Li Miaomiao washed her hands, put away her tools, and went back to her room to put away her luggage.

After she had finished placing them, Guan Chunyan and the others came back from shopping for groceries.

As soon as they entered the room, Guan Chunyan said to Li Miaomiao: "Dear daughter, the capital is great. There are still people selling vegetables at this ordering station."

In their county town, they have long been sold out.

"Really? Then you don't have to worry about not being able to buy food."

"No." Guan Chunyan said and went to cook, calling Li Jianshe away.

Li Miaomiao was not idle either. She helped Li Xiaopeng make the bed. Looking at the flickering light bulbs above, Li Miaomiao went to the kitchen and told Li Jianshe not to forget to buy a light bulb tomorrow.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to buy?"

Li Miaomiao shook his head, "It's gone for now."

Since she just arrived today, Guan Chunyan made a simple dinner. During the meal, the family of four discussed when it would be better to send Li Miaomiao and her brother to school.

Li Jianshe meant to deliver them in two days. They just came today. It would take at least two days to get used to it. It would be better to go to school again.

Guan Chunyan felt that it was better to let Li Miaomiao and her sister go to school early. They were transfer students. If they didn't go early, they would be afraid that the teacher would have a bad impression of them.

As for Li Miaomiao's skipping a grade, let's wait until next semester. It would be good if a school accepts her this semester. Where else do you want to jump?

Li Miaomiao had no objection and asked Guan Chunyan to send Li Xiaopeng to school to report first. She could go two days later.

Guan Chunyan thought it was okay, so early the next morning, the family of three sent Li Xiaopeng to school.

Because of the greetings in advance, Li Xiaopeng's admission went smoothly. The school teacher gave Li Xiaopeng a simple test to see his level.

Li Xiaopeng is someone who follows Li Miaomiao anyway, so the small test is a piece of cake for him.

As soon as the test results came out, the school teacher looked at Li Xiaopeng with much kinder eyes. He quickly arranged a class for him, took him to his new class after getting his books.

After finishing their work, Li Jianshe and the three of them bought the things they still lacked at home.

There was such a big movement in their house, and the surrounding neighbors soon knew about it, and came over in twos and threes to see who had moved there.

When they found out that a young couple moved in with their children, the neighbors reacted indifferently.

However, after Li Jianshe and his wife were resettled, they went from house to house. Only then did the surrounding neighbors realize that the young couple were actually college students who came to the capital to study.

Their two children have already transferred to the capital to attend school.

This makes parents who have children who failed to pass college entrance exams and eventually found jobs to work envious. Why is it so easy for other people to take college entrance exams, but their children can’t pass the exam?

Those who have children in high school at home are very close to Li Jianshe and his family. If nothing else, they believe that both of them can go to college, so they will definitely not go wrong if they make a good friendship.

The second day after settling in the home was also the third day after they arrived in the capital. Guan Chunyan went to the vegetable station early that morning to buy vegetables, planning to invite Gu Xuezhen's family to have dinner at home.

Li Jianshe and Li Miaomiao cleaned all the places in the house that needed cleaning.

Li Jianshe from the Gu family went to notify yesterday, so around ten o'clock in the morning, Gu Xuezhen's family came over.

Hearing the sound, Li Jianshe went out to greet him. Gu Xuezhen handed the tea he brought to Li Jianshe, "Jianshe, try this new tea when you have time."

Li Jianshe reached out and took it, "Brother Gu, come as soon as you say you'll come, and bring any tea."

Saying this, he greeted Fu Yanhui and Gu Zhengqing from behind to come in.

After Li Miaomiao called people, he went to bring tea, "Uncle Gu, Aunt Gu, brother Zhengqing, have tea."

Fu Yanhui agreed with a smile and said to Li Jianshe, "This house is really well kept."

Li Jianshe: "It was Zhengqing who found the house well."

Fu Yanhui said a few words to Li Jianshe and then went to the kitchen to help. Guan Chunyan definitely refused and asked Fu Yanhui to sit outside and drink tea.

Fu Yanhui said: "What's the point of drinking tea? I'd rather watch you cook."

Guan Chunyan didn't have any objection if she just watched her cooking, and chatted with Fu Yanhui about the embarrassing things about cooking.

Fu Yanhui did not express any opinions, but listened happily and smiled from time to time.

That quiet, elegant and generous temperament made Guan Chunyan seem to see the young lady in the boudoir again. In the past, she only thought they were a bit artificial, but now it seems that she was just how shallow she was back then.

Li Jianshe and Gu Xuezhen were chatting happily in the living room, while Gu Zhengqing asked Li Miaomiao to take him to see bicycles.

The bicycle itself was nothing to look at, but when Li Jianshe said that Li Miaomiao personally dismantled the bicycle and then installed it, Gu Zhengqing became interested.

He asked Li Miaomiao a lot of questions at random.

After listening to what Li Miaomiao said, Gu Zhengqing said seriously: "Miaomiao, you are so powerful."

Li Miaomiao chuckled, "It's just so-so."

At the same time, Shu Yiran, who was far away in the county town, took Xiao Zhiguo and his son back to her parents' home.

The Shu family didn't know that Shu Yiran was admitted to college at first. It was only after Shu Yiran called back that the Shu family found out.

After knowing that she had passed the college entrance examination, the attitude of the Shu family changed completely. Not only did they kindly ask Shu Yiran to go home early, but they also asked Shu Yiran to come back with her husband and children. UU Reading said Shu Yiran My father misses his grandson and son-in-law.

Shu Yiran wanted to expose them at that time, but later thought it was unnecessary. Since she had no hope for her family, why bother to expose them again.

So after Xiao Zhiguo was transferred to the city and settled down, Shu Yiran decided to take the man and child back to her parents' home. This trip was for no other reason than to slap her parents in the face.

As soon as their family arrived at Shu's house, they were warmly welcomed by the Shu family. Shu's mother, who was originally the most disdainful, was busy asking Shu Yiran what she wanted to eat, and Xiao Zhiguo and his son. What to eat.

She acted enthusiastically, and the others were no different, especially Shu Yiran's younger brother, who kept chasing after Shu Yiran and asking how she got into college.

He also took the college entrance examination this year, but failed.

Shu Yiran didn't want to answer, "That's how I passed the exam."

Shu Yiran's sister-in-law said: "Sister, can you tell me what's the trick?"

Shu Yiran glanced at her and said, "There is no secret to studying."

Seeing her attitude, Shu Yiran's sister-in-law curled her lips and went to find a man of her own.

The dinner table at the Shu family became even more lively. After Shu's father drank two glasses of wine, he began to talk about the difficulties he had experienced over the years, and said he was sorry to Shu Yiran and so on.

Shu Yiran said indifferently: "Dad, you are drunk."

Father Shu shook his head, "I'm not drunk, Yiran. Dad regrets it."

Shu's mother went to pull him away, "The child finally came back, why are you talking about this?"

Then he invited Shu Yiran's family of four to eat. As they ate, Shu's mother winked at her son and daughter-in-law. Shu Yiran, who originally just wanted to come back and show off, heard a very ridiculous request.

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