The knight stood up from the poker table and patted Nobunaga on the shoulder with a look of regret.

Nobunaga: "??????"

What a pity, you should explain it to me clearly! !

Nobunaga wanted to ask, but when he saw the calm eyes of March and Pike Norda?

He couldn't help shrinking his neck and didn't dare to speak.

Am I really doing something wrong?

He doubted something in his heart.

"Well, it's really a pity."

Beside him, Wo Jin was still there and followed suit.

"What do you know, you idiot?!

It's okay for other people to play dumb riddles to Nobunaga, but Nobunaga rudely went back in anger when Wo Jin said it.

"I don't know anything either?"

Wo Jin said confidently, "But I think saying this sentence seems to fit the current atmosphere, and it's quite interesting.

Nobunaga: "?????? I'm going to give you a funny X!!"

If it weren't for the fact that the venue was too small, he would have slashed the knife directly on Wo Jin's neck!

Franklin and Flake Lev they, probably also saw one or two of them.

After all, the atmosphere is so obvious that they would be fools if they couldn't see it again. But they are not interested in this aspect, and have no idea to join in the fun.

In addition to the knights, his sense of participation in this is very strong?

"According to the current situation, many foreign noble ministers should have arrived at the scene, right?" Chrollo looked at Mo Lin and asked.

"It's not just them~"

Maureen took out the spy tool and confirmed it again, "There are also some important officials from V5."

He did not specifically say who was from the ferry office.

Now is not the time to say that.

The secrets of the Dark Continent and the Ferry Hall have been kept and studied by V5.

They have never given up the idea of ​​entering the dark continent.

As for why this time in the Kingdom of Moses, the queen of a country, there will be personnel from the ferry hall coming here to celebrate, that is not what Maureen can know.

However, based on what Maureen had inquired about before, the queen had quite a wonderful affair when she was young~

Then maybe, that old queen forged some "love" early in the ferry hall?

After listening to the conversation between Maureen and Chrollo, everyone realized that the sky had begun to get so late. They play mahjong so much that they get carried away.

At this moment, the celebration is about to start, right?

Several people thought of this, but also gradually became serious.

"Everyone should be very clear about our goal this time, right?"

Chrollo put his hands in the pockets of his black coat, and his eyes gradually deepened.

"Take the treasure of the royal family of Moses."

"What about other things?"

Feitanzi asked, this is about his arrears, and he can't ignore it.

"If conditions permit, you can also get other treasures in the inventory, you can decide what to do.

After all, it's the first party,

Chrollo gave the operation maximum autonomy.


Wo Jin excitedly raised his hand, "Then what if someone in the way of taking the target runs over to stop it?"

"Kill or kill.

Chrollo smiled and said words without emotion.

"Then if they are ministers of other kingdoms, what other powerful officials and nobles are there?" Wo Jin's eyes widened slightly as he asked.


What he got was still Chrollo's unchanging words.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Wo Jin suddenly burst into laughter, "Is it an enemy of several countries? I like it!!!"

"I'm so excited!!"

Not only him, but also a slightly hideous smile appeared on Finks' face.

Feitan next to him also twitched his fingers, a little impatient.

"Since there is no opinion"

The smile on Chrollo's face rippled:

"Let's go then!!"

For the first event, everyone was dispatched.

Chrollo and Maureen led the way, and the others followed closely behind.

Since today is an annual big day in the kingdom of Moses, there are many strange peoples gathered in the capital.

They are celebrating Her Majesty the Queen in their own national way, with all kinds of bizarre costumes and behaviors.

So much so that when Chrollo, Wojin and the others walked down the street, they didn't seem so noticeable.

They are not the most maverick group yet.

On the way forward, Chrollo also made arrangements and plans for this operation.

Led by Chrollo, Feitan, Wojin, Finks, and Nobunaga followed the main force in charge of the attack.

Franklin and Fel Lev, according to the particularity of their abilities, assisted by the side and formed firepower when necessary.

A group of three people, Xia Ke, Ku Hua and Mian Ying, are responsible for scheduling and support.

Face shadow can use puppet abilities to deal with troubles from all sides, while knights rely on calm mind and strong wisdom and observation ability to make timely judgment on the next action of the brigade.

As for the last remaining people, they were naturally all in the same group as Mo Lin.

