Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 573: finally got it

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Although Li Xiaohu and Li Xiaoguang had a little conflict last night, the next day the two brothers acted as if nothing had happened, and the three brothers happily went to school.

It's not the busy season for farming, but I still have to go to work. As soon as Li Jiandang went out, he was asked by a member of the team, "Jiandang, I heard that your house has been built?"

Li Jiandang nodded, "It's done."

The visitor asked, "Why didn't you build an extra room?"

Li Jiandang said that he had no money in his hands, so the other party naturally didn't believe it. Since Li Jiandang and his wife separated, their work points have been fully paid, and they can get a lot of dividends at the end of the year. After a few years, they should save some money. , Whether it is not willing to spend money to cover it, or has no money, the other party is too lazy to dismantle it.

However, in terms of building a house, the other party is more convinced by Li Jianshe. Li Jianshe said that if he builds a big house, he will build a big house. When the people in the team pass by Li Jianshe's house, who doesn't cast envious eyes?

Thinking of this, the other party asked Li Jiandang a few words about Li Jianshe's situation in the city. Li Jiandang must have chosen the right one and said that in Li Jiandang's eyes, if the third child's family went to the city, there would be no bad time. .

Riding two bicycles, living in a big house, and earning a high salary, who wouldn't be envious? When Li Jiandang spoke, he raised his head so high that he ignored the other party's eyes.

At the same time, Li Jianshe in the city also received the book from Editor-in-Chief Cai. When Li Jianshe was told to pick up the package, he was still a little dazed.

When he got the package and looked at the name on it, he guessed that his book had been published. At this moment, Li Jianshe wanted to open it immediately to see what the book looked like inside. Fortunately, he held back and dragged it off until he was busy. When he was done, he carefully unpacked the package.

Gu Yu

Li Jianshe wrote a total of three volumes of the detective collection, the first, the middle, and the second. This should be a collection of all the manuscripts. Although this book was written by myself, I still feel unspeakable excitement when I hold it in my hand.

How can he be regarded as a small person now, maybe he can talk to people when he goes back later.

Li Jianshe double-checked the beginning and the end, and made sure that there was no difference with the manuscript he wrote before, so he was relieved. After all, people who write manuscripts are most afraid of others changing their own content, but they don’t book sells How about it, after all, it's about the money behind.

The picture of Li Jianshe holding a book was thought by the workers in the factory that Li Jianshe was diligent and studious. Who made Li Jianshe always hold a book when he was free? When the leaders of the factory came down to check, they saw Li Jianshe gnawed on the book and praised him.

What was originally known by a few people around has turned into something that everyone knows in the end. Li Jianshe was praised by people from the trade union in a manuscript, and even appeared on the blackboard newspaper in the factory. He gave his eyeball a shot.

Putting these aside, after work, Li Jianshe rushed home after picking up Li Xiaopeng, and when he got home, he told Guan Chunyan that his book had been published.

Guan Chunyan couldn't believe it: "It's really published?"

She thought Li Jianshe was fooling him.

Li Jianshe nodded proudly, "That's natural, how can I lie to you?"

After speaking, she brought the three published books to Guan Chunyan. Guan Chunyan wiped her hands and took them carefully, "Don't say it, it's quite similar."

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