Just when everything was silent, Benjamin opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

"This guy Cheledonich has come this far without making a sound."

"His forbearance and his super talent have really made me get to know him again and admire him with admiration."

Benjamin's face was still expressionless, but the frowning brow was clearly explaining the matter of Celidonich, which shocked him greatly.

"This is a humble dereliction of duty, please punish His Royal Highness!!"

Guard Captain Milk immediately stood up, bowed straight, and apologized.

"It's not your fault

Benjamin waved his hand, "I was so lax and arrogant that I forgot the vigilance that anything can happen on this ship."

"Celidonich should have been my first target and object to solve, but after only a week of indulgence, let him grow to this point, which is also my ill-consideration." His fingers tapped lightly on the On the desktop, "too much time and energy was spent on other princes who didn't need much attention, and he neglected to check him."

"I also have an unshirkable responsibility for Cheledonich's growth to the point where it is now!!"

Benjamin said in a deep voice, finalizing the nature of this incident.

"But the top priority right now is not to blame and regret, letting such a terrifying monster go, stop him immediately!!"

"Kill it now, and can't let it grow!!"

"Otherwise, at that time, everything will not end.

After listening to Benjamin's words, all the soldiers nodded in agreement.

What's more, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a look of joy:

"Fortunately, there is this video tape, which allows us to discover the situation of Cheledonich early, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous..."

"That's the real intention of whoever sent us the tape."

Milk said in a low voice.

Although Benjamin took all the faults in the past, it was a serious dereliction of duty as a subordinate to forget such an important thing, which made Milk very angry.

"What is certain is that the other party did not know what method was adopted to learn about the situation on Cheledonich's side, so that what happened was recorded scene by scene with videotape."

"And then again, through some kind of teleportation capability, the videotape was transmitted to us."

"Most of its real intentions are to let us know the contents of the videotape, so as to take action against Celidonich!!"

Milk was very relaxed, and saw Luzluth's intentions thoroughly.

But so what?


"This is Chi Guoguo's conspiracy!!"

—Thinking of the person behind the scenes operating all this, Milk tickled his teeth again with hatred.

The other party obviously asked others on his side to take action to target and restrain Celidonich's continued growth.

Apparently, the situation was set for them to compete with Celidonich and lose both.

And even if they knew this, they had to follow each other's ideas.

Because this succession battle, Benjamin, as the person with the most potential to reach the top, must be the first to bear the brunt.

And the relationship between him and Cheledonich can no longer be described as bad.

It's just that it's endless, and it's not for everyone! !

How could Benjamin continue to sit still and remain indifferent when he saw Celidonich with such aptitude and progress?

The person who sent the video was right on this point and sent the video so simply!

"We have always been the only ones who have calculated others, and there has never been a situation where others have calculated us!!

"Whoever it is, as long as we solve the first


Prince, then the next step is to find out who is behind the scenes! !

Milk also secretly said in his heart.


Even if he knew it was a calculation

Just keep going down.

Watching Celidonich continue to progress and grow, there's nothing they can't do! !

"Before we roll out the deployment of operations for the Fourth Prince, it's also important to be clear

Benjamin stood up slowly, his majestic eyes scanning the audience.

"That is, since the other party can get the video of Celidonich, is it possible to have a panoramic view of our situation here without us noticing it at all?"

"It even said that the other party is paying attention to the dynamics on our side?!!"

Hearing Benjamin's words, Milk and many of the escorting soldiers all changed their faces. …

They also thought of this very likely problem for a while.

"So who is the person behind the scenes, with such a strange ability to read?!!"

Milk's face was extremely difficult to look at.

This kind of feeling that his every move, all under the eyes of the other party, is really uncomfortable.

"No matter who it is, since the other party has chosen to let us know about this situation and let us deal with Celidonich, there are only two situations.

Benjamin held up two fingers:

"The first one, there is no doubt, is that the opponent's strength is insufficient, and we want to use our strength to deal with the growing enemy of Celidonich, who is gradually out of the control of this succession battle!!

