As soon as the car engaged on their street, Kat caught sight of the dark sedan parked next to their gate. The easy to spot flags at the front immediately gave away the identity of the guest waiting for them. As their car reached the gate, the driver of the sedan exited the car and turned to open the passenger back door. Michael jumped off to open the gate for his mother to get inside and Kat followed him out of the car in order to welcome the royal secretary. Charlotte parked the car in the garage then joined the trio that was already walking towards the entrance of the house. She greeted George Chang then invited him in once Kat had opened the door.

When everyone was seated, the royal secretary finally announced the reason for his sooner than expected second visit. "I am here on behalf of Her Majesty Mwad[1] Sophie who has requested to meet with Changadim Kat tomorrow." He announced.

Michael poked his sister on the side and Kat pinched his thigh in response, without taking her eyes away from the guest.

"The queen wants to meet me? Why?" She blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Her Majesty would like to know your decision regarding your betrothal to the crown prince." George Chang answered with an understanding smile.

"Why so fast? I would really like to have a bit more time to think about it." Kat pleaded.

"I understand that you might feel rushed into making a decision, Changadim Kat. But the crown prince's betrothal is customarily announced on his 25th birthday; which happens to be in about five months." George explained.

"I see…"

Kat realised that she needed to consider the other party's position as well; instead of only thinking of her predicament. "What time should I be ready?"

With relief, George Chang proceeded to fix a pick-up time for the morrow, then stood up. "Well, I will be taking my leave now."

Everyone else stood up as well and the royal secretary took another admirable look at the standing cabinets.

"That's an impressive work of art." He commented. "Where did you get them?"

"My husband had a friend of his make this as a wedding gift to me." Charlotte explained.

The elderly man nodded in appreciation. "It is remarkable."

"I do feel the need to apologise that you have to make so much trips because of us." She added when the royal secretary motioned towards the door.

Her sentiment was directed half towards the elderly man's health and half towards the fact that their nosy neighbours might have already started gossiping about the luxurious car parked in front of their home two days in a row.

The hazards of living in a small town…

"Oh, it's really no bother for me, I assure you." George Chang replied.

"Nswann-Mulap Chang." Kat called as he was reaching the door. She hesitated a little before making her request: "Is it possible that you take my number? That way you can call me tomorrow and I can wait for you at the end of the street." Kat asked, as if she had read her mother's mind. "I'm afraid people will start to get curious if they see your car coming to our home three days in a row." She explained when she saw that the royal secretary was hesitant.

The royal secretary smiled. "If it is where your concern lies, I will concede to it so as not to cause you any inconvenience."

On that, he took note of Kat's number then bade goodbye.

"Your carriage has arrived, Changadim Kat!" Michael announced reverently, as soon as the royal secretary's car was in their line of sight.

Kat looked at her brother and smiled. What would be the point of getting upset? Michael had insisted on accompanying her to wait for Secretary Chang especially because he wanted to do that.

To even more avoid attracting the attention of gossipers, Kat had changed the pick-up point to the park entrance. Nevertheless, she still thought there was a risk that someone who knew her could see her get in the car; thus, as soon as the car stopped in front of them, she quickly bade her brother goodbye and jumped into the car before the guard was able to come out to open the door for her.

George Chang chuckled as she apologetically greeted him, then signalled the driver to roll down the window on Kat's side so that he could greet her brother.

After promising Michael to take good care of his sister, the royal secretary ordered the driver to leave then looked at Kat with amusement.

"Are you that afraid to be seen with us?" He asked.

"No, it's not like that!" Kat quickly answered, waving her hands in sign of negation. "It's just that people in this town are extremely nosy. If someone catches wind of this matter, the news will spread like wildfire; and by the end of the day, multiple versions of the reason I left with you would be created; none of them even coming close to the truth."

"I see…" George replied, still smiling at the maiden's embarrassed expression.