The rest of the people are naturally

"I was wrong, I was really wrong J

— On the way, Maureen muttered to himself with his eyes open.

"I always thought that it was either a knight or Hisoka who joined the brigade in the future. The two of them are the most black-bellied people."

"But now it seems that you, Chrollo, may be the most black-bellied one, and there is no one!!"

Aside from Maureen, aren't the remaining members Madge and Pike Norda? ! !

At this moment, the two of them walked in front, one left and one right, maintaining a delicate distance between them.

Maureen followed behind the two of them with a look of lovelessness.

Originally, he thought that he had finally started to act, and he could suppress this dispute later. result……

Chrollo gave Maureen such a hand.

With "the three of you have special abilities, you can save the brigade in time in times of crisis" and other reasons that sounded indifferent and unnecessary to Mo Lin, and arranged them together.

Are you watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, or are you worried about your position as head of the regiment because I'm afraid I won't die fast enough? ! !

Maureen was madly complaining about Chrollo in his heart.

Of course, he also knows that maybe Chrollo really thinks like this, and there is no other idea that contains other meanings like the knight to arrange it.

When it comes to the activities of the brigade, Chrollo certainly doesn't make fools and jokes.

He took the lead and took away the main attacker in the regiment.

Franklin and Flake Lev, one is a release type, the other is a manifestation type but also a long-range attack, and the two are also just suitable for cover work.

Face shadow, Chrollo was also a little suspicious of his true thoughts, and arranged for Kujibi and the knight to follow him.

With the wisdom and wisdom of knights, they should know what to do.

As for Kuwa's ability, it can be mixed and matched with Face Shadow's puppet ability, producing a wonderful effect.

In this way, it can be said that Chrollo arranged clearly.

Then the remaining Madge and Pike Norda naturally followed Maureen.

Moreover, their abilities are indeed very special, and they need Mo Lin to protect them.

Ma Qi's ability is the [Psychic Suture] of the transformation system.

It can change its own qi into slender threads to attack or strangle the enemy.

u.II Thread" is to use thread to sew wounds for treatment, fix displacement joints, make loops to deal with enemies and bind them, so it is especially good at capturing enemies alive, and can also fix needles and threads on enemies to track enemies, etc.

The strength of the thread is inversely proportional to its length, and the longer it is, the easier it is to break.

The ability of this [Suturing Thread] makes Crollo the most important thing, which is that he can sew blood vessels, bones, nerves and muscles 100% perfectly at an ultra-fast speed.

In other words, for trauma, it has a very powerful healing ability.

The ability that Pike Nuoda has cultivated is called [Memory Explorer].

As long as you touch the other party's body, you can extract their memory, and you can materialize the memory into a bullet and shoot it into the partner's head, so that the memory can be shared.

And if you use the same method to beat the person who was extracted, you can make the other party lose their memory and become like a baby.

The maximum number of memory bullets used at a time is six bullets.

Because memory bullets are the same as ordinary bullets, they need absolute trust from the other party to use their abilities in order to be effective.

Before reading the other party's memory, you will ask questions first, and you will see the other party's hidden memory the moment you touch it.

Asking questions is to facilitate the reading of the deepest memory of the other party, so other things in the other's mind will not affect the memory reading.

Through the ability, Pike Norda can easily affect the target's mood with words and cause the target to collapse.

This ability is actually very good, and it plays a big role in interrogation and investigation.

Because of this ability, Pike Norda is also called an indispensable member of the brigade by the knights.

However, after Maureen had the [Truth Talk Sticker], most of the abilities and effects seemed to overlap.

There is only one [Memory Bullet] that can transmit memory, which can be effective.

Therefore, a prop that Mo Lin had at hand can be regarded as a good mental ability with different effects.

But at the moment, Maureen was not very happy, he was trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

I don't know when, and inexplicably spread to what happened to Madge and Pike Norda. ?


113 The precious things that are not thorny, you are not worthy of being human at all

After Chrollo made a relevant plan, he split up.

He led the main attack team and directly raided the treasure house of treasures in the palace.

Flakes Lev and Franklin both followed.

The trio of knights always observed the reaction and actions of the royal family after being attacked to make judgments.

What Maureen and the others mainly do is to use his props to complete a series of activities based on the judgment given by the knight.

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