"With the opponent's ability to perfectly achieve this kind of monitoring without Cheledonich's unknowing, it wouldn't be a combat-oriented auxiliary-oriented ability."

"In this way, the opponent's fighting ability is not high, so they need to rely on our strength. This is the first situation."

"As for the second

Benjamin's eyes picked it up, making it even more fierce:

"That's because the other party wants to be the **** who controls everything, like a cat teasing a mouse, watching both of us fight to death, he stays out of the side, and at the same time waits for us to compete, so he can benefit from it!!"

"Both possibilities exist, and I tend to think about the worst when I do things, so..."

Benjamin suddenly raised his head, looked up, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"I personally feel that I am more inclined towards the second type. At the same time, not only the auxiliary ability is strong, but the combat 5.6 ability is also very strong."

"The reason why he gave us this video is just to satisfy his desire to manipulate others and watch plays!!"

"You said yes, then it is very likely that he is watching the expressions when we got the tape."

"I think the shock and heavy expressions on our faces make you very happy, don't you think? Huh?! The person behind the scenes!!!"

Inside the seventh prince's room?

"Sure enough, it's still Benjamin!"

Luzlus threw the half-eaten watermelon back to the plate.

Looking at Benjamin's gaze that seemed to be projected across the screen in the upper left corner of the TV screen, he couldn't help sighing there:

"Being able to stand out and become the most dominant person among the princes of the Kajin Empire is not a vain reputation."

"This grasp of the current situation, analysis, and anticipation of the situation can easily deduce the most correct answer through just a few simple things.

"It has to be admired."

Luzluth shook his head and sighed. .

612 What a pity, it would be great to be shot in the head by that guard named Dita! ! !

The two big **** on his head swayed together:

"But what if you can roughly guess my intentions?

The corners of Luzluth's mouth grinned,

"The two most critical points, are you still unable to do anything?

"You don't know who I am, and at the same time, you have to take certain measures against Cheledonich."

"Reality is often so cruel, but it's not that you can easily solve the problem by inferring the intention of the answer!!

Indeed, even if Benjamin guessed Luzluth's intention, he had no other good solution.

You can only continue to go down step by step according to Luzluth's vision.

On the TV screen of Luzluth

Benjamin quickly dismissed the matter.

As they said before,

The most urgent task now is to first


The prince took measures, and he can no longer let him grow up like this! !

Except for Benjamin's side,

Others have also received this video tape one after another.

They are all like Benjamin,

I was very wary of this sudden appearance.

However, after all the guards under him tried it, they found that there was no abnormality.

Out of curiosity, he inserted the videotape into the TV.

As a result, they also all saw the relevant performance of Celidonich in the picture.

2 Camilla, who was in a state of imprisonment, read the entire content with no expression on her face.

"In this world, actually..."

Her tone did not fluctuate in the slightest, "There are people who are more talented than Camilla!!"

But her fingernails penetrated deeply into her flesh.

Obviously, the talent that Celidonich has mastered really gave her a great shock.


Celidonich is still her brother! ! Like her, she is a member of the Kajin royal family! !

You know, with Camilla's self-righteous attitude, she thinks that even Benjamin is not worthy of her shoes! !

As a result, she lost her first fight with Benjamin.

Although she didn't die in Benjamin's hands, it was only because the other party seemed to know something about her abilities, so she temporarily let her go.

If Benjamin really did his best, then she would be the first to die, not the eighth prince Salisare.

Benjamin had already given Camilla a blow to the head, and Celidonich gave her another blow in the blink of an eye in Camilla's most proud of telekinesis.

Obviously she is the eldest daughter of the Kajin Empire, and she also has a huge force as a private army, such as non-holding people.

Obviously she has the support of many noble ministers, and she clearly developed the powerful mind ability of [Million Reincarnation Cat].

Obviously she is so beautiful, beautiful and moving, obviously...

Thinking of this, Camilla's eyes were filled with flames again.

"Why is Camilla so good, but she doesn't have more blessings from God?! Instead, it's that perverted and disgusting guy from Celidonich, who has a better talent?!"

Camilla's inner hysteria broke out again.

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