The car drove to the outskirts of the city, where the Kakontwe Aerodrome was situated. The driver went up to the landing strip and stopped next to a private jet bearing the royal emblem that had already been set for departure.

When they entered the plane, Kat was rendered speechless. Maybe it was just her; but the entire interior of the plane was exuding a noble aura. Everything, from the leather seats and the crew uniforms to the dishes and cutlery, bore the royal emblem.

For George Chang, who had been evolving in that atmosphere for so many years that he no longer as impressed by it the way he had been when he first took office, seeing so much wonderment sparkling in the eyes of the young woman was a true delight. He couldn't help but wonder how she would react at the sight of the palace.


From the moment they had landed at Wenyi[2] International Airport, Kat had had her breath taken away. First it was the luxury of the Rolls Royce that was already waiting for them on the tarmac when they landed, then it was the beauty of the landscape spreading before her eyes as they drove to the royal estate. And finally, it was the Royal Estate itself!

Kat gasped as soon as the car passed the entrance gate. Even the most sumptuous botanical garden in DRC could never be able to compete with the landscaping masterpiece that fronted the impressive architectural work that stood majestic before her eyes. A few seconds through her contemplation, and her artistic hand was already itching to capture all that beauty in her sketchbook.

Kat felt uneasy, and at the same time honoured, to have a royal guard opening the car door for her, then two rows of servants and handmaidens bowing at her passing as she followed after the royal secretary into the palace.

Inside, she could sense the same aura that emanated from the inside of the private jet; and even more. Every corner transpired of royalty, nobility and grandeur; even the corridors upholstered with paintings and pictures of the past monarchs, going as far back as when the colonials had come to Africa, were inspiring awe.

Suddenly, she felt underdressed. The dark blue chiffon empire dress she had chosen to wear was proper and elegant; especially matched with her silver ankle strap heels. But in the presence of so much luxury, she could not help but feel as if she were dressed in rags.

George Chang led her to the veranda adjoining the open living room and told her to wait there for the queen. Not long after the royal secretary had left, a dignified mixed-race woman joined her. Queen Sophie was in the same age range as Kat's mother; and just like Charlotte, she projected strength and determination at first glance. Though Kat had seen her in picture numerous times, the beauty of the queen's heart shaped face bearing round eyes, a refined nose and heart-shaped lips seen in real life was rather intimidating.

Under the scanning gaze of the noble woman, Kat timidly curtseyed. "Mwad…" she said, unable to stop her voice from slightly trembling.

Seeing that the young woman was overawed by her serious attitude, Queen Sophie gently held Kat's shoulders and smiled to put her at ease.

"Changadim Kat; it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat."

Both women sat, and Queen Sophie waited for the maid to finish serving the refreshments and leave before speaking again.

"Has your trip been delightful?" The queen asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for asking."

"I called you here because I need to know your decision on the marriage proposal." The queen went straight to the point. "But I do hope you did not feel pressured to make a quick decision because of my request." She added, sincerely concerned.

"Not at all." Kat quickly answered in reassurance. "I already had time to reflect on the proposal. I was just a little surprised at how fast my answer was requested; but Nswann-Mulap Chang explained to me why it was necessary that I give it as soon as possible."

Queen Sophie nodded. "So, what is your answer?"

Kat hesitated. "I would like to be honest with you and just say that I don't agree to the idea of an arranged marriage…" She started. "Growing up, I have been taught by my mother as well as at Church that marriage is about a covenant between two people, a decision to give yourself to your spouse. And this is something I will find very difficult to do with a complete stranger…"

Queen Sophie smiled. "This young woman is not afraid to speak her mind. She might be the perfect match for my son after all; but…"

Her smile disappeared. "Is it your way of telling me that you do not agree to the proposal?" The queen asked.

"That was my first choice; but I came to consider the fact that, just like the royal family, our family is bound by the oath my grandfather made to the late king." Kat explained further.

"So, you agree to the proposal?"

