At that time, they would probably only be able to hug each other and get together and shiver to keep warm.

""" It seems that I have to pass this situation well and explain it to others..."

Izenabi looked at Celidonich who displayed the ability to read in the [moment and ten seconds] on the screen, he pondered, his eyes flashed with dignity.

"Even our side has received the videotape, so the other princes must also have it!!"

Izenaby is at the bottom and has enough confidence in Tyson.

Well, even Tyson is so incompetent, the last existence among all the princes can get the videotape, let alone the other princes.

Worse than Tyson, almost only the fourteenth prince who was still infancy.

"Well, there are other princes. As for the fourteenth prince... I'd better contact Kurapika and ask."

Yizenabi thought so, and finally glanced at the group of people behind him who were doing gymnastics and twisting their waists.

He sighed and took out his phone in despair, and resolutely pressed the button number on the phone.

On the other side, in the room of the ninth prince Halkenbrugger.

"The first


Prince Celidonich?

Halkenbrugger sat in the chair, watching the screen enter the darkness, and immediately pressed the replay button.

"Sure enough!

Compared to the shock of others, Halkenberg seemed much calmer. On the contrary, there is an expression that is taken for granted and considered reasonable.

Prince, he really won't let anyone down! ! "

He said with such admiration on his mouth, and even the corners of his mouth slowly evoked a smile.


Before this succession war started, the relationship between Halkenbrugger and Celidonich was very good.

They are all excellent characters, each with their own ambitions and aspirations.

Moreover, before the blackening awakening, Halkenbrugger was humble, courteous, courteous, and sacrificed to give up the ego to fulfill the great ego. It is in stark contrast to Cheledonich's arrogant, unruly, and selfish character.

It stands to reason that the two are mortal enemies, but when they get along, their personalities complement each other perfectly.

This allowed the two to get along a few times by chance, and the relationship became very good.

Of course, that's all. .

614 This is a huge failure for you. Do you want to use our hands to eradicate you?

Since the battle for the succession to the throne started, the original relationship, no matter how good it was, has completely vanished.

They are not children anymore, they have an innocent and firm friendship like Kadro and Fugez who are just teens.

In the adult world, the word "interest" cannot be escaped.

Even Kazhuo and Fu Gai, their relationship is so deep, it is only because they are both weak and they have common demands under this crisis of succession war. That is, survived unscathed.

Their interests are also the same, and it is also the key to the firmness of their relationship.

And Celidonich and Halkenbrugger both have the power and strength to compete for the throne and challenge the throne of the final victor.

No matter who they are, they will never give up, which makes them fundamentally contradictory.

It also made Cheledonich never contact Halkenbrugger since he got on the ship.

The moment the two announced the beginning of the battle for the succession of the throne, and even when they participated in the egg in the pot, they had already completely broken up.

Of course, even if it is completely broken, it is undeniable that there is an appreciation for both sides.

This appreciation will not change.

Moreover, Halkenberg has always firmly believed that even this succession battle greatly weakened the advantages of some upper princes.

But Celidonich was still able to break through the sky and let the world see his terrifying abilities.

Even though Celidonich has been silent for a while, without making any movement, Halkenbrugger still hasn't wavered in the slightest.

Sure enough, even today, he completely understood the reason why Cheledonich was so quiet.

At the same time, it also witnessed the transformation of Celidonich and the classic picture of gradually becoming stronger.

Halkenbrugger took everything for granted, and it would be strange if Celidonich didn't rise! !

With such a mood in mind, he continued to re-watch Celidonich's expression with admiration, and at the same time, he also adjusted his priority to the highest level in his heart! !

Although Halkenbrugger doesn't know how to read, it doesn't mean that he has bad eyes and bad brain~~

There is no doubt that the talent displayed by Celidonich is extremely terrifying, and even the psychic guards under his command are so shocking.

Well, in other words, although Halkenbrugger is favored by so many people, he has also gained a lot of support.

But his shortcomings as a lower prince are also obvious.

That is, whether it is himself or the loyal guards he has recruited, they are all ordinary people, and no one can know how to use the ability of mind.

This is why after the feather marks appeared on the backs of their hands, Halkenbrugger specially sent people to ten


In the prince's area, learn the ability of mind

And ask about the engraving.

From this, it can be seen that the power they have in the aspect of mind ability is really weak.

Even so far, the only ones who have roughly grasped the ability of the mind are the two guards who went to the Fourteenth Prince to **** and participated in the mind ability guidance conference.

