Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 685: Aren't you curious?

Guan Chunyan was clear and coherent, but Chu Meiru, who accused Guan Chunyan, said what she said was untenable.

So it was immediately clear who was bullying whom.

Chu Meiru didn't expect that she would overturn. After all, Guan Chunyan was dressed simply and looked like she came from the countryside. Such a person would not dare to speak out even if he was looking for trouble. How could he know that he would meet an exception today.

In the end, the incident ended with Chu Meiru and Guan Chunyan apologizing.

As soon as the spectators dispersed, Guan Chunyan returned to the dormitory and continued to make her bed.

Even if Chu Meiru was unwilling, she could only change positions.

As soon as several other people arrived in the six-person room where Guan Chunyan lived, someone suggested that everyone introduce themselves to each other.

Guan Chunyan was the oldest, so she came first, followed by the girls Guan Chunyan, Chu Meiru, Liu Xiaomei, Tian Rui, Zhang Yulan, and Weng Xiaoman.

After self-introduction, it was revealed that Chu Meiru had the best family background among the six. Her father was a cadre in a certain city and her mother was a teacher. Before she was admitted to this school, she worked in an office in a sugar factory.

No wonder she came to find fault with Guan Chunyan. Of the remaining four, Liu Xiaomei was an educated youth who went to the countryside. Tian Rui, Zhang Yulan and Weng Xiaoman were all from small counties.

Except for Guan Chunyan and Liu Xiaomei, who are the oldest, the remaining four are all in their 24s and 5s.

Guan Chunyan was relieved that the age difference was not that big. Among them, Guan Chunyan and Liu Xiaomei had the most in common. They had both lived in the countryside and were already married and had children.

The remaining three, Tian Rui and Zhang Yulan, were in a group. Chu Rumei disdained being associated with them because of her good family background, and sneered at everything they said.

Guan Chunyan was too lazy to talk to such people. There were no classes at the beginning of school, so after chatting with a few people in the dormitory for a while, Guan Chunyan was ready to go back.

When Liu Xiaomei heard her talk about going back, she said blankly: "Where are you going back? Aren't you staying in the dormitory anymore?"

"When there are classes, I live here, and when there are no classes, I go back to live." Guan Chunyan told her son and daughter about studying here.

Chu Meiru was a little disdainful at first, but when Guan Chunyan said that both of her children were studying here, Chu Meiru was no longer calm.

"If someone from the countryside comes to study here, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid he won't be able to come, right?"

Guan Chunyan had a bad impression of Chu Meiru, "Classmate Chu, this seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

Chu Meiru snorted.

Guan Chunyan didn't want to talk nonsense with her, and said to Liu Xiaomei and others: "Then I'll ask you to take care of the things I left here. I'll go back and cook for my daughter first."

Liu Xiaomei and others waved their hands, "Go back quickly, we will take care of your things."

As soon as Guan Chunyan left, Chu Meiru asked, "Aren't you curious about classmate Guan?"

Liu Xiaomei didn't even raise her eyelids, "What are you curious about? If other people's children can come to study, that's their business and it has nothing to do with us."

Tian Rui echoed: "No."

Then I talked to Weng Xiaoman and the others about going shopping there for a while.

Chu Meiru, who was looking for trouble, curled her lips and looked like a bunch of ignorant bumpkins.

Guan Chunyan didn't know that Chu Meiru still wanted to gossip about her. Thinking that it was too late to go back to cook, Guan Chunyan went to the school cafeteria to get a meal and go back.

Fortunately, Li Jianshe had a tacit understanding with her and went home with lunch.

At noon, Li Miaomiao and her brother came back from school. As soon as they got home, they asked them about the start of school.

Li Jianshe thought for a while and said: "The school is still very good, and I get along very well with my classmates."

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