On the left is "Don't do anything", and on the right is "Dry and rotten."

Such a peculiar family of all things, not only did not close down, but also opened up together. Xi.

07 The eldest gangster's visit, asking for a cure! house robot!

However, the owner of this store is too low-key, and the neighbors of the store around Wanshiwu do not know when the store opened.

He wanted to contact and say hello, but after knocking on the door several times and couldn't get through, the bosses gave up, and even once doubted whether there was anyone in the store.

In such a strange situation, no one of the guests in the house has ever come to the house.

After all, with the slogan pasted at the door, there is a ghost if it can attract guests.

However, it was because of its strangeness that it was passed on by word of mouth and spread the name of this house of all things.

- At the beginning, many people laughed at it or listened to it as a joke.

But gradually, when the existence of this house of all things spread to the ears of some middle- and upper-level people who knew the existence of mind power.

Especially some of them are still suffering from certain problems???

On a bright night that is neither dark nor windy in a certain month.

A converted car slowly stopped in front of the door of the Master's House.

The bodyguard and driver in a black suit got out of the car and opened the door of the rear car.

With the help of the driver's bodyguard, a man got out of the car and wrapped himself in his entire body, so he couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Miss, this is it.

The driver's bodyguard bowed and said respectfully.

With his young lady nodding slightly, he stepped forward and knocked on the door of the Master's House.

"Is anyone there? We are customers who came to ask for help."


He just knocked twice, and this door, which had not been moved since its establishment, opened for the first time.


The "600" bodyguard driver turned around for instructions.

This place is too weird, if it wasn't for the lady's insistence, he wouldn't want to bring the lady to such a weird place at all.

In case of any accident, he would be to blame.

"Let's go in?"

The sound is clear and crisp, like the sound of a clear spring played by a stream flowing in the springs and fields in the mountains.



Seeing that the lady insisted so much, the bodyguard of the driver in black could only reluctantly agree.

The two stepped in, and he was in front, keeping the young lady behind him in case of an unforeseen situation.

After stepping in, unexpectedly, there was no eerie environment or atmosphere.

On the contrary, the house is bright and tidy, and the ceiling emits a warm orange light, which even sets off the atmosphere of the whole house a little warm.

It's like a late-night cafeteria that liberates the mind and body after a tiring day at night, with a warm feeling.

As far as this atmosphere is concerned, both the driver's bodyguard and the young lady were relieved.

The bodyguards in black were even more relaxed.

So, sometimes first impressions do matter.

Originally, neither of them had any hope for this house of all things, it was just the last straw for the drowning person.

But after coming in, the two of them invariably came up with the same idea:

Even if you can't accomplish the goal here, it's good to relax and relieve stress and relieve your mood.

"Are you here to ask for help?"

Just as the two were looking at their surroundings, a voice came.

The two looked at the sound and saw a bookshelf in front of them.

Under the bookshelf, a young boy with silver hair was sitting at the table reading a book.

He raised his head and looked over his head.

"Are you the owner of this master house?

The driver's bodyguard stepped forward and asked.

The one in front of me looks no more than thirteen


A young boy with beautiful silver hair.

The pupils of his eyes are turquoise, and with his handsome face, it seems that it is easy to make people feel good.

"No, I'm currently just an apprentice in the store, and my master is the boss."

The silver-haired boy shook his head.

Plan your father? "

The driver's bodyguard thought for a while, took out a candy from his pocket, walked to the desk, and said gently:

"What's your name, little brother? Can you help us call out your master?"

"Before asking someone's name, you should introduce yourself, right?"

The little silver-haired boy looked at the candy in the bodyguard's hand with disgust, "These snacks you brought out are not as good as those given by my master."

The driver's bodyguard twitched, embarrassed.

"We're from the Frazier family."

The man behind the driver's bodyguard who was called Miss said.

"My name is Lysa Frazier."

After hearing the name and surname, the little silver-haired boy looked up and down the well-dressed lady in surprise.

"The eldest lady of the family of the largest gangster in Youkexin City? The daughter of Lysa?"

"I didn't expect you to have heard of my name, little brother."

Lysa Frazi bowed slightly.

"I'm just following the master's request, and I have some understanding of the strength of the country. This is just the basic requirement for us to open the Master's House.

He waved his hand and said, "Also, don't call me little brother, my name is Huashi Doulang."

"Huashi Doulang?"

The two members of the Frazi family thought about it carefully and found that they had never heard of this name in their impressions.

"What do you want my master to help with?"

Xiaohua Shi Doulang said and clapped his hands.

Suddenly, a sofa and a coffee table suddenly appeared beside Lysa Frazi and her bodyguard.

On the coffee table, there was still steaming hot tea.

"this is

The two stared at the scene in front of them in amazement.

"Please sit down?"

Xiaohua Shi Doulang seemed to have taken it easy, and greeted him and sat down.

The two sat down awkwardly, while constantly looking around.

The driver's bodyguard also touched the sofa, and the texture feels better than the expensive custom made in their family.

"Little... Mr. Huashi Doulang, can you invite your master out, we want to see him."

Miss Lysa Frazi once again had an intuitive impression of how magical the owner of the Master's House was.

Involuntarily, the hope in her heart for the boss to solve her own difficult problems poured out again.

"You'd better say what's the matter with you first?

Xiaohua Shi Doulang shrugged, "If my master doesn't want to solve your trouble, he won't come out."


The driver's bodyguard couldn't hold back a little. In this city of Youkexin, it was usually the Frazier family who had the qualifications to handle it.

When did the owner of a small master house become so presumptuous in the face of them?

"All right."

Lysa Frazi waved her hand and pressed the driver's bodyguard down.

She responded calmly and decisively, then stretched out and opened the clothes that wrapped her body one by one.

Xiaohua Shi Doulang's pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that Miss Lysa, who had a very beautiful voice, revealed a terrifying picture after she opened her clothes.

The exposed arms, neck, and skin were all covered with fleshy bumps, densely packed, and looked disgusting.

The facial features on the face, except for a pair of eyes and a mouth, are almost no other contours.

It seems to be the result of severe and extensive body burns, no, even worse than that! !

Xiaohua Shi Doulang resisted the urge to vomit from his tumbling stomach, and said with difficulty:

"I heard that there was a huge fire in the Frazi family earlier, and many people lost their lives. Even some of the immediate family members of the Frazi family died in the fire."

"I was also a victim of that fire. n

Lysa Frazi said calmly.

She said nothing to Xiaohua Shi Doulang's tone and eyes.

This kind of eyes and tone are the best among the people she has come into contact with.

It's not that she hasn't seen people who are even more strange and yin and yang.

She had gotten used to it over the years.


The driver's bodyguard looked at it with distress, and at the same time said to Xiaohua Shi Doulang more impatiently:

"See! Miss, she needs your boss to see if she can treat it!!"

"We have already made our intentions clear, should your boss come out too?"

"I didn't say that my master would definitely come out?"

Xiaohua Shi Doulang gave him a sideways glance, but you were yelling and you were about to be kicked out.

"My master hates others making a fuss at home."


The driver's bodyguard's eyes were spitting fire, and he could not wait to beat Xiaohua Shi Doulang violently.

Xiaohua Shi Douro just picked up a cup of tea on the table and took a sip:

"Reminder, if you show such aggressive and provocative eyes again, our house will teach you a lesson."

"The house is also taught a lesson? What are you talking about?

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