"Not quite…"

"Then what have you decided?" The queen asked with a bit of impatience in her tone.

"Actually, my decision is, in a way, a proposition." Kat answered hesitantly.

Queen Sophie was rather disconcerted. "A proposition?"

"Yes. And I hope the royal family will take time to consider it before giving me an answer."


The queen mother could not stop her lips from curling up.

"Yes, Maaku." Queen Sophie answered.

"She is quite an interesting young lady." Isabella said while chuckling. "Fit to be a princess; even a queen."

"I thought the same way after my earlier exchange with the maiden." Queen Sophie concurred. "She is not afraid to speak up her mind frankly and she doesn't seems to be biased by our status."

Isabella nodded. "A woman of virtue. A precious jewel for our crown."

At that moment. A maid entered the room and curtseyed. "The royal consort, Princess Josephine, and Prince Francis have arrived."

"Wow! You have become a man, Francis." Isabella exclaimed.

"It's normal after twenty years, Maaku." Josephine commented.

"That's right, it's been twenty years already." Isabella conceded. "Anyway, I am happy that our family is finally reunited after all this time."

"So am I, Maaku."

"Ngaak, is Angel in the palace at the moment?" Francis asked. "I heard he has come back from London already."

"He has. But right now, he is accompanying the king outside of town to take care of some urgent affairs. They will back in the evening. I'm sure the two of you will have a lot to catch up on." Isabella said, smiling at the memory of the complicity her two grandsons had always shared. "Queen Sophie, I think we should talk to the king about Changadim Kat's proposition as soon as he comes back. We can't afford to lose time on this."

Sophie risked a glance towards Josephine before answering: "Yes, Maaku."

Her hope was that her mother-in-law would not speak further on the matter because she was afraid her sister-in-law would try to involve herself in it by all means possible, and try to sabotage their plans.

But Isabella, unsuspicious, continued: "I do understand her standpoint, and I agree with her idea. But the risk that she might say no in the end is still a problem."

Sophie did not comment and instead tried to think of a way to change the subject before Josephine could find an opening; but it was already too late.

"Maaku, I hope it is not too much of me to ask what the matter at hand is all about." Josephine asked with a humility that certainly did not fool the queen.

"Of course not!" Isabella exclaimed.

And she proceeded to expose the entire situation to Josephine and Francis while Queen Sophie could only swallow back the frustration surging within her. Her mother-in-law was just too trusting!

"Since the crown prince's 25th birthday is about five months ahead, she has asked for at least one day per week where she can get to interact with him, over a period of three months, before she gives us a definitive answer.

The whole matter must be kept secret from the public so that her family will not be harassed by reporters. She even offered that we still look into other maidens in the meantime, just to have an alternative in the case they turn out not to be a match."

"That seems to be a decent arrangement. It beneficiate both parties rather fairly." Josephine commented. "Why then do you think there will be a problem in the case she rejects the proposal?"

Queen Sophie knew that Lady Josephine was more fishing for an opportunity than she was truly caring about the matter; but she could only listen to the conversation, powerless.

"The problem is not much with marrying the crown prince that it is with fulfilling my late husband's promise." Isabella explained. "If Changadim Kat says no, we will have to wait until the next generation in order to do that."

"I see…" Josephine nodded, then a cunning sparks lit up in her eyes. "How about we arrange for her to interact with both princes?"

All heads turned in her direction.

"What do you mean by that, Lady Josephine?" Sophie asked, putting all her efforts in holding back the urge to jump at her sister-in-law's neck.

"I mean, the princes are both descendants of the late king and are both single at the moment. If we get her to interact with the both of them, we put more probability on our side to fulfil the late king's word. If she doesn't like one, she might like the other…"

The king emerged from the bathroom to find the bed empty. He scanned the room and spotted his wife standing on the balcony, looking at the starry night. He joined her, and looked at her worried face for a short moment before breaking the silence.

