessed a higher level of power.

The disparity in status and power between the two sides will undoubtedly widen.

After Celidonich awakened his ability to read and learn, his mentality was so arrogant that it exploded.

Under such circumstances, whether he can still look up to Tsbepa, and whether he is even willing to maintain the superficial emptiness, is unknown.

Anyway, according to Luzluth's vision, maybe after Celidonich's mind power cultivation is completed, he will try his ally as soon as possible.

When Celidonich appears in the world's field of vision again, it will definitely bring a huge earthquake. Door.


606 It's nice to be young! ! You don't need to say more, brother! ! I will never give in to this succession battle!

Luzlus thinks so, after all, with Celidonich's current talent and strength, he is completely worthy of it.

Benjamin now has Halkenbrugger as the biggest threat and priority to deal with.

Then, once Cheledonich starts to officially join the succession battle, all the patterns will be impacted.

Benjamin will realize what kind of monster he has indulged in during this period of time.

At that time, he was caught off guard by Celidonich, and he must have a rather ugly expression, right?

Moreover, after Celidonich's weather was ready and his tail was too big, it was much more difficult to get rid of him than before.

At least even if Benjamin has made a firm determination, it is bound to pay a big price! !

All in all, that is something that may happen in the future, and what will happen at that time, it is especially knowable?

In this way, Luzluth briefly went through the connection between these princes in his mind.

It can be known that these princes basically belong to the type of "zero six seven" with their own forces, fighting alone.

This is the so-called battle of heroes, and there has not been any combination of verticals and horizontals.

Well, there is no way, just such a palace fight, within a short and limited period, there can only be one final winner.

And the price of failure is death, a situation that no one can choose to deal with in those common sense methods.

You can only touch one by one and fight for the only victory.

"So, the key to solving this succession battle is to stop all my brothers and sisters one by one."

Luzluth's eyes flickered, "And with their personalities, they definitely won't have contact with other people, and even the arrogance in their bones makes them choose to fight alone when faced with a desperate situation to death."

"So, as long as I defeat them one by one, then this succession battle can basically be solved."

Thinking like this in my heart, at the same time, the corresponding plans are gradually taking shape in my mind.


At this time, Hua Shi Douro, who had been silent behind Luzluth, suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"This is a Gu-raising ceremony. If you keep the other princes like this, will there really be nothing wrong?"

Hua Shi Doulang said with a serious face, "I also know that as long as I leave this Black Whale, I will be restricted and die instantly.

"That is to say, once the rules about this inheritance war are touched, it is equivalent to being restricted by this inheritance war, and thus suffers the punishment of life and death.

"I remember that among the many conditions and requirements of this succession battle, there is still this one:"

"Within two months, the final winner of this battle of succession will be decided, and he will ascend the throne as the next king of Kajin."

"And the way to decide the final winner is to deal with all the opponents, that is, kill them, so that it can be regarded as a victory.

"The three main aspects of this succession battle: time, place, and fighting style.

"The Black Whale at the location, the violation of the constraints is already a life-threatening death."

"And time and fighting style, these two keywords are more important than location. Once violated, it is hard to imagine the degree of restriction that will be encountered.

Hua Shi Doulang said slowly, and Luzlus also listened carefully, and it was rare for the two brothers to discuss things like this.

"Although I don't know what your thoughts are, I still understand your intention to stop this succession battle from going on."

"And the way you take is nothing more than to give shelter to other princes, so that they can avoid being involved in the battles of other princes during these two months."

"And also let the other princes stop fighting and spend two months in such a safe and secure way, I guess right?

Although it is an interrogative sentence, Huashi Doulang said it in a positive tone.

Luzluth was silent for a while, and then nodded lightly.

"Your idea is really good, but have you thought about the consequences of what you're doing?

Hua Shi Doulang's tone was still unhurried, but he was staring into Luzluth's eyes.

"You have to know that what you are doing now violates the fighting method of this succession battle, although it is not clear whether this will determine the final winner of the succession battle, and whether this poisonous ritual will end there. fail."

"But there is no doubt that whether the succession battle is successful or unsuccessful in the end, you will suffer from constraints."

"Also, the other members of the Kajin royal family are not fools."

"Once the poisonous ritual fails, not only you, but other members of the royal family will also be affected."

"Especially the first prince and the second prince, both of them are minders, and know the horror of constraints and vows better than other princes."

"The more it gets to the last critical moment, the more they go crazy and go to trouble other princes."

"Because the deadline is approaching, they go crazy if they don't succeed."

"Even the king-controller of the Kajin Empire, Nasby, will never turn a blind eye to this succession war."

Little by little, Hua Shi Doulang revealed many hidden dangers in this succession battle and the way Luzluth took, and told Luzluth little by little. The latter listened just like that.

After Hua Shi Doulang finished speaking, Luzluth slowly showed a smile on his face:

"Perhaps such a situation will indeed occur, and I myself may have a certain chance of being in danger at that time.

"But some things have to be done, don't they?"

He took a slow deep breath:

"After all, those people are my younger sisters and younger brothers who are related to my blood. As a big brother, I can't just watch them die here for something that I am very reluctant to do.

"Especially this is a very meaningless thing!!

"At their age, they should enjoy their carefree childhood, rather than embark on this hellish ship with us to find some **** new world!

"It shouldn't be so unclear to explain his life here, especially the last fourteenth prince, he hasn't grown up yet!!

"He's just a baby!! His life hasn't started yet, why should he suffer such a thing?!!"

Luzluth's emotions were a little excited.

"So, I will never give in to this succession battle!!"

"I will completely rewrite this battle in my own way!!"

"This is not only a test question left by Master, but also for my own determination and will!!"

"This inheritance war system, which has been going on for many years, cannot adapt to the era of gradual development, this ancient and decadent thing should end here!!

"No matter what bumps and obstacles there will be on this road, I will never give up."

"Even from my father, I'm not going to step back in the slightest."

"If I can't handle and solve even such a thing, what qualifications do I have to become the king of this new generation of Kajin!!"

Luzluth said loudly.

Huashi Doulang watched with his eyes, listened with his ears, and his face gradually showed admiration.

He opened his mouth, just about to say something.

"You don't need to say 5.6, Senior Brother!!"

Luzluth waved his hand, interrupting what Huashi Douro wanted to say.

"I know what you want to say. It's just that you and Master are willing to help me solve the trouble."

He smiled and said, "Just let me be self-willed this time. I want to use my own method to solve the problem of this restriction first."

"Since I have chosen to take this path and choose this way, then I must have a certain solution."

"If I can't do it by then, then it's not too late to trouble you, brother and master?"

He hehe smiled: "Although my brothers and sisters are my family, but you and Master, why not?!" At the same time that Hua Shi Doulang was talking to Luz Lusi, in the next room.

"This guy--"

After listening to the conversation between the two of them, Maureen couldn't help laughing and drank the drink in his hand.

Nitro, who was next to him, drank a drink and smiled brightly:

"It's great to be young!!

607 The Zhenlin Pavilion incident three+ years ago, first set a small goal, right??

Although Luzluth looked very mature, his actual age was only in his early twenties.

Exactly the age of a young man.

If you are not young and energetic, is that still called a young man? !

And his thoughts have always been different from others.

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