Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 126: To inquire

"The third child, do you still remember that it was because the fourth child ate it that time. Mom beat you and left you hungry for a whole day. In the end, the aunt next door couldn't stand it anymore and got you something to eat. "

   It's okay not to say that Li Jiandang, when I talked about the dusty memories in Li Jianshe's mind, it was suddenly lifted out, and the eyes of Mrs. Li became much sharper.

   is as strong as Mrs. Li. After being stared at by Li Jianshe for so long, he didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Later the fourth child grows up and let him do some work. He hurts either here or there. It's like this. You still say that the fourth child is a human. You can see the fourth child. I guess there are not many girls in this city. Sample."

   If this is really married back, then the family can't make a fuss?

Old lady Li was angry. She didn't want to be insulted by Li Jiannong anymore, "Second, you shut up, is there you who are your brother, and keep revealing the shortness of the fourth, so sorry for you from the fourth? "

   Li Jiandang complained: "I'm sorry for not being there, I just think Mom, you are not fair."

"Second uncle, don't talk about milk, milk, milk must have been fooled by your fourth uncle, you think, milk is originally a countryman, and has little knowledge. Fourth uncle has been in the city for several years, and he has seen nothing better than milk. Much? It's normal for milk to be fooled. We should understand her better." Li Miaomiao said in a clear and righteous voice.

   Mrs. Li is too late and Li Miaomiao glanced at him, "My lord, what's the matter with your girl?"

   "Why it's gone, the big leaders have said that everyone is equal, mom, are you still doing dictatorship here? Are you trying to be criticized?" Guan Chunyan began to go online.

   "As long as you can, keep the criticism on your lips all day long."

The meal ended in a quarrel. After the meal, Li Jiandang rarely took the initiative to call Li Jianshe to go over and chat for a while. The brothers murmured for a long time. When they came back, Li Jianshe said to Guan Chunyan, "Give me Take some money, I want to go to the city."

Guan Chunyan was stunned, "Go now?"

"Yes, just go now. I want to see what the fourth child is like in the city." Mrs. Li never took the initiative to talk about Li Jiannong. As for them, they thought that Li Jiannong had a hard time in the city.

   How hard has he been in the city as a temporary worker? No matter how hard it is, it can't be better than Li Jianbin, who has to run around outside.

   Guan Chunyan was not vague, and took five yuan from the place where they hid the money and gave it to Li Jianshe, "Is it enough?"

   These days, Li Jianshe went out early and returned late to gather herbs, and he also made some money later.

   "Four yuan will do." The fare to the city is not expensive, a few cents, expensive is the problem of eating at noon, but I heard that people in the city require a ticket to eat, Li Jianshe asked Guan Chunyan for a ticket.

   Guan Chunyan said: "Then there are still tickets. The commune will issue just a few tickets, which are not enough."

   If you don’t have a ticket, there’s no way. Li Jianshe put the money in his pocket, and just about to go out, Li Miaomiao came in.

   "Dad, where are you going? I want to go too."

   Li Jianshe looked down at Li Miaomiao, "Okay, let's go."

   Although the double grab has passed long ago, there is still a lot of work to do in the field. Li Jianshe went to ask for leave from the captain, and then told him about opening a letter of introduction to the city.

   Xu Guangyuan raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing in the city at this time?"

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