He used his aura, and his body rushed out like a sharp sword.


sharp sword pierced into the middle-aged monk's chest, and the Supreme Ascension Fruit also fell into the hands of the trial monk.

The middle-aged monk coughed blood, his eyes full of horror.

"Brother...... Brother, why are you ...... That's going to be it. The

trial monk smiled evilly, pulled out his long sword and kicked the middle-aged monk to the ground: "Such a precious treasure of heaven and earth, it's too wasteful for you to use."

Just as his words fell, a sword of nothingness slashed through the sky.

The trial monk's eyes darkened, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the outside of the Three Talents Phantom Array.

[He did not hesitate to kill his brother for the treasure, such a bad act is not worthy of entering my imperial city.

"What! It was a trial, but I don't have any memory at all. The

monk who was kicked out had a look of remorse on his face, he knew it was so...... Ay.

It's too late to say anything.

He was kicked out of the formation and has been eliminated.

As for going to the Imperial City to reason, he doesn't have that strength.

Not only him, but tens of thousands of people were kicked out in just a moment.


In the three-talent phantom array.

In a palatial mansion with lavish decorations.

"Second brother, you are finally willing to come and see as a brother, don't leave tonight, let your sister-in-law cook two dishes, warm two pots of wine, and let our brothers have a good drink."

"Okay, since my brother has invited me kindly, how can I refuse as a younger brother.

As he spoke, his younger brother's eyes glanced at the beautiful lady behind his brother from time to time, and the greed and desire to encroach in his eyes were well hidden by him.

Especially with his sunny and cheerful smile, it is even more harmless to humans and animals.


The elder brother was very drunk and muttered.

Mei Jiaoniang helped her to rest, and at the same time did not forget to say to her younger brother: "Second brother, the sister-in-law in the guest room has already helped you clean it up, just go back and live." "

Okay, sister-in-law. Seeing

that my brother and Mei Jiaoniang were about to leave the hall, my brother's desire could no longer be hidden, and his heart was full of murderous intent.


blood sprayed, and the brother's head fell directly to the ground.

Mei Jiao Niang was scared silly, and she didn't know it when she was held in her arms by her younger brother.

"Hahaha, sister-in-law, you'll be my man after tonight. Mei

Jiaoniang had tears in her eyes, and her brother's tears were full of incomprehension and hatred.

"Why, he's your own brother.

She didn't understand that her husband and wife were very good to this brother, but in the end it was the result.

"Why, it's not because of you, he looks ugly and frustrated, why is he the one who finally married you, rest assured, my niece's brother has also taken it, you mother and daughter...... Ha ha. "

The sword of nothingness reappeared, and the picture here froze.

[Fool, get out of the Imperial City.] 】


The first round of the three-talent assessment was very fast, and when the time for a stick of incense was up, only seventy-two monks were still standing in the three-talent phantom array, and they were all monks who had passed the assessment.

As for the others, they were naturally eliminated for various reasons.

Seventy-two out of a million people were selected, which shows how upright these seventy-two people are in terms of their three views, temperament, and heart.

The Great Emperor's guards smiled kindly, and smiled at the seventy-two monks and said, "Congratulations on passing the assessment of the Three Talents Phantom Array, and then go to Dao Mountain to complete the last assessment." Hearing

this, the seventy-two monks bowed their hands respectfully, followed the direction of the Emperor's guard's finger, and headed towards the Great Dao Mountain.

The three-talent assessment is still continuing, and another million people have entered the three-talent phantom array.


Avenue Hill.

If you want to go to the top of the mountain where the Avenue Bell is located, the only way to go is the ladder.

The 9,999-section ladder is another test.

The ladder tests not cultivation or talent, but a person's perseverance.

Those who give up halfway are not eligible to join the Imperial City.

"You say, how many people can join the Imperial City in the end?"

In the Ziwei Palace, Lu Shen observed the situation over there through a huge water curtain mirror.

Especially the scene in the Sancai Phantom Array, just like a TV series, Lu Shen watched it with great pleasure.

For example, killing brothers, robbing sisters-in-law, and taking nieces, this configuration ...... It made Lu Shen feel a sense of familiarity.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Shen gasped.

I rub it! In the fantasy world, you can still encounter the art of your hometown

! It's just exciting!

Daji is lazily lying on the phoenix on her side, and the seductive fox eyes are full of spring, which seems to mean that the city lord should not look at the assessment, look at me.

Chi Zhaozhao also means something similar.

They are all owners who have eaten meat, and they naturally want to get more after being stained with meat.

How could they let go of such a great opportunity?

On the contrary, Lin Sisi, like Su Shu and Lu Shen, gathered in front of the water curtain mirror to watch with relish.

"Sister Sisi, how can that man be like this, even his sister-in-law and niece...... It's just a big rebellion, and it's going to make people poke their backbones when they say it.

Su Su's white and tender cheeks were red at this time, and he whispered to Lin Sisi.

Lin Sisi's face did not change, and said: "The world is just dark, and there are people who do more disgusting things, and these are all pediatrics."

Su Su: "Oh.

"Don't look at the assessment, come and play with me."

Da Jijiao's charming voice came, and then Lu Shen's neck was wrapped around the two jade arms, and even his head was hit by a huge force and sank into a piece of tenderness.

Well...... There is also a faint milky scent.

"Sneak attack, you old monster sneak attack my young man who is just nineteen, it's just not martial arts, here I suggest that the strength be a little stronger." "


"Ma Dan, this formation is too perverted, I completely forgot that I was connected in it. That

is, Lao Tzu kicked over a beggar's bowl, and it was brushed off. "

I...... I'm more resentful than you, I saw a beautiful woman of the monitor lizard clan in the formation, and somehow rushed up, I couldn't control how many I sent.

"Oh, you're just obscene, you can't control anything, you obviously don't want to control it.

"It's okay, everyone has been brushed down, it's useless to talk more, instead of wasting time here, it's better to go and visit this imperial city." Some

of the monks who were brushed down were remorseful, some were angry, and some questioned the scope of the imperial city's refusal to give the assessment.

The complaints of these monks were all watched by the Emperor's guards.

For those monks who have a bad mentality, the emperor's guards can only hehe.

What kind of thing, even the most basic three views, temperament, and heart can't get over and still want to join the Imperial City, it's just thinking about fart.

The Imperial City does not need the White Lotus.

The Imperial City also doesn't need to do all kinds of evil and kill demons.

What the Imperial City needs is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, to distinguish between killing, and to have independent concepts.

Not even the most basic, staying in the Imperial City will be a scourge in the future.

"Damn, cultivation is to go against the sky, to fight with the sky, to grab the earth, to compete with everything and everything for that chance of detachment, why can't you grab it right in front

of you? How did the Imperial City do it, could it be that what they need is a group of people who know how to be humble!

With such a force, what can they do in the future?

There is no place to stay here, there is a place to stay here.

A handsome young man dressed in white complained dissatisfiedly.

He was the Holy Son of a holy land, and he thought that he would easily join the Imperial City with his anti-heavenly ability, but the result was a slap in the face.

He entered the Sancai Phantom Formation and was kicked out without even holding out five breaths.

This is an insult to a self-proclaimed genius.

"Hehe, I guess you saw someone else have a treasure, and then killed someone to take the treasure. "

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