If the opponent is really a master who can't even deal with him, then just take out the gourmet tablecloth and ask for a hundred cans of pickled scale fish!

Both of them were on alert, only to hear a rough male voice suddenly sounded outside the door:

"Hey! March, are you there?!"

Hearing this voice, Madge's cold eyes instantly relaxed. .

009 Wo Jin, Nobunaga

"I am here."

She put the thin line down slowly.

Judging from this action, it shows that there is someone she knows outside the door.

But just in case, someone disguised or kidnapped someone she knew to deal with her, so she should be vigilant that she still didn't fall.

In this dangerous Meteor Street, it is hard to say what will happen, and it is impossible to be too alert.

"If you are, then open the door, it's me, I'm not kidnapped, I'm not disguised, the evidence is that there is a stupid swordsman next to me who can't kill a chicken with a knife.

"Did you find a live chicken for me in Meteor Street?! If there is one, I'll chop it up and show it to you right away!"

"Oh, to put it bluntly, you can't even chop a chicken to death."

"You haven't seen a dead chicken, what the **** are you doing here!"

The rough male voice clearly knew how to indicate whether his current state was safe.

It was his use of words that might have annoyed the companions who came with him, and the two began to quarrel outside.

Hearing the familiar tone and fighting sound, Madge put down all her guards and stepped forward to open the door.

"Don't quarrel with Wojin," March said calmly, "you come in too, Nobunaga.

Wo Jin and Nobunaga walked in cursingly.

"Anyone else?!

Only after the two came in did they find that there was another guy in the room besides Maggie.

Stretching his neck, he looked at the two of them curiously.

"Is this the young Wojin and Nobunaga?"

The conspicuous explosive head and the rogue warrior dress made it hard for Mo Lin to recognize him.

The full-time hunter Chrollo recalled that when the Phantom Troupe was founded, the characteristics of several people were so obvious.

Wo Jin has a dark complexion, has a prominent black afro, is tall, and has strong arms and legs, but it is far from being as strong as the future.

Nobunaga had a straight braid on his head, and his facial features seemed to be a little delicate, and his complexion was very white.

Nobunaga and Wo Jin are two extremes. They look like oily little boys. God knows how that decadent uncle came to be after more than ten years.

This was the first impression Wo Jin and Nobunaga gave Mo Lin, and they could only sigh once again that the power of the butchering knife was terrifying.

"Marge, who is this guy?"

While picking his booger, Wo Jin pointed at Mo Lin and asked casually.

He didn't have any opinions or precautions against Maureen.

Just that Maureen was able to appear in Madge's room and was still standing well, and Madge could open the door to them safely and casually as usual, that's enough to explain the problem. Woking didn't believe in Maureen, he believed in Madge's security vigilance.

Since March thought Maureen was fine in her room, Wojin thought it was fine too.

Although he looks rough, he is quite thick and thin.

As for Nobunaga, he looked at Mo Lin up and down, and felt a little bitter in his heart:

"It's even more handsome than when I was back then."

"His name is Maureen, and he lives with me temporarily."

Madge said, then looked at Maureen, pointed to Wojin and Nobunaga and said:

"Wojin, Nobunaga."

Although the introduction is very short, if you can let Madge introduce each other, it means that the other party is no problem.

"What are you doing at my house?"

March asked.

She still had some criticisms about Wojin and Nobunaga disturbing her study of her ability to read.

"What did you say.

Woking, who was watching Maureen, was immediately displeased when he heard Madge's words.

"Didn't you agree two days ago that we will go to the landfill of the garbage dump to find something today?"

Wojin said dissatisfiedly, "You're late, Maggie!"

March: "...It seems to be the case."

She patted her forehead with her hand.

Two days ago, she did agree with Wo Jin and Nobunaga to act together today.

But she forgot about it because she was shocked by Maureen's series of operations.

As a result, she did not arrive on time as scheduled.

And Wo Jin is the most punctual person, so he especially hates being late and breaking appointments.

"Aren't we afraid that something will happen to you, Maggie?"

Nobunaga was beside him, saying, "After all, you have never regretted being late for things that were agreed upon in the past, so we came here specially to check the situation.

March shook his head, "It's really my fault."

Nobunaga also waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, we're just worried about you."

Wo Jin next to him also raised his head.


Maggie's heart also warmed slightly.

"Okay, since you're fine, let's go."

The impatient Wo Jin said that he was about to go out.

"If it's a little later, maybe the good things will be picked out by people. Today is the day when garbage trucks arrive, and many people will go there. Move faster." He still didn't forget to turn his head and look at Mo Forest:

"Who is that, your name is Maureen, right? I just have a spare set of protective clothing there. I'll tell you what the size is. You wear it first."

Wo Jin was quite familiar with him. After Ma Qi introduced it, he felt that there was no problem, so he started to babble.


Mo Lin, whose name was named, asked Wojin:

"Are we going to the landfill looking for something?"

"Of course it's living supplies!"

Wo Jin looked at Mo Lin with the eyes of a fool, and at the same time gestured to Ma Qi:

The little brother you picked up doesn't seem to have a very good brain.

For Wo Jin's eyes, Ma Qi pursed the corners of his mouth and looked at him with interest.


At this time, Nobunaga next to him found something. ?

010 Let me treat you to a meal

"It seems that you have achieved good results in the past two days, Maggie J.

Nobunaga stepped forward, walked to the table, picked up the bowl that Maureen and Maggie had used to eat before, and looked at it carefully.

"It's the first time I've seen such a good bowl. Everything in my house is tattered."

As he looked at it, he was amazed.

This is the bowl that comes with when the foodie tablecloth conjures up food.

"Such a bowl can be used for a lot of black rice."

He does not mean that.

This sentence fell in the ear of Madge next to him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Yeah, I couldn't get the food out, it would be torn to shreds.

But these leftover dishes, if you're careful, should be fine, right?

There will never be anyone who even eats dishes, right?

Immediately, Madge silently pondered and calculated to see how much she could sell.

"Don't talk about those who have and don't. M

Wo Jin became impatient and said, "Let's go quickly."

"Can you replace a lot of black rice with just such a bowl?

Maureen stood up and said with a smile.


Nobunaga nodded, "Only those elders can use such good things, we just need to exchange some black rice to fill our stomachs.

It was as if he had seen his dashing and handsome shadow a few years ago in Mo Lin, but Nobunaga was happy to chat with Mo Lin.

"Is the black rice thing delicious? Doesn't it smell weird?"

"It's definitely not delicious, but it's cheap, and a small amount can fill you up

It is very affordable.

Nest Gold:

Co-author Lao Tzu has no sense of existence, and is ignored all the time?

He was a little mad: "Hey, I said you two..."

"I'll treat you to dinner."

Maureen interrupted him again.

"It's a treat as our first meeting.

"You want to invite us to dinner?"

This time, Wo Jin didn't get angry again, and he also grasped the point:

"You want to treat a guest? The uncle should make it clear to you in advance, I won't be polite to you."

"All you want is you're welcome."

Maureen said with a smile, "Even though you are open to eat, you can eat as much as you can, and I will worry about you if you are not full.

"Is that so?"

Wo Jin was no longer angry in an instant, and Maureen's performance was right to his appetite.

He grinned: "Then you can bring the black rice, I will definitely give you a clean meal."

"black rice?"

Maureen smiled and shook his head, "I can't bring out black rice when I treat a guest."


Wo Jin and Nobunaga raised their eyebrows.

Madge, who was watching the fun next to him, also interjected: "He has something better than black rice."

something better?

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