Mrs. Xiao left in peace.

Li Jianshe's family of four didn't take this matter to heart.

Not long after returning home, Xiao Zian came over.

Li Miaomiao asked him how he knew they were coming back today.

Xiao Zian said: "I asked my uncle a few days ago."

All right, the two got together and talked for a while, and Li Miaomiao relayed Mrs. Xiao's words to Xiao Zian.

Xiao Zian nodded, "I see."

When he came back from Li's house, he told his mother about it, but Shu Yiran didn't say anything, and asked Xiao Zian to wash his hands and eat.

Back in the city, the Li Miaomiao siblings resumed their days of reading in the morning, going out to sell popsicles in the afternoon, and sorting out the notes in their high school textbooks in the evening. It's a pity that her level is not up to standard, otherwise she would still be able to produce test papers.

At the same time, she was also thinking about a question. If the college entrance examination resumed, she would try it too.

She finished all the high school textbooks and took notes. The rest is to teach her dad. Her dad doesn't need to teach liberal arts, what needs to be taught is science.

Moreover, this year's college entrance examination is very easy. If she passes the entrance examination, the city will probably make a big publicity, and then what if other schools will compete for her? Another thing is, if she didn't choose her major well and behaved mediocrely, I'm sorry to compete for her school.

Secondly, she also wants to enjoy the current junior high school time.

It's hard to choose.

Li Miaomiao struggled for a long time, and decided not to think about it until the college entrance examination resumed.

Guan Chunyan is also busy studying every day. Although she feels that her level is enough, but her daughter stares at her every day, she can only bite the bullet and learn. Fortunately, she has developed a habit. Son, how can I learn.

On the tenth day after they came back, Li Xiaohu and his three brothers came to the city each carrying a sack. There were their rations, the things prepared by Li Jiandang, and the homework assigned by Li Miaomiao.

This time Li Miaomiao made a solemn statement, asking them to study the fourth grade textbooks and try to skip grades when the school starts.

Li Xiaohu felt that he couldn't do it, but Li Miaomiao said that if he didn't learn well, he wouldn't sell popsicles for wages.

Li Xiaohu instantly felt that he could do it.

It doesn't matter whether you skip a grade or not, what matters is money.

Li Miaomiao's eyes were deep: "Cherish this opportunity well, otherwise it may not be so easy for you to come to me next time."

If her parents live up to it, they'll have to move next year.

Li Xiaohu didn't understand, "Miaomiao, you won't let us come, will you?"

Li Miaomiao raised her forehead, what she and Li Xiaohu were talking about, he couldn't understand.

This was heard by Guan Chunyan, and she murmured to Li Jianshe before going to bed, "What do you mean by my daughter's words, I always feel like she knows something."

Li Jianshe didn't take it seriously, "It's normal for a girl to have an adventure, and she knows something, let's just pretend that I don't know."

Anyway, everyone has a secret, so what are you talking about.

Guan Chunyan thinks so, but she should stop thinking about it.

The three Li Xiaohu brothers also returned to the days when they came to the city for the first time, but what made Li Xiaohu a little upset was that Xiao Zian also sold popsicles with them!

This made Li Xiaohu a little hurt. He thought that the three brothers were the most special in Li Miaomiao's place, but who knew it wasn't.

Li Xiaohu's words were written all over his face, Li Miaomiao naturally saw it, but he didn't explain anything, assigned them their respective places to go, and then set off directly.

Unfortunately this time, Li Miaomiao met Lin Hangyi while selling popsicles.

Ever since Lin Hangyi's parents knew that he had been to Li Miaomiao's house, they had been reprimanded by his parents. Lin Hangyi was not a fool, so he immediately understood what his parents meant and had a big fight with them.

As a result of the quarrel, Lin Hangyi was strictly forbidden to go out, and he could only play in the family courtyard if he wanted to play.

Is Lin Hangyi the kind of person who can be locked up?

As soon as his mother left~ he ran out with his friends in the family courtyard.

It was a hot day, and Lin Hangyi and his friends were thirsty. When they saw a popsicle seller, they came naturally, but they didn't know they would run into Li Miaomiao.

Just as Lin Hangyi was about to shout, Li Miaomiao hurriedly made a gesture, and looked around to make sure that no speculators were caught, and asked Lin Hangyi and his friend what flavor of popsicles they wanted.

"I want two chocolate ice creams."

Li Miaomiao took it for them, and Lin Hang gave her the money hesitantly.

Under the urging of the little friend, the two left, halfway there, Lin Hangyi asked his friend to wait for him for a while, and ran back to find Li Miaomiao by himself.

Sorry for being late today, I will double update tomorrow, okay?

(end of this chapter)

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