Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 702: Of course you have to clock in and record it

Li Miaomiao spread her fingers and counted them one by one.

The Li Xiaohu brothers were so excited after hearing this that they wanted to go immediately.

Of course it is impossible to go immediately.

But none of them could stay idle, so after lunch they suggested going out to play.

On such a hot day, Li Jianshe and his wife didn't want to go out, so it fell on Li Miaomiao and Li Miaomiao to take the six of them to play.

Before going out, Li Miaomiao filled two kettles with water and made an agreement with them.

"First, after you get out of this door, you must listen to me fully. You can't yell or lag behind. Second, when you go to the Forbidden City, see more and touch less. Third, don't want everything you see. Can you do it?"

Li Xiaohu and others nodded, "Yes!"

Li Miaomiao was satisfied, "Okay, let's set off!"

The six Li Xiaohu brothers followed Li Miaomiao and Li Miaomiao in high spirits. Li Miaomiao had made it clear in advance that the three Li Xiaohu brothers tried to control their volumes and spoke softly.

After taking a bus to the Forbidden City, Li Miaomiao took a few of them to buy tickets, and then queued up to enter the Forbidden City.

Seeing such a magnificent building for the first time, Li Xiaohu couldn't help but get excited and was about to speak loudly.

Li Miaomiao said: "Brother Xiaohu, we must have quality and not speak loudly and affect others."

Li Xiaohu immediately closed his mouth, and the three brothers communicated with their eyes.

Li Xiaobing and Li Qiubao were both here for the first time, and their eyes were wide open.

Li Xiaobing was speechless, "It's so beautiful."

Li Qiubao: "The Forbidden City is just like what is written in the book. It is so magnificent."

Li Miaomiao said: "No matter how you look at a book, it is not as real as reality at a glance."

Xiao Zian agrees with this.

Li Miaomiao had at least heard the introduction from other tour guides, so when he passed each palace, he would give them a general explanation, because they would not understand it if he explained it too much.

After visiting the Forbidden City, we took them to the Zhenbao Pavilion as usual and showed them the things left by their ancestors.

Li Xiaohu and others' eyes widened, "How much are these things worth?"

Li Miaomiao thought for a while, "It's probably a lot of zeros, and you may not be able to buy it if you have money."

These things are all treasured and cannot be bought by others.

Unless you go abroad to participate in an auction, you might be able to buy a few pieces.

Of course this is too far away for Li Xiaohu.

After visiting the Forbidden City, Li Miaomiao took them to Wangfujing. Not only did they have food, but they also sold clothes, hats, and toys.

Before going shopping, Li Miaomiao bought a popsicle for each of them, and then they ate while shopping. Li Xiaohu and the others were quite sensible, and they only looked at the novel toys twice without asking for them.

Even if they wanted, Li Miaomiao wouldn't buy them for them. Each of these toys costs fifty cents or even a few yuan. If each of six people buys the same thing, they have to pay all the money they bring.

Not to mention that this was their first day here, and there would be a lot of money to spend on taking them to play later.

The few of them wandered around until the sun went down, and then Li Miaomiao took them back. When they got off the car, they saw someone selling cooked food, and bought some to take back.

Guan Chunyan has already prepared the meal, and they can start eating it as soon as they return.

After shopping around all afternoon, Li Xiaohu and others were tired and hungry, so they picked up their bowls and ate.

After they had almost eaten, Li Jianshe asked them how they were doing today.

"It's very good. Miaomiao took us to the Forbidden City and Wangfujing. There are so many things there. There are as many as two or three county towns. There is also the Forbidden City. It's really big inside. Where was it really? Where does the emperor live?

Can he live in so many houses? "Li Xiaohu is the same as One Hundred Thousand Whys, Ba Ba kept asking.

Li Jianshe answered it once, and Li Xiaohu suddenly realized, "So that's it."

As he spoke, he took a few mouthfuls of rice and then said, "Uncle Third, you know so much."

Li Miaomiao was a little speechless, "Brother Xiaohu, what you said is, if my dad doesn't know much, how can he get into college."

Li Xiaohu nodded: "It seems so."

Brother and sister Li Xiaobing and Xiao Zian also talked about their feelings about going out today.

After dinner, the three Li Xiaohu brothers consciously cleared away the dishes. Li Qiubao and Xiao Zian were not idle either. One went to the kitchen to get a rag, and the other took the dishes to the kitchen.

Seeing that Li Xiaobing didn't move, he said, "Brother Xiaobing, why are you like a wooden pile? You didn't check whether the meal was finished and you didn't help me."

Li Jianshe and his wife did not speak, while Li Miaomiao and his brother looked on coldly.

Li Xiaobing frowned, "I never clean up at home."

Li Xiaohu: "But this is not your home. Qiubao, take a look for yourself. You have spoiled your brother so much that he can even open his mouth and stretch out his hands."

Li Qiubao didn't know what to say to Li Xiaobing, so he had to pass the rag in his hand, "Brother, please wipe the table."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Li Xiaobing had no choice but to take it.

Li Xiaohu was satisfied, "Isn't this right? It's not our own family, how can we not understand any etiquette?"

Li Xiaobing's cheeks turned red when he was told this.

After clearing away the dishes, everyone gathered together to listen to Semiconductor. Over there, Xiao Zian called Xiao Zhiguo.

After receiving a call from Xiao Zian, Xiao Zhiguo was relieved, "Just get there. You can have fun in the capital during this time. UU Reading don't worry about home."

Xiao Zian: "I know dad, is my mom back?"

"I'm back. I heard you went to the capital for fun. She was very envious." Xiao Zian can still remember Shu Yiran's expression when she said this.

"Dad, tell mom. She will definitely have a chance to come to the capital in the future."

The father and son talked for a while and then hung up the phone.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Jianshe sent Li Xiaohu and others to Li Miaomiao's house to rest.

"I have prepared the toiletries and everything else and put them on the table. You can go to bed early after washing up."

After explaining Li Xiaohu and the others, Li Jianshe called Li Xiaobing out again.

"Xiao Bing, you are the oldest here. You are an older brother. Watch them more, do you understand?"

Li Xiaobing nodded, "I know the third uncle."

He thought a lot on the way here. When he was away from home, he couldn't be as willful as he was at home.

"That's fine. I won't be here early tomorrow morning. You can bring a few of them over for dinner."

After telling Li Xiaobing, Li Jianshe went back.

As promised to Li Jianshe, Li Xiaobing urged Li Xiaohu and others to take a shower and then go to bed early.

After breakfast the next day, Li Miaomiao took them to climb the Great Wall. In the next few days, he took them either to visit the Summer Palace, the Memorial Hall, the Old Summer Palace, parks, museums and other places.

Of course, like this kind of check-in, you need to take pictures and record it. For this reason, Li Miaomiao went to Gu Zhengqing to borrow a camera.

Li Xiaohu and the others were almost going crazy.

For the first time, they knew that there were so many fun places outside the small county town.

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