"My queen seems to be troubled tonight."

Sophie sighed. "How can I not be? She is back…"

The king knew too well why his wife was referring to his late brother's widow in such a manner. He had met Josephine Nsamb for the first time in high school. At that time, he was just Angel Yav, second of the name, the second son of the royal family, and his elder brother, Mwan-a-Ntamb[3] John was in line to inherit the throne of Ruund.

The young prince had immediately fallen in love with that daughter of a now retired high-counsellor; and had taken it pretty hard when he had later learnt that she was the maiden chosen by their parents for the crown prince. And though Josephine had felt the same way, she had still chosen to follow her parents' will. A choice that she had come to regret not long after as she had not been able to get over her feelings her brother-in-law even after he had gotten married to a noble's daughter in his turn.

Josephine had been first to succumbed to the yearnings of her heart; and though reluctant in the beginning, Angel II had not been able to ignore the call of his own heart and had ended up giving into her advances. The affair had gone on for over six years before they were discovered by Crown Prince John. Deeply shaken by the betrayal, John had brought the matter before the entire royal family and later taken his own life.

The truth about the crown prince's death was kept a secret from everyone; Angel and Francis included. Secretary Chang was the only outsider to have ever known that the late crown prince's death was not due to a simple car accident.

King Angel I had been so devastated by the horrendous consequences of the love affair between the crown princess and the second prince that he had ruled on a twenty year exile for Josephine. The decision had been made in a way for the king to address any risk that his son and daughter-in-law would think of resuming their affair. With John gone, the second prince was the only one through which the Yav Dynasty could persist; and if he were to lose credibility before the people, the crown could be taken away from their family for good.

In official records, it had simply been stated that the late crown prince's widow had requested to go abroad until she would be able to get over the loss of her husband since the palace was a constant reminder of him.

"My queen…" The king started, holding his wife by the shoulders. "I can assure you that I will never commit the same mistake as in the past. I don't harbour any lingering feelings towards Lady Josephine."

"I will surely be more convinced by that if you hadn't agreed to her proposition so quickly."

"My decision was by no means influenced by feelings, Sophie. When we look at the facts, Angel is more likely to push that young woman away than to get her to like him. Getting her to interact with Prince Francis rises the probability of us fulfilling the late king's promise."

"I know Prince Angel is not pleased to be paired with Changadim Kat; but I think he will still make an effort for the honour of royal family." Sophie protested.

"Angel was in a relationship in London…" The king calmly explained.

Queen Sophie raised astonished eyes to her husband.

"And, from the looks of it, it was very serious." He added.

"What? With whom?"

"The daughter of a rich businessman. At first, I thought it was just a passing fling; but when we requested for his return, I was informed that he purchased an engagement ring."

Sophie frowned. "Is that information trustable?"

"You know Angel was never gone to London alone. The guards I assigned to keep an eye on him have always informed me of his every moves." The king answered.

"So he proposed to that young woman…"

"The guards were ordered to make their presence known only in situations that would require for it; and I would never go as far as violating my son's privacy by having his apartment or cellphone wiretapped. So I don't know whether he indeed went through with it. All I know is that our son can at times let his emotions take over sound reasoning. And he might see Changadim Kat's proffer as an opportunity to escape from this arranged alliance. This is the reason why I agreed Lady Josephine's idea."

"The only one?" Sophie was still unconvinced. "Are you sure that it is not also because you feel guilty towards Prince Francis?"

The king did not answer. He did feel guilty towards his nephew because Francis had not only lost his father, but also his place on the throne; and all because he, Angel II, could not refrain from following the impulses of his heart.

Sophie did not really expect an answer from her husband; so she continued: "Well, at least there is a good side to Lady Josephine's idea… With everyone's feelings sorted out from the beginning, history is not likely to repeat itself."

[1] Queen (authentically the title of the empress)

[2] Trip/travel/voyage

[3] First born prince

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