After hearing what had happened in Shu Cheng, the few of them fell into silence. Shu Yihuan covered her mouth, not daring to cry. She was afraid that she would disturb her mother.

Shu Cheng looked at the tear-stricken Shu Yi Huan. He wanted to hug her, but he couldn't move his body.

"Yi Huan, I missed you so much!"

Tears streamed down Shu Cheng's face. As he gazed at the weeping face of Shu Yi Huan, his heart felt as though it was being stabbed by knives.

He regretted it so much now. If he had been brave enough to step forward and embrace the mother and daughter pair, then Yin and Yang wouldn't have been separated for so many years. He would have even become an earth-bound spirit, affecting his family for so long.

When Ye Hanyi, who was standing at the side, saw the state of Shu City's Shu Yi Huanhuan City, he also felt quite upset.

However, after listening to what Shucheng had to say, he pondered deeply for a long time.

When he was alive, he knew that the cause of his father's death was not simple, but when he was alive, he only found out that it was the work of Shucheng.

However, after fleeing in the chaos in Shu City, he had become a missing person. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find any trace of him, nor any clues.

In the end, until he died, there was no sign of his father's killer.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He felt powerless, but he still didn't want to give up. As long as there was hope, he had to investigate.

Looking at Ye Hanyi's appearance, the Crane Forest lowered his eyes. After a long while, he softly asked, "Uncle Shu, do you have any clues or any impression of the person who came out of the CEO's office while you were alive?"

Hearing Crane Lin's words, Shucheng fell silent for a moment. Then, he put the memories of the day back in his mind, carefully recalling the events of that day.

However, after thinking for a long time, he still shook his head in confusion. "It's been too long since I was killed, my memory has already deviated. I can only roughly remember that person's height and weight …"

"About height? How is he? Have you seen him in the company or have you any impression of his facial features?" Ye Hanyi asked.

Shucheng, he thought, would be the last witness he would be able to find out what had killed his father.

Dong Xiaoxiao anxiously looked at Shu City. Even her soul was beating within her body. She did not wish for Ye Hanyi to return empty-handed.

Ye Hanyi placed his hand on his chest and pressed down on Dong Xiaoxiao's excited soul. Dong Xiaoxiao blushed slightly, but fortunately, Ye Hanyi didn't notice.

Shu Cheng was still reminiscing about what happened earlier. He had seen that person's appearance before. He slowly spoke according to his memory, "That person was around 1.78m tall …" That day, he seemed to be wearing pure black clothes.

But in my memory, he seems to be in and out of the CEO's office. On the day of the CEO's accident, he stopped me from going in … I remember he was very close to the president. "

Shucheng found it difficult to think of this matter. After all, it had happened a long time ago. He continued to ponder over it for a long time, but this time, he was unable to come up with anything.

After Ye Hanyi finished listening, he knitted his eyebrows and thought seriously, "He's around 1.78 meters tall and is very familiar with Father. Father should be unprepared so we could be alone together …" "Who is it?"

However, no matter how much he thought about it, all he could think about was those scattered memories. His head hurt so much that it felt like it was about to burst.

Because his soul had been affected, the unstable state of his soul had a huge impact on the surrounding magnetic field. Even Shu City was so frightened by his magnetic field that it continuously retreated.

At this time, "Dong Xiaoxiao's" eyes were bloodshot, and her hair was fluttering in the wind, giving her a ghastly wail and ruthlessness.

Dong Xiaoxiao was also affected within her body. She felt that she was about to be shaken out of her body, so she quickly covered her head and shouted, "Ye Hanyi! Calm down! "

He didn't know why, but Ye Hanyi felt that he was losing control of himself. He wanted to quickly recall the memories of the Ye Clan, but it seemed that he remembered something, but at the same time, he couldn't remember anything …

At this moment, he was clutching his head, feeling a splitting headache. He was rolling on the ground in pain.

In the end, the crane Lin couldn't take it anymore, he quickly took out a talisman and forcibly stuck it on his body.

Ye Hanyi instantly stopped moving.

"What kind of talisman is this?" He should be fine, right? "

Dong Xiaoxiao asked Lin impatiently, but before she could get an answer, she said with disdain, "But, isn't this posture a bit too ugly …"

She felt like she was lying flat on the ground in a strange position. That's right, he was using her own body!

Looking at Dong Xiaoxiao's twisted posture, Crane Lin couldn't help but curl his lips. He didn't do it on purpose.

He watched for a while and found it interesting. However, he still silently picked up his phone and took a few photos with a "kacha kacha" sound.

"Crane, what are you doing? Put down your phone! "

When Dong Xiaoxiao saw what Lin was doing, her hair stood on end. It was her body that was in such a posture! What was he doing?

She tried to regain control of her body and quickly got up. However, due to the talisman paper, she was unable to return!

The crane forest turned a deaf ear to her shouts, and continuously patted a dozen times before stopping with satisfaction.

Ye Hanyi felt that he had fallen to the ground and was not moving at all. He also heard that Dong Xiaoxiao and Crane Lin had argued for a while. Only then did he feel much more at ease.

Ye Hanyi let out a long sigh and felt that he was completely fine. Ye Hanyi had He Lin tear off the talisman paper. He Lin laughed at him for a few sentences before taking off the talisman seal.

After he lightened up, Ye Hanyi didn't say anything else. He returned the control of his body to Dong Xiaoxiao and hid it in a part of his body.

Dong Xiaoxiao did not sense his hope. The first thing she did when she was in control of her body was to grab his neck. "You should delete that photo for me!"

"Haha, I won't delete it!" The Crane Forest was a rare occurrence, so she took her phone and ran out. Dong Xiao Xiao was furious and followed closely behind him.

The two of them unceasingly played around the room. Shucheng and Shuyi Huanhuan stood beside them, unsure of what to do. However, father and daughter rarely met each other, so they took advantage of this opportunity to pour out everything.

This matter had finally come to an end.

Now that Shu Cheng's wish was fulfilled, he could go into reincarnation. In the end, he went to his room to meet his mother and bid her farewell before preparing to enter the path of reincarnation.

By the time the group had settled the matters of the Shu Clan, it was already late at night.

On the way home, Dong Xiaoxiao swung her arms lazily and kicked a small stone on the way.

This matter had finally come to an end. She was finally relieved, and the greatest credit for this matter's success was …

She looked at the Crane Forest beside her and said sincerely, "Crane Lin, thank you for helping me these days. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know what to do."

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