Moreover, they are only beginners, and their use of mindfulness is extremely crude, and they cannot provide effective advice and explanations.

Even Celidonich's performance, from what they know and see, is not much better than Halkenberg.

The only one here who knew the ability to read before, the private soldier Hikaku from the first prince, was also used by Halkenbrugger to use his ability to protect spirit beasts to exchange bodies for his subordinates.

At the same time, being controlled by his subordinate named Smit Lee, he came to the front of the sixth prince's room and shouted "Long live Benjamin!"


The current Smit Lee's body, which had fallen into a state of sleep because of the exchange of wills, is now standing safely behind Halkenbrugg! !

After Smit-Lee controlled Shikaku and committed suicide, his own soul consciousness returned to his body.

And Shikaku's own consciousness followed his body and died in this world together.

At the same time, his mind ability [Yu-Gi-Oh] was also inherited by Benjamin's mind ability [The Man Who Pulls the Stars].

After Smit Lee woke up, Halkenbrugger did several tests in succession, and after he finally determined that it was him, he completely understood the function of his mind power.

That is, after being hit by his own arrow, the hit target will be occupied by the consciousness of his subordinates, and his original consciousness will not know where it will be hidden.

Then, what if Halkenbrugger's subordinates manipulated the target to commit suicide or after the target suffered mortally fatal injuries?

The subordinate consciousness occupying this target will return to its original body without any influence.

What is dead is just the target itself that is being manipulated and occupied! (cifg)!

Because of this, Halkenbrugger is also almost aware of how powerful his own abilities are.

Therefore, after he saw Cheledonich's demeanor, there was not much shock and dignified emotion except that there were no accidents.

Because in his opinion, both of them's ability to read is very powerful.

Even with so many subordinates guarding him, Halkenbrugger felt that he was better than Cheledonich, who wanted to kill him even though his subordinates couldn't even see him!

No way, Dita's approach is indeed very impressive!

Halkenbrugger is confident that if he collides with Celidonich one day in the future, he will definitely win in the end! !

Of course, this is also later.

In this situation, he, who deeply understands the truth of raising tigers, will not let Cheledonich's journey continue smoothly.

"Since we have all chosen this succession battle, let's do our best!!"

Halkenbrugg said condensed slightly: "And what happened on your side was leaked out, which means that you have been controlled by people and are at the point of being designed by others.

"This is a huge failure for you, Celidonich!!"

"Of course, the videotape was sent to us, and we fell into the calculations of the mastermind behind all this."

"The hidden person seems to really want to use our hands to eradicate you?"

"I just don't know where the hidden person came from?"

"The first prince? The second prince? Or the third prince and the rest of the lower princes?"

"It's all possible!!!"

Halkenbrugger said softly.

Obviously, he had a thorough understanding of the situation, and naturally he could see through the meaning of the videotape at a glance.

But he, like Benjamin, knew that this was a bright conspiracy.

But it will never be so indifferent! !

He must be doing something too! !

"Then let me see,

It's my arrow that can penetrate your precognitive dreams better,

Or is it your precognition that counts every cent of my actions!

Halkenberg's eyes flickered, his fists clenched slightly tremblingly.

That is the excitement and trembling of the opponent! !

The princes' reactions to Cheledonich varied.

After the three major gang families of Kakin got the news, they also had different reactions.

However, their reaction was not as strong as that of the princes.

O'Neal Bolon just glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

Instead, he focused more on the food and wine in front of him.

Now his focus and focus are on the lower tiers, and as for the movement among the upper tier princes, he will help Jolai if he needs it.

And if Qiaolai didn't say a word and didn't come to him, it means that he has the confidence and ability to deal with this matter.

This is the unique tacit understanding between their father and son! !

The patriarch of the Aiyi family, Melina, just smiled lightly after seeing it, but she still didn't care at all.

Now her many lovely subordinates are faithfully following her orders, massacred a few floors below the Black Whale.

Why do you have so much time to take care of these princes? .

615 There is no other possible blood relationship that may exist

Although according to the rules of the game set by Melina, killing a prince has a very objective level benefit, it is still a little far from the current one.

After you reach a certain level and your basic strength has improved, you can start designing and doing it. It won't be too late by then~

"Wait, the princes of Kajin, I will pull you down from the altar one by one, so that you can savor the pain I suffered in the beginning?


Melina murmured, her white jade-like fingers slashed across her scarred cheeks, her eyes empty and dark.

"There will be such a day, it will be... but?"

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